New York Times- The U.S. May Be Losing the Fight Against Monkeypox, Scientists Say

But you're right about the pox itself. What's to fear is how a Marxist government will weaponize it to take away more of your freedoms and micro-manage more of your lives.
Yea! I mean… remember that torture we were put through? Wearing a mask and standing six feet away from strangers in certain places for a temporary time period?!?

WWII veterans are wussies compared to the brave veterans of the “mask war”. God it was a beautiful sight to see keyboard warriors defy the guidelines in their basement and Karen’s tearing up Target displays.

People will talk about the bravery shown to keep those liberal overlords from doing what we all know they want to do…. Control our clothing!!! A dastardly and incomprehensible assault on our freedoms.

William Wallace said “ they can take my life but they can never make me social distance!” Or something like that. Screw it. He was a puss too.
Record deaths from Covid under xiden’s watch and now the Moneypox pandemic…just crazy stuff…amd sad…xiden and the dems have no plans but to allow another deadly winter
Anytime before 9/15 look for the next virus style hoax. I think polio will be the player this time and BBC has stirred that pot a little
Moron mask wearers tell the government you want to be hoaxed and locked down again
Yea! I mean… remember that torture we were put through? Wearing a mask and standing six feet away from strangers in certain places for a temporary time period?!?
Were that the extent of it you might have a point. Since it's not I don't know what your point is and I'm not entirely sure you do either.
Record deaths from Covid under xiden’s watch and now the Moneypox pandemic…just crazy stuff…amd sad…xiden and the dems have no plans but to allow another deadly winter
I really think the abuse piled on the American people during the Covid hysteria woke up millions of Americans. Progs and leftists don’t care, but the rest of us do.
Were that the extent of it you might have a point. Since it's not I don't know what your point is and I'm not entirely sure you do either.
I was there. It was a minor inconvenience. Only Karens couldn’t do those two things.
Just shutdown all the buttholes. Should only take two weeks. If that doesn’t do it rinse and repeat.

The administration will no doubt tackle this with the same zeal they did during the COVID pandemic:
1. Masks.
2. Voting station restrictions, six feet apart and keep republicans on the side-lines so they can't view the counting.
3. Mass printing of "extra" mail-in ballots.
4. Ballot Harvesting.
5. Votes being counted long after the turn-in limit date has passed.
6. Still unconstitutionally keep the state legislators out of the Electoral College loop.
They did this with HIV too. Everyone is going to die from HIV.
But they knew only homosexuals and drug users were going to spread it but ignored informing the public in order to push a narrative.
I think they won’t be able able get away with that again like they did with the coronavirus.
Butt they believe they can and they will try.

Could their hopes and dreams be the real reason lefties are grooming innocent children to a fudge-packing life?

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