Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel

She didn't say that.

Do You have any intellectual integrity?

Her own party made sure to pass a resolution against bigotry specifically because of her racism and constant parroting of anti-Jewish conspiracy theories.
Nice deflection.

She never said that.

Then why is she a poster child ?
I don't know. It must be an Israeli propaganda thing.

Do You have any intellectual integrity?

Her own party made sure to pass a resolution against bigotry specifically because of her racism and constant parroting of anti-Jewish conspiracy theories.
Nice deflection.

She never said that.

Then why is she a poster child ?
I don't know. It must be an Israeli propaganda thing.

I know, I know...she also called American troops the 'Satan'
because "her experience with words" is not the same after 25 years of singing love songs to America.

That's just a common thing where she comes from, I suggested nothing about her dual loyalties, right?
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She didn't say that.

Do You have any intellectual integrity?

Her own party made sure to pass a resolution against bigotry specifically because of her racism and constant parroting of anti-Jewish conspiracy theories.
Nice deflection.

She never said that.

Then why is she a poster child ?
I don't know. It must be an Israeli propaganda thing.

I know, I know...she also called American troops the 'Satan'
because "her experience with words" is not the same after 25 years of singing love songs to America.

That's just a common thing where she comes from, I suggested nothing about her dual loyalties, right?
What does that have to do with people misquoting her?
Do You have any intellectual integrity?

Her own party made sure to pass a resolution against bigotry specifically because of her racism and constant parroting of anti-Jewish conspiracy theories.
Nice deflection.

She never said that.

Then why is she a poster child ?
I don't know. It must be an Israeli propaganda thing.

I know, I know...she also called American troops the 'Satan'
because "her experience with words" is not the same after 25 years of singing love songs to America.

That's just a common thing where she comes from, I suggested nothing about her dual loyalties, right?
What does that have to do with people misquoting her?

"Some people doing something"?
I think You just have no motive other than to side with anyone who hates America by default.
The more animosity the better, no logic or integrity.
Last edited:
Nice deflection.

She never said that.

Then why is she a poster child ?
I don't know. It must be an Israeli propaganda thing.

I know, I know...she also called American troops the 'Satan'
because "her experience with words" is not the same after 25 years of singing love songs to America.

That's just a common thing where she comes from, I suggested nothing about her dual loyalties, right?
What does that have to do with people misquoting her?

"Some people doing something"?
I think You just have no motive other than to side with anyone who hates America by default.
The more animosity the better, no logic or integrity.
Out of context.
Then why is she a poster child ?
I don't know. It must be an Israeli propaganda thing.

I know, I know...she also called American troops the 'Satan'
because "her experience with words" is not the same after 25 years of singing love songs to America.

That's just a common thing where she comes from, I suggested nothing about her dual loyalties, right?
What does that have to do with people misquoting her?

"Some people doing something"?
I think You just have no motive other than to side with anyone who hates America by default.
The more animosity the better, no logic or integrity.
Out of context.

Not really, all documented.
And deeply engraved in public memory.

Just like Baiden's girls, millions of American didn't see that, right?
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[Oh, yeah! They helped Jews alright. Not only in the Mandate but in Iraq, as well. Oh, the make believe world Muslims love to live in ]

This is unreal:

Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib said she “loves the fact” that her “Palestinian ancestors” were part an attempt “to create a safe haven for Jews” after the Holocaust, although the role “was forced on them” and took place “in a way that took their human dignity away.”

Tlaib referred to the recent commemoration of Holocaust Remembrance Day when asked about her decision to support a one-state solution, becoming the only Democratic member of Congress to buck her party’s position in favor of two states.

“There’s always kind of a calming feeling when I think of the tragedy of the Holocaust, that it was my ancestors — Palestinians — who lost their land and some lost their lives, their livelihood, their human dignity, their existence, in many ways, has been wiped out … in the name of trying to create a safe haven for Jews, post-Holocaust, post-tragedy and the horrific persecution of Jews across the world at that time. And I love the fact that it was my ancestors that provided that in many ways,” said Tlaib.

(full article online)

Vile: US Rep @RashidaTlaib pretends Palestinians helped Jews after the Holocaust ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[Oh, yeah! They helped Jews alright. Not only in the Mandate but in Iraq, as well. Oh, the make believe world Muslims love to live in ]

This is unreal:

Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib said she “loves the fact” that her “Palestinian ancestors” were part an attempt “to create a safe haven for Jews” after the Holocaust, although the role “was forced on them” and took place “in a way that took their human dignity away.”

Tlaib referred to the recent commemoration of Holocaust Remembrance Day when asked about her decision to support a one-state solution, becoming the only Democratic member of Congress to buck her party’s position in favor of two states.

“There’s always kind of a calming feeling when I think of the tragedy of the Holocaust, that it was my ancestors — Palestinians — who lost their land and some lost their lives, their livelihood, their human dignity, their existence, in many ways, has been wiped out … in the name of trying to create a safe haven for Jews, post-Holocaust, post-tragedy and the horrific persecution of Jews across the world at that time. And I love the fact that it was my ancestors that provided that in many ways,” said Tlaib.

