New York lawmakers look to ban cops who resign, are fired for misconduct, from being rehired elsewhere

Why do cultural fascists call opponents commies?

They are anything but, and the fascists are the ones that want a tyranny here.

Simple answer: Go to the US Communist Party website and read their agenda. You will see few differences between theirs and the Democrat agenda. Also, look at their articles on past presidential contenders. See who they hated and see who they supported.
That's merely your assertion. Prove it, which you won't because you can't.

The person you replied to has no clue what the word communist means.

All that person knows is that anyone who doesn't have his beliefs he hates and must be called the most scariest word he knows. Which is communist.

I don't know of any democrat or liberal who advocates to end the constitution, end private ownership of business, real estate and property for the government to own it all.

The person you replied to and those like that person have no idea what the word communist really means.
Democrats are spiteful haters, always looking to cancel or destroy the lives of anyone who disagrees with their totalitarian opinions. Here in Pa. we laugh at this kind of proclamation. NY has no more say here than Biden telling us that if we're obedient little sheep we might be able to have a family get together on the 4th of July. Democrats are overbearing assholes. Everyone needs to vote straight Republican in the midterms if we ever hope to restore this country to greatness. We're sliding fast

Interesting that you mention Pennsylvania. When I read this news I thought that it was a good thing since it would help prevent what happened in Pennsylvania.

A thug cop resigned from one department and was hired by a small town department. His brutality followed. This time the lawsuits bankrupted the town and caused them to have to shut down the entire police department.

How safe do you think the residents are without a single cop to call? How well served are your fellow Pennsylvanians with a boarded up police station?

The problem is you race baiters have no real credibility any more, and getting fired from a police force in a left wing city is actually a badge of honor in most places now, despite you commies' best incompetent efforts at spin.

How much of a badge of honor is it if it prevents you from working as a cop again in that state?
I expect this to be a contentious topic but one that should occur nonetheless
Lawmakers in New York introduced joint legislation Saturday that would ban police officers who are forced to resign or are fired over disciplinary issues from being rehired in another jurisdiction in the state.

"Accountability is a must," state Sen. Brian Benjamin, a Democrat who is proposing the bill, told CBS News.

Police officers must be held to a higher standard because of their "power and the privilege to enforce the law," he said.

New York City Council Speaker Corey Johnson, who introduced a collaborative bill at the local level, said, "wandering officers" were "twice as likely to commit physical and sexual misconduct," the New York Daily News reported...

Sounds sort of stupid. Just because a gentleman was unsuccessful as a police officer in Limestone or Watertown, doesn't mean that they won't be able to turn it around in New York City, which is a very different jurisdiction.

Further, the NYPD wouldn't be FORCED to hire him, they would just be ALLOWED to do so if they and the officer think it would be a good match.
Well that's how it is now, the officers can move on to another agency and presumably pick up their career where they left off, which is fine with me as long as the reason they left was not because of misconduct that resulted in harm such as physical harm to the subject/suspect or financial harm to their employer although this list in not exclusive. What about cases that hae to be thrown out because it was discovered that the officer lied either in his report or sworn testimony in court, or planted/destroyed evidence, etc.
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I expect this to be a contentious topic but one that should occur nonetheless
Lawmakers in New York introduced joint legislation Saturday that would ban police officers who are forced to resign or are fired over disciplinary issues from being rehired in another jurisdiction in the state.

"Accountability is a must," state Sen. Brian Benjamin, a Democrat who is proposing the bill, told CBS News.

Police officers must be held to a higher standard because of their "power and the privilege to enforce the law," he said.

New York City Council Speaker Corey Johnson, who introduced a collaborative bill at the local level, said, "wandering officers" were "twice as likely to commit physical and sexual misconduct," the New York Daily News reported...
there's really not a problem of police brutality/etc--so the issue is moot
Good think you're not in charge, nothing would ever get done.
I don't like any mention of a state or federal board evaluating whether a cop is hirable. There are too many crooked and agenda driven people in government. I don't think being fired or forced to resign for someone's idea of misconduct should be a life sentence. A case in point would be the cop who shot the girl in Columbus. Certain people think this guy should be fired. Other people think he saved another girls life with his quick action. With this law, if he were fired even though so many people think he was right, he would be blackballed for life. His future could be in the hands of some idiot like Tlaib or Omar. Another alarm goes off when you have criminals like Sharpton involved. Sharpton never did anything for the benefit of anyone but himself. He's a professional trouble maker who raises money by promoting hatred. If they want to promote anything, they should create a national database for every cops performance. That way any town will be aware of what they are hiring. People or towns should be able to decide which flaws, if any, they are willing to accept. Just think If this proposed law would be used in the NFL. How many players would be banned forever? Antonio Brown is happy no radical rule like that exists in the NFL. Nope. I see this law as unfair bullshit.

Why not? State Boards made up of peers censure doctors and nurses or take their licenses altogether.

