News Bulletin: Abortion Is the Law of the Land

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Then get the law changed, and if you fail then who should you blame?

My bet everyone else because failure is something that some can not nor will they accept...

There won't be any changing it, the majority want it legal.
You'll just have to deal with the fact that a large minority is against abortion.

If you can't change it then why bitch about it?

Fix what you can fix, and go on with your life. If a woman that got knocked up want to use a Planned Parenthood then let here, and let her live with the choice.

I am not going to police someone life and tell them I believe what they are doing is wrong unless it is my daughter, and even then she will be a adult, and if her choice is abort God bless her soul, but all I can do is tell her my opinion and move on.

I know not the Christian way of thinking you enjoy!

I'm not a Christian, and as far as "bitching" about abortion, just because something is legal doesn't end the debate, nor does it end the way millions of Americans feel about it.
This is abortion we're talking about, not traffic laws.

Vote politicians into office that will become President that will appoint the next few USSC that will help you change the law, and if you fail, well then I guess the majority was not the majority after all...

I never said the majority are against abortion. The majority believe it should be legal. Like I said, that majority will just have to live with the fact that millions of Americans are against it, and that PP workers are slime.

Alright, and you are entitle to that opinion.

For me it is the individual choice, and even though you know I agree Planned Parenthood are slime or better yet just trash, the reality is it is legal and nothing I say or do will change it.

I believe when a worker or doctor or nurse are found to have broken a law when it come to the laws that govern abortion then that individual should be hung from the tallest tree with a short rope, but if they're within the guidelines of the law then nothing I can do!
If you can't change it then why bitch about it?

Fix what you can fix, and go on with your life. If a woman that got knocked up want to use a Planned Parenthood then let here, and let her live with the choice.

I am not going to police someone life and tell them I believe what they are doing is wrong unless it is my daughter, and even then she will be a adult, and if her choice is abort God bless her soul, but all I can do is tell her my opinion and move on.

I know not the Christian way of thinking you enjoy!

Except the women and the kids are being victimized. Something progressives refuse to acknowledge. They're being victimized by the men who get them pregnant, they're being victimized by the pimps and slavers that coerce them into getting abortions, they're being victimized by PP who gets MONEY for killing babies, and gets MORE money if the babies are late term.

Fuck off you little gnat!

Not everyone that visit a Planned Parenthood clinic is a whore and yes that is what you were suggesting in your response but just did not have the nerve to write it.

Change the law, and if you can not then live with the fact you failed and nothing can nor will be done!

You think all the women victimized in planned parenthood clinics are whores?

I love it when the death cultists/misogynists show their true, mentally ill colors.

Is that what I wrote?

I wrote not everyone that visit a planned parent is a whore but you did suggest they were by implying their pimps, so it was you that actually was implying they are whores and not me, but thanks for the typical bullshit response.

Now fuck off you little gnat!

Nonsense. I didn't call them whores. I said they were being victimized by pimps and the men who get them pregnant, and human traffickers.

Absolutely 100 percent true.

You call those women whores, though, which shows us how much you care about them.

Like I wrote you did not have the nerve to write what your words were actually were saying, so I cut through the bullshit and called them what you would call them under your breath.

You care about them women as much as Gloria Allered cared about that Illegal Maid she used to help Governor Brown to get elected and she claimed was the Next Rosa Parks of immigration, and when Brown won the Illegal was tossed back to Mexico and forgotten about, and that is what you would do with those girls once you got abortion banned because you really do not care about them.

So please and as i wrote not ever woman that visit Planned Parenthood is a whore, and you wrote I called them all a whore while that is what I am claiming you are writing.

So nice dodge and fuck off you little gnat!
Except the women and the kids are being victimized. Something progressives refuse to acknowledge. They're being victimized by the men who get them pregnant, they're being victimized by the pimps and slavers that coerce them into getting abortions, they're being victimized by PP who gets MONEY for killing babies, and gets MORE money if the babies are late term.

Fuck off you little gnat!

Not everyone that visit a Planned Parenthood clinic is a whore and yes that is what you were suggesting in your response but just did not have the nerve to write it.

Change the law, and if you can not then live with the fact you failed and nothing can nor will be done!

You think all the women victimized in planned parenthood clinics are whores?

I love it when the death cultists/misogynists show their true, mentally ill colors.

Is that what I wrote?

I wrote not everyone that visit a planned parent is a whore but you did suggest they were by implying their pimps, so it was you that actually was implying they are whores and not me, but thanks for the typical bullshit response.

Now fuck off you little gnat!

Nonsense. I didn't call them whores. I said they were being victimized by pimps and the men who get them pregnant, and human traffickers.

Absolutely 100 percent true.

You call those women whores, though, which shows us how much you care about them.

Like I wrote you did not have the nerve to write what your words were actually were saying, so I cut through the bullshit and called them what you would call them under your breath.

You care about them women as much as Gloria Allered cared about that Illegal Maid she used to help Governor Brown to get elected and she claimed was the Next Rosa Parks of immigration, and when Brown won the Illegal was tossed back to Mexico and forgotten about, and that is what you would do with those girls once you got abortion banned because you really do not care about them.

