Newark NJ plan will revamp Section 8 vouchers to turn tenants into homeowners

Who pays the property taxes annually?
As far as I know there are no states that don't have home property taxes, just some lower than others.....Then you have the local county/town/city (those that apply) on top of that.

Please correct me if I'm wrong....Maybe you are thinking of no state income tax like FL and TX.
As far as I know there are no states that don't have home property taxes, just some lower than others.....Then you have the local county/town/city (those that apply) on top of that.

Please correct me if I'm wrong....Maybe you are thinking of no state income tax like FL and TX.
No, I was talking about real property tax. The state is subsidizing the mortgage payments due to lack of income. The next give-away would be to forgive the property tax as well. If they don't have the $$$ to make the payments, they won't have them to pay the taxes either.
So what happens when the tenants become the owners? Will the federal government still pay for the upkeep and maintenance of the property?
One would assume, as per the OP, since the government is helping pay the mortgage, if the PHA's make the determination that some repairs are beyond the means of the folks they put into the property. . . I imagine, that would be the likely outcome.


I can't say. The whole point of the program, it would seem, is to not squander tax payer money on rent, but to help the poor build financial equity and responsibility?

If it is a new foundation, new roof, cleaning out the septic, replacing the furnace, etc. I would imagine, the PHA might step in to help these folks that only work part-time jobs, if they are elderly, disabled, or single mothers putting kids through school, but trying to build equity, instead of just pissing money away on rent.

OTH? If it is crap like giving the interior or exterior a new coat of paint, putting down new carpeting, plastering holes in the wall, etc., a sense of ownership, can often times bring a sense of pride and care to property, and those types of repairs can often lay within the budget of folks of less means, especially if there is a local one of these;

These shops are like the "Home Depot," for the poor. They can be a great resource of materials for dirt cheap for fixing up your place. A lot of carpet, tile and flooring places have remnants for reasonable prices for smaller square footage places. I have no doubt, the government is probably not in the business of helping poor folks get mortgages on huge houses.

Well if they are currently Section 8 they are likely shit-holes any way.
Home ownership, for a lot of folks, brings pride, a sense of ownership can bring hope to many. It might even make those once slumlord owned properties develope into better communities.
PHA's, (Public Housing Authorities) using subcontractors for the state, which administer HUD funds;

"Housing Authority's Obligations: The PHA administers the voucher program locally. The PHA provides a family with the housing assistance that enables the family to seek out suitable housing and the PHA enters into a contract with the landlord to provide housing assistance payments on behalf of the family. If the landlord fails to meet the owner's obligations under the lease, the PHA has the right to terminate assistance payments. The PHA must reexamine the family's income and composition at least annually and must inspect each unit at least annually to ensure that it meets minimum housing quality standards."

Now, in the age of computer's, and meta-data tracking? The type of stuff that EvilCat Breath hypothesized about? Is highly unlikely. The bureaucracy and Deep State know all bank account activity and employment activity automatically. If it is logged onto a computer? THEY KNOW, they will send you a copy, and have you sign it to make sure, if there is a conflict, they will open up a hearing.

I remember reading a story about a computer glitch in my state, regarding the unemployment situation just yesterday.

The only thing they don't know, is cash economy transactions. The bureaucracy knows everything about everyone.

They review, EVERY - SINGLE - YEAR.

All these programs are very closely monitored for fraud and abuse.

The only ones that get away with fraud and abuse? Are the folks writing the laws at the very top.

Then how do you explain the massive fraud alleged to in the COVID programs?
Then how do you explain the massive fraud alleged to in the COVID programs?
Accountability. Of two types.

First, the system doesn't really tend to keep certain folks with the financial resources, or knowledge to defend themselves, or an understanding how the system works, accountable. They are. . . de facto, by their resource, and who they know, about the law.
(I don't know if you have every read any Kafka? But you would get what I mean by that, if you did.) The entire system has taken on a very Kafkaesque quality as it becomes more corrupt. Laws are only for the little people, and for honest folks now.

You think anybody can apply the law to THAT? Anymore than they could have applied the law to the Clinton's, who, like the Epstein organization, had tentacles in everything.

And second, it doesn't hold accountable parts of the system that are integral to the operation of system itself. If you a basing your reality upon what you read in the papers, learn in government run schools, or see on your TEE VEE, regardless of the channel, forget about it. I remember the congress representative the first revealed all that money missing from the budget, TRILLIONS, I voted for her, and did deep investigations into who Obama was. I got a lot of my posts deleted from the forum I was at, at the time for exposing the truth about that Anneberg foundation, and that was how I ended up here, back in 2012. That couple trillion missing? A drop in the bucket, and just a start. Now? folks don't even care anymore. They know how corrupt the system is, and when any congressional rep. should point it out or want to solve it, they get redistricted, or primaried out of D.C. They got rid of her, Dr. Paul, Kucinich, and anyone else that even dare remark about the corruption that continues. . . we are a nation spiraling the drain, and folks are concerned about a couple billion here or there for the poor or the elderly, while elites continue stealing from us. . .

And actually? Some missing money, IS in HUD's budget I am told.

DOD and HUD are where a lot of debt is written up and authorized, more then anyone is ever taxed for.. . the ruling elites are purposely destroying the nation, and bankrupting the nation. To what ends? I cannot say.

If the money is missing, and a lot of our pols and corporate execs that get contracts keep getting more and more wealthy? Well, figure it out.


(Here is HUD missing money, you might need to use the WAYBACK machine, some of the links are dead, but I found them in the archives, if you are interested.)

The point is, more money is missing than goes to the poor they are claiming to help.

I had written a long post addressing this topic, but it seems sort of hopeless. Folks either watch Fox News, or MSNBC/CNN, so they have become, unable to really understand, what real American values used to be.

Of course, folks that are able, should work, and support themselves, and be independent. I don't watch the MSM, or read the papers, but I listen to enough NPR and see enough articles on-line, to know now, that our nation, seems to be obsessed today, with notions of, "equity," and "equality." It is absurd. If folks don't produce and create, and put forth equal effort, why should they be equal, or have equity? When did that become assumed?

OTH? After the financialization of the economy, and Wall-Street's all consuming push to squeeze ever more profits out of the workers, has used and abused lobbyists to corrupt our government, causing a large portion of the population to have less and less ability to make ends meet.

I shudder to think, what Teddy Roosevelt would think of the multinational corporations and the international banking cabal, that we have allowed to grow up around us. The has MADE so many of the millennials, and especially, the later generations, take such a shine to "democratic-socialism," and other leftist ideologies.

The global ruling classes refusal to take seriously the Constitution's mandate to regulate interstate commerce, and to protect the small businessman, the small farmer, and the working man? This has led to the exponential growth of the welfare state, and hence, the exponential growth of the government, the managerial class, and consequently, the Deep State.

IMO? It has been a boon to the dreams of the Fabian socialists, and a real tragedy for those who still hold true to the ideals of small government, federated government ideals and the dream of the Republic, IMO.

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