Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel

“Holly hates Muslims….”

Actually, Holly (writing in the third person, of course), is uncompromising in her criticism of pious adherents to a politico-religious ideology that seems to breed a mental disorder.

What Holly has read from both Tlaib and Omar are standard islamist slogans aimed at Israel that could have come from any of the islamic terrorist mouthpieces from Gaza, the West Bank or Iran. Hamas and Abbas got their Israeli withdrawal from Gaza more than a decade ago and their freedom (to elect an openly belligerent Islamic terrorist regime), the lack of which they kept telling the world was at the root of their ongoing mass murder terror campaign. Yet, for some reason, onward they press with more terror. Still, world leaders, academics, and plenty of other intelligent and otherwise just people refuse to recognize this nonpattern of a "cycle of violence."

The most recent statements from Abbas (‘Millions Of Fighters’ Will Take Over Jerusalem”) or Hamas praising the “heroic” killers of Israelis speaks to a mental disorder that is fueled by an identifiable politico-religious ideology. This is why Moslems say that Islam is not just a religion, but a complete way of life. That's what it is. How you go to the bathroom, make love to your spouse, punish those who transgress against Muhammud’s will, go to war, eat, wash, borrow money, treat infidels—in short, anything you may do in the course of being alive—is strictly regulated by the Sharia. Life for the Moslem is a complex series of bizarre rituals and habits that are commanded by Islam’s inventor. Islam is the obsessive-compulsive disorder of religions.

Other than islamist ideology, (as delineated in the Hamas Charter), there is nothing that prevents “Palistinians” from clawing their way out of their self-created hell. Take lessons from those in Hong Kong, South Korea. Vietnam and elsewhere. The religious fundamentalists as represented by Islamic Jihad, Iran, Hamas, etc. want to press their own agenda of returning the Middle East to a time as life existed on the Arabian Peninsula in the 7th century. They murder and oppress their own people as well as others. They are purveyors of violence. In reply, others will respond with violence to settle a score. It’s not as though diplomacy will work with groups such as these. And it’s true that non-violence can work under certain circumstances. Ghandi and Martin Luther King provided examples of that, although, in both cases, they were operating against an injustice, not a barbarian.

But Hey, there's a reason why I’m not rocking back and forth over a Koran after having watched my neighbor collapse in a bloody heap under one hundred lashes for committing a “crime against Koranity”.

Welcome to the twenty-first century where vicious, embittered barbarism in God's name gets you... nowhere.

Walls are dehumanizing.

Being bludgeoned by a psychopath to the droning intonation of "Allahu Akbar" is dehumanizing.

Rashida Tlaib criticized the wall that stopped suicide bombings - PMW Bulletins

Ramadan Shalah, Head of Palestinian Islamic Jihad:
"The Martyrdom-seeking [suicide] operations as a strategic option invented by the Palestinians, is an option which exists, we haven't abandoned it. However, the timing of [suicide terror] operations, and the ability to execute those operations, are issues for the field [commanders]. For example, in the West Bank, there's the separation wall, which is an obstacle for the resistance [terror]. If it did not exist, the situation would be completely different."
Rep. Jerry Nadler criticized fellow Democrats Reps. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib for sharing a cartoon that shows President Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu covering their mouths.

Omar, D-Minn., and Tlaib, D-Mich., were criticized for sharing it last week because the cartoonist Carlos Latuff participated in an anti-Semitic Holocaust cartoon competition sponsored by an Iranian newspaper in 2006.

Nadler, the House Judiciary Committee chairman from New York, grouped Omar and Tlaib’s move to share the cartoon alongside Trump’s recent comments about Jewish disloyalty.

“The growing anti-Semitism in our political dialogue is repugnant. @realdonaldtrump’s comments about disloyalty are a vicious and dangerous anti-Semitic trope. And the Carlos Latuff cartoon forwarded by @RepRashida and @Ilhan can surely be read for its vile underlying message,” Nadler tweeted.

(full article online)

Nadler hits Tlaib, Omar over cartoon by anti-Semitic artist
McCollum’s invective prompted Mark Mellman of the Democratic Majority for Israel to respond that Netanyahu “came to office in a fair and democratic election in which every Arab citizen of Israel had the same right to vote as any Jewish citizen.” Mellman added that “by suggesting that Jews have disproportionate influence on U.S. elections, the Congresswoman exploits an anti-Semitic trope widely used by far right forces from Czarism to fascism.”

