Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel

Just another 9/11 Muslim martyrdom jihad of Omar followers & supporters as if being rewarded with an equivalent of 40 virgins with a CAIR immaculate conception by some African Somali carpetbagger flying a Congresswomen's position on a modern day Muhammad's flaming chariot dhimmitude servitude as those 9/11 Arab "death to the infidels" Islam flying carpet airplane hijackers on 9/11 like the USA Christian Nation's cross conditioned way beyond therapy Christiananality pedophilia business lynching enforcement.
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So cute, never thought Jihadi filth were so shy...
Wasn't suicide bombing and Jew-hatred supposed to be a badge of honor among You lowlifes?

Well, obviously some of Congresswoman Omar's people are definitely doing something expecting martyr status as Byrd's KKK churchstate fiefdom of thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists & the Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate 9/11 patriot act of the Islamidiotocracy.

Well here's some people doing something which appears to be raising funds for CAIR, HAMAS other terrorist groups in the see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil political tradition of some crooks on Capitol Hill & Nazington, D.C. with Saudis in funding Arab flying carpet "death to the infidels" terrorists of 9/11. They probably have the malfeasance of spending what Mueller's report conclusion was. Nothing, nada, zip.

So cute, never thought Jihadi filth were so shy...
Wasn't suicide bombing and Jew-hatred supposed to be a badge of honor among You lowlifes?
Why can't you post anything without name calling?

I can use "some people"...
Would that erase the 9 years of Your daily blood libels and cheering suicide?

Give me the PC term for those who demand total Arab domination.

So cute, never thought Jihadi filth were so shy...
Wasn't suicide bombing and Jew-hatred supposed to be a badge of honor among You lowlifes?
Why can't you post anything without name calling?

I can use "some people"...
Would that erase the 9 years of Your daily blood libels and cheering suicide?

Give me the PC term for those who demand total Arab domination.

If cognitively dissonant Christananality mentality pedophile super egos weren't so obsessed in compulsive "serve the Pope or die" they, like Islam Arabs "death to the infidels" forcing acceptance of dhimmitude servitude avoidance for total domination as PC for the Islamidiotocracy.
New Muslim congresswomen favor eliminating Israel

I am so happy they stated that is the long term Goal. For that reason alone Israel will never give up any more territory or allow " Right of Return"
Have you actually visited the site?

"Why Evolution is true" That's the name of the site.

And the person was only giving an opinion and never actually quoted the two congresswomen.

This is about as honest as Sarah Sanders father with his insistence that sugary cinnamon rolls cures diabetes.

Mike Huckabee and the diabetes cure he endorsed that 'no health agency supports'
Rep. Ilhan Omar, who we are told is not antisemitic by Jews(in name only+Muslims+antisemites+other non-Jews)WithIlhan, clearly feels pretty untouchable at the moment. So much so, that she has retweeted this highly offensive tweet by a hater, claiming Jesus was ‘Palestinian.’

(full article online)

Not-Antisemitic Ilhan Omar Endorses Idea That Jesus Was 'Palestinian'
Isn't Jewish a religion and Palestine a location? Couldn't Jesus be both?

Muslims love Jesus, too: 6 things you didn’t know about Jesus in Islam
Rep. Ilhan Omar, who we are told is not antisemitic by Jews(in name only+Muslims+antisemites+other non-Jews)WithIlhan, clearly feels pretty untouchable at the moment. So much so, that she has retweeted this highly offensive tweet by a hater, claiming Jesus was ‘Palestinian.’

(full article online)

Not-Antisemitic Ilhan Omar Endorses Idea That Jesus Was 'Palestinian'
Isn't Jewish a religion and Palestine a location? Couldn't Jesus be both?

Muslims love Jesus, too: 6 things you didn’t know about Jesus in Islam

Moslems in Sri Lanka expressed their love for Jesus just a day ago.
Rep. Ilhan Omar, who we are told is not antisemitic by Jews(in name only+Muslims+antisemites+other non-Jews)WithIlhan, clearly feels pretty untouchable at the moment. So much so, that she has retweeted this highly offensive tweet by a hater, claiming Jesus was ‘Palestinian.’

