New Yorkers are totally ignorant about what happened on 9/11.

He never had any such evidence
go to He'll tell you otherwise. Look, you're arguing with the wrong person, I'm telling people what he said, and then I merely want an answer to if it was there, how did it get there and when by whom.
go to He'll tell you otherwise. Look, you're arguing with the wrong person, I'm telling people what he said, and then I merely want an answer to if it was there, how did it get there and when by whom.
Telling someone otherwise means nothing.

He has no evidence.
The only thing I know about Trump and his involvement with 9/11 is that he lied and said that he saw people jumping ---- all the way from Trump Tower which is impossible even with binoculars on a clear day.....4.5 miles away
Most likely Trump the billionaire bought a better binocular then you own
Telling someone otherwise means nothing.

He has no evidence.
I believe he said he saw thermyte? I think that was his claim. Look, again, I don't believe him at all. I watched him as he walked through a video of building 7 fall. One must admit the way building 7 fell, it fell like a demolition building.

He used reports of people who say they heard booms and firefighters whose boots were melting as they stepped in areas.

As I stated, I have but one set of questions about how when and who could have ever installed the materials. Anyone in and out of the building would have had to sign in, so the who would have been logged in.
I'm suggesting the official story is a lie.

It was done to make Americans extremely frightened of a thing called "international terrorism," it was FEAR psyop., as an excuse to take away our liberties. This was used to place all sorts of economic limits on how much a person could withdraw their OWN MONEY, from their bank accounts, with out telling the Federal Government. The Federal Government increased and turned into a total surveillance state, after the excuse of 911, it was Orwellian.

The COVID scam? Did the same thing. After the 2024 World Health Organization international pandemic treaty that is coming? You wait to see how they are going to finish the job.

These operations? Are meant to subvert the Constitution. The founders would have never stood for it.
Most folks don't remember, the protocols for the bio-security state started after that bogus anthrax attack after 911. . . :rolleyes:

Just like the official story about Covid needing a vaccine, or being under lockdown, or requiring the wearing of a mask, or curfews, all of it, are lies as well.

Just like the official story about the election are lies.


Nothing more. That is all I am suggesting. I don't claim to know the particulars of the operation, nor do I have any inclination to argue about it. It was a clandestine operation by professionals. I can't begin to suppose I know. I am not a professional spook.

If Trump, with all his power, and all his connections, all his wealth, can't affirmatively prove, in a court of law, a much bigger conspiracy, I certainly will never be able to prove a much smaller one, by the same psychopaths, leading us all to the same goals. Complete, and total control over the collective populations of the small farms, small business, the world's resources, and all the peasants of the world.

COVID-911: From Homeland Security to Biosecurity - James Corbett​

Episode 383 - COVID-911: From Homeland Security to Biosecurity

Corbett • 09/11/2020
9/11, as we were told repeatedly in the days, weeks, and months after the attack, was the day that changed everything. And now a new event has come along to once again throw the world into chaos. But whereas the post-9/11 era introduced America to the concept of homeland security, the COVID-19 era is introducing the world to an altogether more abstract concept: biosecurity. This is the story of the COVID-911 security state.

:thankusmile: Best damn post on this thread.:thup: It doesn’t really matter how the explosives were planted just that the evidence is overwhelming thst they were is what DOES matter.

Trolls who come on like the nazi shill from Langley that say there is no evidence always ignore bld 7 and never have any answers fir it why it toppled when it was not hit by a plane,they not only dodge the fact that other buildings thst were closer to the towers than Bld 7 had much more extensive damage done to them and far worse fires yet remained standing but also when you point out witnesses heard explosions coming from the basement seconds before the plane struck above,and the videos even show them all covered with blood and dirty with black stains all over the clothing,nazi shill then claims those witnesses were all lying :auiqs.jpg::rofl:despite the fact they have nothing to gain by lying and put their lives on the line by giving facts that did not go along with the governments version of events.
:thankusmile: Best damn post on this thread.:thup: It doesn’t really matter how the explosives were planted just that the evidence is overwhelming thst they were is what DOES matter.

Trolls who come on like the nazi shill from Langley that say there is no evidence always ignore bld 7 and never have any answers fir it why it toppled when it was not hit by a plane,they not only dodge the fact that other buildings thst were closer to the towers than Bld 7 had much more extensive damage done to them and far worse fires yet remained standing but also when you point out witnesses heard explosions coming from the basement seconds before the plane struck above,and the videos even show them all covered with blood and dirty with black stains all over the clothing,nazi shill then claims those witnesses were all lying :auiqs.jpg::rofl:despite the fact they have nothing to gain by lying and put their lives on the line by giving facts that did not go along with the governments version of events.

