Newsweek- Bachmann cover....for god sakes.


conscientia mille testes
Jun 17, 2010
The Bay Area Soviet
come on guys, seriously.......:doubt:


its good for a laugh, but really? pathetic.
That's a fake, I am sure.

Newsweek would never give Michelle Bachmann a lead story, much less a cover.
That's a fake, I am sure.

Newsweek would never give Michelle Bachmann a lead story, much less a cover.

Sure they would. Read the accompanying headline and its subs: The Queen of Rage...that's certainly preaching to their lefty choir. Michele Bachmann on GOD...ditto.
The Tea Party...double ditto. As for the article for the most part all Newsweek has to do is dust off parts of previous stories about Sarah Palin and sub Bachmann's name. A cover and lead story is just to get folks' attention for the big bashing inside.
What's the problem?

Doesn't look like it's photoshopped.

I'm sure this will be fodder for conspiracy theorists, but notice that all the sub-titles on the other stories in the edition are negative?

Not a single positive one. Very interesting.
Newsweek has done this over and over again with conservative women.

They have put up the most unflattering photos of conservative women for quite sometime now.
This is definitely photo-shopped.


    72 KB · Views: 95
  • $pic of Michele Bachman.jpg
    $pic of Michele Bachman.jpg
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Newsweek has done this over and over again with conservative women.

They have put up the most unflattering photos of conservative women for quite sometime now.
This is definitely photo-shopped.

Of course it is. Any idiot should be able to see that.

Well. Almost any idiot.
Definitely got the crazy eyes going on.

I think this is a good pic of her though.

Newsweek has done this over and over again with conservative women.

They have put up the most unflattering photos of conservative women for quite sometime now.
This is definitely photo-shopped.

I doubt its been shopped.

They probably bought that pic on purpose b/c of the angle of her eyes making her look odd.

It's a comically poor attempt to insult someone that will entertain the children.
If a conservative mag had done this to Hillary , the left would have been up in arms about it.
It would have been blasted by all the news outlets.
What's the problem?

Doesn't look like it's photoshopped.

Over your head or just being an ass?

I'd go with calling her the "Queen of Rage", being the problem.

From just an aesthetic standpoint the cover looks like shit. The background color is vomitacular, The "Queen of Rage" text and subtitle clashes against her white collar. The text on the left is just a stream of bold/unbold clutter. And last but not least they didn't even bother to do the customary touch-up/airbrushing that most professional mag covers do. The whole thing looks straight-up amateur.
What's the problem?

Doesn't look like it's photoshopped.

Over your head or just being an ass?

I'd go with calling her the "Queen of Rage", being the problem.

She is.

She floated some pretty insane theories.

[ame=]‪Michele Bachmann Says The Darndest Things‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

Funny music aside..gosh.

Even she admits to her zany comments.
Are these the same Conservatives complaining about this Newsweek cover who were adamant about a congressman apologizing to the president after referring to him as a 'Tar baby'? Those Conservatives were pooh poohing the apology as "pussy" and kowtowing to political correctness. Now, look at their "outrage" over an unflattering photograph!

Oh, the hypocrisy! Oh the irony!

Lessons never learned by the Rabid Right: Don't accept blame when your stubbornness throws sand into the gears of the economy and everyone is forced to suffer your stupidity and feign outrage over the mundane then dismiss the efforts of reconciliation after boorish comments (the coin to the realm for the Tea Party).
If a conservative mag had done this to Hillary , the left would have been up in arms about it.
It would have been blasted by all the news outlets.

Holy crap.

The New York Post use to run unflattering pictures of her almost daily.

You know what the fuck you are talking about?

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