NEWSFLASH: Blacks Are Tired Of Supporting Democrats - Thanks, Joe!

Republicans don't need to do anything...

The Obamagate conspiring, pu$$y grabbing, dementia-suffering, ' You ain't black', 'xenophobic', self-confessing extortionist is doing great on his own.

Did you really just use “pussy grabbing” as a criticism of Biden? And you still support the guy who is literally on tape saying that he grabs unsuspecting women by the pussy?

Trump supporters have got to be the dumbest sons of bitches on earth.

Trump only said it, Biden did it
Republicans don't need to do anything...

The Obamagate conspiring, pu$$y grabbing, dementia-suffering, ' You ain't black', 'xenophobic', self-confessing extortionist is doing great on his own.

Did you really just use “pussy grabbing” as a criticism of Biden? And you still support the guy who is literally on tape saying that he grabs unsuspecting women by the pussy?

Trump supporters have got to be the dumbest sons of bitches on earth.

Trump only said it, Biden did it
30 women disagree with you called trump a degenerate molester
Seems the Trump haters on here are extremely under informed. Which explains the Tard syndrome responses.


What are "Trump haters" so "uninformed" about? Name something. In his three-plus years in office, we have all become quite informed about him.

He had the opportunity to be a good president once in office, but instead chose to be a clown who only wanted to be president of republicans, not all Americans. In just about every speech he has made, he has vilified Democrats instead of unifying the country.

He also has not made any effort to perform his duty to inform the public clearly as to what his adminsistration is doing, among so many other things.

BTW: I wonder how many people who start threads on USMB about certain demographic groups, i.e. blacks, women, LGBTs, etc., are actually members of the groups they post about?
Who knows but we do know blacks aren’t white and they do nothing but denigrate whites.
The Democratic Party has taken the minority vote for granted for a long time, and it thought that pushing PC and Identity Politics would keep it that way.

Maybe not, huh?

Another completely false reading of what happened to the Democrats. Reagan was so insanely popular with Americans, with his hating on social programs, unions, taxes, and the War on Poverty, and the support of the Moral Majority and with its anti-woman agenda. The thing is that once in power, Reagan's policies of cutting the social safety net, ending the war on poverty, and cutting taxes for the rich, increased poverty and food stamp useage. Two years after Reagan took office, food stamp useage had doubled, even though qualifications had tightened under Reagan.

Reagan laid the groundwork and began the transfer of wealth to the top 10% and America loved him for it. The only way for Democrats to win was to appeal to less radical Republicans, those who weren't really benefitting from the Republican Credit Card economy, was to turn themselves into "Republicans lite". That's what Bill Clinton did. Clinton managed to raise the minimum wage and get some worker protections into NAFTA before it was signed into law, but Democrats only held the House for two years before Newt Gingerich and his "Contract with America" crowd took over and worked on deregulating Wall Street and keeping Democrats from essentially doing anything for the poor or minorities thereafter.

For the next 12 years, Republicans controlled the House and gradually took greater and greater control of the State Houses, cutting spending on infrastructure, education, research. Promoting the vilification and partisanization of the American people, literally pitting rural and mostly white states, against the coastal states with a more diverse population, and falsely portraying Democrats as "communists, out to destroy America".

Over the years, Republicans had promoted a falsely partisan agenda, all while lying endlessly about Democrats, leftists, and social spending of any kind. Three of the last four Republican Presidents have literally crashed the economy, cutting taxes and leaving the cupboard bare in a national emergency. Just like W, after 9/11, the economy has to go into deep deep deficit spending to cover the economic contraction. That lead to a much bigger crash in 2008.

Trump has mishandled this crisis so badly that the level of death and illness in the highest in the world, and the contraction in the US economy is also the highest in the first world. I don't see this ending well for the American people. The working base who voted for Trump are now the ones who are dying. And the black people who stayed home last time, are dying at much higher numbers than the old white people.

Nothing fails like killing off your base to save your economy, failing to save with the people or their jobs.
Republicans don't need to do anything...

The Obamagate conspiring, pu$$y grabbing, dementia-suffering, ' You ain't black', 'xenophobic', self-confessing extortionist is doing great on his own.

Did you really just use “pussy grabbing” as a criticism of Biden? And you still support the guy who is literally on tape saying that he grabs unsuspecting women by the pussy?

Trump supporters have got to be the dumbest sons of bitches on earth.

Trump only said it, Biden did it
30 women disagree with you called trump a degenerate molester

Never fucking happened! Meanwhile in reality, BJ Clinton has a million frequent flyer miles on Epsteins Lolita Express
"You ain't black" possibly the biggest gaffe in Dem history. :auiqs.jpg: So long Dem party nice knowing you.

Over 90% of them will vote for Biden
If its only 90% then biden is in trouble

Who said only 90? I said over 90. Furthermore, it won't matter when Trump is bleeding his own base

I have no way of knowing for sure and am not going to tske your hyperventilated word for it

we’ll see in november
Republicans don't need to do anything...

The Obamagate conspiring, pu$$y grabbing, dementia-suffering, ' You ain't black', 'xenophobic', self-confessing extortionist is doing great on his own.

Did you really just use “pussy grabbing” as a criticism of Biden? And you still support the guy who is literally on tape saying that he grabs unsuspecting women by the pussy?

Trump supporters have got to be the dumbest sons of bitches on earth.

Trump only said it, Biden did it
30 women disagree with you called trump a degenerate molester

Never fucking happened! Meanwhile in reality, BJ Clinton has a million frequent flyer miles on Epsteins Lolita Express
Ol Eppy one of Trumps pals Shared and shared alike
Republicans don't need to do anything...

The Obamagate conspiring, pu$$y grabbing, dementia-suffering, ' You ain't black', 'xenophobic', self-confessing extortionist is doing great on his own.

Did you really just use “pussy grabbing” as a criticism of Biden? And you still support the guy who is literally on tape saying that he grabs unsuspecting women by the pussy?

Trump supporters have got to be the dumbest sons of bitches on earth.

Trump only said it, Biden did it
30 women disagree with you called trump a degenerate molester

Never fucking happened! Meanwhile in reality, BJ Clinton has a million frequent flyer miles on Epsteins Lolita Express

And yet NONE of Epstein's girls have ever accused Clinton of anything. One of Epstein's girls sued Trump for beating and raping her when she was 13, but not a single accusation against Clinton. Could it be that even Clinton, as sexually opportunistic as he was, knew that getting involved in any of Epstein's bullshit would end his political career forever.


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"You ain't black" possibly the biggest gaffe in Dem history. :auiqs.jpg: So long Dem party nice knowing you.
If you really think this hurts Dems with the black voting bloc, you’re a fucking moron.

LOL ^^^ proof this hurts Dems.
at the pace Biden is going with his brain farts, who knows, in a few weeks he may say something along the lines of "If a white man doesnt like fried chicken and grits, hes not white"

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