Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel

In the aftermath of the Saturday shooting at a Walmart in El Paso, Texas, Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) took issue on Monday with CNN host Jake Tapper in that Palestinian rhetoric is similar to US President Donald Trump’s when it comes to intolerance of the other.

Tlaib argued that Palestinians are not responsible for terrorism or vitriol, even as she has lambasted the president’s use of words and called Israel a white-supremacist nation.

(full article online)

Post-Mass Shootings, Tlaib Labels Palestinians ‘Activists’ and Israel ‘White Nationalist’
Much of what she says is inaccurate and lacks context, which makes it a lie. This for instance:
“As a young girl, visiting Palestine to see my grandparents and extended family, I watched as my mother had to go through dehumanizing checkpoints -- even though she was a United States citizen and proud American. I was there when there when my [grandmother] was in a terrible car accident and my cousins and I cried so she could have access to the best hospitals -- which were in Jerusalem.”

For one thing, it is doubtful Tlaib ever saw her family go through checkpoints "as a young girl" as there were no checkpoints when Tlaib was small.

(full article online)

Why @RashidaTlaib Will Never Expose the Truth About Israeli Checkpoints (Judean Rose) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Then you ought to pray that about any religious person entering office. The problem with your fear mongering is it fails to take into account our form of government wherein our rights have managed to withstand a long term dedicated onslaught from the Christian majority. If you think that a) elected officials who religious are are incapable of separating their religious dictates from their public duties. And b) that even if a few pesky zealots should get elected we will be walking around in burkas, you might be disappointed....I wouldn't recommend investing in extra large bin bags yet...
Christians and Jew don't need to separate their beliefs.

They're consistent with the Constitution.
Then you ought to pray that about any religious person entering office. The problem with your fear mongering is it fails to take into account our form of government wherein our rights have managed to withstand a long term dedicated onslaught from the Christian majority. If you think that a) elected officials who religious are are incapable of separating their religious dictates from their public duties. And b) that even if a few pesky zealots should get elected we will be walking around in burkas, you might be disappointed....I wouldn't recommend investing in extra large bin bags yet...
Christians and Jew don't need to separate their beliefs.

They're consistent with the Constitution.

I can’t find anything in the Constitution supporting:

Stoning rebellious children, for breaking Sabbath, for blasphemy, for enticing others to apostasy, for aultery, for pretending to be a virgin....

Or that the man rules over the woman .... or a woman who is raped must marry her rapist...or that a woman must be silent...

And let’s not even go into how biblical views on homosexuality are consistent with rights in our Constitution.
Then you ought to pray that about any religious person entering office. The problem with your fear mongering is it fails to take into account our form of government wherein our rights have managed to withstand a long term dedicated onslaught from the Christian majority. If you think that a) elected officials who religious are are incapable of separating their religious dictates from their public duties. And b) that even if a few pesky zealots should get elected we will be walking around in burkas, you might be disappointed....I wouldn't recommend investing in extra large bin bags yet...
Christians and Jew don't need to separate their beliefs.

They're consistent with the Constitution.

I can’t find anything in the Constitution supporting:

Stoning rebellious children, for breaking Sabbath, for blasphemy, for enticing others to apostasy, for aultery, for pretending to be a virgin....

Or that the man rules over the woman .... or a woman who is raped must marry her rapist...or that a woman must be silent...

And let’s not even go into how biblical views on homosexuality are consistent with rights in our Constitution.

Jews aren’t even allowed in the KSA. We have separation of church and state and not one mostly Muslim nation can say the same.
Then you ought to pray that about any religious person entering office. The problem with your fear mongering is it fails to take into account our form of government wherein our rights have managed to withstand a long term dedicated onslaught from the Christian majority. If you think that a) elected officials who religious are are incapable of separating their religious dictates from their public duties. And b) that even if a few pesky zealots should get elected we will be walking around in burkas, you might be disappointed....I wouldn't recommend investing in extra large bin bags yet...
Christians and Jew don't need to separate their beliefs.

