Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel

WOW !!! :2up:

So. What is there to argue over ?

Seems the constituency arguing for Tlaib & Omar "death to the infidels" self anointed martyrdom on a Mohammed's flaming chariot ride with those crooks on Capital Hill one nation under God Islamidiotocracy jihad of suicidal Christiananality pedophile mentality thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists patriot act "man is God" Islamophobia certainly makes space the place for the human race, fried & freeze dried all over the place like the burning Bush's 9/11 second coming with Mohammed's flying carpet terrorists.
Good lord. The audacity of it. How dare they elect a Muslim to office in America. Of course they can’t possibly be qualified!

The problem is neither supports eliminating Israel. They support a one state solution. Something Some pro-Israeli’s have been supporting as well. One supports the right of return in a very eloquent manner that echos the same feelings of “right of return” that Jews have toward the land of their ancestors. Seems the Islamophobia bias is showing.

The so called diatribe was nothing more then answering a specific question from the interviewer. The OP took a tiny fragment of the interview out of a richer context, the entire interview is here:

Rashida Tlaib on Democratic Socialism and Why She Supports the Palestinian Right of Return

"Good lord. The audacity of it. How dare they elect a Muslim to office in America. Of course they can’t possibly be qualified!"

Or if you prefer…. (it IS “afternoon” now):

Who are WE [u, LoL] kidding:

Good lord. The audacity of it. How dare they elect a Muslim to office in America. Of course they can’t possibly be qualified!

The problem is neither supports eliminating Israel. They support a one state solution. Something Some pro-Israeli’s have been supporting as well. One supports the right of return in a very eloquent manner that echos the same feelings of “right of return” that Jews have toward the land of their ancestors. Seems the Islamophobia bias is showing.

The so called diatribe was nothing more then answering a specific question from the interviewer. The OP took a tiny fragment of the interview out of a richer context, the entire interview is here:

Rashida Tlaib on Democratic Socialism and Why She Supports the Palestinian Right of Return

"Good lord. The audacity of it. How dare they elect a Muslim to office in America. Of course they can’t possibly be qualified!"

Or if you prefer…. (it IS “afternoon” now):

Who are WE [u, LoL] kidding:

Is there some topical content here or are you just trolling?
Good lord. The audacity of it. How dare they elect a Muslim to office in America. Of course they can’t possibly be qualified!

The problem is neither supports eliminating Israel. They support a one state solution. Something Some pro-Israeli’s have been supporting as well. One supports the right of return in a very eloquent manner that echos the same feelings of “right of return” that Jews have toward the land of their ancestors. Seems the Islamophobia bias is showing.

The so called diatribe was nothing more then answering a specific question from the interviewer. The OP took a tiny fragment of the interview out of a richer context, the entire interview is here:

Rashida Tlaib on Democratic Socialism and Why She Supports the Palestinian Right of Return

"Good lord. The audacity of it. How dare they elect a Muslim to office in America. Of course they can’t possibly be qualified!"

Or if you prefer…. (it IS “afternoon” now):

Who are WE [u, LoL] kidding:

Is there some topical content here or are you just trolling?

whaddya mean ? you know i myself this way. yes, it IS perturbing to me:

"elect a Muslim to office in America"

WE KNOW WHICH WAY THAT CAN GO...........and the ladies..............thank GOD they can drive here....and if they do get "elected to office" -- you PRAY..........they're AMERICA FIRST...........

Good lord. The audacity of it. How dare they elect a Muslim to office in America. Of course they can’t possibly be qualified!

The problem is neither supports eliminating Israel. They support a one state solution. Something Some pro-Israeli’s have been supporting as well. One supports the right of return in a very eloquent manner that echos the same feelings of “right of return” that Jews have toward the land of their ancestors. Seems the Islamophobia bias is showing.

The so called diatribe was nothing more then answering a specific question from the interviewer. The OP took a tiny fragment of the interview out of a richer context, the entire interview is here:

Rashida Tlaib on Democratic Socialism and Why She Supports the Palestinian Right of Return

"Good lord. The audacity of it. How dare they elect a Muslim to office in America. Of course they can’t possibly be qualified!"

Or if you prefer…. (it IS “afternoon” now):

Who are WE [u, LoL] kidding:

Is there some topical content here or are you just trolling?

whaddya mean ? you know i myself this way. yes, it IS perturbing to me:

"elect a Muslim to office in America"

WE KNOW WHICH WAY THAT CAN GO...........and the ladies..............thank GOD they can drive here....and if they do get "elected to office" -- you PRAY..........they're AMERICA FIRST...........

