New York lawmakers look to ban cops who resign, are fired for misconduct, from being rehired elsewhere

This seems to be such a simple step its surprising that this measure is not already in place. So basically a cop sacked for misconduct in New York can join the police force in New Jersey. A recipe for disaster.

Yes, exactly.
  • Policing: a job everyone needs getting increasingly hard to fill so lets make it even harder still.
  • Let's take one of the highest stress jobs around and nail everyone in it for making even the slightest mistake.
  • Then let's hang an albatross around these people's necks so they can never get a job again and die! Who wants to be a cop now? Meantime, the sickos they deal with every day march on.
BOY! Aren't you just glad we dodged another disaster, Tainant Style?!
do you believe that law enforcement and their officers are the only occupation that can't do their job properly without full immunity for when they screw up or commit misconduct, along with the resultant consequences?
How many other occupations are routinely murdered on the job?

A lot more people die in other occupations than cops.

Cops are 21 on the list. Odd thi Most common fatal accidents: Violence and other injuries by persons or animals ng is that those other occupations don’t make more money. I mean. The most dangerous job should make a million a year right?
While everybody else on the list has transportation incidences, slips and falls and the reason for deaths, only the cops have this: "Most common fatal accidents: Violence and other injuries by persons or animals " We know what most of the animals look like. Say his name!
This seems to be such a simple step its surprising that this measure is not already in place. So basically a cop sacked for misconduct in New York can join the police force in New Jersey. A recipe for disaster.

Yes, exactly.
  • Policing: a job everyone needs getting increasingly hard to fill so lets make it even harder still.
  • Let's take one of the highest stress jobs around and nail everyone in it for making even the slightest mistake.
  • Then let's hang an albatross around these people's necks so they can never get a job again and die! Who wants to be a cop now? Meantime, the sickos they deal with every day march on.
BOY! Aren't you just glad we dodged another disaster, Tainant Style?!

Tommy doesn't live in our country and probably never visited it either. He doesn't understand that in America, being a police officer means being involved in politics. Any American police officer will tell you that off the record.
This seems to be such a simple step its surprising that this measure is not already in place. So basically a cop sacked for misconduct in New York can join the police force in New Jersey. A recipe for disaster.

Yes, exactly.
  • Policing: a job everyone needs getting increasingly hard to fill so lets make it even harder still.
  • Let's take one of the highest stress jobs around and nail everyone in it for making even the slightest mistake.
  • Then let's hang an albatross around these people's necks so they can never get a job again and die! Who wants to be a cop now? Meantime, the sickos they deal with every day march on.
BOY! Aren't you just glad we dodged another disaster, Tainant Style?!
You dont make the job easier by shuffling dirty cops around the country. What a bizarre post.
This seems to be such a simple step its surprising that this measure is not already in place. So basically a cop sacked for misconduct in New York can join the police force in New Jersey. A recipe for disaster.

Yes, exactly.
  • Policing: a job everyone needs getting increasingly hard to fill so lets make it even harder still.
  • Let's take one of the highest stress jobs around and nail everyone in it for making even the slightest mistake.
  • Then let's hang an albatross around these people's necks so they can never get a job again and die! Who wants to be a cop now? Meantime, the sickos they deal with every day march on.
BOY! Aren't you just glad we dodged another disaster, Tainant Style?!
You dont make the job easier by shuffling dirty cops around the country. What a bizarre post.

No Tommy, you don't make a hard job easier either by micromanaging it with 10,000 bureaucratic rules, subject to firing for the slightest mistake, forced to go PC on the sleaziest dirt-bags, then if something goes wrong or you get blamed for it, not only FIRE them (zero tolerance), but make it impossible to get a job anywhere else.

Gee, where can I sign up?

Same dismal, idiot policy we;ve tried to use in the battlefield. Why our wars go on now for 20 years.
do you believe that law enforcement and their officers are the only occupation that can't do their job properly without full immunity for when they screw up or commit misconduct, along with the resultant consequences?
How many other occupations are routinely murdered on the job?

A lot more people die in other occupations than cops.

Cops are 21 on the list. Odd thi Most common fatal accidents: Violence and other injuries by persons or animals ng is that those other occupations don’t make more money. I mean. The most dangerous job should make a million a year right?
While everybody else on the list has transportation incidences, slips and falls and the reason for deaths, only the cops have this: "Most common fatal accidents: Violence and other injuries by persons or animals " We know what most of the animals look like. Say his name!

