Newsom's reparations panel demands ability to deny real estate purchases by race.

If you're like me I wake up every morning distressed about what blacks are upset about today...

Not really
Not worried at all .. especially since I'm not a California taxpayer .. or former Californian that's required to pay into their system. While this is at a state level today .. it will .. creep into the national debate and produce the same response. End result will be some type of "Black Entitlement Program" (insert fancy term here) to keep blacks satisfied for being .. black ... and to create the slippery slope that ever increases the benefits to this program.

Democrats will throw money to temporarily satisfy blacks .. and they'll always want more!
Black families is a myth .. as a majority of black "families" consist of single parents -- especially females (e.g. 60%+) .. then you have organizations, like BLM, that push to abort the nuclear family concept .. then .. you have a large portion of black "families" dependent on government subsidies, that produce no clear incentive to be successful..

You can use fancy terms like "racial economic injustices," and most call that "government subsidies and benefits."
Racial economic injustice aren't fancy words.... jesus christ.... 😄.... and black fathers are the most involved in their children's lives. Unmarried doesn't mean abandoned.
Justice isn't entitlement. White families have on average ten times the wealth of black families and this is due to racial economic injustice. You can't hide from responsibility forever.

Racial economic injustice aren't fancy words.... jesus christ.... 😄.... and black fathers are the most involved in their children's lives.Unmarried doesn't mean abandoned.

Racial economic injustice aren't fancy words.... jesus christ.... 😄.... and black fathers are the most involved in their children's lives. Unmarried doesn't mean abandoned.
Then why do blacks represent a lionshare of single, female parent outcomes? They are #1 on the list ...

Oh . educate us .. 60+% of black "families" are with single mothers .. do tell us .. how are those fathers the most involved, especially when they've fathered children from multiple females?
Then why do blacks represent a lionshare of single, female parent outcomes? They are #1 on the list ...
Single parent as defined as unmarried. Unmarried however doesn't mean abandoned.
Oh . educate us .. 60+% of black "families" are with single mothers .. do tell us .. how are those fathers the most involved, especially when they've fathered children from multiple females?
Single parent as defined as unmarried. Unmarried however doesn't mean abandoned.

Marriage rates for blacks have continued to decline over the last 5 - 7 years .. in 2016, marriage rates were in the low to mid 40% range and in 2020, they were hovering in the low 30% range. Regardless .. single parent scenarios rank #1 in the United states in the 65-70% range .. and .. with all the statistics proving otherwise .. what source do you use to show fathers haven't abandoned their children?
Only because you rather have racist views of black fathers than acknowledge systemic wealth disparities.
Oh .. you mean some black people make millions (e.g. Samuel Jackson) and become president (e.g. Barack Obama) .. so they make more than other blacks that are enslaved to government benefits? Educate us oh Curried Goat the subject matter expert.
Yes, you read that correctly.
In the name of reparations, the panel wants the right to deny property purchases according to what race the buyer is.

I have an idea - let's make this guy the President!

Fox News; No, Faux News. It's up to you to realize which media is false.
That's what white people did during segregation you historically ignorant Dipshit. 😄

Why do some whites not understand restorative justice is going to entail giving up some of those previous ill gotten gains.
and justice means freeing jailbirds and making crime legal....right
Yes, you read that correctly.
In the name of reparations, the panel wants the right to deny property purchases according to what race the buyer is.

I have an idea - let's make this guy the President!

Me thinks that would violate the fair housing act, but since when are commies concerned about violating laws?

Well geez .. maybe those blacks should own them a few white people then (in a state that never practiced slavery)... all in the name of restorative justice!
Slavery doesn't have a damn thing to do with the Jim Crow that was practiced in California, idiot.
That is an example of Restorative Justice? Make the the practice of Housing Discrimination illegal and then “restore” it to use against Whites? That is sure to divide US.

California is home to many wealthy elite liberal Whites. I guarantee they will take no less kindly to being denied real estate in the name of bullshit wokeness.

Restorative Justice is simply a vehicle to get revenge on Whitey.
Whites took property that belonged to blacks. Giving it back is indeed restorative justice. The U.S. is already divided and stop whining about revenge. Whites should not have done anything for anybody to get "revenge" for.
Look idiots, this is about what the government has done. Stop acting like it's about you each as individuals. The government created policies that denied blacks, the government is responsible to fix the damage it created.
More empty political rhetoric.
You are blindly whistling past the graveyard

This is no less real than anti Jewish laws in Nazi Germany

The task force, created by state legislation signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom in 2020, formally approved last weekend its final recommendations to the California Legislature, which will decide whether to enact the measures and send them to the governor's desk to be signed into law.

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