Newt Gingrich Cautions GOP On Scandals: 'I Think We Overreached In '98'

The GOP mainstream leadership, much more aware and intelligent than the party far right, knows that it must stretch voter appeal from left of center to right of center in the coming election. The shibboleths of the far right will gone by the end of summer, and so will almost all of its power.

Moderate Republicans lost the last two election to the most radical and corrupt POTUS in US history.

The radical far right and libertarian faux rage and hate scared the crap out of voting America and lost the elections the GOP should have easily won.

Obviously, the GOP mainstream leadership and electorate is turning its back on the far right and libertarian wings.

And the Tea Party victory in 2010?
An aberration three years ago then the TPM sold out.

And no far right conservative could win from 2008 on. The demographic is saying "boo" to the far right and libertarian wings.
The GOP mainstream leadership, much more aware and intelligent than the party far right, knows that it must stretch voter appeal from left of center to right of center in the coming election. The shibboleths of the far right will gone by the end of summer, and so will almost all of its power.

do you also demonize the far left? why not be honest about it and acknowledge that the far left is as bad as the far right?

why can't we all agree that the radicals on both sides are the problem and focus on the middle where the vast majority of us live?

why the constant demonization of the "other" party?

I know that its part of the obama/marxist plan to divide us, but we don't have to comply with that do we?

no, he only dumps on the people who are Republicans..he is so tolerant of others
The GOP mainstream leadership, much more aware and intelligent than the party far right, knows that it must stretch voter appeal from left of center to right of center in the coming election. The shibboleths of the far right will gone by the end of summer, and so will almost all of its power.

do you also demonize the far left?

And this from a low-information and ethically-challenged far righty. I answered above that "yes" I do correct the far left. People like her are the reason we lost in 2008 and 2012 and why the influence of folks like her will be minimalized from now on in the GOP.
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R) cautioned Republicans against overreaching while dealing with the Internal Revenue Service's targeting of tea party groups.

Gingrich told NPR Repubilicans "need to be calm and factual" when dealing with scandals, and used his own experience pushing for President Bill Clinton's impeachment as an example of overreach.

"I think we overreached in '98," Gingrich told NPR's Mara Liasson for a story that aired on Friday's "Morning Edition.

More: Newt Gingrich Cautions GOP On Scandals: 'I Think We Overreached In '98' - By Paige Lavender

Overreached? That's a gross understatement. The $50 million Clinton witch hunts were unconscionable. However, things are never what they may seem with Newt. Here's his agenda...

Now, says Gingrich, Republicans should proceed with caution. "They need to be calm and factual," he said. "For example, a [House] subcommittee ... should invite every single tea party, conservative, patriot group that was messed over by the IRS — every single one of them — to come in and testify, so that they build this deadening record of how many different people were having their rights abused by this administration."

More: Gingrich Cautions GOP About 'Overreach' On Scandals : The Two-Way : NPR

I'm sure Newt would also like the Liberal groups to be allowed to testify...

Newt Gingrich also said this: “How can you put Obamacare under an Internal Revenue Service? Remember, this is an administration which will not profile terrorists, but [will] profile patriots, profile constitutional groups,” he said.

Republicans, including Gingrich, want a full-blown investigation and an apology from Obama.

"He also owes every tea party [group] in America, every group called 'patriot,' every group that wants to study the constitution, an apology," Gingrich said, adding: "There's something culturally sick if the American government says, 'Boy, you put that word constitution in your name, we're going to come after you.'"

Gingrich said that one of the most disturbing aspects of the IRS scandal is that agency heads apparently knew about the targeting of conservative groups in 2011 and lied about it during testimony to Congress in March 2012.

"There are bureaucrats in the IRS who are capable of ruining your life while lying about it, and that's what we're up against," he stressed.

"Again this is an administration that is shocked at profiling against terrorism, but apparently had an entire part of the IRS that was profiling for patriotism," he said, essentially placing the blame for the scandal in Obama's lap. "I find that to be very, very chilling in terms of our political liberty."

Gingrich also sought to compare the IRS scandal with developments in recent days concerning changes that were made in administration talking points about the terrorist attack in September 2012 on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

"The parallel between Benghazi and the IRS story is amazing," he said.

"Lying, then lying about lying, and then hiding from the fact that they're lying. Then seeking to apologize for the lies they claim they didn't tell."