Then you ought to pray that about any religious person entering office. The problem with your fear mongering is it fails to take into account our form of government wherein our rights have managed to withstand a long term dedicated onslaught from the Christian majority. If you think that a) elected officials who religious are are incapable of separating their religious dictates from their public duties. And b) that even if a few pesky zealots should get elected we will be walking around in burkas, you might be disappointed....I wouldn't recommend investing in extra large bin bags yet...
Good lord. The audacity of it. How dare they elect a Muslim to office in America. Of course they can’t possibly be qualified!

The problem is neither supports eliminating Israel. They support a one state solution. Something Some pro-Israeli’s have been supporting as well. One supports the right of return in a very eloquent manner that echos the same feelings of “right of return” that Jews have toward the land of their ancestors. Seems the Islamophobia bias is showing.

The so called diatribe was nothing more then answering a specific question from the interviewer. The OP took a tiny fragment of the interview out of a richer context, the entire interview is here:

Rashida Tlaib on Democratic Socialism and Why She Supports the Palestinian Right of Return

"Good lord. The audacity of it. How dare they elect a Muslim to office in America. Of course they can’t possibly be qualified!"

Or if you prefer…. (it IS “afternoon” now):

Who are WE [u, LoL] kidding:

Is there some topical content here or are you just trolling?

whaddya mean ? you know i myself this way. yes, it IS perturbing to me:

"elect a Muslim to office in America"

WE KNOW WHICH WAY THAT CAN GO...........and the ladies..............thank GOD they can drive here....and if they do get "elected to office" -- you PRAY..........they're AMERICA FIRST...........

Then you ought to pray that about any religious person entering office. The problem with your fear mongering is it fails to take into account our form of government wherein our rights have managed to withstand a long term dedicated onslaught from the Christian majority. If you think that a) elected officials who religious are are incapable of separating their religious dictates from their public duties. And b) that even if a few pesky zealots should get elected we will be walking around in burkas, you might be disappointed....I wouldn't recommend investing in extra large bin bags yet...

" If you think that a) elected officials who religious are are incapable of separating their religious dictates from their public duties. And b) that even if a few pesky zealots should get elected we will be walking around in burkas.."

RE: Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel
⁜→ Coyote, et al,

We are now on Page 81 (over 60 pages on down the road, and ≈ 600 posts since my last posting) and have not really learned much.

RoccoR said:
Post #212
It makes no difference if they are "Muslim" or any other Abrahamic belief system (any other belief system - period). To target them (and maybe even slander them) on basis of religion is as unAmerican as it gets. As I understand it → in the case of — Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) — they put their hand on the Quran (which is their right - they could have chosen a telephone book - so help me 4G LTE Network) and DID take the oath.
If you think that a) elected officials who religious are are incapable of separating their religious dictates from their public duties. And b) that even if a few pesky zealots should get elected we will be walking around in burkas, you might be disappointed....I wouldn't recommend investing in extra large bin bags yet...​

Everyone seems to have stood fast since the the prsentation of their original position.

Have we learned anything that makes new another position?

Most Respectfully,
Then you ought to pray that about any religious person entering office. The problem with your fear mongering is it fails to take into account our form of government wherein our rights have managed to withstand a long term dedicated onslaught from the Christian majority. If you think that a) elected officials who religious are are incapable of separating their religious dictates from their public duties. And b) that even if a few pesky zealots should get elected we will be walking around in burkas, you might be disappointed....

I absolutely have to agree with your first sentence, but from how thinks look from up here, I hardly think its fear-mongering. I see a whole bunch of US elected officials failing to separate their religious ideology from their public duties.
RE: Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel
⁜→ Coyote, et al,

We are now on Page 81 (over 60 pages on down the road, and ≈ 600 posts since my last posting) and have not really learned much.

RoccoR said:
Post #212
It makes no difference if they are "Muslim" or any other Abrahamic belief system (any other belief system - period). To target them (and maybe even slander them) on basis of religion is as unAmerican as it gets. As I understand it → in the case of — Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) — they put their hand on the Quran (which is their right - they could have chosen a telephone book - so help me 4G LTE Network) and DID take the oath.
If you think that a) elected officials who religious are are incapable of separating their religious dictates from their public duties. And b) that even if a few pesky zealots should get elected we will be walking around in burkas, you might be disappointed....I wouldn't recommend investing in extra large bin bags yet...​

Everyone seems to have stood fast since the the prsentation of their original position.