So please and as i wrote not ever woman that visit Planned Parenthood is a whore, and you wrote I called them all a whore while that is what I am claiming you are writing.

So nice dodge and fuck off you little gnat!

Oh. So you read my mind.

As I said, you're typical of the anti-female, mentally ill pigs who fight to victimize and kill women and their babies. After all, per you, they're just whores.
Fuck off you little gnat!

Not everyone that visit a Planned Parenthood clinic is a whore and yes that is what you were suggesting in your response but just did not have the nerve to write it.

Change the law, and if you can not then live with the fact you failed and nothing can nor will be done!

You think all the women victimized in planned parenthood clinics are whores?

I love it when the death cultists/misogynists show their true, mentally ill colors.

Is that what I wrote?

I wrote not everyone that visit a planned parent is a whore but you did suggest they were by implying their pimps, so it was you that actually was implying they are whores and not me, but thanks for the typical bullshit response.

Now fuck off you little gnat!

Nonsense. I didn't call them whores. I said they were being victimized by pimps and the men who get them pregnant, and human traffickers.

Absolutely 100 percent true.

You call those women whores, though, which shows us how much you care about them.

Like I wrote you did not have the nerve to write what your words were actually were saying, so I cut through the bullshit and called them what you would call them under your breath.

You care about them women as much as Gloria Allered cared about that Illegal Maid she used to help Governor Brown to get elected and she claimed was the Next Rosa Parks of immigration, and when Brown won the Illegal was tossed back to Mexico and forgotten about, and that is what you would do with those girls once you got abortion banned because you really do not care about them.

So please and as i wrote not ever woman that visit Planned Parenthood is a whore, and you wrote I called them all a whore while that is what I am claiming you are writing.

So nice dodge and fuck off you little gnat!

Oh. So you read my mind.

As I said, you're typical of the anti-female, mentally ill pigs who fight to victimize and kill women and their babies. After all, per you, they're just whores.

I wrote not everyone that goes to planned parenthood is a whore, so I guess you're too stupid to understand that part. you are the one mentioning pimps in your remark, and guess what works for a pimp?

A whore.

I know how dare I even write that, so please stop trying to claim I believe all women are whores or like you because that is not what I wrote, and in fact stated not once but many times that not every woman that visit the clinic is a whore.

Also seeing you are trying to state I believe everyone woman is a whore that visit planned parenthood after I pointed out your comments as painting them as such, well tell me you really consider them as whores and why do you?

Do you believe a woman that get pregnant after being raped should carry that child to term?

Do you believe if a mother that has health conditions that could die because of a being pregnant should carry the child to term?

I am not saying everyone that goes there is for that purpose, but the reality is what you wrote to me came off as you believe the only ones that use planned parenthood are whores that have been enslaved by their pimps so a man can make money off them, and the reality is the pimp would most likely skip the planned parenthood and just beat her until she lost the unwanted child and not waste the time or resources to drive her to Planned Parenthood.

I know how dare I write something so factual, and yes I did insult you in this response and will again because you are a fucking gnat to me that should use abortion to rid this world of you!
FACT: A sizable percentage of Americans are against abortion.
You're just going to have to get used to that fact.

Then get the law changed, and if you fail then who should you blame?

My bet everyone else because failure is something that some can not nor will they accept...
Oh you mean like when Bush beat Gore? Got it.

What the fuck does that have to do with abortion or changing the damn law?
Because bitch YOU have been crying like a fucking baby since the 'people' choose Bush over that faggot Gore. You've NEVER been able to accept it. The 'law' was to elect a new President. YOU didn't 'like' the result yet you have the temerity to tell others that whatever the 'law' is we must accept it and if we don't like it we should change the law.
The voters voted for Bush. Remember?
Or is this line of discussion a bit too deep for you?
There won't be any changing it, the majority want it legal.
You'll just have to deal with the fact that a large minority is against abortion.

If you can't change it then why bitch about it?

Fix what you can fix, and go on with your life. If a woman that got knocked up want to use a Planned Parenthood then let here, and let her live with the choice.

I am not going to police someone life and tell them I believe what they are doing is wrong unless it is my daughter, and even then she will be a adult, and if her choice is abort God bless her soul, but all I can do is tell her my opinion and move on.

I know not the Christian way of thinking you enjoy!

Except the women and the kids are being victimized. Something progressives refuse to acknowledge. They're being victimized by the men who get them pregnant, they're being victimized by the pimps and slavers that coerce them into getting abortions, they're being victimized by PP who gets MONEY for killing babies, and gets MORE money if the babies are late term.

Fuck off you little gnat!

Not everyone that visit a Planned Parenthood clinic is a whore and yes that is what you were suggesting in your response but just did not have the nerve to write it.

Change the law, and if you can not then live with the fact you failed and nothing can nor will be done!

You think all the women victimized in planned parenthood clinics are whores?

I love it when the death cultists/misogynists show their true, mentally ill colors.

Is that what I wrote?

I wrote not everyone that visit a planned parent is a whore but you did suggest they were by implying their pimps, so it was you that actually was implying they are whores and not me, but thanks for the typical bullshit response.