Read Latest Breaking News from Gingrich: IRS Targeting Scandal Raises Issues About Obamacare
Urgent: Should Obamacare Be Repealed? Vote Here Now!
do you also demonize the far left?

And this from a low-information and ethically-challenged far righty. I answered above that "yes" I do correct the far left. People like her are the reason we lost in 2008 and 2012 and why the influence of folks like her will be minimalized from now on in the GOP.

got it, you "correct" the far left and "demonize" the far right. and you claim to be unbiased? :eusa_liar:
What's going on now has far more reaching implications than a blow job in the Oval Office.
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R) cautioned Republicans against overreaching while dealing with the Internal Revenue Service's targeting of tea party groups.

Gingrich told NPR Repubilicans "need to be calm and factual" when dealing with scandals, and used his own experience pushing for President Bill Clinton's impeachment as an example of overreach.

"I think we overreached in '98," Gingrich told NPR's Mara Liasson for a story that aired on Friday's "Morning Edition.

More: Newt Gingrich Cautions GOP On Scandals: 'I Think We Overreached In '98' - By Paige Lavender

Overreached? That's a gross understatement. The $50 million Clinton witch hunts were unconscionable. However, things are never what they may seem with Newt. Here's his agenda...

Now, says Gingrich, Republicans should proceed with caution. "They need to be calm and factual," he said. "For example, a [House] subcommittee ... should invite every single tea party, conservative, patriot group that was messed over by the IRS — every single one of them — to come in and testify, so that they build this deadening record of how many different people were having their rights abused by this administration."

More: Gingrich Cautions GOP About 'Overreach' On Scandals : The Two-Way : NPR

I'm sure Newt would also like the Liberal groups to be allowed to testify...

Loser Newt couldn't win but stupid SC and his home state.

Gingrich.........SHUT THE HELL UP!
the left's butt is hurt because they have such a hard time with scandals. Newt can now say that Congress overreached in 98 because things were different then. Truth actually meant something. A officer of the court is always under oath as I understand it and Clinton and Obama are both officer's of the court. Clinton was impeached by a somewhat bi-partisan vote just as he should have been. He wasn't removed from office because there was not enough democrats with the moral fiber to realize what not would do to our country. The American Bar Association’s Model Rules of Professional Conduct states that a lawyer “shall not knowingly make a false statement of material fact.” In other words, lawyers aren’t supposed to lie--and they can be disciplined or even disbarred for doing so. But notice, the key word here is “knowingly.” A lawyer cannot “knowingly” lie.

On the other hand Nixon left office because he knew his own party would vote for impeachment and then removal from office. That is because Republicans do have integrity.
And this from a low-information and ethically-challenged far righty. I answered above that "yes" I do correct the far left. People like her are the reason we lost in 2008 and 2012 and why the influence of folks like her will be minimalized from now on in the GOP.

got it, you "correct" the far left and "demonize" the far right. and you claim to be unbiased?

I corrected your butt nonsense. I am biased toward the great mainstream, the heart and soul of America, and I do correct both the far right and the far left. Since you folks go crazy and poop in the corner when you get mad, I chastise you, yes.

Trying acting decently for a change and see what happens.
Too late for you Newt and the GOP isn't going to listen to you. Shut up and let them overreach. Hillary's positives have already gone up. :lol: Keep at it Republicans.

Nothing like you people running a LOSER for President..

and now she will be eight years older after you kicked her under the bus the FIRST time to vote in a MAN..

A LOSER? Obama won.....twice. :lol:

And if you are only talking about Hillary Clinton....let's all remember Rush's "Operation Chaos"..... :lol:
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Remember always that the far right and the far left are guaranteed losers in America from now on.
The fact that one of the Soros tax exempt propaganda networks already fed the left wing blogs a cherry picked Gingrich statement indicated that the left is in a panic mode. You can expect a full court press of crazy posts trying to camouflage what's wrong with the Hussein regime.
Remember always that the far right and the far left are guaranteed losers in America from now on.

