New Yorker Magazine Defends Netflix's Cuties

The premise of the show is, if you are against preteen girls dressing provocative and acting highly sexed - you are essentially the Taliban.
Only hardcore religious fanatics would be against young girls expressing themselves sexually, including taking pictures of their undeveloped vaginas and sharing them. If you are against that.... you are a fascist zealot.
Liberals are trying to turn night into day
But you guys can’t get the point of the movie right. The movie doesn’t support specialization of girls, it attacks it.
how does that happen when they are doing it???
By portraying how this happens to girls as a result of societal influences that we need to be aware of to mitigate.

How does an anti-war movie attack war without portraying the horror and violence?
I dont need a child porn movie to know its a problem,,,
its for nothing but pedos to have something to watch they wont go to jail for,,,
It’s not a movie about child porn, dumbass. It’s not a movie about pedophiles.

It’s a movie about what it’s like to grow up as a girl in western society and it’s rarely talked about and not understood by idiots like you.
no one needs a child porn movie to know its a problem,,,

only pedos thinks thats a good idea,,,
It’s not about child porn. It’s about the experience of young girls.

Why don’t you care what they are going through?
The premise of the show is, if you are against preteen girls dressing provocative and acting highly sexed - you are essentially the Taliban.
Only hardcore religious fanatics would be against young girls expressing themselves sexually, including taking pictures of their undeveloped vaginas and sharing them. If you are against that.... you are a fascist zealot.
Liberals are trying to turn night into day
But you guys can’t get the point of the movie right. The movie doesn’t support specialization of girls, it attacks it.
how does that happen when they are doing it???
By portraying how this happens to girls as a result of societal influences that we need to be aware of to mitigate.

How does an anti-war movie attack war without portraying the horror and violence?
I dont need a child porn movie to know its a problem,,,
its for nothing but pedos to have something to watch they wont go to jail for,,,
It’s not a movie about child porn, dumbass. It’s not a movie about pedophiles.

It’s a movie about what it’s like to grow up as a girl in western society and it’s rarely talked about and not understood by idiots like you.
no one needs a child porn movie to know its a problem,,,

only pedos thinks thats a good idea,,,
It’s not about child porn. It’s about the experience of young girls.

Why don’t you care what they are going through?
it IS child porn,,and only a pedo would claim otherwise,,,

and I dont need a child porn movie to know its a problem or to talk about it to solve the problem,,,
Children imitating adult entertainers, oh my..I don't think of the girls as being as nasty as those watching and what they are thinking. All of a sudden the pussy grabbers have become moralist and fake Christians yet again....It is an election year...
So you support child exploitation, and the putting children into adult situations, and then next blaming the unsuspecting audience of having sick thoughts during their investigation or previewing of the series in which they were duped into watching ???
I never said I support and no one has been duped into watching a movie about sexploitation of kids by adults. You seem to forget the movie has a theme. It is not promoting anything but a action and reaction premis..
They didn´t watch it, otherwise they would know. They don´t want to know. This is why that Obama stuff (you know I neither like him nor Netflix) is prevailing in this thread. There was a similar thread weeks ago about a movie about whore boys instead of dancing girls. I can´t recall any conservative complaints.

Girls do what girls do.
Wow, that's an unbelievable post you just gave, so you support such things ??
Neither exploitation nor adults that tell minors when to grow up. What exploitation is, has to be determined. If the cutie wants to dance and earn money, I guess she is old enough.
Fuck you.

It is apparent you don't have any kids of your own.

You are in luck because my reply was deleted by a mod. It was detailed story...
However, I just wanted to say that I don´t play the upholder of moral standards when there is consensual "misconduct" of any kind as this would make me a bad hypocrite.
Minors do not have the ability to make informed "consensual" decisions. This is why we have rules regarding how old you have to be to purchase tobacco, alcohol, firearms, etc.

Parents understand this, folks that aren't parents, fail to grasp this.
The premise of the show is, if you are against preteen girls dressing provocative and acting highly sexed - you are essentially the Taliban.
Only hardcore religious fanatics would be against young girls expressing themselves sexually, including taking pictures of their undeveloped vaginas and sharing them. If you are against that.... you are a fascist zealot.
Liberals are trying to turn night into day
But you guys can’t get the point of the movie right. The movie doesn’t support specialization of girls, it attacks it.
how does that happen when they are doing it???
By portraying how this happens to girls as a result of societal influences that we need to be aware of to mitigate.

