New York gun control fails again, convicted felon caught with illegal guns...

The normal tactic is to make up witty (to them) little jibes, deflect from any facts presented, and pretend that you are the problem. I would delve more into this, but I just got back from the dentist and my hands are still numb from all the lydocaine.
stupid nazis
Really? That's the best you've got? Call someone a Nazi? Do you even know what that means? Do you have an argument, or are you just a troll?
How do you know he isn't one? what do you have against nazis?
I don't know he isn't, do you know he is? I have nothing against people who are Nazis, I do have a problem with some of what they stand for though.
♫ All we are saying is give nazis a chance ♫
I see you have nothing of merit to add to the discussion. Go troll elsewhere. Good bye.
The system worked.
He wasn't supposed to have guns...he had guns...he got arrested.

This is good isn't it?
Yes, yes it is. The problem lies with punishing law abiding people with regulations that do nothing to prevent these people from getting guns.
That argument can be used for just about any law.
What crap? The crap that allows this guy to be walking free on gun charges.....over and over again...while twits like you make it harder and harder for normal, law abiding gun owners to buy guns to defend themselves against these mean that crap?
Whether or not this individual, or many others like him, are allowed to walk free will have no effect on the availability of illegal guns. The same circumstance affecting the availability of illegal drugs operates in the matter of illegal guns. That circumstance is the black market.

The fundamental rule of the black market is as long as someone is willing to pay substantially more than the retail value of an item someone else will make that item available. And as the experience of alcohol Prohibition clearly demonstrated there is no way within the legal framework of a free society to forcibly eliminate a black market.

Fortunately the political leadership of the Prohibition era saw fit to Repeal a law which obviously wasn't working and replace it with a functional substitute -- which was legal availability under functional federal control. Unfortunately today's political leadership adheres to policies in a manner which Albert Einstein referred to as one definition of insanity, which is attempting to solve a problem by repeating the same failure again and again and expecting a different result.

Bottom line; the drug laws aren't working. Neither are the gun laws. So let's stop wasting time and resources with the existing approaches.

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