New York Post: "Science says liberals, not conservatives, are psychotic"

Leftism is a disease.
Its regressive. Its insanity
what about me?
Im still trying to figure out where you actually are. You make threads that contradict previous postings.
You are either a troll or confused lol. But you make me laugh so its ok.
So far
you and JGalt are the only ones here who are kind to me. THANKS!

i care about posting eye-catching things to get attention. i dont give a shit if they raise taxes or lower taxes, as long as i make a cool comment. you see?
Leftism believes you can continually take money from the other and the money never runs out.
Whatever Republicans say about Democrats, we, at least, can all agree, the GOP is the home of racists.

Dean, you are proving the concept of this thread. You are psychotic.
Whatever Republicans say about Democrats, we, at least, can all agree, the GOP is the home of racists.


Where does the Bible say we should give money to adulterers who run the government who say it will go to the poor but somehow never reaches the poor? At least we can agree, Democrats are full of shit.
Whatever Republicans say about Democrats, we, at least, can all agree, the GOP is the home of racists.


Where does the Bible say we should give money to adulterers who run the government who say it will go to the poor but somehow never reaches the poor? At least we can agree, Democrats are full of shit.
Maybe the Bible says the money should go to their personal Foundations instead of the poor. It makes for nice nesteggs.
It appears that Dean removed his post. Funny. He probably was embarrassed to prove his psychotic condition.
Whatever Republicans say about Democrats, we, at least, can all agree, the GOP is the home of racists.


Where does the Bible say we should give money to adulterers who run the government who say it will go to the poor but somehow never reaches the poor? At least we can agree, Democrats are full of shit.
Maybe the Bible says the money should go to their personal Foundations instead of the poor. It makes for nice nesteggs.

Good point, the Bible never said anything about personal foundations. The Bible made it clear to give to Ceaser (the State) what is Ceaser’s, and for us as individuals to give and take care of the poor. Jesus believed the State was limited so perhaps Jesus himself started the notion of Seperation of Church and (limited) State.
"Lmfao some folks are saying Bernie got botox. Who gives a fuck? He could dye his hair pink and get ass implants and I'd vote for him because of his policy platform." - Secular Talk
Whatever Republicans say about Democrats, we, at least, can all agree, the GOP is the home of racists.


Where does the Bible say we should give money to adulterers who run the government who say it will go to the poor but somehow never reaches the poor? At least we can agree, Democrats are full of shit.
Maybe the Bible says the money should go to their personal Foundations instead of the poor. It makes for nice nesteggs.
I had Clintons in mind. They got other countries to gove to their foundation for favors when HN was SoS. Then paid for Chelsea's wedding.
Leftism is a disease.
Its regressive. Its insanity
what about me?
Im still trying to figure out where you actually are. You make threads that contradict previous postings.
You are either a troll or confused lol. But you make me laugh so its ok.
So far
you and JGalt are the only ones here who are kind to me. THANKS!

i care about posting eye-catching things to get attention. i dont give a shit if they raise taxes or lower taxes, as long as i make a cool comment. you see?
So you're a troll

Got it
Leftism is a disease.
Its regressive. Its insanity
what about me?
Im still trying to figure out where you actually are. You make threads that contradict previous postings.
You are either a troll or confused lol. But you make me laugh so its ok.
So far
you and JGalt are the only ones here who are kind to me. THANKS!

i care about posting eye-catching things to get attention. i dont give a shit if they raise taxes or lower taxes, as long as i make a cool comment. you see?
So you're a troll

Got it
one man's troll is another man's entertainer/oppo researcher
I didn't need scientists to tell me this; the liberals' own psychotic behavior is rather self-evident.

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