Lawyers review other lawyers and take their license to practice law. It happens to any and every other licensed professional. Except Cops. Then it is totally unconstitutional.

You have to understand. To radical RW types anything they don’t like is unconstitutional. If you quote the text that actually explains it then you are lying.

Picture Jim Jones and the Bible.

Licensing police officers | ACLU Massachusetts
Mar 22, 2016 · Massachusetts needs to require licensing of police officers. Along with three other states, Massachusetts does not license police officers but requires licenses for over 50 other trades and professions, including hairdressers, barbers, plumbers, electricians, lawyers, teachers, doctors and many others. Even though police officers carry weapons and can severely injure or kill people, …
I expect this to be a contentious topic but one that should occur nonetheless
Lawmakers in New York introduced joint legislation Saturday that would ban police officers who are forced to resign or are fired over disciplinary issues from being rehired in another jurisdiction in the state.

"Accountability is a must," state Sen. Brian Benjamin, a Democrat who is proposing the bill, told CBS News.

Police officers must be held to a higher standard because of their "power and the privilege to enforce the law," he said.

New York City Council Speaker Corey Johnson, who introduced a collaborative bill at the local level, said, "wandering officers" were "twice as likely to commit physical and sexual misconduct," the New York Daily News reported...
No wonder Florida has a bunch of new New york cops...
I expect this to be a contentious topic but one that should occur nonetheless
Lawmakers in New York introduced joint legislation Saturday that would ban police officers who are forced to resign or are fired over disciplinary issues from being rehired in another jurisdiction in the state.

"Accountability is a must," state Sen. Brian Benjamin, a Democrat who is proposing the bill, told CBS News.

Police officers must be held to a higher standard because of their "power and the privilege to enforce the law," he said.

New York City Council Speaker Corey Johnson, who introduced a collaborative bill at the local level, said, "wandering officers" were "twice as likely to commit physical and sexual misconduct," the New York Daily News reported...

Sounds sort of stupid. Just because a gentleman was unsuccessful as a police officer in Limestone or Watertown, doesn't mean that they won't be able to turn it around in New York City, which is a very different jurisdiction.

Further, the NYPD wouldn't be FORCED to hire him, they would just be ALLOWED to do so if they and the officer think it would be a good match.

Corruption, fraud, brutality in the police officer's record are serious issues in any jurisiction.
But these are officers whose alleged misbehavior didn't rise to the level of a crime
Think about it. When does an officer's misbehavior EVER rise to the level of a crime? They have immunity
Democrats are spiteful haters, always looking to cancel or destroy the lives of anyone who disagrees with their totalitarian opinions. Here in Pa. we laugh at this kind of proclamation. NY has no more say here than Biden telling us that if we're obedient little sheep we might be able to have a family get together on the 4th of July. Democrats are overbearing assholes. Everyone needs to vote straight Republican in the midterms if we ever hope to restore this country to greatness. We're slid
Here's a good example. The defense witness in the Chauvin trial is being investigated.
Why do cultural fascists call opponents commies?

They are anything but, and the fascists are the ones that want a tyranny here.
Weren't you going somewhere?
Democrats are spiteful haters, always looking to cancel or destroy the lives of anyone who disagrees with their totalitarian opinions. Here in Pa. we laugh at this kind of proclamation. NY has no more say here than Biden telling us that if we're obedient little sheep we might be able to have a family get together on the 4th of July. Democrats are overbearing assholes. Everyone needs to vote straight Republican in the midterms if we ever hope to restore this country to greatness. We're sliding fast

It helps if you read the article.

Lawmakers in New York introduced joint legislation Saturday that would ban police officers who are forced to resign or are fired over disciplinary issues from being rehired in another jurisdiction in the state.

They aren't expecting Pennsylvania to do anything.
My mistake. But I don't see how any small or medium size upstate town would want to obey this bullshit law either. It's like legislative blackballing or cancelling. It's an infringement on personal freedom. This law is probably unconstitutional. This type of attitude by NY legislators is far from what our founders intended and is probably the reason they created the electoral college to check City insanity.
Why would any area want to employ a dirty cop ? Apart from anything else it would surely invalidate their insurance cover.

They wouldn't. But just because someone is forced to leave one department doesn't make them "corrupt".
I agree. However corrupt is just a part of it. They could be lazy, cowardly, disruptive, racist or any other form of bad behaviour.

Or they could be none of that, and just didn't get along well with the local politicians or crime families because of a personality dispute.

Like I said, no other department would be forced to hire anyone.

Further, this law would make it a lot more difficult to get people to resign if there is a "bad fit" if they realize they would be blackballed statewide and would be screwed permanently.
I'm pretty sure forced to resign and allowed to resign are two different things.
I expect this to be a contentious topic but one that should occur nonetheless
Lawmakers in New York introduced joint legislation Saturday that would ban police officers who are forced to resign or are fired over disciplinary issues from being rehired in another jurisdiction in the state.

"Accountability is a must," state Sen. Brian Benjamin, a Democrat who is proposing the bill, told CBS News.