Now fuck off you little gnat!
How many women have you knocked up because you're 'too much of a man' to wear protection?
Women who use abortion as birth control are murderers.
Fact: Abortion is the law of the land. If you don't like the law, change it. Don't shoot up a clinic and then call yourself a "baby warrior". You are not a warrior. You are a terrorist with the same agenda as a jihadist: to change the culture through violence and intimidation and elimination. You are not a hero or a martyr.

but a bunch of old white male theocrats don't like women having control over their own bodies.

it upsets them.
FACT: A sizable percentage of Americans are against abortion.
You're just going to have to get used to that fact.

Then get the law changed, and if you fail then who should you blame?

My bet everyone else because failure is something that some can not nor will they accept...
Oh you mean like when Bush beat Gore? Got it.

What the fuck does that have to do with abortion or changing the damn law?
Because bitch YOU have been crying like a fucking baby since the 'people' choose Bush over that faggot Gore. You've NEVER been able to accept it. The 'law' was to elect a new President. YOU didn't 'like' the result yet you have the temerity to tell others that whatever the 'law' is we must accept it and if we don't like it we should change the law.
The voters voted for Bush. Remember?
Or is this line of discussion a bit too deep for you?

Alrighty then!

Gore lost because he lost his home state is what I have said in the past, but I guess you know more than I do when it come to what I said about Bush winning.

Anymore unhinged nutter comments you would like to express or are you finish and will need to wait for Hitler to contact you from the grave to tell you what to write?
FACT: A sizable percentage of Americans are against abortion.
You're just going to have to get used to that fact.

Then get the law changed, and if you fail then who should you blame?

My bet everyone else because failure is something that some can not nor will they accept...
Oh you mean like when Bush beat Gore? Got it.

What the fuck does that have to do with abortion or changing the damn law?
Because bitch YOU have been crying like a fucking baby since the 'people' choose Bush over that faggot Gore. You've NEVER been able to accept it. The 'law' was to elect a new President. YOU didn't 'like' the result yet you have the temerity to tell others that whatever the 'law' is we must accept it and if we don't like it we should change the law.
The voters voted for Bush. Remember?
Or is this line of discussion a bit too deep for you?

the "people" did not choose bush over gore....Antonin scalia did/.

now shut up, idiot.
If you can't change it then why bitch about it?

Fix what you can fix, and go on with your life. If a woman that got knocked up want to use a Planned Parenthood then let here, and let her live with the choice.

I am not going to police someone life and tell them I believe what they are doing is wrong unless it is my daughter, and even then she will be a adult, and if her choice is abort God bless her soul, but all I can do is tell her my opinion and move on.

I know not the Christian way of thinking you enjoy!

Except the women and the kids are being victimized. Something progressives refuse to acknowledge. They're being victimized by the men who get them pregnant, they're being victimized by the pimps and slavers that coerce them into getting abortions, they're being victimized by PP who gets MONEY for killing babies, and gets MORE money if the babies are late term.

Fuck off you little gnat!

Not everyone that visit a Planned Parenthood clinic is a whore and yes that is what you were suggesting in your response but just did not have the nerve to write it.

Change the law, and if you can not then live with the fact you failed and nothing can nor will be done!

You think all the women victimized in planned parenthood clinics are whores?

I love it when the death cultists/misogynists show their true, mentally ill colors.

Is that what I wrote?

I wrote not everyone that visit a planned parent is a whore but you did suggest they were by implying their pimps, so it was you that actually was implying they are whores and not me, but thanks for the typical bullshit response.

Now fuck off you little gnat!
How many women have you knocked up because you're 'too much of a man' to wear protection?
Women who use abortion as birth control are murderers.

Double down on stupid is DannGirl motto!

Well I am sure you're not my bastard...
FACT: A sizable percentage of Americans are against abortion.
You're just going to have to get used to that fact.

Then get the law changed, and if you fail then who should you blame?

My bet everyone else because failure is something that some can not nor will they accept...

There won't be any changing it, the majority want it legal.
You'll just have to deal with the fact that a large minority is against abortion.

If you can't change it then why bitch about it?

Fix what you can fix, and go on with your life. If a woman that got knocked up want to use a Planned Parenthood then let here, and let her live with the choice.

I am not going to police someone life and tell them I believe what they are doing is wrong unless it is my daughter, and even then she will be a adult, and if her choice is abort God bless her soul, but all I can do is tell her my opinion and move on.

I know not the Christian way of thinking you enjoy!

Except the women and the kids are being victimized. Something progressives refuse to acknowledge. They're being victimized by the men who get them pregnant, they're being victimized by the pimps and slavers that coerce them into getting abortions, they're being victimized by PP who gets MONEY for killing babies, and gets MORE money if the babies are late term.

you're barely smart enough to tie your own shoes,... .much less make anyone else's decisions for them. or are you just bitter that other people have choices?
You think all the women victimized in planned parenthood clinics are whores?

I love it when the death cultists/misogynists show their true, mentally ill colors.

Is that what I wrote?

I wrote not everyone that visit a planned parent is a whore but you did suggest they were by implying their pimps, so it was you that actually was implying they are whores and not me, but thanks for the typical bullshit response.

Now fuck off you little gnat!

