New York lawmakers look to ban cops who resign, are fired for misconduct, from being rehired elsewhere

The person you replied to has no clue what the word communist means.

All that person knows is that anyone who doesn't have his beliefs he hates and must be called the most scariest word he knows. Which is communist.

I don't know of any democrat or liberal who advocates to end the constitution, end private ownership of business, real estate and property for the government to own it all.

The person you replied to and those like that person have no idea what the word communist really means.

Another one that won't go to their website and learn something for themselves.
I expect this to be a contentious topic but one that should occur nonetheless
Lawmakers in New York introduced joint legislation Saturday that would ban police officers who are forced to resign or are fired over disciplinary issues from being rehired in another jurisdiction in the state.

"Accountability is a must," state Sen. Brian Benjamin, a Democrat who is proposing the bill, told CBS News.

Police officers must be held to a higher standard because of their "power and the privilege to enforce the law," he said.

New York City Council Speaker Corey Johnson, who introduced a collaborative bill at the local level, said, "wandering officers" were "twice as likely to commit physical and sexual misconduct," the New York Daily News reported...
LOL can we get this law to apply to Governors too? Because if the answer is yes then I Andrew Cuomo touched me
Democrats are spiteful haters, always looking to cancel or destroy the lives of anyone who disagrees with their totalitarian opinions. Here in Pa. we laugh at this kind of proclamation. NY has no more say here than Biden telling us that if we're obedient little sheep we might be able to have a family get together on the 4th of July. Democrats are overbearing assholes. Everyone needs to vote straight Republican in the midterms if we ever hope to restore this country to greatness. We're sliding fast
What the hell do the Democrats have to do with bad cops?
What do good cops have to do with bad cops? This thing isn't reality. It's only something that lives in your mind,
Democrats are spiteful haters, always looking to cancel or destroy the lives of anyone who disagrees with their totalitarian opinions. Here in Pa. we laugh at this kind of proclamation. NY has no more say here than Biden telling us that if we're obedient little sheep we might be able to have a family get together on the 4th of July. Democrats are overbearing assholes. Everyone needs to vote straight Republican in the midterms if we ever hope to restore this country to greatness. We're sliding fast
What the hell do the Democrats have to do with bad cops?
What do good cops have to do with bad cops? This thing isn't reality. It's only something that lives in your mind,
Oh so you don't have an explanation, understandable.
They should get rid of qualified immunity.

They should, that way we get a much lower batch of quality cops. WTF would take a job as a police officer. The only people they'll end up with are those who's only choice are making french fries or joining a police force.
Everyone else has to operate under the premise that if they screw up or intentionally engage in misconduct, especially if it results in the death of another, there will be repercussions for their behavior.

Why do you believe that law enforcement and their officers are the only occupation that can't do their job properly without full immunity for when they screw up or commit misconduct, along with the resultant consequences?
Everyone else has to operate under the premise that if they screw up or intentionally engage in misconduct, especially if it results in the death of another, there will be repercussions for their behavior.

Why do you believe that law enforcement and their officers are the only occupation that can't do their job properly without full immunity for when they screw up or commit misconduct, along with the resultant consequences?

I don't, and there are very few jobs that do.

I was a truck driver before I retired. If I got into an accident that was my fault (which never happened) the harmed party could sue my company, but they couldn't sue me. My father was a bricklayer. If he built something the wrong way, the customer could sue the company he worked for, but not him.

Outside of medical and self-employment (even they have bonds and insurance coverage) there are few occupations where you can sue the individual personally. When you take immunity away from those police officers, it puts them at huge financial risks. Let me explain this a better way:

I'm a CCW holder in my state. If I shoot and kill an attacker on the street or in a store, the police and detectives come out, and rule that me using deadly force was completely justified, they just hand my gun back to me and tell me they hope I have a better day. However........even though justified, the law still permits the family to sue me in civil court.

This is what we're talking about here. By removing qualified immunity from police officers, they face the same fate as I would if I shot my attacker or robber of the store I was in. And while they will likely not win against the officer, the legal costs can be financially devastating. If they did win, the officer could be paying that loss for the rest of his or her life.

So you tell me, would you ever do a job like that? I wouldn't and neither would you. Well........many other people won't either. This is how police departments will end up with the bottom of the barrel when it comes to applicants for a police position.

In other words if the Democrats were in power last year and removed qualified immunity, the officer in Chicago that shot the kid with the gun in the alley could face civil liability. Same holds true for the officer in my state that shot the 16 year old girl ready to plunge a knife in another teen.
Why do cultural fascists call opponents commies?

They are anything but, and the fascists are the ones that want a tyranny here.

