Newsom…..reparations in CA? Paid out to those who have benefitted the most from slavery? Does that really make sense?

The good thing is that in California the money given to the filthy ass Negroes will be collected in taxes from the idiot Hollywood Limousine Liberals and the stupid Silicon Valley White Guilt pukes. Nobody else in the state has any money anymore.

when 2/3 of the country lives paycheck to paycheck, it just might have something to do with the giveaway to the rich GOP tax rates of the last 40 years. DUHHH. it is not just California you idiot... way to be conquered by the divide and conquer greedy idiot GOP, super Dupe Bigot.
It was their country. Do you really condone the way they were treated?

1. They werent some contiguous country. It was a huge number of individual "countries"

2. Would I condone doing it in this day and age? No. But if I had been born then I likely wouldn't have thought much of it. Neither would you have.

3. Bottom line, I feel bad for the people it actually happened to, but I dont in any way feel responsible for what happened. If any of them were alive today, I would agree with them that what happened to them was awful but they arent, so. None of the people who perpetrated what happened to them is alive either, so even if I thought it was fair to hold someone accountable by today's standards for something they did over a hundred years ago we cant as they are dead.

4. The ancestors of NA's have no claim to anything. Nothing happened to them and no one alive today did anything to any of their ancestors.

Do you know why 1 or 2 NA tribes didnt conquer all the other ones?

They couldn't. That's the 1 and only reason. Given the ability to do so they would have and wouldn't have thought twice about doing it.

There are many truths in this world. One of those truths is life isnt fair, easy nor does it owe you anything. If you want something go get it.
when 2/3 of the country lives paycheck to paycheck, it just might have something to do with the giveaway to the rich GOP tax rates of the last 40 years. DUHHH. it is not just California you idiot... way to be conquered by the divide and conquer greedy idiot GOP, super Dupe Bigot.
How does a "tax cut to the rich" effect whether or not someone lives paycheck to paycheck?
when 2/3 of the country lives paycheck to paycheck, it just might have something to do with the giveaway to the rich GOP tax rates of the last 40 years. DUHHH. it is not just California you idiot... way to be conquered by the divide and conquer greedy idiot GOP, super Dupe Bigot.
The goddamn Illegals that have flooded into Commie California won't be paying much of it. The Middle Class is moving out of the state. The Negroes ain't paying jackshit. It is up to the Hollywood and Silicon Libtard fat cats.

Of course California has the most debt in the nation so they will add more on top of it. Kinda like the US being $32 trillion in debt and Potatohead adding $1.4 trillion on top of that this year to pay for worthless shit.
poverty causes crime, investing in Americans ends poverty. Smell the coffee....
yea that wont end racism and bigotry,,,,,here is a fact for you franco.....there are lots of wealthy racist and bigots and lots of people who are working suffer the same maybe you should smell that coffee....
"Nations" - proper term.
They held territories with borders that shifted with regularity due to the constant conflict with other "nations".

It was OK for the Indians to take land by force; not sure why it was not OK for us to do the same.
Because they had the same skin color apparently. It's no different than it's horrible that white people bought slaves from Africa but not awful that black people sold slaves in Africa. Not sure why one is worse than the other.
Because they had the same skin color apparently. It's no different than it's horrible that white people bought slaves from Africa but not awful that black people sold slaves in Africa. Not sure why one is worse than the other.
white Devil speak with forked tongue and has all the money. LOL. the ones with millions of slaves are the bad guys.
white Devil speak with forked tongue and has all the money. LOL. the ones with millions of slaves are the bad guys.
The "white devil" wouldnt have had a single black slave without the black people selling their excess slaves to them. Yes, their excess slaves. They werent just selling slaves they were slave owners themselves. This idea that only people will light skin owned slaves is fantasy. Guess where the last place on earth to outlaw slavery.

Hint: it isnt in the part of the world that the population is predominately white.
How does a "tax cut to the rich" effect whether or not someone lives paycheck to paycheck?
Would people's lives be different with basically free college and training like they have in every other modern country, ignoramus? Maybe you people might have learned something besides besides garbage propaganda... LOL
The "white devil" wouldnt have had a single black slave without the black people selling their excess slaves to them. Yes, their excess slaves. They werent just selling slaves they were slave owners themselves. This idea that only people will light skin owned slaves is fantasy.
Yes yes I'm sure you're an expert on African culture before the Portuguese arrived LOL
Yes yes I'm sure you're an expert on African culture before the Portuguese arrived LOL
Who do you think was selling slaves to the Portuguese? White people? Do you think they were going into the interior of the continent and capturing people and enslaving them?
Would people's lives be different with basically free college and training like they have in every other modern country, ignoramus? Maybe you people might have learned something besides besides garbage propaganda... LOL

So you just want some free shit and think everyone else owes it to you. Good luck with that.
So you just want some free shit and think everyone else owes it to you. Good luck with that.
I just know that every other modern country has all this stuff and they do just fine and we are the richest country in the world And you are and you are a brainwashed functional moron. everybody in the world knows that the Republican base are the stupidest voters in the modern world. oops brainwashed Functionally stupidest... I guess you think you're a frontiersman and people with a problem should just go west. Never Worked and now it's not even possible. time to grow up and act like a civilized country Finally.

Of course you guys hate everyone in the country so you don't want anybody to have any fun. And I am retired happily and and I'm only worried about what is good for the country and mainly the middle and working classes who have been getting screwed for 60 years almost 55 years- thanks tricky Dicky and Ronnie Ray gun. ronnie gave us the worst propaganda machine ever anywhere and the worst voters and information ever anywhere. Poor America.
I just know that every other modern country has all this stuff and they do just fine and we are the richest country in the world And you are and you are a brainwashed functional moron. everybody in the world knows that the Republican base are the stupidest voters in the modern world. oops brainwashed Functionally stupidest... I guess you think you're a frontiersman and people with a problem should just go west. Never Worked and now it's not even possible. time to grow up and act like a civilized country Finally.

Of course you guys hate everyone in the country so you don't want anybody to have any fun. And I am retired happily and and I'm only worried about what is good for the country and mainly the middle and working classes who have been getting screwed for 60 years almost 55 years- thanks tricky Dicky and Ronnie Ray gun. ronnie gave us the worst propaganda machine ever anywhere and the worst voters and information ever anywhere. Poor America.

And nothing is free.

And nothing is free.
in Denmark they pay you to go to university. Sounds like a good idea Soak the rich and screw the GOP
The more democrats have given Blacks for their vote, the more ignorant and dependent Blacks have become. Blacks were far better off before Lyndon Johnson's Great Society.

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