Nonsense. I didn't call them whores. I said they were being victimized by pimps and the men who get them pregnant, and human traffickers.

Absolutely 100 percent true.

You call those women whores, though, which shows us how much you care about them.

Like I wrote you did not have the nerve to write what your words were actually were saying, so I cut through the bullshit and called them what you would call them under your breath.

You care about them women as much as Gloria Allered cared about that Illegal Maid she used to help Governor Brown to get elected and she claimed was the Next Rosa Parks of immigration, and when Brown won the Illegal was tossed back to Mexico and forgotten about, and that is what you would do with those girls once you got abortion banned because you really do not care about them.

So please and as i wrote not ever woman that visit Planned Parenthood is a whore, and you wrote I called them all a whore while that is what I am claiming you are writing.

So nice dodge and fuck off you little gnat!

Oh. So you read my mind.

As I said, you're typical of the anti-female, mentally ill pigs who fight to victimize and kill women and their babies. After all, per you, they're just whores.

I wrote not everyone that goes to planned parenthood is a whore, so I guess you're too stupid to understand that part. you are the one mentioning pimps in your remark, and guess what works for a pimp?

A whore.

I know how dare I even write that, so please stop trying to claim I believe all women are whores or like you because that is not what I wrote, and in fact stated not once but many times that not every woman that visit the clinic is a whore.

Also seeing you are trying to state I believe everyone woman is a whore that visit planned parenthood after I pointed out your comments as painting them as such, well tell me you really consider them as whores and why do you?

Do you believe a woman that get pregnant after being raped should carry that child to term?

Do you believe if a mother that has health conditions that could die because of a being pregnant should carry the child to term?

I am not saying everyone that goes there is for that purpose, but the reality is what you wrote to me came off as you believe the only ones that use planned parenthood are whores that have been enslaved by their pimps so a man can make money off them, and the reality is the pimp would most likely skip the planned parenthood and just beat her until she lost the unwanted child and not waste the time or resources to drive her to Planned Parenthood.

I know how dare I write something so factual, and yes I did insult you in this response and will again because you are a fucking gnat to me that should use abortion to rid this world of you!
Obviously english is not your first language. Americans do not use the word "gnat". I'm guessing you're from Pakistan taught in an English school at some point.
You are not a Catholic.
You obviously are seriously invested in the abortion debate which makes you 100% positively a female. How many abortions have you had?

Lucky thing you'll never play poker with me dear. Your 'tells' are like waving red flags.
Fact: Abortion is the law of the land. If you don't like the law, change it. Don't shoot up a clinic and then call yourself a "baby warrior". You are not a warrior. You are a terrorist with the same agenda as a jihadist: to change the culture through violence and intimidation and elimination. You are not a hero or a martyr.
The guy you want to speak to is in jail, doubt that he's here.
Fact: Abortion is the law of the land. If you don't like the law, change it. Don't shoot up a clinic and then call yourself a "baby warrior". You are not a warrior. You are a terrorist with the same agenda as a jihadist: to change the culture through violence and intimidation and elimination. You are not a hero or a martyr.

but a bunch of old white male theocrats don't like women having control over their own bodies.

it upsets them.
You sound upset, projecting doesn't hide it. About half the country wants it reformed, whether it upsets you or not.
Is that what I wrote?

I wrote not everyone that visit a planned parent is a whore but you did suggest they were by implying their pimps, so it was you that actually was implying they are whores and not me, but thanks for the typical bullshit response.

Now fuck off you little gnat!

Nonsense. I didn't call them whores. I said they were being victimized by pimps and the men who get them pregnant, and human traffickers.

Absolutely 100 percent true.

You call those women whores, though, which shows us how much you care about them.

Like I wrote you did not have the nerve to write what your words were actually were saying, so I cut through the bullshit and called them what you would call them under your breath.

You care about them women as much as Gloria Allered cared about that Illegal Maid she used to help Governor Brown to get elected and she claimed was the Next Rosa Parks of immigration, and when Brown won the Illegal was tossed back to Mexico and forgotten about, and that is what you would do with those girls once you got abortion banned because you really do not care about them.

So please and as i wrote not ever woman that visit Planned Parenthood is a whore, and you wrote I called them all a whore while that is what I am claiming you are writing.

So nice dodge and fuck off you little gnat!

Oh. So you read my mind.

As I said, you're typical of the anti-female, mentally ill pigs who fight to victimize and kill women and their babies. After all, per you, they're just whores.

I wrote not everyone that goes to planned parenthood is a whore, so I guess you're too stupid to understand that part. you are the one mentioning pimps in your remark, and guess what works for a pimp?

A whore.

I know how dare I even write that, so please stop trying to claim I believe all women are whores or like you because that is not what I wrote, and in fact stated not once but many times that not every woman that visit the clinic is a whore.

Also seeing you are trying to state I believe everyone woman is a whore that visit planned parenthood after I pointed out your comments as painting them as such, well tell me you really consider them as whores and why do you?

Do you believe a woman that get pregnant after being raped should carry that child to term?

Do you believe if a mother that has health conditions that could die because of a being pregnant should carry the child to term?

