Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel

Have you examined
I have a serious question for all of you.
Are there reasonable, educated people who support Israel but not how she is handling the Palestinian situation?

It's a hell of a mess and I have no idea what should or could be done to solve the problem over there; it just seemed to me that Rep. Omar couldn't be the only person who disagreed with the right-wing government in office right now. So I was defending her right to say so, without being called an anti-Semite.

But then a poster said he agreed with her 100% and then went on to disclose that he is an Anti-Semite with a capital A and was hateful as could be. So ah hah, I say to myself, some people who are defending Omar's position are doing it because they hate Jews.

If there are people here who support Israel and have no beef against Jews but think Omar is correct, could you speak up? I'm feeling kinda hesitant and unsure of where I stand with her. I would not support a hater, but does her stance really mean she's an anti-Semite?
Have you examined her actual statements?
She has not said anything antisemitic.
Are you a Palestinian?
RE: > Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel
⁜→ OldLady, et al,

BLUF: Yes!

Consideration: It does not matter the religious affiliation or beliefs of The Honorable Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN).

This is probably more than you want to hear.

Are there reasonable, educated people who support Israel but not how she is handling the Palestinian situation?

IF you consider me a reasonably educated person who does not appreciate many of the decisions that the Israeli Government (Benjamin Netanyahu - over the last decade) has made relative to the Arab Palestinians of the disputed territories THEN, I fall into this group (support Israel but not how she is handling the Palestinian situation).

Having said that, I recognize that the decision-making process of the Netanyahu Government has had several factors driving the way they approach the Arab Palestinians of the disputed territories. And these driving considerations are so critical that in the eyes of the Israelis, letting any one of these driving factors to get out of control could seriously damage, if not destroy, the most dynamic, humanly developed, and productive in terms of education, scientific contributions, prosperous country of anywhere in the Middle East - North Africa (MENA) Region (including the entirety of the Arab League, including the oil-rich states), as well as the Gulf States.


The US has to keep in mind that it is very easy for Americans to criticize Israel, in that if Israel falls to Arab control, it will not significantly impact the US (maybe blind it in the MENA). But a critical mistake on the part of Israel, will leave just another Muslim controlled state on the doward slope of human development in the viod. Israel has much more at stake than the Americans can imagine. And the Arab League can hostilely engage and fail a hundred times and be forgiven by the International Community, allowing them to rebuild forces only to try again. But Israel only needs to fail once, and that will be the end of the Jewish National Home invisioned in 1920 by the leaders of the Allied Powers.

Yes, like I said. There are a statistically large number of reasonably, educated Americans who support Israel → but not how the Netanyahu Government has handling the Palestinian situation. But they have so very much more to lose and it will be the SS St. Louis (13 May 1939) all over again. No nation, outside the US has help defend Israel against the aggression of Arab League states. There is no reason to believe that the International Community of the 21st Century will act any differently.

If there are people here who support Israel and have no beef against Jews but think Omar is correct, could you speak up?

The Honorable Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN) is not your concern unless you are from Minnesota's 5th Congressional District. Presumably, the constituents of Minnesota's 5th Congressional District voted for her because she represents their views on the question.

I would not support a hater, but does her stance really mean she's an anti-Semite?

This is a question the requires analysis of the Conditional Statements about what is really meant. It is a matter of perspective. IF Congresswom Omar holds Israel to a higher standard than she does the Arab League States, THEN that might be prima face evidence that she harbors hostility against and is prejudiced towards the Jewish State. IF she does not treat the Arab League States (ALS) in the same manner (ie legislation opposing anti-ALS activities) as she does Israel, THEN that might be prima face evidence that she harbors hostility against and is prejudiced towards the Jewish State.

REMEMBERING: It is the Law of the Land (Title 18 USC § 2339A • Providing material support to terrorists) HAMAS, Hezbullah, Palestine Liberation Front (PLF), Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ), Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), PFLP-General Command (PFLP-GC), Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade (AAMB), Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), are all Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs) as designated by the Secretary of State.

◈ IF The Honorable Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN) were found to be supportive (that is providing material support in the form of favorable US Legislation) of the Rocket Attacks and Border Assaults mounted by HAMAS/Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ), that receives assistance Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), THEN that is prima face violation of 18 USC § 2339A.

