Newb trying to help homeless veterans


Nov 25, 2013
Hey everyone! I'm new here and am trying to spread the word about a struggling fundraiser for homeless veteran services provided by the nonprofit, Volunteers for America (VOA).

A local gym, Sport&Health, is matching donations made, which is awesome BUT we're really short on donors. Part of the challenge is that the campaign is focused on raising micro-donations...$1-5 per donor.

Any help you can provide in the form of a donation and suggestions on where else I should share this request for help would be greatly appreciated. :salute:


Thank you so much for your help, God Bless America, and Happy Thanksgiving!

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Hi Medagan and welcome to the forum from one newbie to another. :)

I myself am a formerly homeless vet so I can appreciate the cause, but I wonder how this request will be seen by admin.

Often even good causes are not tolerated as spam, so perhaps we will see if this is even allowed.

But thank you for your effort on behalf of homeless vets in any event! :)

Thx :)
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Ya gotta get to 50 before you can pm. Get to postin' Thx. I sent you a pm.
Ya gotta get to 50 before you can pm. Get to postin' Thx. I sent you a pm.

I got your PM Gracie, thanks.

Oh, I thought it would be nicer than the usual "SPAM ALERT!" :mad: style post. :)

Thx :D

(What you might try Medagan is remove that link and make your case out on the forums and maybe hear a few stories and views from homeless vets. It's okay to have a cause or agenda, but probably not okay to solicit funds.) :)
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Spammer. Cause=good.
Is it legit though? Some real assholes out there taking advantage of plights. Is this guy one? Why else just post this once? I know why. Off to another place to spam for.......?

Always check sources for legitimacy.

Anywho...I didn't want to see you be disappointed, Thx, in welcoming someone that could possibly be someone not worth welcoming cuz they don't plan to stay.
Spammer. Cause=good.
Is it legit though? Some real assholes out there taking advantage of plights. Is this guy one? Why else just post this once? I know why. Off to another place to spam for.......?

Always check sources for legitimacy.

Anywho...I didn't want to see you be disappointed, Thx, in welcoming someone that could possibly be someone not worth welcoming cuz they don't plan to stay.

Oh, I thought I would be a little more diplomatic and give them the benefit of the doubt and issue an offer (or challenge) to join the board in earnest and express their views (non-spam) in the forums..

But, I have seen many spammers at the maybe dozen boards I have belonged to over the last 8 years and am not a lost child here Gracie as I might seem. lol :D I know admin will deal with them as they will, I'm just having a little fun too, and I dunno, offer something constructive?

Thx :)
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Hey everyone! I'm new here and am trying to spread the word about a struggling fundraiser for homeless veteran services provided by the nonprofit, Volunteers for America (VOA).

A local gym, Sport&Health, is matching donations made, which is awesome BUT we're really short on donors. Part of the challenge is that the campaign is focused on raising micro-donations...$1-5 per donor.

Any help you can provide in the form of a donation and suggestions on where else I should share this request for help would be greatly appreciated. :salute:


Thank you so much for your help, God Bless America, and Happy Thanksgiving!

Welcome to USMB, Patrick. Hope you enjoy the boards. ;)
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I was homeless through most of my childhood.

Because of my experiences I only donate to animal care chariities. But, thank you for asking.
Thanks everyone for the helpful feedback. I understand your concerns about sharing the links. I'll aim to participate in the general forums and not ask for donations. Regarding the legitimacy of the offer, this is a real fundraiser - the nonprofit themselves posted about it on facebook last week.


I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving. Cheers.

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