Newsweek Article Critical of Obama


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
I Too Have Become Disillusioned.

By Matt Patterson (columnist – opinion writer)

Copyright violation removed.
what the hell, the truth from newsweek?

found this Washington Post Published Critical Opinion About President Obama-Confirmed Authorship! But Inaccurate Attribution!

but I still love this part, this shows the "hidden" racism (as liberals call it) of liberals and democrats. I think this part explains it all..
Unfortunately, minorities often suffer so that whites can pat themselves on the back. Liberals routinely admit minorities to schools for which they are not qualified, yet take no responsibility for the inevitable poor performance and high drop-out rates which follow. Liberals don't care if these minority students fail; liberals aren't around to witness the emotional devastation and deflated self-esteem resulting from theracist policy that is affirmative action. Yes, racist. Holding someone to a separate standard merely because of the color of his skin - that's affirmative action in a nutshell, and if that isn't racism, then nothing is.
A conversation about Race?

No thanks. Not me. I am just a Creepy Assed Cracker and "A conversation about race" would necessarily be entirely a listening process, for fear that the race card would be played on me the first time I expressed an independent thought. And I then dismissed like a Southern lady cooking in a Food Channel kitchen.

But, this guy writing for Newsweek seems ready for a discussion.
Sir, I got the article from another site and it didn't have a link.

I thought I was doing right by attributing it to the magazine--Newsweek, but now I see it ran in another magazine. Sorry.

Do you agree or disagree with what it said about Obama?
I wonder what took them so long to see it. Some Americans saw it before the first time Obama was elected (I am one of them). Some saw it halfway through his first term in office. Enough people were blinded by him enough that they still don't see it. But the papers are beginning to see it because the actions taken by the President and all his men have intruded on their most cherished right. Their right to freedom of the press. The press thought it was OK when rights were taken from everyone else because "it didn't affect them" but now, Now all of a sudden they can see the Marxist for what he truly is. Now that he is serving his second term in the United Socialist States.
I don't disagree with the assessment but I am wondering how long it would have taken if the feds had not attacked the freedom of the press.

It is too bad that News Week didn't really publish the article - they should have!
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Since the article was posted in 2011, I'm guessing this guy also thought the Prez was gonna lose, too.
Since the article was posted in 2011, I'm guessing this guy also thought the Prez was gonna lose, too.

Do you know how to argue or make a point? what does his chances of victory have to do with this article?

Well, I guess it really doesn't have a whole lot to do with it, but it does pretty much echo the thinking of a good many other writers who did predict wrongly that the way they think of this President is the way most of the country does. We all know how that turned out.

Overall, this is just an opinion piece, anyway. What point is there to try and argue when it's far more enjoyable to remind those of you praising this piece that the caricature painted of the Prez still mainly exists in your minds, these faux scandals notwithstanding.
Yeah that did not sound right from Newsweek given this cover.
A conversation about Race?

No thanks. Not me. I am just a Creepy Assed Cracker and "A conversation about race" would necessarily be entirely a listening process, for fear that the race card would be played on me the first time I expressed an independent thought. And I then dismissed like a Southern lady cooking in a Food Channel kitchen.

But, this guy writing for Newsweek seems ready for a discussion.

First, you are not supposed to post full articles. A paragraph or two at most along with a link. Do you want the owners of this forum to be sued for a copyright infringement? are asking the reader to travel too far to get your lame humor. It is clear that you, like many nutters, think you are a victim in the world of race relations....misunderstood......never has a racist thought entered your tiny little head. Poor you.

Third....check your sources, idiot.

Try harder.
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Well, it appears I broke the rules, got the cite wrong, and got chewed and called an idiot. I guess I deserve it.

I will try harder.

None of these technicalities address the issues raised in the article in the original post. Do you care to take it on?
Well, it appears I broke the rules, got the cite wrong, and got chewed and called an idiot. I guess I deserve it.

I will try harder.

None of these technicalities address the issues raised in the article in the original post. Do you care to take it on?

The issues raised in the RIGHT WING HIT PIECE that you wanted to believe was the work of a respected periodical.....which were actually published in AMERICAN THINKER.....warrant no response. It is nutter bullshit from start to end.

You are, of course welcome to post here. Please know, however, that you are not likely to ever submit an original thought.......or even a cut and paste that has not already been put up here by one of the scores of dummies just like you.

Maybe you can distinguish yourself as a special kind of nutter here......and have lots of fun .....but I doubt it. I don't see you being very interesting at all.

Give it a shot.
Whats a nutter?

It is the term I use.....affectionately, of course, to describe individuals who avoid thinking for themselves in favor adopting the talking points from the right wing echo chamber.

Of course, this definition is simplified. I can expound if requested.

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