IF The Honorable Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN) were found to be supportive (that is providing material support in the form of favorable US Legislation) on behalf of the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) Movement → and it were to be found that any of the designated terrorist groups [ie the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), PFLP-General Command (PFLP-GC)] played a central role in support of BDS; or that the BDS Movement provided support to the terrorists, THEN that is prima face violation of 18 USC § 2339A.

Just One Man's Opinion.

Most Respectfully,
Last edited:
RE: > Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel
⁜→ OldLady, et al,

BLUF: Yes!

Consideration: It does not matter the religious affiliation or beliefs of The Honorable Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN).

This is probably more than you want to hear.

Are there reasonable, educated people who support Israel but not how she is handling the Palestinian situation?

IF you consider me a reasonably educated person who does not appreciate many of the decisions that the Israeli Government (Benjamin Netanyahu - over the last decade) has made relative to the Arab Palestinians of the disputed territories THEN, I fall into this group (support Israel but not how she is handling the Palestinian situation).

Having said that, I recognize that the decision-making process of the Netanyahu Government has had several factors driving the way they approach the Arab Palestinians of the disputed territories. And these driving considerations are so critical that in the eyes of the Israelis, letting any one of these driving factors to get out of control could seriously damage, if not destroy, the most dynamic, humanly developed, and productive in terms of education, scientific contributions, prosperous country of anywhere in the Middle East - North Africa (MENA) Region (including the entirety of the Arab League, including the oil-rich states), as well as the Gulf States.


The US has to keep in mind that it is very easy for Americans to criticize Israel, in that if Israel falls to Arab control, it will not significantly impact the US (maybe blind it in the MENA). But a critical mistake on the part of Israel, will leave just another Muslim controlled state on the doward slope of human development in the viod. Israel has much more at stake than the Americans can imagine. And the Arab League can hostilely engage and fail a hundred times and be forgiven by the International Community, allowing them to rebuild forces only to try again. But Israel only needs to fail once, and that will be then end of the Jewish National Home invisioned in 1920 by the leaders of the Allied Powers.

Yes, like I said. There are a statistically large number of reasonably, educated Americans who support Israel → but not how the Netanyahu Government has handling the Palestinian situation. But they have so very much more to lose and it will be the SS St. Louis (13 May 1939) all over again. No nation, outside the US has help defend Israel against the aggression of Arab League states. There is no reason to believe that the International Community of the 21st Century will act any differently.

If there are people here who support Israel and have no beef against Jews but think Omar is correct, could you speak up?

The Honorable Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN) is not your concern unless you are from Minnesota's 5th Congressional District. Presumably, the constituents of Minnesota's 5th Congressional District voted for her because she represents their views on the question.

I would not support a hater, but does her stance really mean she's an anti-Semite?

This is a question the requires analysis of the Conditional Statements about what is really meant. It is a matter of perspective. IF Congresswom Omar holds Israel to a higher standard than she does the Arab League States, THEN that might be prima face evidence that she harbors hostility against and is prejudiced towards the Jewish State. IF she does not treat the Arab League States (ALS) in the same manner (ie legislation opposing anti-ALS activities) as she does Israel, THEN that might be prima face evidence that she harbors hostility against and is prejudiced towards the Jewish State.

REMEMBERING: It is the Law of the Land (Title 18 USC § 2339A • Providing material support to terrorists) HAMAS, Hezbullah, Palestine Liberation Front (PLF), Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ), Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), PFLP-General Command (PFLP-GC), Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade (AAMB), Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), are all Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs) as designated by the Secretary of State.

◈ IF The Honorable Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN) were found to be supportive (that is providing material support in the form of favorable US Legislation) of the Rocket Attacks and Border Assaults mounted by HAMAS/Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ), that receives assistance Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), THEN that is prima face violation of 18 USC § 2339A.

IF The Honorable Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN) were found to be supportive (that is providing material support in the form of favorable US Legislation) on behalf of the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) Movement → and it were to be found that any of the designated terrorist groups [ie the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), PFLP-General Command (PFLP-GC)] played a central role in support of BDS; or that the BDS Movement provided support to the terrorists, THEN that is prima face violation of 18 USC § 2339A.