(full article online)

Vile: US Rep @RashidaTlaib pretends Palestinians helped Jews after the Holocaust ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

This is vile and disgusting and shows her true colors.
[Oh, yeah! They helped Jews alright. Not only in the Mandate but in Iraq, as well. Oh, the make believe world Muslims love to live in ]

This is unreal:

Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib said she “loves the fact” that her “Palestinian ancestors” were part an attempt “to create a safe haven for Jews” after the Holocaust, although the role “was forced on them” and took place “in a way that took their human dignity away.”

Tlaib referred to the recent commemoration of Holocaust Remembrance Day when asked about her decision to support a one-state solution, becoming the only Democratic member of Congress to buck her party’s position in favor of two states.

“There’s always kind of a calming feeling when I think of the tragedy of the Holocaust, that it was my ancestors — Palestinians — who lost their land and some lost their lives, their livelihood, their human dignity, their existence, in many ways, has been wiped out … in the name of trying to create a safe haven for Jews, post-Holocaust, post-tragedy and the horrific persecution of Jews across the world at that time. And I love the fact that it was my ancestors that provided that in many ways,” said Tlaib.

(full article online)

Vile: US Rep @RashidaTlaib pretends Palestinians helped Jews after the Holocaust ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Jews, who had barely survived The Holocaust just three years earlier from mass murderers bent on their destruction -- root and branch, now had to fight the Tlaibs and other Arab Nazis for the right to live in their historic homeland!

(If anyone missed it, Tlaib mocked the Jewish community during Passover by tweeting well-wishes with pictures of leaven bread! Tlaib is an anti-Semite.)

Do You have any intellectual integrity?

Her own party made sure to pass a resolution against bigotry specifically because of her racism and constant parroting of anti-Jewish conspiracy theories.
Nice deflection.

She never said that.

Then why is she a poster child ?
I don't know. It must be an Israeli propaganda thing.

Just as Tlaib mocking the Jewish community goosestepping like Omar who also seems to be following the burning Bush's 9/11 Mohammed going up in flames patriot act propaganda national religion to be more than only a poster child for the Islamidiotocracy.
Do You have any intellectual integrity?

Her own party made sure to pass a resolution against bigotry specifically because of her racism and constant parroting of anti-Jewish conspiracy theories.
Nice deflection.

She never said that.

Then why is she a poster child ?
I don't know. It must be an Israeli propaganda thing.

I know, I know...she also called American troops the 'Satan'
because "her experience with words" is not the same after 25 years of singing love songs to America.

That's just a common thing where she comes from, I suggested nothing about her dual loyalties, right?
What does that have to do with people misquoting her?

What misquote?
[Oh, yeah! They helped Jews alright. Not only in the Mandate but in Iraq, as well. Oh, the make believe world Muslims love to live in ]

This is unreal:

Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib said she “loves the fact” that her “Palestinian ancestors” were part an attempt “to create a safe haven for Jews” after the Holocaust, although the role “was forced on them” and took place “in a way that took their human dignity away.”

Tlaib referred to the recent commemoration of Holocaust Remembrance Day when asked about her decision to support a one-state solution, becoming the only Democratic member of Congress to buck her party’s position in favor of two states.

“There’s always kind of a calming feeling when I think of the tragedy of the Holocaust, that it was my ancestors — Palestinians — who lost their land and some lost their lives, their livelihood, their human dignity, their existence, in many ways, has been wiped out … in the name of trying to create a safe haven for Jews, post-Holocaust, post-tragedy and the horrific persecution of Jews across the world at that time. And I love the fact that it was my ancestors that provided that in many ways,” said Tlaib.

(full article online)

Vile: US Rep @RashidaTlaib pretends Palestinians helped Jews after the Holocaust ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Jews, who had barely survived The Holocaust just three years earlier from mass murderers bent on their destruction -- root and branch, now had to fight the Tlaibs and other Arab Nazis for the right to live in their historic homeland!

(If anyone missed it, Tlaib mocked the Jewish community during Passover by tweeting well-wishes with pictures of leaven bread! Tlaib is an anti-Semite.)

Make no mistake, she's taking pleasure in insulting everyone's intelligence, the more ridiculous the brainwashing the more pleasure. It doesn't come from love to America.

Prepare buckets for hypocrisy and take a comfy seat, this is only a warm-up, believe me we had 70 years of experience with this in the Knesset - they'll even memorize speeches in Yiddish about Holocaust Survivors, right before taking a picture of a big smile near a boy doing the Nazi salute. I'm not exaggerating actually happened.

It's a kind of art, big part of the culture, act smiling assuming You're too polite, and they can make up anything pretending people don't smell the stench, take great pleasure in it, that banal.

It only STARTS against Jews, never ends there, merely toeing the deep waters before going in full sway.
She's moral degradation.