If your wife doesn’t come home from work. Do your children feel better because Mommy was crushed by a large excavator? If your Son is killed in an automobile accident. How much solace does the family feel if the other driver was just distracted and not drunk?

If your daughter is murdered by a madman, does it make anyone feel better if she was a waitress and not a cop?

The truth is that crime spikes don’t affect the police as much as the citizens. It is the citizens being robbed. Not the cops. It is the citizens being raped. Not cops. A vast majority of people murdered aren’t cops.

Last week a Soldier was killed at Fort Bragg. A training accident. She jumped out of a helicopter and died during the parachute training jump.

Do you think her family felt better or worse because she wasn’t in combat? Do you think it mattered one damn bit to them that she was home and safe before she died?

As of today a majority of cops who died this year died from COVID. 55 so far. Last year was the same. Of the 360 deaths of police 232 were from COVID.

So last year and so far this year the greatest threat facing the cops was a virus. Do you think their families would have preferred they were killed serving a warrant? How do you think the families feel hearing that their loved one was just weak and in no way reflective of the deadliness of the virus?

If you add up the accidental deaths from 2020 you find the cops were more likely to die from an accident than gunfire. But hey we have to focus on the wrong thing to make our point don’t we?

You don’t give a fuck about cops. So don’t pretend that you do.
This seems to be such a simple step its surprising that this measure is not already in place. So basically a cop sacked for misconduct in New York can join the police force in New Jersey. A recipe for disaster.

Yes, exactly.
  • Policing: a job everyone needs getting increasingly hard to fill so lets make it even harder still.
  • Let's take one of the highest stress jobs around and nail everyone in it for making even the slightest mistake.
  • Then let's hang an albatross around these people's necks so they can never get a job again and die! Who wants to be a cop now? Meantime, the sickos they deal with every day march on.
BOY! Aren't you just glad we dodged another disaster, Tainant Style?!
You dont make the job easier by shuffling dirty cops around the country. What a bizarre post.

No Tommy, you don't make a hard job easier either by micromanaging it with 10,000 bureaucratic rules, subject to firing for the slightest mistake, forced to go PC on the sleaziest dirt-bags, then if something goes wrong or you get blamed for it, not only FIRE them (zero tolerance), but make it impossible to get a job anywhere else.

Gee, where can I sign up?

Same dismal, idiot policy we;ve tried to use in the battlefield. Why our wars go on now for 20 years.
You are inventing reasons for people being sacked. Why dont you calm down and deal with the reality. Bad cops should not be allowed to set up shop elsewhere. Neither should Doctors, Nurses or Teachers.
do you believe that law enforcement and their officers are the only occupation that can't do their job properly without full immunity for when they screw up or commit misconduct, along with the resultant consequences?
How many other occupations are routinely murdered on the job?

A lot more people die in other occupations than cops.

Cops are 21 on the list. Odd thi Most common fatal accidents: Violence and other injuries by persons or animals ng is that those other occupations don’t make more money. I mean. The most dangerous job should make a million a year right?
While everybody else on the list has transportation incidences, slips and falls and the reason for deaths, only the cops have this: "Most common fatal accidents: Violence and other injuries by persons or animals " We know what most of the animals look like. Say his name!

If your wife doesn’t come home from work. Do your children feel better because Mommy was crushed by a large excavator? If your Son is killed in an automobile accident. How much solace does the family feel if the other driver was just distracted and not drunk?

If your daughter is murdered by a madman, does it make anyone feel better if she was a waitress and not a cop?

The truth is that crime spikes don’t affect the police as much as the citizens. It is the citizens being robbed. Not the cops. It is the citizens being raped. Not cops. A vast majority of people murdered aren’t cops.

Last week a Soldier was killed at Fort Bragg. A training accident. She jumped out of a helicopter and died during the parachute training jump.

Do you think her family felt better or worse because she wasn’t in combat? Do you think it mattered one damn bit to them that she was home and safe before she died?

As of today a majority of cops who died this year died from COVID. 55 so far. Last year was the same. Of the 360 deaths of police 232 were from COVID.