Just One Man's Opinion.

Most Respectfully,
The Honorable Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN) is not your concern
Slander against her by Americans who are hostile toward Muslims IS my affair, as it is every American's concern. But is that what we are dealing with?

I have done my best to understand what you said. I guess you believe that she is not actually on your side at all here--that she is supporting the terrorists?
RE: > Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel
⁜→ OldLady, et al,

BLUF: Yes!

Consideration: It does not matter the religious affiliation or beliefs of The Honorable Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN).

This is probably more than you want to hear.

Are there reasonable, educated people who support Israel but not how she is handling the Palestinian situation?

IF you consider me a reasonably educated person who does not appreciate many of the decisions that the Israeli Government (Benjamin Netanyahu - over the last decade) has made relative to the Arab Palestinians of the disputed territories THEN, I fall into this group (support Israel but not how she is handling the Palestinian situation).

Having said that, I recognize that the decision-making process of the Netanyahu Government has had several factors driving the way they approach the Arab Palestinians of the disputed territories. And these driving considerations are so critical that in the eyes of the Israelis, letting any one of these driving factors to get out of control could seriously damage, if not destroy, the most dynamic, humanly developed, and productive in terms of education, scientific contributions, prosperous country of anywhere in the Middle East - North Africa (MENA) Region (including the entirety of the Arab League, including the oil-rich states), as well as the Gulf States.


The US has to keep in mind that it is very easy for Americans to criticize Israel, in that if Israel falls to Arab control, it will not significantly impact the US (maybe blind it in the MENA). But a critical mistake on the part of Israel, will leave just another Muslim controlled state on the doward slope of human development in the viod. Israel has much more at stake than the Americans can imagine. And the Arab League can hostilely engage and fail a hundred times and be forgiven by the International Community, allowing them to rebuild forces only to try again. But Israel only needs to fail once, and that will be then end of the Jewish National Home invisioned in 1920 by the leaders of the Allied Powers.

Yes, like I said. There are a statistically large number of reasonably, educated Americans who support Israel → but not how the Netanyahu Government has handling the Palestinian situation. But they have so very much more to lose and it will be the SS St. Louis (13 May 1939) all over again. No nation, outside the US has help defend Israel against the aggression of Arab League states. There is no reason to believe that the International Community of the 21st Century will act any differently.

If there are people here who support Israel and have no beef against Jews but think Omar is correct, could you speak up?

The Honorable Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN) is not your concern unless you are from Minnesota's 5th Congressional District. Presumably, the constituents of Minnesota's 5th Congressional District voted for her because she represents their views on the question.

I would not support a hater, but does her stance really mean she's an anti-Semite?

This is a question the requires analysis of the Conditional Statements about what is really meant. It is a matter of perspective. IF Congresswom Omar holds Israel to a higher standard than she does the Arab League States, THEN that might be prima face evidence that she harbors hostility against and is prejudiced towards the Jewish State. IF she does not treat the Arab League States (ALS) in the same manner (ie legislation opposing anti-ALS activities) as she does Israel, THEN that might be prima face evidence that she harbors hostility against and is prejudiced towards the Jewish State.

REMEMBERING: It is the Law of the Land (Title 18 USC § 2339A • Providing material support to terrorists) HAMAS, Hezbullah, Palestine Liberation Front (PLF), Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ), Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), PFLP-General Command (PFLP-GC), Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade (AAMB), Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), are all Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs) as designated by the Secretary of State.

◈ IF The Honorable Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN) were found to be supportive (that is providing material support in the form of favorable US Legislation) of the Rocket Attacks and Border Assaults mounted by HAMAS/Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ), that receives assistance Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), THEN that is prima face violation of 18 USC § 2339A.

IF The Honorable Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN) were found to be supportive (that is providing material support in the form of favorable US Legislation) on behalf of the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) Movement → and it were to be found that any of the designated terrorist groups [ie the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), PFLP-General Command (PFLP-GC)] played a central role in support of BDS; or that the BDS Movement provided support to the terrorists, THEN that is prima face violation of 18 USC § 2339A.

Just One Man's Opinion.