"just watch these 300 youtube videos ..."

"people worry about little things LIKE THEIR CHILDREN while the criminals Bush and Cheney roam free"

9/11 Inside Nutjob

Several witnesses reported in the weeks before 9/11 that elevators were down in the Twin Towers so crews easily had access to the core columns in the elevator shaft area of any floor they chose.

There were also plans in the works for asbestos removal and fireproofing some areas that were 'sub-standard'.

Ask Larry Silverstein about the 8 billion dollar insurance settlement he got
:thankusmile: Thst is WHY bld 7 came down and why the other buildings much closer to the towers remained standing despite having far more extensive structural damage and much worse excessive fires,that was why THEY remained standing and did not come down sense unlike bld 7, they were not owned by zionest jew Silverstein and did not stand to collect an 8 billion dollar insurance settlement.
:thankusmile: Thst is WHY bld 7 came down and why the other buildings much closer to the towers remained standing despite having far more extensive structural damage and much worse excessive fires,that was why THEY remained standing and did not come down sense unlike bld 7, they were not owned by zionest jew Silverstein and did not stand to collect an 8 billion dollar insurance settlement.
I'd have to go back and search for it but wasn't building 6 blown up in the basement and that was where a big gold vault was , (that had been removed prior to the big day ....what a coincidence huh ?)
Yep, I completely agree with old George. Still waiting on how the explosives could have been planted. That's all. I like how some people told me I didn't see jumbo jets fly into two buildings.
I am nearly certain that this did occur, though, it would not surprise me if they were set-up with drone technology, TBH.
I believe he said he saw thermyte? I think that was his claim. Look, again, I don't believe him at all. I watched him as he walked through a video of building 7 fall. One must admit the way building 7 fell, it fell like a demolition building.

He used reports of people who say they heard booms and firefighters whose boots were melting as they stepped in areas.

As I stated, I have but one set of questions about how when and who could have ever installed the materials. Anyone in and out of the building would have had to sign in, so the who would have been logged in.
They used fake names.the cia and mossad excel at using fake ids thst even a trained forgery expert could not detect as being fake.the cia simply uses demolition experts posing as construction crew workers.

They used service elevators to go from floor to floor to plant the explosives,the employees did not have access to the service elevaters so they could not see what was going the prior months before 9/11, they had many evacuation drills,that was unprecedented,that had never happened in the history of the towers according to survivors that had worked there for over 20 years.they talked about how they would hear many very unusual activity of construction going on that they thought was strange the fact they had never heard of such massive construction ever before.

Not only thst but they also called off the guard dogs from the towers in the prior months which was also unprecedented.they also had many signs in areas of the towers that said keep out,construction going on.You try and go onto a construction site that you are not permitted to go on,you get that’s how they kept the employees from seeing what was going on.they were not permitted to see what those alleged construction workers were doing in the SERVICE elevaters used.

We lost so many civil libertys and freedoms with so many dreconian laws passed against us after 9/11.

jc456 A really good video you should look at sometime that talks about all of that I mentioned you should take a look at sometime is 9/11 mysteries.excellent documentary. :thup:

9/11 followed the same pattern as Oklahoma City,FBI agents were warned not to bring theyr kids to the daycare or show up to work that day where the other workers did not get that same warning about not bringing their children in or showing up. Oligo an Israeli firm alerted all workers from Israel,not to show up for work that day on 9/11.

Are you aware of the Israelies that were arrested after 9/11 when citizens reported concern over terrorists when they saw a van thst had a jet slamming into the towers and saw them jumping up and down on rooftops after the towers came down and how after they were arrested were then released to go back to Israel and then they made a video confessing to the whole thing?

Doesn’t sound like you have seen those videos or are aware of any of this.
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Still waiting on how the explosives could have been planted.
If you either don't read, don't acknowledge, or use your critical thinking and imagination? You will, indeed, wait, a very, VERY, long time.


Security, Secrecy and a Bush Brother

". . . . In December 2000 &endash;- when the presidential election was determined -- Stratesec added a Government Division, providing "the same full range of security systems services as the Commercial Division," in the company's words. Stratesec now has "an open-ended contract with the General Services Administration (GSA) and a Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) with the agency that allows the government to purchase materials and services from the Company without having to go through a full competition."

The company lists as government clients "the US Army, US Navy, US Air force, and the Department of Justice," in projects that "often require state-of-the-art security solutions for classified or high-risk government sites." In 2000, the US Army accounted for 29% of the company's earned revenues, or about $6.9 million.