They're consistent with the Constitution.

I can’t find anything in the Constitution supporting:

Stoning rebellious children, for breaking Sabbath, for blasphemy, for enticing others to apostasy, for aultery, for pretending to be a virgin....

Or that the man rules over the woman .... or a woman who is raped must marry her rapist...or that a woman must be silent...

And let’s not even go into how biblical views on homosexuality are consistent with rights in our Constitution.

Jews aren’t even allowed in the KSA. We have separation of church and state and not one mostly Muslim nation can say the same.
Is someone defending the KSA? In fact, Tlaib and Omar have been harsh critics of the regime, calling for a Trumpists...not so much.
Then you ought to pray that about any religious person entering office. The problem with your fear mongering is it fails to take into account our form of government wherein our rights have managed to withstand a long term dedicated onslaught from the Christian majority. If you think that a) elected officials who religious are are incapable of separating their religious dictates from their public duties. And b) that even if a few pesky zealots should get elected we will be walking around in burkas, you might be disappointed....I wouldn't recommend investing in extra large bin bags yet...
Christians and Jew don't need to separate their beliefs.

They're consistent with the Constitution.

I can’t find anything in the Constitution supporting:

Stoning rebellious children, for breaking Sabbath, for blasphemy, for enticing others to apostasy, for aultery, for pretending to be a virgin....

Or that the man rules over the woman .... or a woman who is raped must marry her rapist...or that a woman must be silent...

And let’s not even go into how biblical views on homosexuality are consistent with rights in our Constitution.

Jews aren’t even allowed in the KSA. We have separation of church and state and not one mostly Muslim nation can say the same.
Is someone defending the KSA? In fact, Tlaib and Omar have been harsh critics of the regime, calling for a Trumpists...not so much.

Yes because they support Hamas that is funded by KSA’s enemy, Iran. There is a BDS movement against Iran? No? Why?

I am not a “Trumpist”, unlike you, I am logical. Give me someone better and that person with get my vote.

Anyone who disagrees with uneducated Leftists is a “Trumpist”. Come on. Will you Boycott Bill Maher too because he criticized Tlaib? That is weak. Then again your posts are consistently weak, Coyote. I just educated you again. You’re welcome.
Have you examined
I have a serious question for all of you.
Are there reasonable, educated people who support Israel but not how she is handling the Palestinian situation?

It's a hell of a mess and I have no idea what should or could be done to solve the problem over there; it just seemed to me that Rep. Omar couldn't be the only person who disagreed with the right-wing government in office right now. So I was defending her right to say so, without being called an anti-Semite.

But then a poster said he agreed with her 100% and then went on to disclose that he is an Anti-Semite with a capital A and was hateful as could be. So ah hah, I say to myself, some people who are defending Omar's position are doing it because they hate Jews.

If there are people here who support Israel and have no beef against Jews but think Omar is correct, could you speak up? I'm feeling kinda hesitant and unsure of where I stand with her. I would not support a hater, but does her stance really mean she's an anti-Semite?
Have you examined her actual statements?
She has not said anything antisemitic.
Are you a Palestinian?
German, Scottish, English.

Mutt. So what is your dog in this fight?
Rep. Ilhan Omar, who we are told is not antisemitic by Jews(in name only+Muslims+antisemites+other non-Jews)WithIlhan, clearly feels pretty untouchable at the moment. So much so, that she has retweeted this highly offensive tweet by a hater, claiming Jesus was ‘Palestinian.’

(full article online)

Not-Antisemitic Ilhan Omar Endorses Idea That Jesus Was 'Palestinian'
Isn't Jewish a religion and Palestine a location? Couldn't Jesus be both?

Muslims love Jesus, too: 6 things you didn’t know about Jesus in Islam

Moslems in Sri Lanka expressed their love for Jesus just a day ago.
Muslims consider Jesus to be one of their prophets.