Most Respectfully,
The Honorable Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN) is not your concern
Slander against her by Americans who are hostile toward Muslims IS my affair, as it is every American's concern. But is that what we are dealing with?

I have done my best to understand what you said. I guess you believe that she is not actually on your side at all here--that she is supporting the terrorists?

The four of them most definitely do already support Palestinian terrorists over Israel. I pray for more like them to come forward & join them to insure Trump's re-election.
RE: > Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel
⁜→ OldLady, et al,

BLUF: Yes!

Consideration: It does not matter the religious affiliation or beliefs of The Honorable Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN).

This is probably more than you want to hear.

Are there reasonable, educated people who support Israel but not how she is handling the Palestinian situation?

IF you consider me a reasonably educated person who does not appreciate many of the decisions that the Israeli Government (Benjamin Netanyahu - over the last decade) has made relative to the Arab Palestinians of the disputed territories THEN, I fall into this group (support Israel but not how she is handling the Palestinian situation).

Having said that, I recognize that the decision-making process of the Netanyahu Government has had several factors driving the way they approach the Arab Palestinians of the disputed territories. And these driving considerations are so critical that in the eyes of the Israelis, letting any one of these driving factors to get out of control could seriously damage, if not destroy, the most dynamic, humanly developed, and productive in terms of education, scientific contributions, prosperous country of anywhere in the Middle East - North Africa (MENA) Region (including the entirety of the Arab League, including the oil-rich states), as well as the Gulf States.


The US has to keep in mind that it is very easy for Americans to criticize Israel, in that if Israel falls to Arab control, it will not significantly impact the US (maybe blind it in the MENA). But a critical mistake on the part of Israel, will leave just another Muslim controlled state on the doward slope of human development in the viod. Israel has much more at stake than the Americans can imagine. And the Arab League can hostilely engage and fail a hundred times and be forgiven by the International Community, allowing them to rebuild forces only to try again. But Israel only needs to fail once, and that will be the end of the Jewish National Home invisioned in 1920 by the leaders of the Allied Powers.

Yes, like I said. There are a statistically large number of reasonably, educated Americans who support Israel → but not how the Netanyahu Government has handling the Palestinian situation. But they have so very much more to lose and it will be the SS St. Louis (13 May 1939) all over again. No nation, outside the US has help defend Israel against the aggression of Arab League states. There is no reason to believe that the International Community of the 21st Century will act any differently.

If there are people here who support Israel and have no beef against Jews but think Omar is correct, could you speak up?

The Honorable Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN) is not your concern unless you are from Minnesota's 5th Congressional District. Presumably, the constituents of Minnesota's 5th Congressional District voted for her because she represents their views on the question.

I would not support a hater, but does her stance really mean she's an anti-Semite?

This is a question the requires analysis of the Conditional Statements about what is really meant. It is a matter of perspective. IF Congresswom Omar holds Israel to a higher standard than she does the Arab League States, THEN that might be prima face evidence that she harbors hostility against and is prejudiced towards the Jewish State. IF she does not treat the Arab League States (ALS) in the same manner (ie legislation opposing anti-ALS activities) as she does Israel, THEN that might be prima face evidence that she harbors hostility against and is prejudiced towards the Jewish State.

REMEMBERING: It is the Law of the Land (Title 18 USC § 2339A • Providing material support to terrorists) HAMAS, Hezbullah, Palestine Liberation Front (PLF), Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ), Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), PFLP-General Command (PFLP-GC), Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade (AAMB), Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), are all Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs) as designated by the Secretary of State.

◈ IF The Honorable Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN) were found to be supportive (that is providing material support in the form of favorable US Legislation) of the Rocket Attacks and Border Assaults mounted by HAMAS/Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ), that receives assistance Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), THEN that is prima face violation of 18 USC § 2339A.

IF The Honorable Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN) were found to be supportive (that is providing material support in the form of favorable US Legislation) on behalf of the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) Movement → and it were to be found that any of the designated terrorist groups [ie the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), PFLP-General Command (PFLP-GC)] played a central role in support of BDS; or that the BDS Movement provided support to the terrorists, THEN that is prima face violation of 18 USC § 2339A.

Just One Man's Opinion.