Dumbass double speak from a commie; what a surprise. You little brownshirts work for corporations and the pols they own, you're not ' fightin' Da Man N Stuff', you're little pissant deviants hiding behind a political 'Party' run by an organized crime syndicate. You're just another dope addled useful idiot, is all.
Democrats are spiteful haters, always looking to cancel or destroy the lives of anyone who disagrees with their totalitarian opinions. Here in Pa. we laugh at this kind of proclamation. NY has no more say here than Biden telling us that if we're obedient little sheep we might be able to have a family get together on the 4th of July. Democrats are overbearing assholes. Everyone needs to vote straight Republican in the midterms if we ever hope to restore this country to greatness. We're sliding fast

Interesting that you mention Pennsylvania. When I read this news I thought that it was a good thing since it would help prevent what happened in Pennsylvania.

A thug cop resigned from one department and was hired by a small town department. His brutality followed. This time the lawsuits bankrupted the town and caused them to have to shut down the entire police department.

How safe do you think the residents are without a single cop to call? How well served are your fellow Pennsylvanians with a boarded up police station?

So why not get some of your hoodies together and go plunder the place? The crime rate didn't skyrocket, and is nowhere near New York's or Chicago's of Baltimore's,

Im busy identifying RW radicals. This way we can round them all up and insure they are put in camps. For re-education of course.

Good luck with that; all the 'right wing radicals' in this country are the employed and competent, while all you tards have is ambulance chasing lawyers, assorted halfwit street thugs, AA hires nobody ever gives actual responsibility, and a lot of loud fat women with issues.
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Everyone else has to operate under the premise that if they screw up or intentionally engage in misconduct, especially if it results in the death of another, there will be repercussions for their behavior.

Why do you believe that law enforcement and their officers are the only occupation that can't do their job properly without full immunity for when they screw up or commit misconduct, along with the resultant consequences?

I don't, and there are very few jobs that do.

I was a truck driver before I retired. If I got into an accident that was my fault (which never happened) the harmed party could sue my company, but they couldn't sue me. My father was a bricklayer. If he built something the wrong way, the customer could sue the company he worked for, but not him.

Outside of medical and self-employment (even they have bonds and insurance coverage) there are few occupations where you can sue the individual personally. When you take immunity away from those police officers, it puts them at huge financial risks. Let me explain this a better way:

I'm a CCW holder in my state. If I shoot and kill an attacker on the street or in a store, the police and detectives come out, and rule that me using deadly force was completely justified, they just hand my gun back to me and tell me they hope I have a better day. However........even though justified, the law still permits the family to sue me in civil court.

This is what we're talking about here. By removing qualified immunity from police officers, they face the same fate as I would if I shot my attacker or robber of the store I was in. And while they will likely not win against the officer, the legal costs can be financially devastating. If they did win, the officer could be paying that loss for the rest of his or her life.

So you tell me, would you ever do a job like that? I wouldn't and neither would you. Well........many other people won't either. This is how police departments will end up with the bottom of the barrel when it comes to applicants for a police position.

In other words if the Democrats were in power last year and removed qualified immunity, the officer in Chicago that shot the kid with the gun in the alley could face civil liability. Same holds true for the officer in my state that shot the 16 year old girl ready to plunge a knife in another teen.

He's just another punk hoping to a get a pay day out of con games run by his fellow racists. No serious discussions are possible with such frauds. Your post is informative for the Peanut Gallery, though, those genuinely interested in what is going on and what lies are being told by dishonest hacks feeding the violence and racism and looting, like fake 'journalists'.
They should go for it. Then they can watch as many resign anyway and move to right to work states, if they want to stay in law enforcement and enforce the communist totalitarian regime's pogroms and proclamations. It will be funny watching cities burn that think this sort of degenerate mentality will work.
Then, let them resign and go. Bye Felicia. :bye1:

Yes, and then can laugh at your mooning crush on Harris, when she and her newly hired stooges quit answering your calls.
Democrats are spiteful haters, always looking to cancel or destroy the lives of anyone who disagrees with their totalitarian opinions. Here in Pa. we laugh at this kind of proclamation. NY has no more say here than Biden telling us that if we're obedient little sheep we might be able to have a family get together on the 4th of July. Democrats are overbearing assholes. Everyone needs to vote straight Republican in the midterms if we ever hope to restore this country to greatness. We're sliding fast

Interesting that you mention Pennsylvania. When I read this news I thought that it was a good thing since it would help prevent what happened in Pennsylvania.

A thug cop resigned from one department and was hired by a small town department. His brutality followed. This time the lawsuits bankrupted the town and caused them to have to shut down the entire police department.

How safe do you think the residents are without a single cop to call? How well served are your fellow Pennsylvanians with a boarded up police station?

So why not get some of your hoodies together and go plunder the place? The crime rate didn't skyrocket, and is nowhere near New York's or Chicago's of Baltimore's,

Im busy identifying RW radicals. This way we can round them all up and insure they are put in camps. For re-education of course.

Good luck with that; all the 'right wing radicals' in this country are the employed and competent, while all you tards have is ambulance chasing lawyers, assorted halfwit street thugs, AA hires nobody ever gives actual responsibility, and a lot of loud fat women with issues.

Sadly we seem to be the ones with political power. Which is why we are constructing the camps for your re-education.

We are even tracking those who are spreading disinformation on the COVID vaccine.

