Newsom…..reparations in CA? Paid out to those who have benefitted the most from slavery? Does that really make sense?

Today's black Americans ought to go down to their knees and thank God that their ancestors were abducted from that rotten continent and brought to America. Otherwise, they most likely would not be here today. If they did come into existence they would be fighting off Ebola and crocodiles and giant snakes and such. Instead, they living in a country where even the most poor among us has a car and a smart phone. The have all the rights and opportunities here as everyone else. In many other countries today they would be thrown under the bus. But not here, in the USA. The fact is, black Americans hit the fucking lottery!!

Brilliant post, but I would like to point out that I've known a lot of disabled Veterans who could not come up to your description of the poorest of the poor, i.e. having a car and a smart phone. Those who had to wheel their wheelchairs onto a bus to get anywhere.

I make the simple point that what you are seeing today is all bullshit propagated by woke white guilt loonies with no real intent….just your basic virtue signaling puppet-masters playing thier useful idiots like a fiddle…as per usual.
Malcolm warned you…he told you all about these people….and you haven’t listened.
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The case for reparations is championed by Black Americans you Dipshit. 😄 Stop quoting Malcolm while at the same time crying like a bitch that Black people are using politics to push for policies that we want.
The case for reparations is championed by Black Americans you Dipshit. 😄 Stop quoting Malcolm while at the same time crying like a bitch that Black people are using politics to push for policies that we want.
this goat fellow might live in cal....he wants that money....
Yes! And the ancestors weren't paid for the contribution they made, as so their descendents should be, and with interest accrued over hundreds of years.
once again ...elect a black or brown PM of Can'tada before you comment on race relations in the US .
Shape up kid or be ignored. Final warning.
The case for reparations is championed by Black Americans you Dipshit. 😄 Stop quoting Malcolm while at the same time crying like a bitch that Black people are using politics to push for policies that we want.
Lets go with that. Why would black Americans believe they’re entitled to other peoples cash as they benefit from old-slavery and consider themselves lucky as hell to have been born in America and not Africa?
I don’t believe they do, I believe black folks have more pride than that….I believe white guilt politicians have made them believe they should. I believe white guilt politicians ride the backs of black Americans just said Malcolm said they do.
this goat fellow might live in cal....he wants that money....
I'm Black, but not Black American. I don't qualify for reparations nor, do I think I should. My family came here in the 80s. Simp right wingers like to make this argument time to time as if the only people who advocate for reparations are potential recipients, everyone who supports gay rights must also be gay, its how your Simp minds work. 😄
Lets go with that. Why would black Americans believe they’re entitled to other peoples cash as they benefit from old-slavery and consider themselves lucky as hell to have been born in America and not Africa?
Why wouldn't you feel lucky to live in America and pay reparations? You could still be a royal subject. 😄

Also my wife and I love South Africa. We'll probably end up buying a vacation home in Cape Town at some point.
I don’t believe they do, I believe black folks have more pride than that….I believe white guilt politicians have made them believe they should. I believe white guilt politicians ride the backs of black Americans just said Malcolm said they do.
Who gives a shit what a Simp fuck like you believes? 😂
Why wouldn't you feel lucky to live in America and pay reparations? You could still be a royal subject. 😄

Also my wife and I love South Africa. We'll probably end up buying a vacation home in Cape Town at some point.

Who gives a shit what a Simp fuck like you believes? 😂
There is no doubt, there is a percentage just like you…Logic matters not….you just want your free shit, that’s all that matters.
I'm Black, but not Black American. I don't qualify for reparations nor, do I think I should. My family came here in the 80s. Simp right wingers like to make this argument time to time as if the only people who advocate for reparations are potential recipients, everyone who supports gay rights must also be gay, its how your Simp minds work. 😄
i have black blood in me too but i am not black american....and you should not be calling others simps....i like others here have read the shit you post up here.....
There is no doubt, there is a percentage just like you…Logic matters not….you just want your free shit, that’s all that matters.
I'm not Black American you dipshit. What free shit am I after by supporting reparations that I do not qualify for? 😄
Aren’t todays black Americans benefitting from all the hard work their ancestors put in here in America?
How many would have preferred to have been born and raised in Africa? How many have left America to return to their homeland to live out that life they missed out on?
I intend for this thread to remain civil and serious….I believe some politicians will have to find the courage to confront the virtue signalers like Newsom with this message.
Is there anyone in Congress brave enough to do so?

'Broke-ass' California talking about paying MILLIONS to each black person in Ca ... who have never been slaves ... for slavery reparations...

Is like the US govt - that is $32 TRILLION IN DEBT - saying it is going to pay reparations to every Japanese American a mllion dollars for Japanese Americans being forced into internment camps during WWII ... despite the actual ones put in camps are not alive anymore.

The case for reparations is championed by Black Americans you Dipshit. 😄 Stop quoting Malcolm while at the same time crying like a bitch that Black people are using politics to push for policies that we want.
It seems like a percentage of African Americans are crying like bitches. When humans start collecting money and benefits it is like a drug addiction. Stopping it is near impossible until the entity paying it out cannot anymore.
Yes! And the ancestors weren't paid for the contribution they made, as so their descendents should be, and with interest accrued over hundreds of years.
My ancestors weren't paid either.

Pay me first, before you pay the looters.

I actually work for a living.

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