How does an anti-war movie attack war without portraying the horror and violence?
I dont need a child porn movie to know its a problem,,,
its for nothing but pedos to have something to watch they wont go to jail for,,,
It’s not a movie about child porn, dumbass. It’s not a movie about pedophiles.

It’s a movie about what it’s like to grow up as a girl in western society and it’s rarely talked about and not understood by idiots like you.
no one needs a child porn movie to know its a problem,,,

only pedos thinks thats a good idea,,,
It’s not about child porn. It’s about the experience of young girls.

Why don’t you care what they are going through?
Why are you so inclined to defend a movie you have never seen? You have really spent a lot of time and thought into defending a movie you haven’t seen with your own eyes?

if conservatives flipped the script and you’d probably be attacking the film
The premise of the show is, if you are against preteen girls dressing provocative and acting highly sexed - you are essentially the Taliban.
Only hardcore religious fanatics would be against young girls expressing themselves sexually, including taking pictures of their undeveloped vaginas and sharing them. If you are against that.... you are a fascist zealot.
Liberals are trying to turn night into day
But you guys can’t get the point of the movie right. The movie doesn’t support specialization of girls, it attacks it.
how does that happen when they are doing it???
By portraying how this happens to girls as a result of societal influences that we need to be aware of to mitigate.

How does an anti-war movie attack war without portraying the horror and violence?
I dont need a child porn movie to know its a problem,,,
its for nothing but pedos to have something to watch they wont go to jail for,,,
It’s not a movie about child porn, dumbass. It’s not a movie about pedophiles.

It’s a movie about what it’s like to grow up as a girl in western society and it’s rarely talked about and not understood by idiots like you.
no one needs a child porn movie to know its a problem,,,

only pedos thinks thats a good idea,,,
It’s not about child porn. It’s about the experience of young girls.

Why don’t you care what they are going through?
Why are you so inclined to defend a movie you have never seen? You have really spent a lot of time and thought into defending a movie you haven’t seen with your own eyes?

if conservatives flipped the script and you’d probably be attacking the film
Because I think you guys are misconstruing what could actually be an important message because y’all jumped in a hate bandwagon.
The premise of the show is, if you are against preteen girls dressing provocative and acting highly sexed - you are essentially the Taliban.
Only hardcore religious fanatics would be against young girls expressing themselves sexually, including taking pictures of their undeveloped vaginas and sharing them. If you are against that.... you are a fascist zealot.
Liberals are trying to turn night into day
But you guys can’t get the point of the movie right. The movie doesn’t support specialization of girls, it attacks it.
how does that happen when they are doing it???
By portraying how this happens to girls as a result of societal influences that we need to be aware of to mitigate.

How does an anti-war movie attack war without portraying the horror and violence?
I dont need a child porn movie to know its a problem,,,
its for nothing but pedos to have something to watch they wont go to jail for,,,
It’s not a movie about child porn, dumbass. It’s not a movie about pedophiles.

It’s a movie about what it’s like to grow up as a girl in western society and it’s rarely talked about and not understood by idiots like you.
no one needs a child porn movie to know its a problem,,,

only pedos thinks thats a good idea,,,
It’s not about child porn. It’s about the experience of young girls.

Why don’t you care what they are going through?
Why are you so inclined to defend a movie you have never seen? You have really spent a lot of time and thought into defending a movie you haven’t seen with your own eyes?

if conservatives flipped the script and you’d probably be attacking the film
Because I think you guys are misconstruing what could actually be an important message because y’all jumped in a hate bandwagon.
the message isnt the problem,,,its the open child porn that is,,,
It’s not about child porn. It’s about the experience of young girls.
They are going through the over sexualization of LIBERAL culture

and Cuties is just another step in that direction

It’s not liberal culture, it’s western culture. For gods sake, the conservative president is married to a model who has posed mostly naked, brags about (and is applauded for) having sex with lots of women and are constantly judging women by their appearances.
The premise of the show is, if you are against preteen girls dressing provocative and acting highly sexed - you are essentially the Taliban.
Only hardcore religious fanatics would be against young girls expressing themselves sexually, including taking pictures of their undeveloped vaginas and sharing them. If you are against that.... you are a fascist zealot.
Liberals are trying to turn night into day
But you guys can’t get the point of the movie right. The movie doesn’t support specialization of girls, it attacks it.
how does that happen when they are doing it???
By portraying how this happens to girls as a result of societal influences that we need to be aware of to mitigate.

How does an anti-war movie attack war without portraying the horror and violence?
I dont need a child porn movie to know its a problem,,,
its for nothing but pedos to have something to watch they wont go to jail for,,,
It’s not a movie about child porn, dumbass. It’s not a movie about pedophiles.

