New York has had ZERO covid deaths in the last week yet they are preparing to fire THOUSANDS of first responders on Monday

WRONG..go honor your hero Joeseph Goebbels
In the US it is legal for the govt or business to mandate a vaccine and it has been that way since George Washington forced his troops to get the small pox vaccine. Sorry you can't handle the truth.
In the US it is legal for the govt or business to mandate a vaccine and it has been that way since George Washington forced his troops to get the small pox vaccine. Sorry you can't handle the truth.
There was no smallpox vaccine and no one was forced. It was pus from a smallpox lesion.
I don't know of anyone who injects piss.
Then it is inaccurate to compare pissing for a job to having something injected into your body.
There was no smallpox vaccine and no one was forced. It was pus from a smallpox lesion.
Then it is inaccurate to compare pissing for a job to having something injected into your body.
It just shows the power of the corporate elite.
There was no smallpox vaccine and no one was forced. It was pus from a smallpox lesion.
Then it is inaccurate to compare pissing for a job to having something injected into your body.
In late 1776, as Gen. George Washington led his troops through the opening battles of the American Revolution, it was not necessarily the enemy fighters who posed the biggest risk to the fledgling U.S. Army.

An estimated 90% of deaths in the Continental Army were caused by disease, and the most vicious were variants of smallpox, according to the U.S. Library of Congress.

That's why Gen. Washington made the controversial decision to order the mass inoculation of his soldiers, an effort to combat spread of the disease that was at the time a major deterrent to enlistments and posed the risk of debilitating his army and tipping the balance of power against America's first warfighters.

According to the U.S. Library of Congress's Science, Technology, and Business Division, the smallpox inoculations began Jan. 6, 1777, for all of Washington's forces who came through the then-capital of Philadelphia, and through Morristown, New Jersey, following the Battle of Princeton.
View attachment 558242

But despite this SCIENCE thousands of DOCTORS

Are all going to be fired or forced to retire if they don't take the experimental poke.

So Democrats are you prepared for the spike in crime because of your inability to FOLLOW THE SCIENCE?
They are also required to have several other vaccinations, like measles. How many measles deaths in New York last week?


Huh... it's almost as if you are overreacting to something we have done for years already, due to your political fetishes.
It just shows the power of the corporate elite.
The corporate elite have serious interests in not employing those under the influence. There is huge liability if a druggie employee hurts someone or destroys property. The public has a right to be protected from those like you.
In late 1776, as Gen. George Washington led his troops through the opening battles of the American Revolution, it was not necessarily the enemy fighters who posed the biggest risk to the fledgling U.S. Army.

An estimated 90% of deaths in the Continental Army were caused by disease, and the most vicious were variants of smallpox, according to the U.S. Library of Congress.

That's why Gen. Washington made the controversial decision to order the mass inoculation of his soldiers, an effort to combat spread of the disease that was at the time a major deterrent to enlistments and posed the risk of debilitating his army and tipping the balance of power against America's first warfighters.

According to the U.S. Library of Congress's Science, Technology, and Business Division, the smallpox inoculations began Jan. 6, 1777, for all of Washington's forces who came through the then-capital of Philadelphia, and through Morristown, New Jersey, following the Battle of Princeton.
Washington could order but he could not force. Everyone could simply walk off if they wished. I was in error. The inoculations were not of smallpox pus but of cowpox pus, a close relative. A vaccine was not developed until the 1800s.

It is to Washington's credit that so many trusted him and took the inoculation. That's the difference. The politicians today are not at all trusted. The general opinion is that the leaders today mean the people harm.
The corporate elite have serious interests in not employing those under the influence. There is huge liability if a druggie employee hurts someone or destroys property. The public has a right to be protected from those like you.
Washington could order but he could not force. Everyone could simply walk off if they wished. I was in error. The inoculations were not of smallpox pus but of cowpox pus, a close relative. A vaccine was not developed until the 1800s.

It is to Washington's credit that so many trusted him and took the inoculation. That's the difference. The politicians today are not at all trusted. The general opinion is that the leaders today mean the people harm.
They also test for drunks like yerself. Your words hold no value to an official report by the govt.
View attachment 558242

But despite this SCIENCE thousands of DOCTORS

Are all going to be fired or forced to retire if they don't take the experimental poke.

So Democrats are you prepared for the spike in crime because of your inability to FOLLOW THE SCIENCE?

Good. Let the progressives die. Eventually those who aren't stupid, and can actually fend for themselves will be all that's left.
Reagan fired the air traffic controllers that were striking due to a lack of help and overworked conditions...Guess what!? We lived....
Reagan fired the air traffic controllers that were striking due to a lack of help and overworked conditions...Guess what!? We lived....
How many house fires have atc put out? Emergency surgeries performed?
How many murderers have they detained?


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