Most Respectfully,
Having said that, I recognize that the decision-making process of the Netanyahu Government has had several factors driving the way they approach the Arab Palestinians of the disputed territories.
Indeed, it is the settler colonial project that the Zionists started a hundred years ago. Not much has changed.
RE: > Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel
⁜→ OldLady, et al,

BLUF: I do not care, one way or the other, where The Honorable Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN) stands on the issue. She is not my Representative in Congress. [The Honorable Joyce Beatty 3 District (D-OH) is my representative.] The people of the 5th District have no more say over my Member of Congress than do I over their Member of Congress.

BLUF: It is always good to understand who said what → and → their intent, in matters such as this. I just stated my objective criteria in my decision-making process.

Slander against her by Americans who are hostile toward Muslims IS my affair, as it is every American's concern. But is that what we are dealing with?

By your concern of "slander," → I suspect you are really concerned with the deliberate, untrue, and derogatory statements, leveled against Representative Omar. And whether or not the claim that the statements impune her character.

◈ As far as I'm concerned, she apologized for her "Tweet Commentary" → and that should be the end of it. The slate is wiped clean on that account.

◈ As for the Co-Sponsorship of a House Bill that recognizes some Islamic holidays, the question becomes: How significant a portion of the population do Muslims need to be before they get a holiday?

CIA World Factbook page last updated on October 28, 2009
  • Protestant 51.3%,
  • Roman Catholic 23.9%,
  • Mormon 1.7%,
  • other Christian 1.6%,
  • Jewish 1.7%,
  • Buddhist 0.7%,
  • Muslim 0.6%,
  • other or unspecified 2.5%,
  • unaffiliated 12.1%,
  • none 4% (2007 est.)
I don't know.

If you have lived in Washington DC, you will have learned that the reputation of Congress is that of one step below a hungry used car salesman. We, in America, say we don't have royalty, but the Washington Politicos are nothing short of Little Lord Fauntleroy that want to be treated as princes and barons. Washington has all the backstabbing drama of a Hollywood Soap Opera. Tossing backhanded compliments and insults is a sport inside the Capital Beltway.

I have done my best to understand what you said. I guess you believe that she is not actually on your side at all here--that she is supporting the terrorists?

I have not seen any evidence at all that suggests The Honorable Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN) is either anti-Semitic or Providing Material Support. I merely cited the criteria.

Most Respectfully,
RE: > Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel
⁜→ MJB12741, et al,

Well, not necessarily "evidence."

The four of them most definitely do already support Palestinian terrorists over Israel. I pray for more like them to come forward & join them to insure Trump's re-election.

But maybe a preliminary inquiry should be made to determine (or quell) if there is any "probable cause."

Most Respectfully,
Have you examined
I have a serious question for all of you.
Are there reasonable, educated people who support Israel but not how she is handling the Palestinian situation?

It's a hell of a mess and I have no idea what should or could be done to solve the problem over there; it just seemed to me that Rep. Omar couldn't be the only person who disagreed with the right-wing government in office right now. So I was defending her right to say so, without being called an anti-Semite.

But then a poster said he agreed with her 100% and then went on to disclose that he is an Anti-Semite with a capital A and was hateful as could be. So ah hah, I say to myself, some people who are defending Omar's position are doing it because they hate Jews.

If there are people here who support Israel and have no beef against Jews but think Omar is correct, could you speak up? I'm feeling kinda hesitant and unsure of where I stand with her. I would not support a hater, but does her stance really mean she's an anti-Semite?
Have you examined her actual statements?
She has not said anything antisemitic.
Are you a Palestinian?
German, Scottish, English.
RE: > Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel
⁜→ OldLady, et al,

BLUF: I do not care, one way or the other, where The Honorable Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN) stands on the issue. She is not my Representative in Congress. [The Honorable Joyce Beatty 3 District (D-OH) is my representative.] The people of the 5th District have no more say over my Member of Congress than do I over their Member of Congress.

BLUF: It is always good to understand who said what → and → their intent, in matters such as this. I just stated my objective criteria in my decision-making process.

Slander against her by Americans who are hostile toward Muslims IS my affair, as it is every American's concern. But is that what we are dealing with?

By your concern of "slander," → I suspect you are really concerned with the deliberate, untrue, and derogatory statements, leveled against Representative Omar. And whether or not the claim that the statements impune her character.

