New York District Attorney Sandra Doorley Runs From Cops Because She Didn’t Feel Like Stopping

Another lying drone.


He called her a LEFTIST, and plenty of republicans are LEFTISTS as well.

This is why no sentient serious adults even engage most liberals in conversations for long. It's like discussing philosophy with raving lunatics on PCP under a bridge in Seattle.

I have a lefty dope in another thread arguing that the term "liberal" is the same as "leftist".

These people are 30 years behind the times.
She could have been trying to avoid a DUI. She looked kind of drunk at the time.
It's not "splitting hairs" when you deliberately LIE and get exposed for it.

Plenty of republicans are leftists. That's why there is so much turmoil in the party, because there are so many members trying to appease people who loathe them. If the GOP actually opposed and fought the DNC, the country would not be suffering rampant crime, carry a $34T debt, have millions of fat sloths gorging themselves on junk food productive people funded, or tolerated thousands of pseudo-scientists selling a climate hoax while receiving billions of dollars every year to "study" their hoax in universities that produce the dumbest rejects humanity has ever seen.

Furthermore that DA was a democrat prior to switching parties for her own self aggrandizement. This should indicate that she has no real integrity or standards, and is the worst sort of political whore there is, and I would eat my own ass if someone showed me evidence that she was aligned with the MAGA crowd that is so reviled by what appears to be the most malinformed mail in voters on the planet.
I have a lefty dope in another thread arguing that the term "liberal" is the same as "leftist".

These people are 30 years behind the times.
They're typical "leftists" just like Katherine Maher. Truth is an obstacle to these people.

I find it INFURIATING sometimes, because I would love nothing more than for humanity to progress towards a "collective" without a nefarious ruling class. I have to acknowledge that we are not all "equal" as far as abilities and what have you, but there should not be a class of people so grossly wealthy as the global oligarchs, nor people so impoverished their children are forced into slavery. In a classic sense I'm a "leftist", but I lean very libertarian. I don't want a tyrannical authoritarian government that murders people like Stalin did, nor do I want a fascist democracy that economically colonizes the rest of the world.

There will NEVER BE ANY PROGRESS towards that end when most everyone on the "left" is willing to remain defiantly ignorant to protect their cults of personality. I HATE THESE LIARS MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE IN THE WORLD. Crony capitalists will continue to rule over a divided people until they crash their currency and the excess population cannibalizes itself.
not a Democrat, Son. Sorry for your luck.

"She is the first woman to hold the office of District Attorney in Monroe County. In 2015, Doorley switched her party affiliation to the Republican Party. "Don't judge me by the political party that I'm affiliated with," she said. "Look at the work that I've done".

You're so eager to be nasty you forgot to check your facts first, dumbass.
Who said Democrat, shitforbrains?

I said she’s a leftist. Like Cheney.

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