I am not saying everyone that goes there is for that purpose, but the reality is what you wrote to me came off as you believe the only ones that use planned parenthood are whores that have been enslaved by their pimps so a man can make money off them, and the reality is the pimp would most likely skip the planned parenthood and just beat her until she lost the unwanted child and not waste the time or resources to drive her to Planned Parenthood.

I know how dare I write something so factual, and yes I did insult you in this response and will again because you are a fucking gnat to me that should use abortion to rid this world of you!
Obviously english is not your first language. Americans do not use the word "gnat". I'm guessing you're from Pakistan taught in an English school at some point.
You are not a Catholic.
You obviously are seriously invested in the abortion debate which makes you 100% positively a female. How many abortions have you had?

Lucky thing you'll never play poker with me dear. Your 'tells' are like waving red flags.

Oh lord!

Yesterday I was told I am a bone smoking fag, and today I have Dannytwat writing that I must be a female....

Dannytwat this is what a Gnat look like:


Here is a picture of you:


You look a little gay there and look like you enjoy being the catcher and not the pitcher.

Now as you have shown that you have the IQ of a gnat it would be insulting to state the obvious that you are one, but at alas you are very slow so let me write that you are a fucking gnat!

Now you have stated I cried like a bitch when Bush was elected but never offered any evidence to support your nutter view.

Then you wrote asking me how many bastards I had out there in the world, and how many women had to use Planned Parenthood because of me, and like I wrote I know you are not my bastard. ( I do feel sorry for the person you belong to )

Now you are claiming I am a Twat because of the fact I could give a flying fuck what someone does as long as it is legal. You dislike it then guess what cry in your pillow Sally because I do not care.

Now what other Pearls of Wisdom will you part with before you have to head to the local Airport Restroom to part your cheeks for your pitcher?

I swear the worst invention has to be the internet allowing mental midget users like you on it!
Nonsense. I didn't call them whores. I said they were being victimized by pimps and the men who get them pregnant, and human traffickers.

Absolutely 100 percent true.

You call those women whores, though, which shows us how much you care about them.

Like I wrote you did not have the nerve to write what your words were actually were saying, so I cut through the bullshit and called them what you would call them under your breath.

You care about them women as much as Gloria Allered cared about that Illegal Maid she used to help Governor Brown to get elected and she claimed was the Next Rosa Parks of immigration, and when Brown won the Illegal was tossed back to Mexico and forgotten about, and that is what you would do with those girls once you got abortion banned because you really do not care about them.

So please and as i wrote not ever woman that visit Planned Parenthood is a whore, and you wrote I called them all a whore while that is what I am claiming you are writing.

So nice dodge and fuck off you little gnat!

Oh. So you read my mind.

As I said, you're typical of the anti-female, mentally ill pigs who fight to victimize and kill women and their babies. After all, per you, they're just whores.

I wrote not everyone that goes to planned parenthood is a whore, so I guess you're too stupid to understand that part. you are the one mentioning pimps in your remark, and guess what works for a pimp?

A whore.

I know how dare I even write that, so please stop trying to claim I believe all women are whores or like you because that is not what I wrote, and in fact stated not once but many times that not every woman that visit the clinic is a whore.

Also seeing you are trying to state I believe everyone woman is a whore that visit planned parenthood after I pointed out your comments as painting them as such, well tell me you really consider them as whores and why do you?

Do you believe a woman that get pregnant after being raped should carry that child to term?

Do you believe if a mother that has health conditions that could die because of a being pregnant should carry the child to term?

I am not saying everyone that goes there is for that purpose, but the reality is what you wrote to me came off as you believe the only ones that use planned parenthood are whores that have been enslaved by their pimps so a man can make money off them, and the reality is the pimp would most likely skip the planned parenthood and just beat her until she lost the unwanted child and not waste the time or resources to drive her to Planned Parenthood.

I know how dare I write something so factual, and yes I did insult you in this response and will again because you are a fucking gnat to me that should use abortion to rid this world of you!
Obviously english is not your first language. Americans do not use the word "gnat". I'm guessing you're from Pakistan taught in an English school at some point.
You are not a Catholic.
You obviously are seriously invested in the abortion debate which makes you 100% positively a female. How many abortions have you had?

Lucky thing you'll never play poker with me dear. Your 'tells' are like waving red flags.

Oh lord!

Yesterday I was told I am a bone smoking fag, and today I have Dannytwat writing that I must be a female....

Dannytwat this is what a Gnat look like:


Here is a picture of you:


You look a little gay there and look like you enjoy being the catcher and not the pitcher.

Now as you have shown that you have the IQ of a gnat it would be insulting to state the obvious that you are one, but at alas you are very slow so let me write that you are a fucking gnat!

Now you have stated I cried like a bitch when Bush was elected but never offered any evidence to support your nutter view.

Then you wrote asking me how many bastards I had out there in the world, and how many women had to use Planned Parenthood because of me, and like I wrote I know you are not my bastard. ( I do feel sorry for the person you belong to )

Now you are claiming I am a Twat because of the fact I could give a flying fuck what someone does as long as it is legal. You dislike it then guess what cry in your pillow Sally because I do not care.

