Newsom…..reparations in CA? Paid out to those who have benefitted the most from slavery? Does that really make sense?

We are talking politics here. You people will go off the rails at the least problem. you have a couple of talking points and then you go into the ridiculous insults.... the GOP base facts are all wrong and too many Americans ditto. The GOP propaganda machine is the worst thing that has ever happened to America, all since Reagan away with the fairness convention.
Blah, blah, blah. Nothing specific.
We are talking politics here. You people will go off the rails at the least problem. you have a couple of talking points and then you go into the ridiculous insults.... the GOP base facts are all wrong and too many Americans ditto. The GOP propaganda machine is the worst thing that has ever happened to America, all since Reagan away with the fairness convention.
no we were changed it to that because you dont want to be called a bigot....
I just know that every other modern country has all this stuff and they do just fine and we are the richest country in the world And you are and you are a brainwashed functional moron. everybody in the world knows that the Republican base are the stupidest voters in the modern world. oops brainwashed Functionally stupidest... I guess you think you're a frontiersman and people with a problem should just go west. Never Worked and now it's not even possible. time to grow up and act like a civilized country Finally.

Of course you guys hate everyone in the country so you don't want anybody to have any fun. And I am retired happily and and I'm only worried about what is good for the country and mainly the middle and working classes who have been getting screwed for 60 years almost 55 years- thanks tricky Dicky and Ronnie Ray gun. ronnie gave us the worst propaganda machine ever anywhere and the worst voters and information ever anywhere. Poor America.
Never heard of such a thing, which illustrates that it was actually your hateful divisive propaganda machine that caused the problems if anything. Everybody knows it but you hate Mongers...

Read his book dumbass.
You're not very informed for a college graduate.
you believe a mountain of garbage propaganda and are the worst thing that has ever happened to American politics. There was absolutely no election fraud vaccine fraud global warming hoax et cetera et cetera. You are the party of big oil big money screw the Rubes swine.
Never heard of such a thing, which illustrates that it was actually your hateful divisive propaganda machine that caused the problems if anything. Everybody knows it but you hate Mongers...

My image of Onyango, faint as it was, had always been of an autocratic man-a cruel man, perhaps. But I had also imagined him an independent man, a man of his people, opposed to white rule. There was no real basis for this image, I now realized-only the letter he had written to Gramps saying that he didn’t want his son marrying white. That, and his Muslim faith, which in my mind had become linked with the Nation of Islam back in the States. What Granny had told us scrambled that image completely, causing ugly words to flash across my mind. Uncle Tom. Collaborator. House ******.
And that is a fact. So what are you saying. he noticed that his grandfather worked in the house as a slave. And he is causing problems here? absolute brainwash. Nobody in the real world cares about such crap.

Obama like you is a racist pig fucker.
And that is a fact. So what are you saying. he noticed that his grandfather worked in the house as a slave. And he is causing problems here? absolute brainwash. Nobody in the real world cares about such crap.

I can see you as a House Ni**r too.
you believe a mountain of garbage propaganda and are the worst thing that has ever happened to American politics. There was absolutely no election fraud vaccine fraud global warming hoax et cetera et cetera. You are the party of big oil big money screw the Rubes swine.
Word salad
you believe a mountain of garbage propaganda and are the worst thing that has ever happened to American politics. There was absolutely no election fraud vaccine fraud global warming hoax et cetera et cetera. You are the party of big oil big money screw the Rubes swine.
You're punctuation is nonexistent. Are you sure that you're a college grad?

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