Yet in a country run by Sharia Law you’re executed for apostasy and following Christ? How is that possible?
First, they praised the terrorist who murdered a US senator’s niece. Then they were chosen by Rep. Rashida Tlaib to organize her now-canceled trip to Israel.

Tlaib’s outrageous choice of the pro-terrorist group Miftah to run her trip is a slap in the face of the United States Congress and deserves to be investigated by the House Ethics Committee.

(full article online)
Some of the "yeah, so what else is new", reaction to the angry islamists who are masquerading as members of the US Congress.

Hamas again fires rockets from Gaza targeting Israeli civilians, Tlaib and Omar say nothing

AUG 22, 2019 2:00 PM
Hamas again fires rockets from Gaza targeting Israeli civilians, Tlaib and Omar say nothing

This is the kind of thing that Israelis have to endure on a daily basis. Then Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar go before a misinformed and indifferent American public and a collaborationist establishment media and portray the “Palestinians” as innocent victims of unprovoked Israeli aggression. In reality, if the “Palestinians” stopped their genocidal incitement and attempts to murder Israelis, and expressed a sincere desire to make peace with the Jewish state, there would be peace. If Israel stopped defending itself against the “Palestinian” jihad, there would be a new genocide of the Jews.
Some of the "yeah, so what else is new", reaction to the angry islamists who are masquerading as members of the US Congress.

Hamas again fires rockets from Gaza targeting Israeli civilians, Tlaib and Omar say nothing

AUG 22, 2019 2:00 PM
Hamas again fires rockets from Gaza targeting Israeli civilians, Tlaib and Omar say nothing

This is the kind of thing that Israelis have to endure on a daily basis. Then Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar go before a misinformed and indifferent American public and a collaborationist establishment media and portray the “Palestinians” as innocent victims of unprovoked Israeli aggression. In reality, if the “Palestinians” stopped their genocidal incitement and attempts to murder Israelis, and expressed a sincere desire to make peace with the Jewish state, there would be peace. If Israel stopped defending itself against the “Palestinian” jihad, there would be a new genocide of the Jews.
Hmmm another idiotic comparison or maybe flat out lie.

Since have Islamists been pro women's and LGBQT rights? Oh ya...never.
Some of the "yeah, so what else is new", reaction to the angry islamists who are masquerading as members of the US Congress.

Hamas again fires rockets from Gaza targeting Israeli civilians, Tlaib and Omar say nothing

AUG 22, 2019 2:00 PM
Hamas again fires rockets from Gaza targeting Israeli civilians, Tlaib and Omar say nothing

This is the kind of thing that Israelis have to endure on a daily basis. Then Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar go before a misinformed and indifferent American public and a collaborationist establishment media and portray the “Palestinians” as innocent victims of unprovoked Israeli aggression. In reality, if the “Palestinians” stopped their genocidal incitement and attempts to murder Israelis, and expressed a sincere desire to make peace with the Jewish state, there would be peace. If Israel stopped defending itself against the “Palestinian” jihad, there would be a new genocide of the Jews.
Hmmm another idiotic comparison or maybe flat out lie.

Since have Islamists been pro women's and LGBQT rights? Oh ya...never.

Gee, another angry tirade. Curious that the half- squad is quick to criticize Israel for defending its citizens from islamic terrorist attacks yet the half-squad has nothing to say when those gee-had attacks happen.
Some of the "yeah, so what else is new", reaction to the angry islamists who are masquerading as members of the US Congress.

Hamas again fires rockets from Gaza targeting Israeli civilians, Tlaib and Omar say nothing

AUG 22, 2019 2:00 PM
Hamas again fires rockets from Gaza targeting Israeli civilians, Tlaib and Omar say nothing

This is the kind of thing that Israelis have to endure on a daily basis. Then Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar go before a misinformed and indifferent American public and a collaborationist establishment media and portray the “Palestinians” as innocent victims of unprovoked Israeli aggression. In reality, if the “Palestinians” stopped their genocidal incitement and attempts to murder Israelis, and expressed a sincere desire to make peace with the Jewish state, there would be peace. If Israel stopped defending itself against the “Palestinian” jihad, there would be a new genocide of the Jews.
Hmmm another idiotic comparison or maybe flat out lie.

