Newsom Knows Better

Yes you dipshit, I'm one of them. I'm not Black American. I'm not eligible for American reparations because my family wasn't in this country to be exploited by slavery or segregation or red lining or the many other numerous ways white Americans used to keep Black Americans as second class citizens, politically, socially and economically. I more than happy to negotiate but I'm also unmoved and undeterred by opposition or disagreement. Sometimes we're going to disagree, that's what politics is for.
wow disagree with your slimy ass and the names are to fucking stupid to see what kind of division that reparations of that kind will do to this country....but then posters here have been saying you are pretty i see what they were saying.....
wow disagree with your slimy ass and the names start....
Okay. Good for you. 😄
you are to fucking stupid to see what kind of division that reparations of that kind will do to this country....
Why don't you try explaining it to me and I'll decide whether to take it seriously or think that maybe you're just a giant little bitch.
but then posters here have been saying you are pretty i see what they were saying.....
You're not saying much of anything. You're a giant BEWARE OF DOG poster but I don't hear any barking.
Okay. Good for you. 😄

Why don't you try explaining it to me and I'll decide whether to take it seriously or think that maybe you're just a giant little bitch.

You're not saying much of anything. You're a giant BEWARE OF DOG poster but I don't hear any barking.
if you cant figure out how giving just some people tons of money will divide this country then those posters were right about you...and you dont hear any barking from me because you are the only one barking....but it sounds like a Pomeranian trying to sound like a bigger dog........
if you cant figure out how giving just some people tons of money will divide this country then those posters were right about you...
I can see how it would divide some people just fine what I dont see is why I should give a shit. If reparations passes and they're salty about it so what? There were people upset about the end of segregation as well. Fuck em. Why should I care?
and you dont hear any barking from me because you are the only one barking....but it sounds like a Pomeranian trying to sound like a bigger dog........
I don't mind telling you exactly what I stand for, why and how I plan to go about making it happen. You on the other hand have had three tries to explain to me why I should be worried about some people's salty tears and hurt feelings and you've punted each time.
Wrong dipshit. In the last couple of presidential primaries I've supported an independent over a Democrat. You're not to bright are you? Logic not your strong suit?
Ummmmmmmmmmmmm, we have democratic primaries, republican primaries, and sometimes primaries of other parties. And, for the most part, there is no such thing as an Independent party that holds primaries to pick which independent you want. So, you couldn't have possibly voted for an independent over a democrat in a Democratic primary. That's why Bernie, even though he is an independent, runs in the democratic primary as a democrat. It's impossible to vote for an independent in a democratic primary. So, who's the dipshit who is not bright and where logic is not their strong suit?
I can see how it would divide some people just fine what I dont see is why I should give a shit. If reparations passes and they're salty about it so what? There were people upset about the end of segregation as well. Fuck em. Why should I care?

I don't mind telling you exactly what I stand for, why and how I plan to go about making it happen. You on the other hand have had three tries to explain to me why I should be worried about some people's salty tears and hurt feelings and you've punted each time.
this country is already pretty divided with fucking violence happening all the time because of this division....and here you are hoping for more...and just like a shitty receiver you dropped it each time i let me punt it again,see if you can catch it this time...
I can see how it would divide some people just fine what I dont see is why I should give a shit. If reparations passes and they're salty about it so what? There were people upset about the end of segregation as well. Fuck em. Why should I care?

I don't mind telling you exactly what I stand for, why and how I plan to go about making it happen. You on the other hand have had three tries to explain to me why I should be worried about some people's salty tears and hurt feelings and you've punted each time.
We already have proof of the younger generations being of a less percentage of go getters than those before them. No way I would work for a much higher of percentage of taxes going for someone else over pure politics.
So, you couldn't have possibly voted for an independent over a democrat in a Democratic primary.....
Uh huh... wait for it everyone because it wont take long....
That's why Bernie, even though he is an independent, runs in the democratic primary as a democrat.
There it is! 😄
It's impossible to vote for an independent in a democratic primary. So, who's the dipshit who is not bright and where logic is not their strong suit?
Jesus Christ you're stupid.
this country is already pretty divided with fucking violence happening all the time because of this division....and here you are hoping for more...and just like a shitty receiver you dropped it each time i let me punt it again,see if you can catch it this time...
So in other words you'd have me abandon policies that I support because some other people will get violent?

Like I figured you display the reasoning of a total bitch. I guess you're the type to bend over compliantly whenever someone threatens you. It's pretty bold of you to admit that here to all of us but why would you think anyone else would find your soft as demeanor appealing as lifestyle choice?
We already have proof of the younger generations being of a less percentage of go getters than those before them. No way I would work for a much higher of percentage of taxes going for someone else over pure politics.
Do we have that proof? Did you present it in an invisible link?
There are easy ways to legally negate stuff through tax law. I don't even know what cosplay is.
Hey, if you want to not pay your taxes and potentially get yourself caught up with the IRS just avoid the inevitability of some of your tax dollars in some way going to fund reparations then be my guest. I'm not trying to discourage you from that course of action. 😄
Do we have that proof? Did you present it in an invisible link?
We see it today in living color. Younger people out of shape, lazy, heavily into drugs and alcohol, under educated and more with prison records. Although it is not difficult with the police state we are expanding on. The disrespect of the young and the elderly is increasing.
Hey, if you want to not pay your taxes and potentially get yourself caught up with the IRS just avoid the inevitability of some of your tax dollars in some way going to fund reparations then be my guest. I'm not trying to discourage you from that course of action. 😄

You have a real problem with comprehension dont you?
So in other words you'd have me abandon policies that I support because some other people will get violent?

Like I figured you display the reasoning of a total bitch. I guess you're the type to bend over compliantly whenever someone threatens you. It's pretty bold of you to admit that here to all of us but why would you think anyone else would find your soft as demeanor appealing as lifestyle choice?
why dont you just say you care more about a certain policy over the well being of the country?...but then you die hard party people are like over country....and at least i display some reasoning....all you display is, its my way and if you dont like it fuck you....once again die hard party reasoning.....
We see it today in living color. Younger people out of shape, lazy, heavily into drugs and alcohol, under educated and more with prison records. Although it is not difficult with the police state we are expanding on. The disrespect of the young and the elderly is increasing.
So no proof then. Just your ignorant assumptions supported by nothing.

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