Now what other Pearls of Wisdom will you part with before you have to head to the local Airport Restroom to part your cheeks for your pitcher?

I swear the worst invention has to be the internet allowing mental midget users like you on it!
WOW!! Look folks. I've apparently touched some buttons. HAA HAAA.
No one goes to this trouble to put up disclaimers like this unless I've touched a deep nerve.
How's the weather in the Internet cafe you're posting from in NP?
PRO TIP: Watch for those US drones coming to your compound sand monkey bitch.
Here's why the rag head wasn't educated in America: "
You dislike it then guess what cry in your pillow Sally because I do not care." Does this look like someone who was educated in the US?
Like I wrote you did not have the nerve to write what your words were actually were saying, so I cut through the bullshit and called them what you would call them under your breath.

You care about them women as much as Gloria Allered cared about that Illegal Maid she used to help Governor Brown to get elected and she claimed was the Next Rosa Parks of immigration, and when Brown won the Illegal was tossed back to Mexico and forgotten about, and that is what you would do with those girls once you got abortion banned because you really do not care about them.

So please and as i wrote not ever woman that visit Planned Parenthood is a whore, and you wrote I called them all a whore while that is what I am claiming you are writing.

So nice dodge and fuck off you little gnat!

Oh. So you read my mind.

As I said, you're typical of the anti-female, mentally ill pigs who fight to victimize and kill women and their babies. After all, per you, they're just whores.

I wrote not everyone that goes to planned parenthood is a whore, so I guess you're too stupid to understand that part. you are the one mentioning pimps in your remark, and guess what works for a pimp?

A whore.

I know how dare I even write that, so please stop trying to claim I believe all women are whores or like you because that is not what I wrote, and in fact stated not once but many times that not every woman that visit the clinic is a whore.

Also seeing you are trying to state I believe everyone woman is a whore that visit planned parenthood after I pointed out your comments as painting them as such, well tell me you really consider them as whores and why do you?

Do you believe a woman that get pregnant after being raped should carry that child to term?

Do you believe if a mother that has health conditions that could die because of a being pregnant should carry the child to term?

I am not saying everyone that goes there is for that purpose, but the reality is what you wrote to me came off as you believe the only ones that use planned parenthood are whores that have been enslaved by their pimps so a man can make money off them, and the reality is the pimp would most likely skip the planned parenthood and just beat her until she lost the unwanted child and not waste the time or resources to drive her to Planned Parenthood.

I know how dare I write something so factual, and yes I did insult you in this response and will again because you are a fucking gnat to me that should use abortion to rid this world of you!
Obviously english is not your first language. Americans do not use the word "gnat". I'm guessing you're from Pakistan taught in an English school at some point.
You are not a Catholic.
You obviously are seriously invested in the abortion debate which makes you 100% positively a female. How many abortions have you had?

Lucky thing you'll never play poker with me dear. Your 'tells' are like waving red flags.

Oh lord!

Yesterday I was told I am a bone smoking fag, and today I have Dannytwat writing that I must be a female....

Dannytwat this is what a Gnat look like:


Here is a picture of you:


You look a little gay there and look like you enjoy being the catcher and not the pitcher.

Now as you have shown that you have the IQ of a gnat it would be insulting to state the obvious that you are one, but at alas you are very slow so let me write that you are a fucking gnat!

Now you have stated I cried like a bitch when Bush was elected but never offered any evidence to support your nutter view.

Then you wrote asking me how many bastards I had out there in the world, and how many women had to use Planned Parenthood because of me, and like I wrote I know you are not my bastard. ( I do feel sorry for the person you belong to )

Now you are claiming I am a Twat because of the fact I could give a flying fuck what someone does as long as it is legal. You dislike it then guess what cry in your pillow Sally because I do not care.

Now what other Pearls of Wisdom will you part with before you have to head to the local Airport Restroom to part your cheeks for your pitcher?

I swear the worst invention has to be the internet allowing mental midget users like you on it!
WOW!! Look folks. I've apparently touched some buttons. HAA HAAA.
No one goes to this trouble to put up disclaimers like this unless I've touched a deep nerve.
How's the weather in the Internet cafe you're posting from in NP?
PRO TIP: Watch for those US drones coming to your compound sand monkey bitch.
Here's why the rag head wasn't educated in America: "
You dislike it then guess what cry in your pillow Sally because I do not care." Does this look like someone who was educated in the US?


Calling you a fucking retard would be stating the obvious, but you are fucking retarded and living proof why I support your right to abort yourself.

As for where I live, well I live outside Houston, Texas in the town of Richmond, and not in Pakistan. Now I am guessing you live where the sheep run and hide from you when they see you cumming, I mean coming.

You have not hit any nerve, and just showing the typical mental midget that you are.

Now anymore Pearls of Wisdom from the board short yellow bus rider?
Like I wrote you did not have the nerve to write what your words were actually were saying, so I cut through the bullshit and called them what you would call them under your breath.

You care about them women as much as Gloria Allered cared about that Illegal Maid she used to help Governor Brown to get elected and she claimed was the Next Rosa Parks of immigration, and when Brown won the Illegal was tossed back to Mexico and forgotten about, and that is what you would do with those girls once you got abortion banned because you really do not care about them.