McCollum’s bill, while not directly exploiting the anti-Semitic trope of blood libel, trades on the accusation that Israel treats non-Jewish children cruelly and inhumanely. The bill claims Palestinian children detained by Israeli defense forces suffer torture and physical violence, are deprived of lawyers and parents, not informed of their legal rights, and so on.

It ultimately aims to prohibit “U.S. assistance to Israel from being used to support the military detention, interrogation, or ill-treatment of Palestinian children in violation of international humanitarian law.” As federal law already bars U.S. aid to foreign security forces who commit gross human rights violations, the bill is an exercise in singling out the Jewish state.

The accusations presented as “findings” in the bill are cribbed—occasionally verbatim—from inaccurate claims made by several non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that lead BDS campaigns in the United States and abroad. The bill’s claims largely come from Defense for Children International-Palestine (DCI-P). Historically, DCI-P officials, employees, and board members have had links to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), which is considered to be a terrorist group by Israel, the United States, the European Union, and Canada.

(full article online)

‘The Squad’ Co-Sponsors Bill Claiming Israel Tortures Children
When is a “condemnation” of a Palestinian Arab terrorist attack not a condemnation of a Palestinian Arab terrorist attack? When Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib is the person speaking.

Major news media are trumpeting what they say was Tlaib’s condemnation of the bombing attack last Friday, in which 17-year-old Israeli Jewish girl was murdered and her father and brother were severely wounded.

Rep. Tlaib’s response to the attack was important. As the first and only Palestinian-American in Congress, she now has significant influence among Palestinian Arabs. She has the power to send a meaningful message to the Palestinian public. She can tell them that murdering Jews is immoral and that there can be no excuses for it.

Instead, she did exactly the opposite.

Rep. Tlaib’s response came in the form of a tweet. It began “This is absolutely tragic & horrible,” which sounded like the start of a heartfelt condemnation. But the condemnation never arrived. In fact, she couldn’t even bring herself to use the word “condemn.”

Tlaib wrote: “More than ever we need to support nonviolent approaches to ending the Israeli occupation and guaranteeing equal rights for all.”

She did not criticize the bombers. She did not say that the bombing was morally wrong. She didn’t even say that violence in general was bad or wrong. All she said was that it was “tragic” that the girl died, in the vague sense that all deaths are sad events. And she supports “nonviolent approaches.” Could she be implying that she supports nonviolent methods in addition to the violent ones?

Of course, the “nonviolence” that Tlaib is talking about is non-existent. “Palestinian Arab nonviolence” is an oxymoron. Violence against Jews has always been a distinguishing Palestinian Arab culture—with violence against women, Christians, and political dissidents all too common as well.

(full article online)

Tlaib blames the Jews for the Palestinian Arab terror attack
Good lord. The audacity of it. How dare they elect a Muslim to office in America. Of course they can’t possibly be qualified!

The problem is neither supports eliminating Israel. They support a one state solution. Something Some pro-Israeli’s have been supporting as well. One supports the right of return in a very eloquent manner that echos the same feelings of “right of return” that Jews have toward the land of their ancestors. Seems the Islamophobia bias is showing.

The so called diatribe was nothing more then answering a specific question from the interviewer. The OP took a tiny fragment of the interview out of a richer context, the entire interview is here:

Rashida Tlaib on Democratic Socialism and Why She Supports the Palestinian Right of Return
Being Muslim is OK-being anti American is not. Those two snot rags will have a day of reckening.
RE: Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel
⁜→ Coyote, et al,

Yeah, the more I read the posting in proximity, the more I question my interpretation → that it might be sarcastic.


"I disapprove of what you say,
but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
Not trying to be sarcastic, but as long as these two Members of Congress do not go so far as to:

◈ Be the source of incitement to violence

◈ Or to be adhering to enemies of America, giving them aid and comfort.​

These two women may be as disgraceful all they want. It is there right. We have to defend their right to be shockingly unacceptable.

.......... Smallest.png
Most Respectfully,
Good lord. The audacity of it. How dare they elect a Muslim to office in America. Of course they can’t possibly be qualified!

The problem is neither supports eliminating Israel. They support a one state solution. Something Some pro-Israeli’s have been supporting as well. One supports the right of return in a very eloquent manner that echos the same feelings of “right of return” that Jews have toward the land of their ancestors. Seems the Islamophobia bias is showing.

