New York family left homeless after police rip down walls


VIP Member
Jul 23, 2014

A family thrown in the street after their home was destroyed by police serving a DWI warrant. Over 100 officers from 12 or more agencies involved to serve a DWI warrant on one man.

Obviously the dept of justice sees nothing wrong with this at all. Our rulers see nothing wrong with it. The local and state gov't see nothing wrong with it. Only some of the people being policed see something wrong with it...
Why have we allowed law enforcement to grow into such a festering leviathan beating the Constituiion and liberty to death one isolated incident after another?

A family thrown in the street after their home was destroyed by police serving a DWI warrant. Over 100 officers from 12 or more agencies involved to serve a DWI warrant on one man.

Obviously the dept of justice sees nothing wrong with this at all. Our rulers see nothing wrong with it. The local and state gov't see nothing wrong with it. Only some of the people being policed see something wrong with it...
Why have we allowed law enforcement to grow into such a festering leviathan beating the Constituiion and liberty to death one isolated incident after another?
Why? Because the American people have become sheep following the shepherd.
“All for a warrant. A violation of Probation for a D.W.I. and it took over 150 officers from over 18 agencies and military vehicles with more than 50 bombs of tear gas to end this like this…UNNECESSARY!”

Guy ended up dead

Cracker Jack Police work
The link doesn't work. I'm sure there's more to it than a boat load of LEOs serving a dwi warrant. What we've become is a nation of drama queens.
Why don't police understand that sometimes the best option is to walk away?
Of course. Every time a suspect holes up in a home the police should just walk away.
New York family left homeless after police rip down walls to serve DWI warrant Police State USA

A family thrown in the street after their home was destroyed by police serving a DWI warrant. Over 100 officers from 12 or more agencies involved to serve a DWI warrant on one man.

Obviously the dept of justice sees nothing wrong with this at all. Our rulers see nothing wrong with it. The local and state gov't see nothing wrong with it. Only some of the people being policed see something wrong with it...
Why have we allowed law enforcement to grow into such a festering leviathan beating the Constituiion and liberty to death one isolated incident after another?

So instead of taking this man to task for his own actions, you're trying to pass the blame off on the police. You aren't fooling anyone with your dishonesty, Figaro.

You failed to mention that the man in question—the owner of the home—missed a court appearance on 8/26/14. Though his wife and children exited peacefully, that man decided to stay and barricade himself within his house. David Cady knowingly refused to be taken alive. He was armed, and he fired a single shot. With that shot he killed himself, but due to his suicidal idiocy the police had no way of knowing what had just happened, and his family suffered collateral damage.

It wasn't just a f****** warrant. The guy had a standoff with police! All bets are off when people do this kind of crap. Frankly I'm more than a little annoyed with your bit on not including this in your OP, and making it sound like them evil mean police simply destroyed their home because it's fun. So sick and tired of things not being shared accurately on this forum and on the news and internet in general.

EDIT Oh, and apparently he decided to shoot at police. "Sometime that first evening Cady fired a round toward a New York State Police vehicle after yelling something about the police lights, Lansing said." Source.
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I do think the remaining family should be compensated for losing their home.

If time was on the side of the police, do they not have the ability to use other means to siege and extract him? I'm not saying the police in general are stupid, but what were they thinking here?
Before I actually waste my time and discredit the the thread title, how about someone post the facts of the story.
New York family left homeless after police rip down walls to serve DWI warrant Police State USA

A family thrown in the street after their home was destroyed by police serving a DWI warrant. Over 100 officers from 12 or more agencies involved to serve a DWI warrant on one man.

Obviously the dept of justice sees nothing wrong with this at all. Our rulers see nothing wrong with it. The local and state gov't see nothing wrong with it. Only some of the people being policed see something wrong with it...
Why have we allowed law enforcement to grow into such a festering leviathan beating the Constituiion and liberty to death one isolated incident after another?

So instead of taking this man to task for his own actions, you're trying to pass the blame off on the police. You aren't fooling anyone with your dishonesty, Figaro.

You failed to mention that the man in question—the owner of the home—missed a court appearance on 8/26/14. Though his wife and children exited peacefully, that man decided to stay and barricade himself within his house. David Cady knowingly refused to be taken alive. He was armed, and he fired a single shot. With that shot he killed himself, but due to his suicidal idiocy the police had no way of knowing what had just happened, and his family suffered collateral damage.

It wasn't just a f****** warrant. The guy had a standoff with police! All bets are off when people do this kind of crap. Frankly I'm more than a little annoyed with your bit on not including this in your OP, and making it sound like them evil mean police simply destroyed their home because it's fun. So sick and tired of things not being shared accurately on this forum and on the news and internet in general.

EDIT Oh, and apparently he decided to shoot at police. "Sometime that first evening Cady fired a round toward a New York State Police vehicle after yelling something about the police lights, Lansing said." Source.

Ah...and now the WHOLE story comes out. Barricaded whako w a gun who shot at cops.

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