New York lawmakers look to ban cops who resign, are fired for misconduct, from being rehired elsewhere

This seems to be such a simple step its surprising that this measure is not already in place. So basically a cop sacked for misconduct in New York can join the police force in New Jersey. A recipe for disaster.
I think the bigger worry for average citizens is increasing numbers of cops retiring and the difficulty of recruiting replacements

then there is the issue of cops forced to work on the streets who are retired on active duty

they go to work each day

but do as little as possible and are not going to risk their career over a domestic disturbance involving black people

so when the call comes in they might take it or they might not

They have to take any call they get, but much like during the Ferguson effect, they won't go the extra mile.

During the Ferguson effect, if a cop seen a pair dealing drugs on the street, they ignored it. If they seen somebody doing 65 in a 25 on a side street, they would just continue to read their newspaper. If they spotted a person that had a warrant for their arrest for an armed burglary, forget about it, it's not worth my time. If they went to a scene of a serious accident, and one party was an felon and spotted a gun in his car, I didn't see a thing.

It's the proactive measures police took that made our streets safer; getting the bad guy off the street before they commit another crime.
If a cop in NYC retaliated against some street thug who threw a pail of water on him and got fired by DiBlasio for not turning the other cheek, should that disqualify him from ever becoming a cop anywhere else in NY? When you give politicians that kind of power, they will abuse it.

What I didn't understand in the article is where it said they can go after out-of-state police as well. And do what? If a New York police officer comes to my state of Ohio and gets a job here, are they going to try and fine my state?

Then the left wonders why we call them Communists.
I don't like any mention of a state or federal board evaluating whether a cop is hirable. There are too many crooked and agenda driven people in government. I don't think being fired or forced to resign for someone's idea of misconduct should be a life sentence. A case in point would be the cop who shot the girl in Columbus. Certain people think this guy should be fired. Other people think he saved another girls life with his quick action. With this law, if he were fired even though so many people think he was right, he would be blackballed for life. His future could be in the hands of some idiot like Tlaib or Omar. Another alarm goes off when you have criminals like Sharpton involved. Sharpton never did anything for the benefit of anyone but himself. He's a professional trouble maker who raises money by promoting hatred. If they want to promote anything, they should create a national database, if it doesn't exist already, for every cops performance. That way any town will be aware of what they are hiring. People or towns should be able to decide which flaws, if any, they are willing to accept. Just think If this proposed law would be used in the NFL. How many players would be banned forever? Antonio Brown is happy no radical rule like that exists in the NFL. Nope. I see this law as unfair bullshit.

We don't need a national data base. Our communication systems have never been better. If a police officer in a commie state like Washington gets a job in Georgia, it's a simple task to check him or her out over the internet, or contact the last department they worked for.

The Communists are tying to have a national takeover of our police. I wouldn't want to allow them the first step. Policing is a local matter, not a federal one unless a civil right has been violated. If the people in New York are too stupid to keep those legislatures in that are trying to pull this stunt, then you get what you vote for.
Why do cultural fascists call opponents commies?

They are anything but, and the fascists are the ones that want a tyranny here.

Simple answer: Go to the US Communist Party website and read their agenda. You will see few differences between theirs and the Democrat agenda. Also, look at their articles on past presidential contenders. See who they hated and see who they supported.
I expect this to be a contentious topic but one that should occur nonetheless
Lawmakers in New York introduced joint legislation Saturday that would ban police officers who are forced to resign or are fired over disciplinary issues from being rehired in another jurisdiction in the state.

"Accountability is a must," state Sen. Brian Benjamin, a Democrat who is proposing the bill, told CBS News.

Police officers must be held to a higher standard because of their "power and the privilege to enforce the law," he said.

New York City Council Speaker Corey Johnson, who introduced a collaborative bill at the local level, said, "wandering officers" were "twice as likely to commit physical and sexual misconduct," the New York Daily News reported...

Sounds sort of stupid. Just because a gentleman was unsuccessful as a police officer in Limestone or Watertown, doesn't mean that they won't be able to turn it around in New York City, which is a very different jurisdiction.

Further, the NYPD wouldn't be FORCED to hire him, they would just be ALLOWED to do so if they and the officer think it would be a good match.