◈ As far as I'm concerned, she apologized for her "Tweet Commentary" → and that should be the end of it. The slate is wiped clean on that account.

◈ As for the Co-Sponsorship of a House Bill that recognizes some Islamic holidays, the question becomes: How significant a portion of the population do Muslims need to be before they get a holiday?

CIA World Factbook page last updated on October 28, 2009
  • Protestant 51.3%,
  • Roman Catholic 23.9%,
  • Mormon 1.7%,
  • other Christian 1.6%,
  • Jewish 1.7%,
  • Buddhist 0.7%,
  • Muslim 0.6%,
  • other or unspecified 2.5%,
  • unaffiliated 12.1%,
  • none 4% (2007 est.)
I don't know.

If you have lived in Washington DC, you will have learned that the reputation of Congress is that of one step below a hungry used car salesman. We, in America, say we don't have royalty, but the Washington Politicos are nothing short of Little Lord Fauntleroy that want to be treated as princes and barons. Washington has all the backstabbing drama of a Hollywood Soap Opera. Tossing backhanded compliments and insults is a sport inside the Capital Beltway.

I have done my best to understand what you said. I guess you believe that she is not actually on your side at all here--that she is supporting the terrorists?

I have not seen any evidence at all that suggests The Honorable Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN) is either anti-Semitic or Providing Material Support. I merely cited the criteria.

Most Respectfully,

About Washington DC; agreed.
RE: > Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel
⁜→ OldLady, et al,

BLUF: Yes!

Consideration: It does not matter the religious affiliation or beliefs of The Honorable Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN).

This is probably more than you want to hear.

Are there reasonable, educated people who support Israel but not how she is handling the Palestinian situation?

IF you consider me a reasonably educated person who does not appreciate many of the decisions that the Israeli Government (Benjamin Netanyahu - over the last decade) has made relative to the Arab Palestinians of the disputed territories THEN, I fall into this group (support Israel but not how she is handling the Palestinian situation).

Having said that, I recognize that the decision-making process of the Netanyahu Government has had several factors driving the way they approach the Arab Palestinians of the disputed territories. And these driving considerations are so critical that in the eyes of the Israelis, letting any one of these driving factors to get out of control could seriously damage, if not destroy, the most dynamic, humanly developed, and productive in terms of education, scientific contributions, prosperous country of anywhere in the Middle East - North Africa (MENA) Region (including the entirety of the Arab League, including the oil-rich states), as well as the Gulf States.


The US has to keep in mind that it is very easy for Americans to criticize Israel, in that if Israel falls to Arab control, it will not significantly impact the US (maybe blind it in the MENA). But a critical mistake on the part of Israel, will leave just another Muslim controlled state on the doward slope of human development in the viod. Israel has much more at stake than the Americans can imagine. And the Arab League can hostilely engage and fail a hundred times and be forgiven by the International Community, allowing them to rebuild forces only to try again. But Israel only needs to fail once, and that will be then end of the Jewish National Home invisioned in 1920 by the leaders of the Allied Powers.

Yes, like I said. There are a statistically large number of reasonably, educated Americans who support Israel → but not how the Netanyahu Government has handling the Palestinian situation. But they have so very much more to lose and it will be the SS St. Louis (13 May 1939) all over again. No nation, outside the US has help defend Israel against the aggression of Arab League states. There is no reason to believe that the International Community of the 21st Century will act any differently.

If there are people here who support Israel and have no beef against Jews but think Omar is correct, could you speak up?

The Honorable Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN) is not your concern unless you are from Minnesota's 5th Congressional District. Presumably, the constituents of Minnesota's 5th Congressional District voted for her because she represents their views on the question.

I would not support a hater, but does her stance really mean she's an anti-Semite?

This is a question the requires analysis of the Conditional Statements about what is really meant. It is a matter of perspective. IF Congresswom Omar holds Israel to a higher standard than she does the Arab League States, THEN that might be prima face evidence that she harbors hostility against and is prejudiced towards the Jewish State. IF she does not treat the Arab League States (ALS) in the same manner (ie legislation opposing anti-ALS activities) as she does Israel, THEN that might be prima face evidence that she harbors hostility against and is prejudiced towards the Jewish State.