(full article online)

Not-Antisemitic Ilhan Omar Endorses Idea That Jesus Was 'Palestinian'
Isn't Jewish a religion and Palestine a location? Couldn't Jesus be both?

Muslims love Jesus, too: 6 things you didn’t know about Jesus in Islam
Judaism is both a religion and an ethnicity.
At the time Jesus was born, the area was called Judea (after Judah, one of the 12 tribes).

The Romans only changed the name to Syria Palestinea, not Palestine, after they defeated the Jews of Bar-Kochba in 135 CE.

They called it Syria- Palestinea, after the Assyrians and Philistines who had once defeated the Jews/Israel.

No, Jesus cannot be a Jew and a Palestinian because a people who called themselves Palestinians did not come to exist until 1964, in Moscow, thanks to Arafat and the KGB coming up with the idea.
New Muslim congresswomen favor eliminating Israel

I am so happy they stated that is the long term Goal. For that reason alone Israel will never give up any more territory or allow " Right of Return"
Have you actually visited the site?

"Why Evolution is true" That's the name of the site.

And the person was only giving an opinion and never actually quoted the two congresswomen.

This is about as honest as Sarah Sanders father with his insistence that sugary cinnamon rolls cures diabetes.

Mike Huckabee and the diabetes cure he endorsed that 'no health agency supports'

So until a KKK member openly declares in congress "kikes deserve no rights"
is not a racist?
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Rep. Ilhan Omar, who we are told is not antisemitic by Jews(in name only+Muslims+antisemites+other non-Jews)WithIlhan, clearly feels pretty untouchable at the moment. So much so, that she has retweeted this highly offensive tweet by a hater, claiming Jesus was ‘Palestinian.’

(full article online)

Not-Antisemitic Ilhan Omar Endorses Idea That Jesus Was 'Palestinian'
Isn't Jewish a religion and Palestine a location? Couldn't Jesus be both?

Muslims love Jesus, too: 6 things you didn’t know about Jesus in Islam

That must be why they behead Christians and burn Churches. Did you forget what just happened in Sri Lanka?? :ahole-1:
Isn't Jewish a religion and Palestine a location? Couldn't Jesus be both?

Only if you strip all meaning from the term "Palestine". If you mean to say that JC was Jewish and lived somewhere between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River 2000 years ago, sure.

That's not the point for those making this claim, though. Theirs is the intent to erase and usurp Jewish existence in that land and at that time and replace it with the idea of "historic Palestine" which paints the idea of cultural continuity from the ancient past through to present times and transfers all rights to that territory to the Arabs who now represent the term "Palestine".

Sadly, the world has adopted this language and its hidden meanings, casting Jews as foreigners in, well ... Judea.
Omar is not alone among members of the House in her close alliance with terrorist groups. Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib recently headlined a fund-raising event for American Muslims for Palestine.[7] This is an organization created and controlled by Hamas which funds the Jew-hatred campaigns of Students for Justice in Palestine on American campuses and spearheads the terrorist-backed Boycott, Divest and Sanctions movement that seeks to strangle the Jewish state.[8] Tlaib is an unapologetic supporter of the terrorist regimes on the West Bank and in Gaza.

The Hamas-controlled American Muslims for Palestine is one of the founders of the recently formed U.S Council of Muslim Organizations.[9] This is an Islamist coalition composed of the leading Muslim Brotherhood groups in America. The purpose of the council is to conflate all Muslims with the Islamists – the Muslim supporters of jihad. Shortly after its formation it hosted a “Muslim Advocacy Day” which was attended by Omar, Tlaib and their unwavering ally Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who is not a Muslim but a dedicated activist in the Islamist-Progressive Alliance, whose members are united in their hatred of the Jewish state and their solidarity with Palestinian terrorists.

(full article online)

The Terrorist Caucus in the House
The Left's Awful Take On The Synagogue Shooting

Ben Shapiro discusses the recent synagogue shooting in Poway, CA and how the Left's awful take is exploitative for political reasons.


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