Corruption, fraud, brutality in the police officer's record are serious issues in any jurisiction.
issues but not a problem..nothing compared to black crime and low black grad rates
I expect this to be a contentious topic but one that should occur nonetheless
Lawmakers in New York introduced joint legislation Saturday that would ban police officers who are forced to resign or are fired over disciplinary issues from being rehired in another jurisdiction in the state.

"Accountability is a must," state Sen. Brian Benjamin, a Democrat who is proposing the bill, told CBS News.

Police officers must be held to a higher standard because of their "power and the privilege to enforce the law," he said.

New York City Council Speaker Corey Johnson, who introduced a collaborative bill at the local level, said, "wandering officers" were "twice as likely to commit physical and sexual misconduct," the New York Daily News reported...
Then they wouldn't be able to tell their asshole boss off before they quit, because that would be a disciplinary issue and he could blackball them from working anywhere in the entire state.
I expect this to be a contentious topic but one that should occur nonetheless
Lawmakers in New York introduced joint legislation Saturday that would ban police officers who are forced to resign or are fired over disciplinary issues from being rehired in another jurisdiction in the state.

"Accountability is a must," state Sen. Brian Benjamin, a Democrat who is proposing the bill, told CBS News.

Police officers must be held to a higher standard because of their "power and the privilege to enforce the law," he said.

New York City Council Speaker Corey Johnson, who introduced a collaborative bill at the local level, said, "wandering officers" were "twice as likely to commit physical and sexual misconduct," the New York Daily News reported...
I think the bigger worry for average citizens is increasing numbers of cops retiring and the difficulty of recruiting replacements

then there is the issue of cops forced to work on the streets who are retired on active duty

they go to work each day

but do as little as possible and are not going to risk their career over a domestic disturbance involving black people

so when the call comes in they might take it or they might not
exactly---and blacks are the ones who will be affected by it more because they are affected by crime more --per capita
Democrats are spiteful haters, always looking to cancel or destroy the lives of anyone who disagrees with their totalitarian opinions. Here in Pa. we laugh at this kind of proclamation. NY has no more say here than Biden telling us that if we're obedient little sheep we might be able to have a family get together on the 4th of July. Democrats are overbearing assholes. Everyone needs to vote straight Republican in the midterms if we ever hope to restore this country to greatness. We're sliding fast

It helps if you read the article.

Lawmakers in New York introduced joint legislation Saturday that would ban police officers who are forced to resign or are fired over disciplinary issues from being rehired in another jurisdiction in the state.

They aren't expecting Pennsylvania to do anything.
My mistake. But I don't see how any small or medium size upstate town would want to obey this bullshit law either. It's like legislative blackballing or cancelling. It's an infringement on personal freedom. This law is probably unconstitutional. This type of attitude by NY legislators is far from what our founders intended and is probably the reason they created the electoral college to check City insanity.
Why would any area want to employ a dirty cop ? Apart from anything else it would surely invalidate their insurance cover.
If a cop in NYC retaliated against some street thug who threw a pail of water on him and got fired by DiBlasio for not turning the other cheek, should that disqualify him from ever becoming a cop anywhere else in NY? When you give politicians that kind of power, they will abuse it.
The cops have a strong union. I doubt that they would get sacked for that, although I would have no problem with that. Why do you focus on dirty cops and not the unfortunate tax payers in his new area ?
I expect this to be a contentious topic but one that should occur nonetheless
Lawmakers in New York introduced joint legislation Saturday that would ban police officers who are forced to resign or are fired over disciplinary issues from being rehired in another jurisdiction in the state.

"Accountability is a must," state Sen. Brian Benjamin, a Democrat who is proposing the bill, told CBS News.

Police officers must be held to a higher standard because of their "power and the privilege to enforce the law," he said.

New York City Council Speaker Corey Johnson, who introduced a collaborative bill at the local level, said, "wandering officers" were "twice as likely to commit physical and sexual misconduct," the New York Daily News reported...
Why isn't this already a thing?
They should go for it. Then they can watch as many resign anyway and move to right to work states, if they want to stay in law enforcement and enforce the communist totalitarian regime's pogroms and proclamations. It will be funny watching cities burn that think this sort of degenerate mentality will work.
Then, let them resign and go. Bye Felicia. :bye1:
Police credentials do not transfer across state lines. While you can go get hired elsewhere it would mean going through an academy all over again. I imagine there are more than a few officers that could not longer meet the physical requirements of a police academy.

They do not have to go to the police academy all over again. Where do you get that from?