So last year and so far this year the greatest threat facing the cops was a virus. Do you think their families would have preferred they were killed serving a warrant? How do you think the families feel hearing that their loved one was just weak and in no way reflective of the deadliness of the virus?

If you add up the accidental deaths from 2020 you find the cops were more likely to die from an accident than gunfire. But hey we have to focus on the wrong thing to make our point don’t we?

You don’t give a fuck about cops. So don’t pretend that you do.
I don't doubt all that made sense to you, but I think you're batshit crazy.
Bad cops should not be allowed to set up shop elsewhere. Neither should Doctors, Nurses or Teachers.

Tommy, you talk like someone whose mind has been in a bottle all your life! Do you think when you hire a cop, they are already labeled bad cops? No, people BECOME bad cops, in stages, through inaction, and rather than treating people like machines, maybe it would help you to realize that humans make mistakes, and if an employee does something wrong, an infraction, a violation, that is also an opportunity to lay them off, suspend them, fine them, then retrain them, send them back for correction to make them ideal "good" cops.

Not treat them like last year's Apple iPhone.

Police don't grow on trees.

There is no cop easier to train than one who is already trained and prepared and has it all 90% down pat. All you need to do is fix the other 5-10%. Not throw it all away and try to start over hoping for the best.
You dont make the job easier by shuffling dirty cops around the country. What a bizarre post.

Nobody shuffles anybody around. Again, police are local, not federal. If a police officer applies in another city or state, it's up to that city to checkout if the officer meets their standards.
Bad cops should not be allowed to set up shop elsewhere. Neither should Doctors, Nurses or Teachers.

Tommy, you talk like someone whose mind has been in a bottle all your life! Do you think when you hire a cop, they are already labeled bad cops? No, people BECOME bad cops, in stages, through inaction, and rather than treating people like machines, maybe it would help you to realize that humans make mistakes, and if an employee does something wrong, an infraction, a violation, that is also an opportunity to lay them off, suspend them, fine them, then retrain them, send them back for correction to make them ideal "good" cops.

Not treat them like last year's Apple iPhone.

Police don't grow on trees.

There is no cop easier to train than one who is already trained and prepared and has it all 90% down pat. All you need to do is fix the other 5-10%. Not throw it all away and try to start over hoping for the best.
Tell me what folk will be sacked for.
Bad cops should not be allowed to set up shop elsewhere. Neither should Doctors, Nurses or Teachers.

Tommy, you talk like someone whose mind has been in a bottle all your life! Do you think when you hire a cop, they are already labeled bad cops? No, people BECOME bad cops, in stages, through inaction, and rather than treating people like machines, maybe it would help you to realize that humans make mistakes, and if an employee does something wrong, an infraction, a violation, that is also an opportunity to lay them off, suspend them, fine them, then retrain them, send them back for correction to make them ideal "good" cops.

Not treat them like last year's Apple iPhone.

Police don't grow on trees.

There is no cop easier to train than one who is already trained and prepared and has it all 90% down pat. All you need to do is fix the other 5-10%. Not throw it all away and try to start over hoping for the best.
Tell me what folk will be sacked for.

You fire a police officer when despite repeated efforts and training, they prove unable to adapt, and if anything, either fail to respond or get worse.
Racism, always about racism, so what about enforcing the laws on the books and incarcerating those that violate laws? Nooooo it’s all about racism supported by the new narrative that if the perp is black and apprehended and detained it’s automatically racism. What a crock of shit.
Now ask yourself one question If Obama had not spent 8 worthless years promoting racism as the cause of all the that troubles America would we have continued judging people based on the content of their character and actions?
Racism, always about racism, so what about enforcing the laws on the books and incarcerating those that violate laws? Nooooo it’s all about racism supported by the new narrative that if the perp is black and apprehended and detained it’s automatically racism. What a crock of shit.
Now ask yourself one question If Obama had not spent 8 worthless years promoting racism as the cause of all the that troubles America would we have continued judging people based on the content of their character and actions?
The article actually highlights physical and sexual misconduct. Are you on the right thread ?
Racism, always about racism, so what about enforcing the laws on the books and incarcerating those that violate laws? Nooooo it’s all about racism supported by the new narrative that if the perp is black and apprehended and detained it’s automatically racism. What a crock of shit.
Now ask yourself one question If Obama had not spent 8 worthless years promoting racism as the cause of all the that troubles America would we have continued judging people based on the content of their character and actions?