The so called diatribe was nothing more then answering a specific question from the interviewer. The OP took a tiny fragment of the interview out of a richer context, the entire interview is here:

Rashida Tlaib on Democratic Socialism and Why She Supports the Palestinian Right of Return
Rashida Tlaib on Democratic Socialism and Why She Supports the Palestinian Right of Return

Excellent article, thanks.
RE: Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel
⁜→ Coyote, et al,

Yeah, the more I read the posting in proximity, the more I question my interpretation → that it might be sarcastic.


"I disapprove of what you say,
but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
Not trying to be sarcastic, but as long as these two Members of Congress do not go so far as to:

◈ Be the source of incitement to violence

◈ Or to be adhering to enemies of America, giving them aid and comfort.​

These two women may be as disgraceful all they want. It is there right. We have to defend their right to be shockingly unacceptable.

..........View attachment 276539
Most Respectfully,
They give aid and comfort to illegals which IS a crime.
RE: Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel
⁜→ Coyote, et al,

Yeah, the more I read the posting in proximity, the more I question my interpretation → that it might be sarcastic.


"I disapprove of what you say,
but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
Not trying to be sarcastic, but as long as these two Members of Congress do not go so far as to:

◈ Be the source of incitement to violence

◈ Or to be adhering to enemies of America, giving them aid and comfort.​

These two women may be as disgraceful all they want. It is there right. We have to defend their right to be shockingly unacceptable.

..........View attachment 276539
Most Respectfully,
They give aid and comfort to illegals which IS a crime.
RE: Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel
⁜→ Coyote, et al,

Yeah, the more I read the posting in proximity, the more I question my interpretation → that it might be sarcastic.


"I disapprove of what you say,
but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
Not trying to be sarcastic, but as long as these two Members of Congress do not go so far as to:

◈ Be the source of incitement to violence

◈ Or to be adhering to enemies of America, giving them aid and comfort.​

These two women may be as disgraceful all they want. It is there right. We have to defend their right to be shockingly unacceptable.

..........View attachment 276539
Most Respectfully,
They give aid and comfort to illegals which IS a crime.
RE: Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel
⁜→ Coyote, et al,

Yeah, the more I read the posting in proximity, the more I question my interpretation → that it might be sarcastic.


"I disapprove of what you say,
but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
Not trying to be sarcastic, but as long as these two Members of Congress do not go so far as to:

◈ Be the source of incitement to violence

◈ Or to be adhering to enemies of America, giving them aid and comfort.​

These two women may be as disgraceful all they want. It is there right. We have to defend their right to be shockingly unacceptable.

..........View attachment 276539
Most Respectfully,
They give aid and comfort to illegals which IS a crime.
Good lord. The audacity of it. How dare they elect a Muslim to office in America. Of course they can’t possibly be qualified!

The problem is neither supports eliminating Israel. They support a one state solution. Something Some pro-Israeli’s have been supporting as well. One supports the right of return in a very eloquent manner that echos the same feelings of “right of return” that Jews have toward the land of their ancestors. Seems the Islamophobia bias is showing.

The so called diatribe was nothing more then answering a specific question from the interviewer. The OP took a tiny fragment of the interview out of a richer context, the entire interview is here:

Rashida Tlaib on Democratic Socialism and Why She Supports the Palestinian Right of Return
But Trump is not qualified to most ABNORMALS, so why should filth that declares allegiance to Palestine over America be tolerated?
RE: Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

There is no "One Single Cause." Different Key Personalities have differing perspectives. Just like those of us in this Discussion Group.


As much as you want it to be "colonialism," going that way is complaining about something which is NOT illegal.

As much as you want it to be a case of "Acquisition by Force," it is not.

Most Respectfully,

You may have missed it during the last half-dozen times it was explained for you but let’s run through it again, shall we?

The term “Allah” appears 92 separate times in the Hamas charter. That bit of Islamo-goodness is chock full of appeals to Allah to assist in the slaughter of Jews and the Islamist re-colonization of lands they previously conquered and lost.

You will also notice that the Hamas charter refers to land that is now the State of Israel as an Islamist waqf. The term waqf has also been defined for you on numerous occasions.

It’s concerning that you don’t grasp these concepts even after they have been delineated for you on, you know, numerous occasions.
RE: Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

There is no "One Single Cause." Different Key Personalities have differing perspectives. Just like those of us in this Discussion Group.


As much as you want it to be "colonialism," going that way is complaining about something which is NOT illegal.

As much as you want it to be a case of "Acquisition by Force," it is not.

.........View attachment 276584
Most Respectfully,
All of the land that Israel acquired involved guns.

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