The son of a friend of mine wanted to be a cop, and was having a hard time because it was such an in demand job. So he went to the police academy and paid for it himself to try to get a jump on the other applicants. It worked. He finally got a job and didn't have to go to the academy all over again.
Democrats are spiteful haters, always looking to cancel or destroy the lives of anyone who disagrees with their totalitarian opinions. Here in Pa. we laugh at this kind of proclamation. NY has no more say here than Biden telling us that if we're obedient little sheep we might be able to have a family get together on the 4th of July. Democrats are overbearing assholes. Everyone needs to vote straight Republican in the midterms if we ever hope to restore this country to greatness. We're sliding fast

It helps if you read the article.

Lawmakers in New York introduced joint legislation Saturday that would ban police officers who are forced to resign or are fired over disciplinary issues from being rehired in another jurisdiction in the state.

They aren't expecting Pennsylvania to do anything.
My mistake. But I don't see how any small or medium size upstate town would want to obey this bullshit law either. It's like legislative blackballing or cancelling. It's an infringement on personal freedom. This law is probably unconstitutional. This type of attitude by NY legislators is far from what our founders intended and is probably the reason they created the electoral college to check City insanity.
Why would any area want to employ a dirty cop ? Apart from anything else it would surely invalidate their insurance cover.
If a cop in NYC retaliated against some street thug who threw a pail of water on him and got fired by DiBlasio for not turning the other cheek, should that disqualify him from ever becoming a cop anywhere else in NY? When you give politicians that kind of power, they will abuse it.
The cops have a strong union. I doubt that they would get sacked for that, although I would have no problem with that. Why do you focus on dirty cops and not the unfortunate tax payers in his new area ?

Actually, the police don't have a strong union at all. Liberals have been trying to abolish police unions for decades, putting them at the mercy of politicians.

In fact, police officers are the only workers who should be left union-less according to the left.
IMO it will be without any laws for the most part. Police forces aren't going to want to take on the liability of someone who has been fired elsewhere like in the past.

Any officer that screws up elsewhere and gets hired somewhere else and screws up is going to bring a lot of people down with him now.

What about the Chicago police officer that shot and killed that kid with a gun? If he gets fired, should he not be allowed to ever an officer anywhere else?
Democrats are spiteful haters, always looking to cancel or destroy the lives of anyone who disagrees with their totalitarian opinions. Here in Pa. we laugh at this kind of proclamation. NY has no more say here than Biden telling us that if we're obedient little sheep we might be able to have a family get together on the 4th of July. Democrats are overbearing assholes. Everyone needs to vote straight Republican in the midterms if we ever hope to restore this country to greatness. We're sliding fast

It helps if you read the article.

Lawmakers in New York introduced joint legislation Saturday that would ban police officers who are forced to resign or are fired over disciplinary issues from being rehired in another jurisdiction in the state.

They aren't expecting Pennsylvania to do anything.
My mistake. But I don't see how any small or medium size upstate town would want to obey this bullshit law either. It's like legislative blackballing or cancelling. It's an infringement on personal freedom. This law is probably unconstitutional. This type of attitude by NY legislators is far from what our founders intended and is probably the reason they created the electoral college to check City insanity.
So you think they would welcome a potential lawsuit if this ticking time bomb goes off in their town?
"another jurisdiction in the state".

From the OP.

The bill would prohibit police departments in New York state from hiring officers who were fired or resigned while under investigation for disciplinary action or while facing pending legal charges and would apply to out-of-state officers as well, CBS reported.
Police credentials do not transfer across state lines. While you can go get hired elsewhere it would mean going through an academy all over again. I imagine there are more than a few officers that could not longer meet the physical requirements of a police academy.

They do not have to go to the police academy all over again. Where do you get that from?

The son of a friend of mine wanted to be a cop, and was having a hard time because it was such an in demand job. So he went to the police academy and paid for it himself to try to get a jump on the other applicants. It worked. He finally got a job and didn't have to go to the academy all over again.

That's exactly right, and what often happens is that police officers get hired by the big Urban Cesspools.

After they get a few years experience on the job, they apply for jobs in Red-based exurbs and suburbs. It saves the hiring department the expense of sending them to the academy and they can hit the ground running in their new jobs.

White police officers in the big cities, who have little chance of promotion if they don't have powerful political allies in city hall, are the ones most likely to flee for the more bucolic and peaceful burbs.

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