Racism is the Democrats ace in the hole card. They promote it with help from the media. Black people think police are singling them out because that's what the MSM shows them. What they fail to tell them is that more whites are shot and killed by police than blacks every year. Almost twice as many unarmed whites are killed by police than blacks.

Brainwashing has worked well for the left and has provided them with very favorable results. So why stop using it?
No Tommy I am not, nor am I gullible enough to subscribe in critical race theory. Misconduct has broad interpretations. The attempt by the legislature is designed to coerce officers from exiting the force, a surreptitiously designed plan to blackball officers without legal exposure.
do you believe that law enforcement and their officers are the only occupation that can't do their job properly without full immunity for when they screw up or commit misconduct, along with the resultant consequences?
How many other occupations are routinely murdered on the job?

A lot more people die in other occupations than cops.

Cops are 21 on the list. Odd thi Most common fatal accidents: Violence and other injuries by persons or animals ng is that those other occupations don’t make more money. I mean. The most dangerous job should make a million a year right?
While everybody else on the list has transportation incidences, slips and falls and the reason for deaths, only the cops have this: "Most common fatal accidents: Violence and other injuries by persons or animals " We know what most of the animals look like. Say his name!

If your wife doesn’t come home from work. Do your children feel better because Mommy was crushed by a large excavator? If your Son is killed in an automobile accident. How much solace does the family feel if the other driver was just distracted and not drunk?

If your daughter is murdered by a madman, does it make anyone feel better if she was a waitress and not a cop?

The truth is that crime spikes don’t affect the police as much as the citizens. It is the citizens being robbed. Not the cops. It is the citizens being raped. Not cops. A vast majority of people murdered aren’t cops.

Last week a Soldier was killed at Fort Bragg. A training accident. She jumped out of a helicopter and died during the parachute training jump.

Do you think her family felt better or worse because she wasn’t in combat? Do you think it mattered one damn bit to them that she was home and safe before she died?

As of today a majority of cops who died this year died from COVID. 55 so far. Last year was the same. Of the 360 deaths of police 232 were from COVID.

So last year and so far this year the greatest threat facing the cops was a virus. Do you think their families would have preferred they were killed serving a warrant? How do you think the families feel hearing that their loved one was just weak and in no way reflective of the deadliness of the virus?

If you add up the accidental deaths from 2020 you find the cops were more likely to die from an accident than gunfire. But hey we have to focus on the wrong thing to make our point don’t we?

You don’t give a fuck about cops. So don’t pretend that you do.
I don't doubt all that made sense to you, but I think you're batshit crazy.

Ok. What did not make sense to you?
do you believe that law enforcement and their officers are the only occupation that can't do their job properly without full immunity for when they screw up or commit misconduct, along with the resultant consequences?
How many other occupations are routinely murdered on the job?

A lot more people die in other occupations than cops.

Cops are 21 on the list. Odd thi Most common fatal accidents: Violence and other injuries by persons or animals ng is that those other occupations don’t make more money. I mean. The most dangerous job should make a million a year right?
While everybody else on the list has transportation incidences, slips and falls and the reason for deaths, only the cops have this: "Most common fatal accidents: Violence and other injuries by persons or animals " We know what most of the animals look like. Say his name!

If your wife doesn’t come home from work. Do your children feel better because Mommy was crushed by a large excavator? If your Son is killed in an automobile accident. How much solace does the family feel if the other driver was just distracted and not drunk?

If your daughter is murdered by a madman, does it make anyone feel better if she was a waitress and not a cop?

The truth is that crime spikes don’t affect the police as much as the citizens. It is the citizens being robbed. Not the cops. It is the citizens being raped. Not cops. A vast majority of people murdered aren’t cops.

Last week a Soldier was killed at Fort Bragg. A training accident. She jumped out of a helicopter and died during the parachute training jump.

Do you think her family felt better or worse because she wasn’t in combat? Do you think it mattered one damn bit to them that she was home and safe before she died?

As of today a majority of cops who died this year died from COVID. 55 so far. Last year was the same. Of the 360 deaths of police 232 were from COVID.

So last year and so far this year the greatest threat facing the cops was a virus. Do you think their families would have preferred they were killed serving a warrant? How do you think the families feel hearing that their loved one was just weak and in no way reflective of the deadliness of the virus?