We have the FBI. CIA. NSA. We are reading your emails and monitoring your computer usage. We are tracking your cell phone and listening to your calls. Even when you are talking to your co-conspirators in person we are listening.

You may think you are vital. You aren’t. You’ll be replaced by one of the immigrants we are bringing in to do your job for a lot less money. The best part is the companies you work for are thrilled to get cheaper labor.

And with cops quitting in droves we are putting our people in those positions too. Before President Harris leaves office you will be a minority. And you’ll be irrelevant. Perhaps you can flee to Europe now to stay with the Whites. But I doubt they would take you.
Democrats are spiteful haters, always looking to cancel or destroy the lives of anyone who disagrees with their totalitarian opinions. Here in Pa. we laugh at this kind of proclamation. NY has no more say here than Biden telling us that if we're obedient little sheep we might be able to have a family get together on the 4th of July. Democrats are overbearing assholes. Everyone needs to vote straight Republican in the midterms if we ever hope to restore this country to greatness. We're sliding fast

Interesting that you mention Pennsylvania. When I read this news I thought that it was a good thing since it would help prevent what happened in Pennsylvania.

A thug cop resigned from one department and was hired by a small town department. His brutality followed. This time the lawsuits bankrupted the town and caused them to have to shut down the entire police department.

How safe do you think the residents are without a single cop to call? How well served are your fellow Pennsylvanians with a boarded up police station?

So why not get some of your hoodies together and go plunder the place? The crime rate didn't skyrocket, and is nowhere near New York's or Chicago's of Baltimore's,

Im busy identifying RW radicals. This way we can round them all up and insure they are put in camps. For re-education of course.

Good luck with that; all the 'right wing radicals' in this country are the employed and competent, while all you tards have is ambulance chasing lawyers, assorted halfwit street thugs, AA hires nobody ever gives actual responsibility, and a lot of loud fat women with issues.

Sadly we seem to be the ones with political power. Which is why we are constructing the camps for your re-education.

We are even tracking those who are spreading disinformation on the COVID vaccine.

We have the FBI. CIA. NSA. We are reading your emails and monitoring your computer usage. We are tracking your cell phone and listening to your calls. Even when you are talking to your co-conspirators in person we are listening.

You may think you are vital. You aren’t. You’ll be replaced by one of the immigrants we are bringing in to do your job for a lot less money. The best part is the companies you work for are thrilled to get cheaper labor.

And with cops quitting in droves we are putting our people in those positions too. Before President Harris leaves office you will be a minority. And you’ll be irrelevant. Perhaps you can flee to Europe now to stay with the Whites. But I doubt they would take you.

lol you idiots are already turning on yourselves. You're too stupid to stay in power, which is why the DNC is suddenly pretending to go 'moderate' on some of your criminal activities. I'm still laughing at you tards who don't know how they're going to implement that 'Reparations' scam.

And, they're bringing in those illegal aliens to replace black people, dumbass, and they're already pushing your dumbass bruthas out of their ghettos, and with white people getting more and more clued in to what you animals are really like and how racist and violent you are, the Burbs aren't going to be as 'welcoming' to your 'lifestyle choices' as they were in the past. All you're accomplishing now is reminding people of why segregation was the best option in the past, is all.
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Because being a police officer in NY isn’t shitty enough already. Sure, make it national. We’re going to need a mandatory draft to have a police force at this rate.

Democrats want to replace what we have with George Floyd types, who will just run around pistol whipping women and robbing and raping them.
Democrats are spiteful haters, always looking to cancel or destroy the lives of anyone who disagrees with their totalitarian opinions. Here in Pa. we laugh at this kind of proclamation. NY has no more say here than Biden telling us that if we're obedient little sheep we might be able to have a family get together on the 4th of July. Democrats are overbearing assholes. Everyone needs to vote straight Republican in the midterms if we ever hope to restore this country to greatness. We're sliding fast

It helps if you read the article.

Lawmakers in New York introduced joint legislation Saturday that would ban police officers who are forced to resign or are fired over disciplinary issues from being rehired in another jurisdiction in the state.

They aren't expecting Pennsylvania to do anything.
Excellent comment.

I'm not saying that you agree with me, however, I think this should be nation wide.
I bet you you think it's terrible if people don't hire ex cons right?
The person you replied to has no clue what the word communist means.

All that person knows is that anyone who doesn't have his beliefs he hates and must be called the most scariest word he knows. Which is communist.

I don't know of any democrat or liberal who advocates to end the constitution, end private ownership of business, real estate and property for the government to own it all.

The person you replied to and those like that person have no idea what the word communist really means.

Another one that won't go to their website and learn something for themselves.

It's their usual tactic, pretend what is widely known common knowledge isn't true. BLM's founders all admit they're commies, that's on their own videos, and we all know NAMLBA was a proud and prominent founding member organization in the ILGA, promoting sex with very young boys, but when it's pointed out they feign ignorance. Like I said earlier, they're just disgusting vermin, not 'misguided yoofs who mean well but don't know any better'.

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