Have we learned anything that makes new another position?

Most Respectfully,
We have learned things havent changed much...
Then you ought to pray that about any religious person entering office. The problem with your fear mongering is it fails to take into account our form of government wherein our rights have managed to withstand a long term dedicated onslaught from the Christian majority. If you think that a) elected officials who religious are are incapable of separating their religious dictates from their public duties. And b) that even if a few pesky zealots should get elected we will be walking around in burkas, you might be disappointed....

I absolutely have to agree with your first sentence, but from how thinks look from up here, I hardly think its fear-mongering. I see a whole bunch of US elected officials failing to separate their religious ideology from their public duties.
i am seeing it...but I am also seeing some Constitutional protections. I hope, any way.
Then you ought to pray that about any religious person entering office. The problem with your fear mongering is it fails to take into account our form of government wherein our rights have managed to withstand a long term dedicated onslaught from the Christian majority. If you think that a) elected officials who religious are are incapable of separating their religious dictates from their public duties. And b) that even if a few pesky zealots should get elected we will be walking around in burkas, you might be disappointed....

I absolutely have to agree with your first sentence, but from how thinks look from up here, I hardly think its fear-mongering. I see a whole bunch of US elected officials failing to separate their religious ideology from their public duties.
i am seeing it...but I am also seeing some Constitutional protections. I hope, any way.
I have heard both of them praise our constitution.
The Post had several pieces of evidence indicating Omar was not entirely truthful about this experience.

"Omar’s story echoed the plot of ‘Les Miserables.' If true, it is also probably embellished," wrote Greg Jaffe and Souad Mekhennet, the author's of the Post‘s article.

"City officials said that police aren’t allowed to arrest people for shoplifting unless there’s a likelihood of violence or further crime. Typically, shoplifters are sentenced to attend a three-hour class."

Asked about the story, Omar admitted "she may have flubbed some facts," Jaffe and Mekhennet wrote.

"She might have had a prior [arrest]," Omar told the Post. "I’m not sure…The details might not have all matched, but that’s what I remember."

Omar has also been dinged recently by the Post and others for "botched basic facts" during her attempts to "go viral."

"Recently, she told a group of veterans that about 45 percent of military families rely on food stamps," Jaffe and Mekhennet wrote. "She was trying to make the point that Republicans didn’t care for the troops. The actual number is less than 5 percent, according to Pentagon statistics."

(full article online)

Ilhan Omar Admits Lying to High School Students
The Post had several pieces of evidence indicating Omar was not entirely truthful about this experience.

"Omar’s story echoed the plot of ‘Les Miserables.' If true, it is also probably embellished," wrote Greg Jaffe and Souad Mekhennet, the author's of the Post‘s article.

"City officials said that police aren’t allowed to arrest people for shoplifting unless there’s a likelihood of violence or further crime. Typically, shoplifters are sentenced to attend a three-hour class."

Asked about the story, Omar admitted "she may have flubbed some facts," Jaffe and Mekhennet wrote.

"She might have had a prior [arrest]," Omar told the Post. "I’m not sure…The details might not have all matched, but that’s what I remember."

Omar has also been dinged recently by the Post and others for "botched basic facts" during her attempts to "go viral."

"Recently, she told a group of veterans that about 45 percent of military families rely on food stamps," Jaffe and Mekhennet wrote. "She was trying to make the point that Republicans didn’t care for the troops. The actual number is less than 5 percent, according to Pentagon statistics."

(full article online)

Ilhan Omar Admits Lying to High School Students
IOW... She's a lying sack of crap.

Other than that, she made a good point.
H.Res.496 introduced by Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib is an attempt to sanction antisemitism under the guise of "free speech."

The most offensive part is its comparison of boycotting Israel with boycotting Nazi goods:

Whereas Americans of conscience have a proud history of participating in boycotts to advocate for human rights abroad, including—
(2) boycotting Nazi Germany from March 1933 to October 1941 in response to the dehumanization of the Jewish people in the lead-up to the Holocaust;

This is Holocaust inversion and it is one of the examples of antisemitism under the IHRA definition, "Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis."
Yes, US Congress now has a resolution that will be debated that includes antisemitism.