It’s a movie about what it’s like to grow up as a girl in western society and it’s rarely talked about and not understood by idiots like you.
no one needs a child porn movie to know its a problem,,,

only pedos thinks thats a good idea,,,
It’s not about child porn. It’s about the experience of young girls.

Why don’t you care what they are going through?
Why are you so inclined to defend a movie you have never seen? You have really spent a lot of time and thought into defending a movie you haven’t seen with your own eyes?

if conservatives flipped the script and you’d probably be attacking the film
Because I think you guys are misconstruing what could actually be an important message because y’all jumped in a hate bandwagon.
the message isnt the problem,,,its the open child porn that is,,,
You need a dictionary.
The premise of the show is, if you are against preteen girls dressing provocative and acting highly sexed - you are essentially the Taliban.
Only hardcore religious fanatics would be against young girls expressing themselves sexually, including taking pictures of their undeveloped vaginas and sharing them. If you are against that.... you are a fascist zealot.
Liberals are trying to turn night into day
But you guys can’t get the point of the movie right. The movie doesn’t support specialization of girls, it attacks it.
how does that happen when they are doing it???
By portraying how this happens to girls as a result of societal influences that we need to be aware of to mitigate.

How does an anti-war movie attack war without portraying the horror and violence?
I dont need a child porn movie to know its a problem,,,
its for nothing but pedos to have something to watch they wont go to jail for,,,
It’s not a movie about child porn, dumbass. It’s not a movie about pedophiles.

It’s a movie about what it’s like to grow up as a girl in western society and it’s rarely talked about and not understood by idiots like you.
no one needs a child porn movie to know its a problem,,,

only pedos thinks thats a good idea,,,
It’s not about child porn. It’s about the experience of young girls.

Why don’t you care what they are going through?
Why are you so inclined to defend a movie you have never seen? You have really spent a lot of time and thought into defending a movie you haven’t seen with your own eyes?

if conservatives flipped the script and you’d probably be attacking the film
Because I think you guys are misconstruing what could actually be an important message because y’all jumped in a hate bandwagon.
I watched it so I could get my own opinion just so I wouldn’t jump to any conclusions.

if anyone is jumping to conclusions it’s you, who hasn’t watched it, and is depending on left wing journalist opinionsfor talking points
The premise of the show is, if you are against preteen girls dressing provocative and acting highly sexed - you are essentially the Taliban.
Only hardcore religious fanatics would be against young girls expressing themselves sexually, including taking pictures of their undeveloped vaginas and sharing them. If you are against that.... you are a fascist zealot.
Liberals are trying to turn night into day
But you guys can’t get the point of the movie right. The movie doesn’t support specialization of girls, it attacks it.
how does that happen when they are doing it???
By portraying how this happens to girls as a result of societal influences that we need to be aware of to mitigate.

How does an anti-war movie attack war without portraying the horror and violence?
I dont need a child porn movie to know its a problem,,,
its for nothing but pedos to have something to watch they wont go to jail for,,,
It’s not a movie about child porn, dumbass. It’s not a movie about pedophiles.

It’s a movie about what it’s like to grow up as a girl in western society and it’s rarely talked about and not understood by idiots like you.
no one needs a child porn movie to know its a problem,,,

only pedos thinks thats a good idea,,,
It’s not about child porn. It’s about the experience of young girls.

Why don’t you care what they are going through?
Why are you so inclined to defend a movie you have never seen? You have really spent a lot of time and thought into defending a movie you haven’t seen with your own eyes?

if conservatives flipped the script and you’d probably be attacking the film
Because I think you guys are misconstruing what could actually be an important message because y’all jumped in a hate bandwagon.
the message isnt the problem,,,its the open child porn that is,,,
You need a dictionary.
I have one and it backs up my comment,,,
The premise of the show is, if you are against preteen girls dressing provocative and acting highly sexed - you are essentially the Taliban.
Only hardcore religious fanatics would be against young girls expressing themselves sexually, including taking pictures of their undeveloped vaginas and sharing them. If you are against that.... you are a fascist zealot.
Liberals are trying to turn night into day
But you guys can’t get the point of the movie right. The movie doesn’t support specialization of girls, it attacks it.
how does that happen when they are doing it???
By portraying how this happens to girls as a result of societal influences that we need to be aware of to mitigate.

How does an anti-war movie attack war without portraying the horror and violence?
I dont need a child porn movie to know its a problem,,,
its for nothing but pedos to have something to watch they wont go to jail for,,,
It’s not a movie about child porn, dumbass. It’s not a movie about pedophiles.

