New York Times: Your vaccinated kids should wear a mask and "eat quickly" at the Thanksgiving table

marvin martian

Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2020
Texas Hill Country
They're laughing at you.


Driving FEAR.... Fear of a virus that if you're under 70 years of age you have a 99.998% chance of surviving...

Even the CDC has reported that 56-60% of children have Natural Immunities and will not spread the virus. This is a major load of horse crap from the left...
Driving FEAR.... Fear of a virus that if you're under 70 years of age you have a 99.998% chance of surviving...

Even the CDC has reported that 56-60% of children have Natural Immunities and will not spread the virus. This is a major load of horse crap from the left...

I hope all the lefties on the board make sure their kids eat quickly and stay away from other family members.

Better yet, just cancel Thanksgiving completely.
After a big Thanksgiving meal, the New York Times should be available on a roll for the only thing it's good for.
Driving FEAR.... Fear of a virus that if you're under 70 years of age you have a 99.998% chance of surviving...

Even the CDC has reported that 56-60% of children have Natural Immunities and will not spread the virus. This is a major load of horse crap from the left...

Once again, because you people need to be told this over and over and over:

It is not the number of people dying that is the problem, it's the costs to your economy of testing and treating the sick. Overwhelmed hospitals, and tens of millions of dollars to treat a large preventable disease is just stupidity.

You keep acting like the ONLY issue with the pandemic is the risk of death, and ignore the costs of surviving the virus with long haul covid. Without vaccination, 20% of patients will require hostpitalization and potentially, hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of drugs and treatment.

So while the NYT article is overkill if all the adults are fully vaxxed, it's a lot less ridiculous than ignoring the reality, which is what you keep doing.
I hope all the lefties on the board make sure their kids eat quickly and stay away from other family members.

Better yet, just cancel Thanksgiving completely.
As a veteran of many, many family Thanksgivings, the kids want to eat quickly and get away from the table. I remember one T dinner when the antsiest kid stood in the middle of the open plan room and spun around and around while screaming. The rest of the guests said it's time to go and left. If they're older, the kids want to get out of the house completely to visit their friends. Masks at the table and eating doesn't seem possible.
I hope all the lefties on the board make sure their kids eat quickly and stay away from other family members.

Better yet, just cancel Thanksgiving completely.

The kids always have at their own table anyway. 25 people at Christmas dinner was standard for my family. Nobody in the family had a table big enough for that many people. The adults ate at dining room table, and the kids at their table in the living room - usually a folding card table for older kids, and a playroom table for the toddlers.

I remember my joy at being allowed to join the adult table when I was 16. Wine with dinner!

As a veteran of many, many family Thanksgivings, the kids want to eat quickly and get away from the table. I remember one T dinner when the antsiest kid stood in the middle of the open plan room and spun around and around while screaming. The rest of the guests said it's time to go and left. If they're older, the kids want to get out of the house completely to visit their friends. Masks at the table and eating doesn't seem possible.

Kids in our family spent the day playing the host household's new toys. Older kids just want to go online with their friends when visiting isn't possible. As one of the older members of my family, I can attest that the teenagers want nothing to do with the adults anyway.

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