Since have Islamists been pro women's and LGBQT rights? Oh ya...never.

Gee, another angry tirade. Curious that the half- squad is quick to criticize Israel for defending its citizens from islamic terrorist attacks yet the half-squad has nothing to say when those gee-had attacks happen.
Actually more like a question about your claims. Care to answer it?
Some of the "yeah, so what else is new", reaction to the angry islamists who are masquerading as members of the US Congress.

Hamas again fires rockets from Gaza targeting Israeli civilians, Tlaib and Omar say nothing

AUG 22, 2019 2:00 PM
Hamas again fires rockets from Gaza targeting Israeli civilians, Tlaib and Omar say nothing

This is the kind of thing that Israelis have to endure on a daily basis. Then Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar go before a misinformed and indifferent American public and a collaborationist establishment media and portray the “Palestinians” as innocent victims of unprovoked Israeli aggression. In reality, if the “Palestinians” stopped their genocidal incitement and attempts to murder Israelis, and expressed a sincere desire to make peace with the Jewish state, there would be peace. If Israel stopped defending itself against the “Palestinian” jihad, there would be a new genocide of the Jews.
Hmmm another idiotic comparison or maybe flat out lie.

Since have Islamists been pro women's and LGBQT rights? Oh ya...never.

Gee, another angry tirade. Curious that the half- squad is quick to criticize Israel for defending its citizens from islamic terrorist attacks yet the half-squad has nothing to say when those gee-had attacks happen.
Actually more like a question about your claims. Care to answer it?
The post was in connection to the silence from tlaib and Omar regarding islamic terrorist attacks. Can you address it?

I have seen nothing from Tlaib or Omar about the treatment of LGBT in Gaza or the West Bank. Why do you think that is?
Some of the "yeah, so what else is new", reaction to the angry islamists who are masquerading as members of the US Congress.

Hamas again fires rockets from Gaza targeting Israeli civilians, Tlaib and Omar say nothing

AUG 22, 2019 2:00 PM
Hamas again fires rockets from Gaza targeting Israeli civilians, Tlaib and Omar say nothing

This is the kind of thing that Israelis have to endure on a daily basis. Then Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar go before a misinformed and indifferent American public and a collaborationist establishment media and portray the “Palestinians” as innocent victims of unprovoked Israeli aggression. In reality, if the “Palestinians” stopped their genocidal incitement and attempts to murder Israelis, and expressed a sincere desire to make peace with the Jewish state, there would be peace. If Israel stopped defending itself against the “Palestinian” jihad, there would be a new genocide of the Jews.
Hmmm another idiotic comparison or maybe flat out lie.

Since have Islamists been pro women's and LGBQT rights? Oh ya...never.

Gee, another angry tirade. Curious that the half- squad is quick to criticize Israel for defending its citizens from islamic terrorist attacks yet the half-squad has nothing to say when those gee-had attacks happen.
Actually more like a question about your claims. Care to answer it?
The post was in connection to the silence from tlaib and Omar regarding islamic terrorist attacks. Can you address it?

I have seen nothing from Tlaib or Omar about the treatment of LGBT in Gaza or the West Bank. Why do you think that is?
Interesting, you skirt around the actual question. Maybe because your claim was just another dumbass expression? People sure like throw around terms like Islamist and terrorist like candy until they become meaningless objects of ridicule.

Whatever your views are on Tlaib's far-left politics, calling her an Islamist, when you look at her record and positions is just stupid.
Some of the "yeah, so what else is new", reaction to the angry islamists who are masquerading as members of the US Congress.