The White House opposed an independent commission to investigate 9/11 until after the terrorism insurance protections and protections for security companies had safely passed Congress. It has also quietly intervened in lawsuits against United Airlines in New York, brought by relatives of the victims.

Marvin Bush joined Securacom's Board of Directors in 1993, as part of new management hired when the company separated from engineering firm Burns and Roe. The new team was capitalized by KuwAm, the D.C.-based Kuwaiti-American investment company. Bush also served on the Board of Directors at KuwAm, along with Mishal Yousef Saud al-Sabah, Chairman of KuwAm and also a Director on Securacom's (Stratesec's) board.

The World Trade Center and the Metropolitan Washington Airport Authority -- which operates Dulles -- were two of Securacom's three biggest clients in 1996 and 1997. (The third was MCI, now WorldCom.). . ."


". . . A key concept in security is "access control." In hindsight, as the security industry's reportage on the WTC precautions makes clear, further attacks would have to come from the air. Unfortunately, such detailed reports did not convey that message at home. Nobody thought outside the box enough to deduce that a jumbo jet could overcome even the extraordinary controls at the World Trade Center. With 20-20 hindsight, it is obvious that the intricate procedures in the building's lobbies and on its perimeters were like trying to stop a 767 with ID badges.

Barry McDaniel, CEO of the company since January 2002, declines on security grounds to give specific details about work the company did at the World Trade Center. According to McDaniel, the contract was ongoing (a "completion contract"), and "not quite completed when the Center went down." The company designed a system, but &endash; as he points out -- obviously that "didn't have anything to do with planes flying into buildings."
If you either don't read, don't acknowledge, or use your critical thinking and imagination? You will, indeed, wait, a very, VERY, long time.


Security, Secrecy and a Bush Brother

". . . . In December 2000 &endash;- when the presidential election was determined -- Stratesec added a Government Division, providing "the same full range of security systems services as the Commercial Division," in the company's words. Stratesec now has "an open-ended contract with the General Services Administration (GSA) and a Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) with the agency that allows the government to purchase materials and services from the Company without having to go through a full competition."

The company lists as government clients "the US Army, US Navy, US Air force, and the Department of Justice," in projects that "often require state-of-the-art security solutions for classified or high-risk government sites." In 2000, the US Army accounted for 29% of the company's earned revenues, or about $6.9 million.

The White House opposed an independent commission to investigate 9/11 until after the terrorism insurance protections and protections for security companies had safely passed Congress. It has also quietly intervened in lawsuits against United Airlines in New York, brought by relatives of the victims.

Marvin Bush joined Securacom's Board of Directors in 1993, as part of new management hired when the company separated from engineering firm Burns and Roe. The new team was capitalized by KuwAm, the D.C.-based Kuwaiti-American investment company. Bush also served on the Board of Directors at KuwAm, along with Mishal Yousef Saud al-Sabah, Chairman of KuwAm and also a Director on Securacom's (Stratesec's) board.

The World Trade Center and the Metropolitan Washington Airport Authority -- which operates Dulles -- were two of Securacom's three biggest clients in 1996 and 1997. (The third was MCI, now WorldCom.). . ."


". . . A key concept in security is "access control." In hindsight, as the security industry's reportage on the WTC precautions makes clear, further attacks would have to come from the air. Unfortunately, such detailed reports did not convey that message at home. Nobody thought outside the box enough to deduce that a jumbo jet could overcome even the extraordinary controls at the World Trade Center. With 20-20 hindsight, it is obvious that the intricate procedures in the building's lobbies and on its perimeters were like trying to stop a 767 with ID badges.

Barry McDaniel, CEO of the company since January 2002, declines on security grounds to give specific details about work the company did at the World Trade Center. According to McDaniel, the contract was ongoing (a "completion contract"), and "not quite completed when the Center went down." The company designed a system, but &endash; as he points out -- obviously that "didn't have anything to do with planes flying into buildings."
My previous post before this one is all the evidence on the planet that explosives were plated in the towers and it was a joint CIA,mossad operation which has Allen Dulles crying in tears I have awakened someone asleep. :abgg2q.jpg: Your post just further punctuates and drives my facts home I mentioned in the post before this one of yours that it was a joint cia mossad operation and how normal security protocals were bypassed and not followed in the months leading up to 9/11 :thup: :thankusmile: :yes_text12:

