Newt Gingrich Cautions GOP On Scandals: 'I Think We Overreached In '98'

Remember always that the far right and the far left are guaranteed losers in America from now on.

You need to silence those mouth pieces like Limbaugh and Hannity. Rightwing radio makes people hate Conservatives. It has made me who was on the verge of leaning Republican at one time do a complete 180. The callers are azzhats. Local radio is the worse. Republicans like you need to step up and call and tell them to SHUT THE HELL UP!

ok COMMRADE azzhat..lets start with silencing YOU...and you were on the VERGE of leaning Republican...........I laugh
start with cleaning out the left wing radio and hate sites on the Internet then WE MIGHT take you serious..

Until then go iron you brown shirt and polish the black boots

Even your own party hates these morons and wants them gone.

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