News from Korea

Sep 12, 2008
Internet is a wonderful thing. I was able to get the morning news from SBC Korea this morning (Korea time)

The torpedoing of the navel ship is the big news today. Funerals were yesterday. They had one funeral for all 40 sailors. The Koreans arent big on stoicism in the face of death, so much of the footage of the funeral was moms having hysterics. Since South Korea is modern and industrial, the birth rate has been low for a while, and given Korean Culture, the loss must have been devastating.

They have shown the ship being towed in several times. They had to bring it up in sections and put it on barges in order to bring it in.

Since Korean TV is government run, it looks like official Korea is beating the drums in preparation for something. I dont understand the words, but the pictures are making a definite message.
My son is stationed in Korea. He told me that the South Koreans don't want to go to war. Our plan if the NK attacks is to evacuate everyone south away from the border, not to fight at the border. The Army is in the process of turning all their installations to the South Korean army and moving to the southern part of the country.

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