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I think that Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar are only the beginning. Already in the nearest future I expect more antisemitic and anti-Israel members in Congress.

This US Islamidiotocracy has been evolving for about 60 years since being learned super ego firemen start the fires as if they are going up in Mohammed's chariot just as KKK churchstate lynching enforcement cops commit crimes with SCOTUS standing of thieving US Constitution arsonists, which those burning Bush's 9/11 patriot act for their megalomaniacal second coming ensures those as Tlaib & Omar in Congress can also burn whatever as if they too are going up in martyr flames in Mohammed's chariot.
Trump was not the only Republican to condemn Tlaib. House Minority Whip Steve Scalise of Louisiana issued a statement saying, “There is no justification for the twisted and disgusting comments made by Rashida Tlaib just days after the annual Day of Holocaust Remembrance. More than six million Jews were murdered during the Holocaust; there is nothing ‘calming’ about that fact.

House Minority Whip Steve Scalise of Louisiana issued a statement saying, “There is no justification for the twisted and disgusting comments made by Rashida Tlaib just days after the annual Day of Holocaust Remembrance. More than six million Jews were murdered during the Holocaust; there is nothing ‘calming’ about that fact.”

Scalise also lashed out at House Democrats in general.

“Unfortunately, this is far from the first display of heinous anti-Semitic comments coming from Democrat House members this year, and it’s clear this is now the norm for their caucus,” he said. “It’s long past time for Speaker Pelosi to take swift action and make it clear that these vile comments have no place in Congress.”

Representative Liz Cheney of Wyoming joined Scalise, describing Tlaib’s statements as “sickening.”

She also urged Democratic leaders “to finally take action against Representative Tlaib and other members of the Democratic caucus who are spreading vile antisemitism.”

“All of us, regardless of party, must stand as Americans against the evil of antisemitism,” she added. “If the Democratic leadership continues to stand by in silence, they are enabling the spread of evil.”

Trump Slams Congresswoman Tlaib’s Holocaust Comments: ‘She Obviously Has Tremendous Hatred of Israel and the Jewish People’
435 Holocaust survivors who barely made it out of the Nazi death camps were killed by Rashida Tlaib's people!

Rashida Tlaib’s Unbelievable Lies

Standard mass neuroses of fascism for the Islamidiotocracy so Arabs can escalate Islamophobia to a mass psychoses of fascism to collect martyrdom just as Byrd's KKK West Nazi Germany Virginia KKK churchstate cops fiefdom of thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists making Jews pay for the Holocaust in "serve the Pope or die" megalomania & goosestepping as those burning Bush's going up in Mohammed's flaming chariot 9/11 patriot act trying to make Jews pay for suicidal Arab "death to the infidels" terrorists that threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount master plan of this not so master race second coming holy costs.
It really is outrageous that we have two Islamic misfits elected to office for no obvious reason other than they fill a “diversity” slot. There is nothing to suggest that either of them has any qualifications that one would think should be a prerequisite for office. Their first week as “elected officials” indicates that their only agenda is to press their Jew-hating proclivities.
Thanks, Obama
It really is outrageous that we have two Islamic misfits elected to office for no obvious reason other than they fill a “diversity” slot. There is nothing to suggest that either of them has any qualifications that one would think should be a prerequisite for office. Their first week as “elected officials” indicates that their only agenda is to press their Jew-hating proclivities.
Thanks, Obama

These 2 misfits Islamidiotocracy representatives fill a diversity slot with qualifications as those Arab "death to the infidels" flying carpet terrorists of 9/11 which, with self anointed law of the land standing with SCOTUS immaculate drug conceptions & Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate cops baptize thine eyes by urinations lynching enforcement national religion threatening POTUS & also to nuke Temple Mount; as if their agenda has little to no consequences in suicidal Mohammed flaming chariot martyrdom value.
435 Holocaust survivors who barely made it out of the Nazi death camps were killed by Rashida Tlaib's people!

Rashida Tlaib’s Unbelievable Lies

Menachem Begin a Jewish terrorist who abandoned the Polish II Corps fighting Nazi Germany, abandoned his own Jews to the Holocaust.
So he could terrorize with the Irgun Palestinians in Deir Yassin Massacre, and British peace keepers in the King David Hotel Bombing.
435 Holocaust survivors who barely made it out of the Nazi death camps were killed by Rashida Tlaib's people!

Rashida Tlaib’s Unbelievable Lies

Menachem Begin a Jewish terrorist who abandoned the Polish II Corps fighting Nazi Germany, abandoned his own Jews to the Holocaust.
So he could terrorize with the Irgun Palestinians in Deir Yassin Massacre, and British peace keepers in the King David Hotel Bombing.

How saving Europe from Islamophobia claims exposing Rehnquist's national religion martyrdom Reichquest immaculate drug conceptions for an Islamidiotocracy second coming of suicidal burning Bush's Mohammed flaming chariot deaths of more USA citizens on 9/11 far exceeds any whitewashing in scapegoating Begin.

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