New Yorkers are totally ignorant about what happened on 9/11.

Whenever one of the trolls starts off with "Well then explain......" it doesn't matter what you say unless you give away some clue that you're holding evidence that no one else has.... then they might 'target you' .
:thankusmile: :yes_text12: Yeah I know,could not have said it any better myself word for word.:thup:
Looks like all 3 shots hit people inside the limo. No magic bullet. Still no evidence of multiple shooters. Oswald may have been a CIA/KGB double agent.
So says the shill from Langley. :auiqs.jpg: :rofl: :auiqs.jpg: :rofl: :auiqs.jpg: Allen dulles grandson nazi is thrilled your here to back him up.:abgg2q.jpg: By the way,I still see that the only debating your capable of is putting a thumbs down to me everytime I ask you what were you saying to me about the Rams never coming back to LA agent KissMy

You wish you could bury that statement under the rug sense same as nazi,you would kill yourself first before owning up to being proven wrong,problem there for you though is usmb keeps records of what you post and I have that link of when you said that trollboy.:rofl::auiqs.jpg:

Sense you can’t even admit you were wrong on that,then of course you have to lie about jfk and 9/11 as well sense your boss at Langley does not pay you well if you don’t lie.
The slightly damaged bullet shown entered Kennedy's collar, through his neck, out the knot of his neck tie, through Connally seat & lodged in the side of his suit jacket.

Entering Kennedy's suit collar is 3 layer fabric folded to 6 + 2 layer shirt collar folded to 4 over 4 layer tie = 14 fabric layers before entering neck. Exiting through shirt overlapping double layer button row 4 layers + 5 layer tie knot x 4 layer tie = 24 fabric layers after exiting neck = 38 layers of fabric in collars & tie. Then seat fabric & foam layers + layers along side of Connally's suit. All that fabric, flesh & foam left bullet lightly damaged.

Bone & bullet fragments from the other 2 shots struck people outside the vehicle.

Many on the Warren Commission did not agree with the magic bullet theory. They only agree as do I, that all 3 bullets came were fired from the sixth-floor window of the Texas School Book Depository.
You sure do provide comedy relief in your babble.:rofl:you are such a dumbfuck you have reading problems not understanding this is a thread on 9/11 not kennedy fagboy.
You know the truth about the 45° angle cuts..... those are classic controlled demolition bracket lines - and you can see the melted steel caused by the thermite detonation devices.

Top Quiz Monday kids.....
Try to ignore the trolls
Thermite detonation devices!?!?

Did you even read Harrit’s paper about him finding supposed thermite chips?

I bet you haven’t.
Thermite detonation devices!?!?

Did you even read Harrit’s paper about him finding supposed thermite chips?

I bet you haven’t.
Mountains of evidence has been collected awaiting a grand jury to look at it.

Looks like you got a lot of loose ends to tie up better get busy instead of goofing around with me
No, it won't.

99.9% of the American people don't give a crap about truthers and their lies. That's why you people and your discussions only exist in fringe conspiracy forums.
Was that your plan ?
Make Americans forget about 9/11.....

Is that why this year on 9/11 the New York Times did not mention it on the front page ?..... not one word.
Was that your plan ?
Make Americans forget about 9/11.....

Is that why this year on 9/11 the New York Times did not mention it on the front page ?..... not one word.
You really have comprehension issues don't you?

Go back to my post you quoted and read it again. Real slow. Then tell me how you got that "my plan was to make people forget about 9/11" from "Americans don't give a crap about truthers and their lies"?

You really have comprehension issues don't you?

Go back to my post you quoted and read it again. Real slow. Then tell me how you got that "my plan was to make people forget about 9/11" from "Americans don't give a crap about truthers and their lies"?

Shouldn't you be somewhere celebrating Yom Kippur and going around posting unflattering stills of Donald Trump so he won't win in 24 ?

Oh yeah Business Insider already does that...
THAT certainly was on topic for this thread!!! Comprehension issues again eh Mikey?

9/11 has quite a few connections to Israel, so today being Yom Kippur was a perfect segue now wasn't it?

Looks like you're the one with comprehension issues.

I bet Larry Silverstein is having some good cheesecake today.

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