So please and as i wrote not ever woman that visit Planned Parenthood is a whore, and you wrote I called them all a whore while that is what I am claiming you are writing.

So nice dodge and fuck off you little gnat!

Oh. So you read my mind.

As I said, you're typical of the anti-female, mentally ill pigs who fight to victimize and kill women and their babies. After all, per you, they're just whores.

I wrote not everyone that goes to planned parenthood is a whore, so I guess you're too stupid to understand that part. you are the one mentioning pimps in your remark, and guess what works for a pimp?

A whore.

I know how dare I even write that, so please stop trying to claim I believe all women are whores or like you because that is not what I wrote, and in fact stated not once but many times that not every woman that visit the clinic is a whore.

Also seeing you are trying to state I believe everyone woman is a whore that visit planned parenthood after I pointed out your comments as painting them as such, well tell me you really consider them as whores and why do you?

Do you believe a woman that get pregnant after being raped should carry that child to term?

Do you believe if a mother that has health conditions that could die because of a being pregnant should carry the child to term?

I am not saying everyone that goes there is for that purpose, but the reality is what you wrote to me came off as you believe the only ones that use planned parenthood are whores that have been enslaved by their pimps so a man can make money off them, and the reality is the pimp would most likely skip the planned parenthood and just beat her until she lost the unwanted child and not waste the time or resources to drive her to Planned Parenthood.

I know how dare I write something so factual, and yes I did insult you in this response and will again because you are a fucking gnat to me that should use abortion to rid this world of you!
Obviously english is not your first language. Americans do not use the word "gnat". I'm guessing you're from Pakistan taught in an English school at some point.
You are not a Catholic.
You obviously are seriously invested in the abortion debate which makes you 100% positively a female. How many abortions have you had?

Lucky thing you'll never play poker with me dear. Your 'tells' are like waving red flags.

Oh lord!

Yesterday I was told I am a bone smoking fag, and today I have Dannytwat writing that I must be a female....

Dannytwat this is what a Gnat look like:


Here is a picture of you:


You look a little gay there and look like you enjoy being the catcher and not the pitcher.

Now as you have shown that you have the IQ of a gnat it would be insulting to state the obvious that you are one, but at alas you are very slow so let me write that you are a fucking gnat!

Now you have stated I cried like a bitch when Bush was elected but never offered any evidence to support your nutter view.

Then you wrote asking me how many bastards I had out there in the world, and how many women had to use Planned Parenthood because of me, and like I wrote I know you are not my bastard. ( I do feel sorry for the person you belong to )

Now you are claiming I am a Twat because of the fact I could give a flying fuck what someone does as long as it is legal. You dislike it then guess what cry in your pillow Sally because I do not care.

Now what other Pearls of Wisdom will you part with before you have to head to the local Airport Restroom to part your cheeks for your pitcher?

I swear the worst invention has to be the internet allowing mental midget users like you on it!
WOW!! Look folks. I've apparently touched some buttons. HAA HAAA.
No one goes to this trouble to put up disclaimers like this unless I've touched a deep nerve.
How's the weather in the Internet cafe you're posting from in NP?
PRO TIP: Watch for those US drones coming to your compound sand monkey bitch.
Here's why the rag head wasn't educated in America: "
You dislike it then guess what cry in your pillow Sally because I do not care." Does this look like someone who was educated in the US?

Also I am guessing the only thing you touch is your pubic hair while watching transgender movies of Filipino Ladyboys...
Oh. So you read my mind.

As I said, you're typical of the anti-female, mentally ill pigs who fight to victimize and kill women and their babies. After all, per you, they're just whores.

I wrote not everyone that goes to planned parenthood is a whore, so I guess you're too stupid to understand that part. you are the one mentioning pimps in your remark, and guess what works for a pimp?

A whore.

I know how dare I even write that, so please stop trying to claim I believe all women are whores or like you because that is not what I wrote, and in fact stated not once but many times that not every woman that visit the clinic is a whore.

Also seeing you are trying to state I believe everyone woman is a whore that visit planned parenthood after I pointed out your comments as painting them as such, well tell me you really consider them as whores and why do you?

Do you believe a woman that get pregnant after being raped should carry that child to term?

Do you believe if a mother that has health conditions that could die because of a being pregnant should carry the child to term?

I am not saying everyone that goes there is for that purpose, but the reality is what you wrote to me came off as you believe the only ones that use planned parenthood are whores that have been enslaved by their pimps so a man can make money off them, and the reality is the pimp would most likely skip the planned parenthood and just beat her until she lost the unwanted child and not waste the time or resources to drive her to Planned Parenthood.

I know how dare I write something so factual, and yes I did insult you in this response and will again because you are a fucking gnat to me that should use abortion to rid this world of you!
Obviously english is not your first language. Americans do not use the word "gnat". I'm guessing you're from Pakistan taught in an English school at some point.
You are not a Catholic.
You obviously are seriously invested in the abortion debate which makes you 100% positively a female. How many abortions have you had?

Lucky thing you'll never play poker with me dear. Your 'tells' are like waving red flags.

Oh lord!