Same as with the jfk assassination the thing thst proves that it wasn’t just mere incompetence on the governments part is if thst were the case,why same as with all normal presidential protection protocals the secret service has were not followed that day in 1963,nobobody got punished or fired fir their alleged incompetence back then or on 9/11?

trolls like the evil nazi shill come on here and like to tell us it was just mere incompetence it happened yet always ignore thst if it were just merely incompetence,how come none of the normal everyday security protocals thst were not followed in the months beforehand and violated like calling off the security dogs,how come NONE of those people were fired fir their ALLEGED incompetence? Nobody ever can answer that.
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My previous post before this one is all the evidence on the planet that explosives were plated in the towers and it was a joint CIA,mossad operation which has Allen Dulles crying in tears I have awakened someone asleep. :abgg2q.jpg: Your post just further punctuates and drives my facts home I mentioned in the post before this one of yours that it was a joint cia mossad operation and how normal security protocals were bypassed and not followed in the months leading up to 9/11 :thup: :thankusmile: :yes_text12:

Same as with the jfk assassination the thing thst proves that it wasn’t just mere incompetence on the governments part is if thst were the case,why same as with all normal presidential protection protocals the secret service has were not followed that day in 1963,nobobody got punished or fired fir their alleged incompetence back then or on 9/11?

trolls like the evil nazi shill come on here and like to tell us it was just mere incompetence it happened yet always ignore thst if it were just merely incompetence,how come none of the normal everyday security protocals thst were not followed in the months beforehand and violated like calling off the security dogs,how come NONE of those people were fired fir their ALLEGED incompetence? Nobody ever can answer that.
Who planted them when and where?

Tell me the two jumbo jets didn’t slam into the twin towers.
They used fake names.the cia and mossad excel at using fake ids thst even a trained forgery expert could not detect as being fake.the cia simply uses demolition experts posing as construction crew workers.

They used service elevators to go from floor to floor to plant the explosives,the employees did not have access to the service elevaters so they could not see what was going the prior months before 9/11, they had many evacuation drills,that was unprecedented,that had never happened in the history of the towers according to survivors that had worked there for over 20 years.they talked about how they would hear many very unusual activity of construction going on that they thought was strange the fact they had never heard of such massive construction ever before.

Not only thst but they also called off the guard dogs from the towers in the prior months which was also unprecedented.they also had many signs in areas of the towers that said keep out,construction going on.You try and go onto a construction site that you are not permitted to go on,you get that’s how they kept the employees from seeing what was going on.they were not permitted to see what those alleged construction workers were doing in the SERVICE elevaters used.

We lost so many civil libertys and freedoms with so many dreconian laws passed against us after 9/11.

jc456 A really good video you should look at sometime that talks about all of that I mentioned you should take a look at sometime is 9/11 mysteries.excellent documentary. :thup:

9/11 followed the same pattern as Oklahoma City,FBI agents were warned not to bring theyr kids to the daycare or show up to work that day where the other workers did not get that same warning about not bringing their children in or showing up. Oligo an Israeli firm alerted all workers from Israel,not to show up for work that day on 9/11.

Are you aware of the Israelies that were arrested after 9/11 when citizens reported concern over terrorists when they saw a van thst had a jet slamming into the towers and saw them jumping up and down on rooftops after the towers came down and how after they were arrested were then released to go back to Israel and then they made a video confessing to the whole thing?

Doesn’t sound like you have seen those videos or are aware of any of this.
They would have had to circle the building. How’d they hide them? How long?
They would have had to circle the building. How’d they hide them? How long?
I just explained how they hid the explosives,read the post again if you are confusing me with someone else,I never said the planes did not hit the towers.seeing how Beal has had to repeat the same thing to you over and over again when previously answering your w questions and told you facts you are not reading what he posts and you don’t remember what I just posted how they hid them,no sense in going on with you on this.i fail to see why you are so worried about little details like that when the only thing that DOES matter is the evidence IS overwhelming explosives were used.

I’m not going to keep answering questions of yours after I already gave the answer to you previously.i told you the video to watch that answers your question,instead of asking me the question,watch the damn video and learn.I’m done with this thread.
Several witnesses reported in the weeks before 9/11 that elevators were down in the Twin Towers so crews easily had access to the core columns in the elevator shaft area of any floor they chose.

There were also plans in the works for asbestos removal and fireproofing some areas that were 'sub-standard'.

Ask Larry Silverstein about the 8 billion dollar insurance settlement he got
I see you also mentioned whst I did thst proves how the explosives were planted and hidden yet when you post thst,it gets ignored and the same question gets asked by a certain poster over and over again. :cuckoo:

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