Newsweek: Get Rid of FCC

This market was not free, or true. It was tainted.

And the FCC oversteps its usefulness so often and egregiously that why would you call for regulation of communication by an external government entity?

because I am not a fool who would throw the baby out with the bathwater?

one cannot believe that the markets the FCC is supposed to regulate in teh name of the people would be better for us if unregulated. why do you think the corp interests give so much wealth to manipulate the FCC? imagine if they had FREE REIGN?

or how about the invisible hand?

we need regulation of the market. the FCC is broken. So fix it or get a new one.
Libertarians use the invisible hand to illustrate how the system works, however the actual belief in some cosmic, hidden entity that already exists and moves things along to a beneficial end due to which government is extraneous betrays a lack of true understanding of the way free markets work.
because I am not a fool who would throw the baby out with the bathwater?

one cannot believe that the markets the FCC is supposed to regulate in teh name of the people would be better for us if unregulated. why do you think the corp interests give so much wealth to manipulate the FCC? imagine if they had FREE REIGN?

What baby?
Libertarians use the invisible hand to illustrate how the system works, however the actual belief in some cosmic, hidden entity that already exists and moves things along to a beneficial end due to which government is extraneous betrays a lack of true understanding of the way free markets work.

so you know how free markets work? please educate me? in plain English would help to use your own words since you do not care what others say.

I'll wait if you need time to collect your thoughts

Ya, the FCC has stopped us from watching tv, using the internet and talking on cell phones. Ya, whatever.

I don't buy it. I agree its a nearly useless agency, but I don't see it as taking much away from us in the way of innovation.
so we will see in time if you are an ideologue or not, or if you are just hiding behind an immature "I don't care" attitude out of convenience.

For the record, I really don't care other than the fact that I would like to be associated with some group, and Adam Smith is used by some group, and if I used him, I would be in the group, but as far as how it pulls on my opinion, I don't give a shit. Argumentation lives or dies by its own sword.

As far as being an ideologue, sometimes I am, and sometimes I'm not. I don't really know whether I can be said to occupy one camp or another in general, and certainly not for the very sake of being in that camp.
so you know how free markets work? please educate me? in plain English would help to use your own words since you do not care what others say.

I'll wait if you need time to collect your thoughts
I fucking love using my own words! That was one of the most valuable and awesome lessons in my entire public school education!

Here goes, very simple:

Hakjordy flort caratividi flort hakjordfler babmangabught. Gablorty nakorshlito.
the protections regulation brings. why do we have regulations in the first place? it's like laws against certain actions and practices. they had to based on some prior experiences on what was considered bad, no?
That post is one big assumption. Look at the situation. Do you think the situation is better than the other situation? There have been many shadows of tradition, Mr. Nell.
I fucking love using my own words! That was one of the most valuable and awesome lessons in my entire public school education!

Here goes, very simple:

Hakjordy flort caratividi flort hakjordfler babmangabught. Gablorty nakorshlito.

cute. :clap2:

somehow I knew you'd rise to the challenge. you get a gold star


Ya, the FCC has stopped us from watching tv, using the internet and talking on cell phones. Ya, whatever.

I don't buy it. I agree its a nearly useless agency, but I don't see it as taking much away from us in the way of innovation.
It has stopped us from watching television programming. There are talks about applying regulation to the internet, which would wall under the umbrella of the FCC.
unless you know more, assumptions are what are needed to move forward
Things move in whatever direction they move. Sure, sometimes you need to trust, but you need to be careful and develop and use good judgement. Even still, the trust is unfortunate. This kind of thought process lead Ronald Reagan (supposedly) to follow a policy of "trust, but check."
It has stopped us from watching television programming. There are talks about applying regulation to the internet, which would wall under the umbrella of the FCC.

I have a friend who as a spokesperson for the industry before Congress and the Canadian Parliament. Regulation of the internet is here. We need to control the internet regulatory process. Shouting out "dismantle" is sure to win over converts. How many people are against regulation---except in certain areas?
the odds are we will get bad regulation NOT because of the regulators but because of the public demands.

look at crack/coke sentences and laws. they came about not because of some grand racist plan, but because people in the communities most affected by the early craziness of the drug situation demanded congress act---and they did---in the name of the people. I saw the former head of DEA for NYC/Boston who had other positions withing the dept/agency speak about how puzzled and horrified he was as he testified before congress and had individual congress people trying to out tough each other in regards drugs. things went south...the law of unintended consequences.

kiddie porn, sex, gambling, and the demands for filters of content will bring about horrible regulation because of the human factor.
Things move in whatever direction they move. Sure, sometimes you need to trust, but you need to be careful and develop and use good judgement. Even still, the trust is unfortunate. This kind of thought process lead Ronald Reagan (supposedly) to follow a policy of "trust, but check."
Reagan did not invent it. He gave an old way of judging things a new turn of phrase. trust but verify

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