New York Passes Beard Law


VIP Member
Oct 24, 2013
Hamburger Central
The law passed by a vote of 112 to 1. I wonder who the sole holdout was?

Hijabs, turbans, kippahs and beards are now kosher in the workplaces, according to a New York state Assembly bill.

The New York state Assembly has passed legislation sponsored by Assemblyman David Weprin, D-Fresh Meadows, that prohibits workplace discrimination against attire worn for religious purposes.

Weprin said the bill was a response to a series of cases throughout the state during which employees were discriminated against at work due to their religious garb or facial grooming.

"People should not have to make a choice between working to provide for their families or observing their religion," the assemblyman said.

"It is unacceptable that workers have faced discrimination for wearing their religious attire or facial hair because it is an infringement on their civil liberties."

He said the bill would allow for persons to wear hijabs, turbans, kippahs and beards at their workplaces without fear of persecution.

The legislation passed by a vote of 112-1 on Jan. 14.

"We enthusiastically support the religious garb bill calling for equal employment opportunities for all New Yorkers, regardless of religious attire and facial grooming," said Rabbi Israel Rubin, who is the regional director of Chabad of the Capital District.

New York Passes "Beard Law"
Wait until the first sheet wearing rag head smuggles a gun or bomb in under their tent and kills a bunch of people.

Ya, ole NY libtards thinking that bending over for muslims will make them love, when the reality is they're just enabling them to carry out their dirty work.
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Wait until the first sheet wearing rag head smuggles a gun or bomb in under their tent and kills a bunch of people.

Ya, ole NY libtards thinking that bending over for muslims will make them love, when the reality is they're just enabling them to carry out their dirty work.

Hooooooly shit! Someone get this man a cigarette and some Heinekens before he snaps!

I'm cool with it.

But it beats the fuck out of me why NYC is getting rid of their horse-drawn carriages that have been a tradition for over 100 years.

Or why the state of NY has a de-facto ban on hydraulic fracturing.
Wait until the first sheet wearing rag head smuggles a gun or bomb in under their tent and kills a bunch of people.

Ya, ole NY libtards thinking that bending over for muslims will make them love, when the reality is they're just enabling them to carry out their dirty work.

Hooooooly shit! Someone get this man a cigarette and some Heinekens before he snaps!


You think getting someone drunk is more likely to keep them from snapping and doing something stupid? And he is the crazy one?
A man can't even grow a beard these days without people losing their shit. Wtf America

Really? I have a beard, I haven't seen any feces on the ground.

Hmm... I guess I'll have to grow a beard to see if I can confirm your results. I'm coincidentally already a week in and my dog pooped in the kitchen this morning. I wonder if that counts :eusa_think:
Looks like Quebec is planning to do the opposite. They want to ban religious apparel from the workplace, with the exception of small religious jewelry.

Officials in Quebec Tuesday presented their controversial bid to ban religious apparel -- including headscarves, turbans and yarmulkes -- on public sector workers, part of an overhaul to the Canadian province's "Charter of Values."

The reforms are a response to the "crisis of religious accommodation" granted to ethnic minorities that has "created tensions between Quebecers of different backgrounds and faiths," the minister in charge of the issue, Bernard Drainville, said at a press conference.

The proposal aims to create guidelines to help "unite" the province's residents along principles of "equality between men and women" and "the religious neutrality of the state."

"The best way to respect all Quebecers, the best way to respect all beliefs and all religious, is for the state to have no religion," Drainville said.

That neutrality does not apply, however, to the crucifix that has adorned the main chamber of the National Assembly since 1936, which will stay up in deference to the province's "cultural heritage," he confirmed

The proposal, to be presented to parliament this fall, has sparked a raging debate since details were first leaked to the media three weeks ago.

It bans public sector employees from donning "conspicuous religious symbols," including headscarves, yarmulkes, turbans, and large crosses while at work, but allows certain religious jewelry, as long as it is "not very visible."

The proposal also requires people receiving state services "to make their faces completely visible," a measure aimed at banning the burqa, a traditional head-to-toe garment worn by some Muslim women.

Quebec presents bid to ban religious garb | Fox News
Looks like Quebec is planning to do the opposite. They want to ban religious apparel from the workplace, with the exception of small religious jewelry.

Officials in Quebec Tuesday presented their controversial bid to ban religious apparel -- including headscarves, turbans and yarmulkes -- on public sector workers, part of an overhaul to the Canadian province's "Charter of Values."

The reforms are a response to the "crisis of religious accommodation" granted to ethnic minorities that has "created tensions between Quebecers of different backgrounds and faiths," the minister in charge of the issue, Bernard Drainville, said at a press conference.

The proposal aims to create guidelines to help "unite" the province's residents along principles of "equality between men and women" and "the religious neutrality of the state."

"The best way to respect all Quebecers, the best way to respect all beliefs and all religious, is for the state to have no religion," Drainville said.

That neutrality does not apply, however, to the crucifix that has adorned the main chamber of the National Assembly since 1936, which will stay up in deference to the province's "cultural heritage," he confirmed

The proposal, to be presented to parliament this fall, has sparked a raging debate since details were first leaked to the media three weeks ago.