You need to silence those mouth pieces like Limbaugh and Hannity. Rightwing radio makes people hate Conservatives. It has made me who was on the verge of leaning Republican at one time do a complete 180. The callers are azzhats. Local radio is the worse. Republicans like you need to step up and call and tell them to SHUT THE HELL UP!
the left's butt is hurt because they have such a hard time with scandals. Newt can now say that Congress overreached in 98 because things were different then. Truth actually meant something. A officer of the court is always under oath as I understand it and Clinton and Obama are both officer's of the court. Clinton was impeached by a somewhat bi-partisan vote just as he should have been. He wasn't removed from office because there was not enough democrats with the moral fiber to realize what not would do to our country. The American Bar Association’s Model Rules of Professional Conduct states that a lawyer “shall not knowingly make a false statement of material fact.” In other words, lawyers aren’t supposed to lie--and they can be disciplined or even disbarred for doing so. But notice, the key word here is “knowingly.” A lawyer cannot “knowingly” lie.

On the other hand Nixon left office because he knew his own party would vote for impeachment and then removal from office. That is because Republicans do have integrity.

While Republican Presidents wallow in them.
Remember always that the far right and the far left are guaranteed losers in America from now on.

You need to silence those mouth pieces like Limbaugh and Hannity. Rightwing radio makes people hate Conservatives. It has made me who was on the verge of leaning Republican at one time do a complete 180. The callers are azzhats. Local radio is the worse. Republicans like you need to step up and call and tell them to SHUT THE HELL UP!

No they don't.
Remember always that the far right and the far left are guaranteed losers in America from now on.

You need to silence those mouth pieces like Limbaugh and Hannity. Rightwing radio makes people hate Conservatives. It has made me who was on the verge of leaning Republican at one time do a complete 180. The callers are azzhats. Local radio is the worse. Republicans like you need to step up and call and tell them to SHUT THE HELL UP!

so you want to cancel the first amendment? would you also silence Maher, Matthews, Colmes, and Maddow? There are a lot of foaming at the mouth radical leftists in the media.

as to Limbaugh and Hannity, yes, they lean right and do their best to demonize those on the left. But without open discussion and a voice for every viewpoint, we will end up with the equivalent of pravda and the politburo. you do not want that.
Remember always that the far right and the far left are guaranteed losers in America from now on.

You need to silence those mouth pieces like Limbaugh and Hannity. Rightwing radio makes people hate Conservatives. It has made me who was on the verge of leaning Republican at one time do a complete 180. The callers are azzhats. Local radio is the worse. Republicans like you need to step up and call and tell them to SHUT THE HELL UP!

ok COMMRADE azzhat..lets start with silencing YOU...and you were on the VERGE of leaning Republican...........I laugh
start with cleaning out the left wing radio and hate sites on the Internet then WE MIGHT take you serious..

Until then go iron you brown shirt and polish the black boots
the left's butt is hurt because they have such a hard time with scandals. Newt can now say that Congress overreached in 98 because things were different then. Truth actually meant something. A officer of the court is always under oath as I understand it and Clinton and Obama are both officer's of the court. Clinton was impeached by a somewhat bi-partisan vote just as he should have been. He wasn't removed from office because there was not enough democrats with the moral fiber to realize what not would do to our country. The American Bar Association’s Model Rules of Professional Conduct states that a lawyer “shall not knowingly make a false statement of material fact.” In other words, lawyers aren’t supposed to lie--and they can be disciplined or even disbarred for doing so. But notice, the key word here is “knowingly.” A lawyer cannot “knowingly” lie.

On the other hand Nixon left office because he knew his own party would vote for impeachment and then removal from office. That is because Republicans do have integrity.

While Republican Presidents wallow in them.

did you bother to read the previous post? your comment makes no sense.
Remember always that the far right and the far left are guaranteed losers in America from now on.

You need to silence those mouth pieces like Limbaugh and Hannity. Rightwing radio makes people hate Conservatives. It has made me who was on the verge of leaning Republican at one time do a complete 180. The callers are azzhats. Local radio is the worse. Republicans like you need to step up and call and tell them to SHUT THE HELL UP!

so you want to cancel the first amendment? would you also silence Maher, Matthews, Colmes, and Maddow? There are a lot of foaming at the mouth radical leftists in the media.

as to Limbaugh and Hannity, yes, they lean right and do their best to demonize those on the left. But without open discussion and a voice for every viewpoint, we will end up with the equivalent of pravda and the politburo. you do not want that.

I want them to shut up. I don't care how. They create such anger in me.

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