If you add up the accidental deaths from 2020 you find the cops were more likely to die from an accident than gunfire. But hey we have to focus on the wrong thing to make our point don’t we?

You don’t give a fuck about cops. So don’t pretend that you do.
I don't doubt all that made sense to you, but I think you're batshit crazy.

Ok. What did not make sense to you?
Nor much.
do you believe that law enforcement and their officers are the only occupation that can't do their job properly without full immunity for when they screw up or commit misconduct, along with the resultant consequences?
How many other occupations are routinely murdered on the job?

A lot more people die in other occupations than cops.

Cops are 21 on the list. Odd thing is that those other occupations don’t make more money. I mean. The most dangerous job should make a million a year right?
I was surprised to learn that

however after further study it appears that police depts are somewhat top heavy and many police are never in teal danger from the criminal class
Everyone else has to operate under the premise that if they screw up or intentionally engage in misconduct, especially if it results in the death of another, there will be repercussions for their behavior.

Why do you believe that law enforcement and their officers are the only occupation that can't do their job properly without full immunity for when they screw up or commit misconduct, along with the resultant consequences?

I don't, and there are very few jobs that do.

I was a truck driver before I retired. If I got into an accident that was my fault (which never happened) the harmed party could sue my company, but they couldn't sue me. My father was a bricklayer. If he built something the wrong way, the customer could sue the company he worked for, but not him.

Outside of medical and self-employment (even they have bonds and insurance coverage) there are few occupations where you can sue the individual personally. When you take immunity away from those police officers, it puts them at huge financial risks. Let me explain this a better way:

I'm a CCW holder in my state. If I shoot and kill an attacker on the street or in a store, the police and detectives come out, and rule that me using deadly force was completely justified, they just hand my gun back to me and tell me they hope I have a better day. However........even though justified, the law still permits the family to sue me in civil court.

This is what we're talking about here. By removing qualified immunity from police officers, they face the same fate as I would if I shot my attacker or robber of the store I was in. And while they will likely not win against the officer, the legal costs can be financially devastating. If they did win, the officer could be paying that loss for the rest of his or her life.

So you tell me, would you ever do a job like that? I wouldn't and neither would you. Well........many other people won't either. This is how police departments will end up with the bottom of the barrel when it comes to applicants for a police position.

In other words if the Democrats were in power last year and removed qualified immunity, the officer in Chicago that shot the kid with the gun in the alley could face civil liability. Same holds true for the officer in my state that shot the 16 year old girl ready to plunge a knife in another teen.
First of all, possession of a CCW is not an occupation and isn't comparable to what we're talking about regarding the police losing qualified immunity although I do understand the point you're trying to make. Just don't agree with it though.

Secondly when referring to you and your dad's career, if you're speaking of indemnity where your employer agrees to bear the costs of any litigation or other expenses incurred by their workers, said worker can be sued in their official capacity or in their individual capacity, being indemnified only addresses the finances, not whether or not you can be sued.

From a judgment recovery/enforcement perspective in the event of a lawsuit win, the employer is generally the one with the deepest pockets therefore suing the person in their official capacity provides you with the best chance of recovering on judgement unless you just want to hold a judgment against the individual defendant for various reasons.

Thirdly let's go back to having a CCW. Simply possessing a CCW license does not confer upon the holder immunity from prosecution if they use their weapon, which is how you made it sound above. If you use your firearm to shoot and kill someone and you do so while out in public as opposed to on your own property, even if you're lawfully carrying your weapon with your CCW license, the police still have to make a determination of what actually happened and that usually requires an investigation. And they don't just return your weapon to you. If it was used in a fatal shooting, it's now evidence that will be confiscated at least until they have made a decision if charges are going to be filed, in which case it will be retained as evidence in the trial or return it to do if they decline to prosecute.

The way thing are currently, when an officer screws up or kills someone it's his employer who pays out on the lawsuits, the officers suffer no financial harm. And as far as I know the immunity extends to them not being prosecuted as well. So from a risk management perspective, what motivation do they have to be the best and most ethical civil servants possible? If they do things by the book or if they don't it's no skin off their nose all the way up to killing someone.

The following excerpt is for individuals who carry a firearm as part of their job in Washington State (CJTC firearm training manual). Why should it be any different for law enforcement?


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