It bans public sector employees from donning "conspicuous religious symbols," including headscarves, yarmulkes, turbans, and large crosses while at work, but allows certain religious jewelry, as long as it is "not very visible."

The proposal also requires people receiving state services "to make their faces completely visible," a measure aimed at banning the burqa, a traditional head-to-toe garment worn by some Muslim women.

Quebec presents bid to ban religious garb | Fox News

good for Quebec!
I'm cool with it.

But it beats the fuck out of me why NYC is getting rid of their horse-drawn carriages that have been a tradition for over 100 years.

As an apartment owner and part-time resident of the city, I can state with fact that ridership has been down. Since 1999 I've personally seen a drop in ridership.

This leads me to believe that this may be a publicity stunt to increase ridership. We'll have to see.

Or why the state of NY has a de-facto ban on hydraulic fracturing.

Earthquakes. The jury is still out on that one.
Looks like Quebec is planning to do the opposite. They want to ban religious apparel from the workplace, with the exception of small religious jewelry.

Officials in Quebec Tuesday presented their controversial bid to ban religious apparel -- including headscarves, turbans and yarmulkes -- on public sector workers, part of an overhaul to the Canadian province's "Charter of Values."

The reforms are a response to the "crisis of religious accommodation" granted to ethnic minorities that has "created tensions between Quebecers of different backgrounds and faiths," the minister in charge of the issue, Bernard Drainville, said at a press conference.

The proposal aims to create guidelines to help "unite" the province's residents along principles of "equality between men and women" and "the religious neutrality of the state."

"The best way to respect all Quebecers, the best way to respect all beliefs and all religious, is for the state to have no religion," Drainville said.

That neutrality does not apply, however, to the crucifix that has adorned the main chamber of the National Assembly since 1936, which will stay up in deference to the province's "cultural heritage," he confirmed

The proposal, to be presented to parliament this fall, has sparked a raging debate since details were first leaked to the media three weeks ago.

It bans public sector employees from donning "conspicuous religious symbols," including headscarves, yarmulkes, turbans, and large crosses while at work, but allows certain religious jewelry, as long as it is "not very visible."

The proposal also requires people receiving state services "to make their faces completely visible," a measure aimed at banning the burqa, a traditional head-to-toe garment worn by some Muslim women.

Quebec presents bid to ban religious garb | Fox News

Quebec is a looney bin onto itself. Been there, not very impressed.
I'm cool with it.

But it beats the fuck out of me why NYC is getting rid of their horse-drawn carriages that have been a tradition for over 100 years.

As an apartment owner and part-time resident of the city, I can state with fact that ridership has been down. Since 1999 I've personally seen a drop in ridership.

This leads me to believe that this may be a publicity stunt to increase ridership. We'll have to see.

Or why the state of NY has a de-facto ban on hydraulic fracturing.

Earthquakes. The jury is still out on that one.

Charles, the "jury" has been in for 60 years now. Where have you been?

You can throw out all the smoke screen you like, but fracturing has proved itself as safe and sound (if not more so) than any other industrial process... including farming.

They still have farms in NY don't they?
I'm cool with it.

But it beats the fuck out of me why NYC is getting rid of their horse-drawn carriages that have been a tradition for over 100 years.

As an apartment owner and part-time resident of the city, I can state with fact that ridership has been down. Since 1999 I've personally seen a drop in ridership.

This leads me to believe that this may be a publicity stunt to increase ridership. We'll have to see.

Or why the state of NY has a de-facto ban on hydraulic fracturing.

Earthquakes. The jury is still out on that one.

:lol::lol::lol: If New York was a tectonically active geomorphic province it would be beneficial to have thousands of small quakes as opposed to one big one, but, as it isn't, that excuse is just simply laughable.
I'm cool with it.

But it beats the fuck out of me why NYC is getting rid of their horse-drawn carriages that have been a tradition for over 100 years.

As an apartment owner and part-time resident of the city, I can state with fact that ridership has been down. Since 1999 I've personally seen a drop in ridership.

This leads me to believe that this may be a publicity stunt to increase ridership. We'll have to see.

Or why the state of NY has a de-facto ban on hydraulic fracturing.

Earthquakes. The jury is still out on that one.

:lol::lol::lol: If New York was a tectonically active geomorphic province it would be beneficial to have thousands of small quakes as opposed to one big one, but, as it isn't, that excuse is just simply laughable.

Hey- when a $165 million portfolio is talking to you... you listen.

now wouldn't it be funny if christians (catholic or not) all showed up for work in full nun and monk garb..... becasue they can now... if they want to. No need to conform to dress code if it is religious ya know.

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now wouldn't it be funny if christians (catholic or not) all showed up for work in full nun and monk garb..... becasue they can now... if they want to. No need to conform to dress code if it is religious ya know.


The better question is why the hell are muslims required to dress like their versions of monks and nuns all the time?
Wait until the first sheet wearing rag head smuggles a gun or bomb in under their tent and kills a bunch of people.

Ya, ole NY libtards thinking that bending over for muslims will make them love, when the reality is they're just enabling them to carry out their dirty work.

Paranoid, much?

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