Hamas again fires rockets from Gaza targeting Israeli civilians, Tlaib and Omar say nothing

AUG 22, 2019 2:00 PM
Hamas again fires rockets from Gaza targeting Israeli civilians, Tlaib and Omar say nothing

This is the kind of thing that Israelis have to endure on a daily basis. Then Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar go before a misinformed and indifferent American public and a collaborationist establishment media and portray the “Palestinians” as innocent victims of unprovoked Israeli aggression. In reality, if the “Palestinians” stopped their genocidal incitement and attempts to murder Israelis, and expressed a sincere desire to make peace with the Jewish state, there would be peace. If Israel stopped defending itself against the “Palestinian” jihad, there would be a new genocide of the Jews.
Hmmm another idiotic comparison or maybe flat out lie.

Since have Islamists been pro women's and LGBQT rights? Oh ya...never.

Gee, another angry tirade. Curious that the half- squad is quick to criticize Israel for defending its citizens from islamic terrorist attacks yet the half-squad has nothing to say when those gee-had attacks happen.
Actually more like a question about your claims. Care to answer it?
The post was in connection to the silence from tlaib and Omar regarding islamic terrorist attacks. Can you address it?

I have seen nothing from Tlaib or Omar about the treatment of LGBT in Gaza or the West Bank. Why do you think that is?
Interesting, you skirt around the actual question. Maybe because your claim was just another dumbass expression? People sure like throw around terms like Islamist and terrorist like candy until they become meaningless objects of ridicule.

Whatever your views are on Tlaib's far-left politics, calling her an Islamist, when you look at her record and positions is just stupid.
Interesting that you responded to do nothing more than throw a tirade.

Your "question" was off-topic and didn't address my comments.

I haven't seen any indication Tlaib has travel plans for Gaza. Why do you think Tlaib has no announced plans to travel to Gaza and defend the gay and lesbian community?

Islamist seems appropriate given Tlaib's views toward Israel and her obvious silence regarding islamic terrorists in Gaza.
Some of the "yeah, so what else is new", reaction to the angry islamists who are masquerading as members of the US Congress.

Hamas again fires rockets from Gaza targeting Israeli civilians, Tlaib and Omar say nothing

AUG 22, 2019 2:00 PM
Hamas again fires rockets from Gaza targeting Israeli civilians, Tlaib and Omar say nothing

This is the kind of thing that Israelis have to endure on a daily basis. Then Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar go before a misinformed and indifferent American public and a collaborationist establishment media and portray the “Palestinians” as innocent victims of unprovoked Israeli aggression. In reality, if the “Palestinians” stopped their genocidal incitement and attempts to murder Israelis, and expressed a sincere desire to make peace with the Jewish state, there would be peace. If Israel stopped defending itself against the “Palestinian” jihad, there would be a new genocide of the Jews.
Hmmm another idiotic comparison or maybe flat out lie.

Since have Islamists been pro women's and LGBQT rights? Oh ya...never.

Gee, another angry tirade. Curious that the half- squad is quick to criticize Israel for defending its citizens from islamic terrorist attacks yet the half-squad has nothing to say when those gee-had attacks happen.
Actually more like a question about your claims. Care to answer it?
The post was in connection to the silence from tlaib and Omar regarding islamic terrorist attacks. Can you address it?

I have seen nothing from Tlaib or Omar about the treatment of LGBT in Gaza or the West Bank. Why do you think that is?
Oh...and to answer the question on why do I think that is? Easy. You can't be bothered to look.

After Palestinian Authority bans queer group, Rep. Ilhan Omar tweets "LGBTQ rights are human rights"
After authorities in Palestine cracked down on a queer advocacy group in the West Bank, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) tweeted her support for the organization and offered suggestions on how people could support LGBTQ Palestinians.

"LGBTQ rights are human rights," she wrote in a tweet Monday night, "and we should condemn any effort to infringe upon them."

Omar, Tlaib stand up for LGBTQ Palestinians

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