REMEMBERING: It is the Law of the Land (Title 18 USC § 2339A • Providing material support to terrorists) HAMAS, Hezbullah, Palestine Liberation Front (PLF), Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ), Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), PFLP-General Command (PFLP-GC), Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade (AAMB), Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), are all Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs) as designated by the Secretary of State.

◈ IF The Honorable Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN) were found to be supportive (that is providing material support in the form of favorable US Legislation) of the Rocket Attacks and Border Assaults mounted by HAMAS/Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ), that receives assistance Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), THEN that is prima face violation of 18 USC § 2339A.

IF The Honorable Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN) were found to be supportive (that is providing material support in the form of favorable US Legislation) on behalf of the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) Movement → and it were to be found that any of the designated terrorist groups [ie the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), PFLP-General Command (PFLP-GC)] played a central role in support of BDS; or that the BDS Movement provided support to the terrorists, THEN that is prima face violation of 18 USC § 2339A.

Just One Man's Opinion.

Most Respectfully,
The Honorable Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN) is not your concern
Slander against her by Americans who are hostile toward Muslims IS my affair, as it is every American's concern. But is that what we are dealing with?

I have done my best to understand what you said. I guess you believe that she is not actually on your side at all here--that she is supporting the terrorists?
I do have to give you credit for one thing, old lady.

Knowing less than nothing about the subject matter has never prevented you from holding forth on it in your typical authoritarian ways.
Rashida Tlaib, according to UNRWA, is a Palestinian refugee. It doesn’t matter that she wasn’t born anywhere near territory that was once part of the British Mandate for Palestine. Nor does it matter that far from being homeless or stateless, her American citizenship is so solid that she is a member of Congress. Rashida Tlaib, the UN has decided, is a refugee.

(full article online)

Rashida Tlaib: A Question of Dual Loyalties (Judean Rose) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Rashida Tlaib, according to UNRWA, is a Palestinian refugee. It doesn’t matter that she wasn’t born anywhere near territory that was once part of the British Mandate for Palestine. Nor does it matter that far from being homeless or stateless, her American citizenship is so solid that she is a member of Congress. Rashida Tlaib, the UN has decided, is a refugee.

(full article online)

Rashida Tlaib: A Question of Dual Loyalties (Judean Rose) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
“According to UNRWA’s original definition, a Palestinian refugee was a person whose normal place of residence had been Palestine between June 1946 and May 1948, who had lost his home and means of livelihood as a result of the 1948 war.​

That is not the UN's definition of a refugee. That only defines who is eligible for aid.
Rashida Tlaib, according to UNRWA, is a Palestinian refugee. It doesn’t matter that she wasn’t born anywhere near territory that was once part of the British Mandate for Palestine. Nor does it matter that far from being homeless or stateless, her American citizenship is so solid that she is a member of Congress. Rashida Tlaib, the UN has decided, is a refugee.

(full article online)

Rashida Tlaib: A Question of Dual Loyalties (Judean Rose) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
“According to UNRWA’s original definition, a Palestinian refugee was a person whose normal place of residence had been Palestine between June 1946 and May 1948, who had lost his home and means of livelihood as a result of the 1948 war.​

That is not the UN's definition of a refugee. That only defines who is eligible for aid.

We agree that Tlaib is NOT eligible for aid, right?! Because she is not a refugee, right?!
Rashida Tlaib, according to UNRWA, is a Palestinian refugee. It doesn’t matter that she wasn’t born anywhere near territory that was once part of the British Mandate for Palestine. Nor does it matter that far from being homeless or stateless, her American citizenship is so solid that she is a member of Congress. Rashida Tlaib, the UN has decided, is a refugee.

(full article online)

Rashida Tlaib: A Question of Dual Loyalties (Judean Rose) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
“According to UNRWA’s original definition, a Palestinian refugee was a person whose normal place of residence had been Palestine between June 1946 and May 1948, who had lost his home and means of livelihood as a result of the 1948 war.​

That is not the UN's definition of a refugee. That only defines who is eligible for aid.

We agree that Tlaib is NOT eligible for aid, right?! Because she is not a refugee, right?!

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