But perhaps the most insidious part of the resolution is saying that it is only supporting "boycotts in pursuit of civil and human rights."

You see, boycotts are just another word for discrimination. Every boycott says that the boycotter will choose one provider of goods and services over another based on reasons that have nothing to do with the quality of the product.

The exact same logic that protects boycotts of Israelis applies to bigots boycotting businesses owned by blacks or gays or immigrants or women.

In order to forestall the free speech protection of boycotts against people who fall on the positive side of intersectionality pseudo-science, Omar and Tlaib are characterizing BDS not as a product of bigotry and antisemitism but as "pursuit of civil and human rights."

Even if this resolution gets defeated, their underlying logic that implies that Israel is a violator of human rights on par with Nazi Germany will be debated in Congress and enshrined in the proceedings of Congress forever. As I have recently noted, the debate itself is what BDS is after, not the boycott - they want to normalize anti-Zionism and its antisemitic components as a mainstream opinion.

(full article online)

Why Ilhan Omar's pro-BDS resolution is antisemitic ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
I have a serious question for all of you.
Are there reasonable, educated people who support Israel but not how she is handling the Palestinian situation?

It's a hell of a mess and I have no idea what should or could be done to solve the problem over there; it just seemed to me that Rep. Omar couldn't be the only person who disagreed with the right-wing government in office right now. So I was defending her right to say so, without being called an anti-Semite.

But then a poster said he agreed with her 100% and then went on to disclose that he is an Anti-Semite with a capital A and was hateful as could be. So ah hah, I say to myself, some people who are defending Omar's position are doing it because they hate Jews.

If there are people here who support Israel and have no beef against Jews but think Omar is correct, could you speak up? I'm feeling kinda hesitant and unsure of where I stand with her. I would not support a hater, but does her stance really mean she's an anti-Semite?
Have you examined
I have a serious question for all of you.
Are there reasonable, educated people who support Israel but not how she is handling the Palestinian situation?

It's a hell of a mess and I have no idea what should or could be done to solve the problem over there; it just seemed to me that Rep. Omar couldn't be the only person who disagreed with the right-wing government in office right now. So I was defending her right to say so, without being called an anti-Semite.

But then a poster said he agreed with her 100% and then went on to disclose that he is an Anti-Semite with a capital A and was hateful as could be. So ah hah, I say to myself, some people who are defending Omar's position are doing it because they hate Jews.

If there are people here who support Israel and have no beef against Jews but think Omar is correct, could you speak up? I'm feeling kinda hesitant and unsure of where I stand with her. I would not support a hater, but does her stance really mean she's an anti-Semite?
Have you examined her actual statements?
Have you examined
I have a serious question for all of you.
Are there reasonable, educated people who support Israel but not how she is handling the Palestinian situation?

It's a hell of a mess and I have no idea what should or could be done to solve the problem over there; it just seemed to me that Rep. Omar couldn't be the only person who disagreed with the right-wing government in office right now. So I was defending her right to say so, without being called an anti-Semite.

But then a poster said he agreed with her 100% and then went on to disclose that he is an Anti-Semite with a capital A and was hateful as could be. So ah hah, I say to myself, some people who are defending Omar's position are doing it because they hate Jews.

If there are people here who support Israel and have no beef against Jews but think Omar is correct, could you speak up? I'm feeling kinda hesitant and unsure of where I stand with her. I would not support a hater, but does her stance really mean she's an anti-Semite?
Have you examined her actual statements?
She has not said anything antisemitic.
Have you examined
I have a serious question for all of you.
Are there reasonable, educated people who support Israel but not how she is handling the Palestinian situation?

It's a hell of a mess and I have no idea what should or could be done to solve the problem over there; it just seemed to me that Rep. Omar couldn't be the only person who disagreed with the right-wing government in office right now. So I was defending her right to say so, without being called an anti-Semite.

But then a poster said he agreed with her 100% and then went on to disclose that he is an Anti-Semite with a capital A and was hateful as could be. So ah hah, I say to myself, some people who are defending Omar's position are doing it because they hate Jews.

If there are people here who support Israel and have no beef against Jews but think Omar is correct, could you speak up? I'm feeling kinda hesitant and unsure of where I stand with her. I would not support a hater, but does her stance really mean she's an anti-Semite?
Have you examined her actual statements?
Of course.

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