New York Mayor wants to eradicate rats from the city

Apparently Alberta Canada was successful in getting rid of every rat in Alberta. Hopefully New York is able replicate that success. This should be a bipartisan policy. I hope it’s successful

I'll take a couple. They make great pets.
Apparently Alberta Canada was successful in getting rid of every rat in Alberta. Hopefully New York is able replicate that success. This should be a bipartisan policy. I hope it’s successful

Get rid of all the democrats.
I went to a Yankees/Orioles double-header at Yankee Stadium back in the mid-80s.

We walked maybe 200 yards from where the bus compound was to the stadium.....I must have seen 30-40 rats scurrying about. They had signs up warning about rat-born illness.

Nasty fuckin' place....Trash everywhere.

Kiss my ass when when we got into the stadium there were rats underfoot scavenging for popcorn and the like. They paid no more mind to humans than flyin'.
I went to a Yankees/Orioles double-header at Yankee Stadium back in the mid-80s.

We walked maybe 200 yards from where the bus compound was to the stadium.....I must have seen 30-40 rats scurrying about. They had signs up warning about rat-born illness.

Nasty fuckin' place....Trash everywhere.

Kiss my ass when when we got into the stadium there were rats underfoot scavenging for popcorn and the like. They paid no more mind to humans than flyin'.

I say an H bomb on NYC would take care of it.
Of course, then I'd feel guilty about the poor animals having to be sacrificed.
I say an H bomb on NYC would take care of it.
Of course, then I'd feel guilty about the poor animals having to be sacrificed.
Apparently Alberta Canada was successful in getting rid of every rat in Alberta. Hopefully New York is able replicate that success. This should be a bipartisan policy. I hope it’s successful

We need to get rid of the liberal rats so that we can Make New York Great Again.

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