It’s a movie about what it’s like to grow up as a girl in western society and it’s rarely talked about and not understood by idiots like you.
no one needs a child porn movie to know its a problem,,,

only pedos thinks thats a good idea,,,
It’s not about child porn. It’s about the experience of young girls.

Why don’t you care what they are going through?
Why are you so inclined to defend a movie you have never seen? You have really spent a lot of time and thought into defending a movie you haven’t seen with your own eyes?

if conservatives flipped the script and you’d probably be attacking the film
Because I think you guys are misconstruing what could actually be an important message because y’all jumped in a hate bandwagon.
the message isnt the problem,,,its the open child porn that is,,,
You need a dictionary.
I have one and it backs up my comment,,,
So why is this movie child porn and Trump’s underage beauty pageants aren’t
Because I think you guys are misconstruing what could actually be an important message because y’all jumped in a hate bandwagon.

The film actually has a CONSERVATIVE message. Trust me - They haven't watched it. :)
Yes, the little girl is rebelling against her conservative family by becoming liberal.
In becoming liberal she became sexualized.

liberalism teaches pedophilia
The premise of the show is, if you are against preteen girls dressing provocative and acting highly sexed - you are essentially the Taliban.
Only hardcore religious fanatics would be against young girls expressing themselves sexually, including taking pictures of their undeveloped vaginas and sharing them. If you are against that.... you are a fascist zealot.
Liberals are trying to turn night into day
But you guys can’t get the point of the movie right. The movie doesn’t support specialization of girls, it attacks it.
how does that happen when they are doing it???
By portraying how this happens to girls as a result of societal influences that we need to be aware of to mitigate.

How does an anti-war movie attack war without portraying the horror and violence?
I dont need a child porn movie to know its a problem,,,
its for nothing but pedos to have something to watch they wont go to jail for,,,
It’s not a movie about child porn, dumbass. It’s not a movie about pedophiles.

It’s a movie about what it’s like to grow up as a girl in western society and it’s rarely talked about and not understood by idiots like you.
no one needs a child porn movie to know its a problem,,,

only pedos thinks thats a good idea,,,
It’s not about child porn. It’s about the experience of young girls.

Why don’t you care what they are going through?
Why are you so inclined to defend a movie you have never seen? You have really spent a lot of time and thought into defending a movie you haven’t seen with your own eyes?

if conservatives flipped the script and you’d probably be attacking the film
Because I think you guys are misconstruing what could actually be an important message because y’all jumped in a hate bandwagon.
the message isnt the problem,,,its the open child porn that is,,,
You need a dictionary.
I have one and it backs up my comment,,,
So why is this movie child porn and Trump’s underage beauty pageants aren’t
thats where a dictionary is needed,,,,
It’s not about child porn. It’s about the experience of young girls.
They are going through the over sexualization of LIBERAL culture

and Cuties is just another step in that direction

Annnnddd..... Bingo.
Hollyweirdo pretty consistently sexualizes young kids in movies. This has been a problem since the 1980's... but has gotten much worse in the past 10 years or so.
The music industry produces very sexual songs from artists whose VAST majority of fans are minors.
Now we have the education system teaching LITERALLY kindergarten kids about homosexuality/transgenderism.

You can go on.
As far as I know, the only conservative groups promoting sexualization of minors is the absurd and outrageous pageants. To which I understand isn't as bad as it once was?
Also dance studios (some) push girls into sexual dances in skimpy outfits. Both conservatives/liberals morons put their daughters into these things
Because I think you guys are misconstruing what could actually be an important message because y’all jumped in a hate bandwagon.
Like the lady said, You libs are putting lipstick on a pig
This is just about as crazy as you can get when promoting conspiracy /political propaganda, any thing you can think of just throw it out there see what sticks to the wall. this kids dancing? film what does it have to do with Obama ? please fully explain your self.
hes one of netflixs big deciders on content,,,
Now you’re just making shit up, this is your alternate reality.
fuck you pervert,,,obamas on the board of netflix

No, they're not, ya dumbfuck. :eusa_doh:

Shit, your own link says they're not. Regrettably, you're not bright enough to comprehend your own link...

Contrary to Bruce's statement, the Obamas are not members of Netflix.
booger off perv,,,
Aww, poor dumbfuck doesn't like having his own dumbfuckery exposed for all to see.

doesnt change the fact dems are now promoting child porn,,,

I will take dumbfuckery over that anyday,,,
Oh? What Democrat did that, dumbfuck?

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