Yesterday I was told I am a bone smoking fag, and today I have Dannytwat writing that I must be a female....

Dannytwat this is what a Gnat look like:


Here is a picture of you:


You look a little gay there and look like you enjoy being the catcher and not the pitcher.

Now as you have shown that you have the IQ of a gnat it would be insulting to state the obvious that you are one, but at alas you are very slow so let me write that you are a fucking gnat!

Now you have stated I cried like a bitch when Bush was elected but never offered any evidence to support your nutter view.

Then you wrote asking me how many bastards I had out there in the world, and how many women had to use Planned Parenthood because of me, and like I wrote I know you are not my bastard. ( I do feel sorry for the person you belong to )

Now you are claiming I am a Twat because of the fact I could give a flying fuck what someone does as long as it is legal. You dislike it then guess what cry in your pillow Sally because I do not care.

Now what other Pearls of Wisdom will you part with before you have to head to the local Airport Restroom to part your cheeks for your pitcher?

I swear the worst invention has to be the internet allowing mental midget users like you on it!
WOW!! Look folks. I've apparently touched some buttons. HAA HAAA.
No one goes to this trouble to put up disclaimers like this unless I've touched a deep nerve.
How's the weather in the Internet cafe you're posting from in NP?
PRO TIP: Watch for those US drones coming to your compound sand monkey bitch.
Here's why the rag head wasn't educated in America: "
"You dislike it then guess what cry in your pillow Sally because I do not care." Does this look like someone who was educated in the US?


Calling you a fucking retard would be stating the obvious, but you are fucking retarded and living proof why I support your right to abort yourself.

As for where I live, well I live outside Houston, Texas in the town of Richmond, and not in Pakistan. Now I am guessing you live where the sheep run and hide from you when they see you cumming, I mean coming.

You have not hit any nerve, and just showing the typical mental midget that you are.

Now anymore Pearls of Wisdom from the board short yellow bus rider?
You obviously can not string a proper sentence together. You obviously have become so agitated you can't think straight.
"Pearls of Wisdom"? Why capitalise them? It's not like a fucking book title asshole. You may not live in Pakistan pal but that's where you are from.
I have a special early Christmas present for you: I have C&Ped all your posts here and sent them the DHS/NSC/CIA/FBI and your local LE office where you claim to live. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!! Those motherfuckers are just in the right mood to do some 'wet-work'.
Hope you enjoy eating cat food sandwiches.
You think all the women victimized in planned parenthood clinics are whores?

I love it when the death cultists/misogynists show their true, mentally ill colors.

Is that what I wrote?

I wrote not everyone that visit a planned parent is a whore but you did suggest they were by implying their pimps, so it was you that actually was implying they are whores and not me, but thanks for the typical bullshit response.

Now fuck off you little gnat!

Nonsense. I didn't call them whores. I said they were being victimized by pimps and the men who get them pregnant, and human traffickers.

Absolutely 100 percent true.

You call those women whores, though, which shows us how much you care about them.

Like I wrote you did not have the nerve to write what your words were actually were saying, so I cut through the bullshit and called them what you would call them under your breath.

You care about them women as much as Gloria Allered cared about that Illegal Maid she used to help Governor Brown to get elected and she claimed was the Next Rosa Parks of immigration, and when Brown won the Illegal was tossed back to Mexico and forgotten about, and that is what you would do with those girls once you got abortion banned because you really do not care about them.

So please and as i wrote not ever woman that visit Planned Parenthood is a whore, and you wrote I called them all a whore while that is what I am claiming you are writing.

So nice dodge and fuck off you little gnat!

Oh. So you read my mind.

As I said, you're typical of the anti-female, mentally ill pigs who fight to victimize and kill women and their babies. After all, per you, they're just whores.

I wrote not everyone that goes to planned parenthood is a whore, so I guess you're too stupid to understand that part. you are the one mentioning pimps in your remark, and guess what works for a pimp?

A whore.

I know how dare I even write that, so please stop trying to claim I believe all women are whores or like you because that is not what I wrote, and in fact stated not once but many times that not every woman that visit the clinic is a whore.

Also seeing you are trying to state I believe everyone woman is a whore that visit planned parenthood after I pointed out your comments as painting them as such, well tell me you really consider them as whores and why do you?

Do you believe a woman that get pregnant after being raped should carry that child to term?

Do you believe if a mother that has health conditions that could die because of a being pregnant should carry the child to term?

I am not saying everyone that goes there is for that purpose, but the reality is what you wrote to me came off as you believe the only ones that use planned parenthood are whores that have been enslaved by their pimps so a man can make money off them, and the reality is the pimp would most likely skip the planned parenthood and just beat her until she lost the unwanted child and not waste the time or resources to drive her to Planned Parenthood.

I know how dare I write something so factual, and yes I did insult you in this response and will again because you are a fucking gnat to me that should use abortion to rid this world of you!

Remember, I never said the women who go to PP are whores. You said I said that, based on your own perception of the types of women who are being victimized.

Women with health conditions don't need, and have never needed, Planned Parenthood to address them. Stop making shit up. really are mentally ill, your rants are dishonest, confused, disjointed, hysterical, and you should seek help.
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