Police officers must be held to a higher standard because of their "power and the privilege to enforce the law," he said.

New York City Council Speaker Corey Johnson, who introduced a collaborative bill at the local level, said, "wandering officers" were "twice as likely to commit physical and sexual misconduct," the New York Daily News reported...

Sounds sort of stupid. Just because a gentleman was unsuccessful as a police officer in Limestone or Watertown, doesn't mean that they won't be able to turn it around in New York City, which is a very different jurisdiction.

Further, the NYPD wouldn't be FORCED to hire him, they would just be ALLOWED to do so if they and the officer think it would be a good match.
Well that's how it is now, the officers can move on to another agency and presumably pick up their career where they left off, which is fine with me as long as the reason they left was not because of misconduct that resulted in harm such as physical harm to the subject/suspect or financial harm to their employer although this list in not exclusive. What about cases that hae to be thrown out because it was discovered that the officer lied either in his report or sworn testimony in court, or planted/destroyed evidence, etc.

One of our doctors ran a pill mill for Oxycontin and made millions. He also molested several patients and was prescribing 1400 sleeping pills a month to some patients. Severa suicides ensued. It took a couple of years to convict him and send him to prison. He was sentenced to 29 years but did only 15 whereupon he moved to Florida and was license to practice there.
I expect this to be a contentious topic but one that should occur nonetheless
Lawmakers in New York introduced joint legislation Saturday that would ban police officers who are forced to resign or are fired over disciplinary issues from being rehired in another jurisdiction in the state.

"Accountability is a must," state Sen. Brian Benjamin, a Democrat who is proposing the bill, told CBS News.

Police officers must be held to a higher standard because of their "power and the privilege to enforce the law," he said.

New York City Council Speaker Corey Johnson, who introduced a collaborative bill at the local level, said, "wandering officers" were "twice as likely to commit physical and sexual misconduct," the New York Daily News reported...
Why isn't this already a thing?
Not that I can recall. Maybe in another state?
Actually, the police don't have a strong union at all. Liberals have been trying to abolish police unions for decades, putting them at the mercy of politicians.

In fact, police officers are the only workers who should be left union-less according to the left.

They are even trying to get rid of qualified immunity for police officers. The left hates police officers and always did.
They should get rid of qualified immunity.
So you think they would welcome a potential lawsuit if this ticking time bomb goes off in their town?

In our state a police officer shot and killed a teen who was trying to kill another teen and quite possibly saved her life. Now if they fire him for saving a girls life, should he never be allowed to work on a police force again?
Do you think they're going to fire him? Although it does seem that the police are quick to draw and shoot when dealing with black people, from all appearances there was nothing he did that was a violation of policy.

He shot 4 times, maybe they'll find that excessive, I haven't seen or heard anything on the autopsy report.
Democrats are spiteful haters, always looking to cancel or destroy the lives of anyone who disagrees with their totalitarian opinions. Here in Pa. we laugh at this kind of proclamation. NY has no more say here than Biden telling us that if we're obedient little sheep we might be able to have a family get together on the 4th of July. Democrats are overbearing assholes. Everyone needs to vote straight Republican in the midterms if we ever hope to restore this country to greatness. We're sliding fast

It helps if you read the article.

Lawmakers in New York introduced joint legislation Saturday that would ban police officers who are forced to resign or are fired over disciplinary issues from being rehired in another jurisdiction in the state.

They aren't expecting Pennsylvania to do anything.

You think that makes it better?
Democrats are spiteful haters, always looking to cancel or destroy the lives of anyone who disagrees with their totalitarian opinions. Here in Pa. we laugh at this kind of proclamation. NY has no more say here than Biden telling us that if we're obedient little sheep we might be able to have a family get together on the 4th of July. Democrats are overbearing assholes. Everyone needs to vote straight Republican in the midterms if we ever hope to restore this country to greatness. We're sliding fast

It helps if you read the article.

Lawmakers in New York introduced joint legislation Saturday that would ban police officers who are forced to resign or are fired over disciplinary issues from being rehired in another jurisdiction in the state.

They aren't expecting Pennsylvania to do anything.

You think that makes it better?

I think it's stating the facts.
Do you think they're going to fire him? Although it does seem that the police are quick to draw and shoot when dealing with black people, from all appearances there was nothing he did that was a violation of policy.

He shot 4 times, maybe they'll find that excessive, I haven't seen or heard anything on the autopsy report.

It is a Democrat Mayor so you never know. But thankfully we do have a Republican Governor although a RINO.
Actually, the police don't have a strong union at all. Liberals have been trying to abolish police unions for decades, putting them at the mercy of politicians.

In fact, police officers are the only workers who should be left union-less according to the left.

They are even trying to get rid of qualified immunity for police officers. The left hates police officers and always did.
They should get rid of qualified immunity.

That would put a real damper on law enforcement. If a cop pinches someone, the suspect uses his lawyer to investigate the police enforcement.

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