Newt hammers CNN about acting like a tabloid outlet

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
[ame=]Gingrich Outraged at Debate Host For Asking About Ex-Wife's Claim That He Wanted an "Open Marriage" - YouTube[/ame]

Completely personal bullshit that has nothing to do with politics. I bet CNN takes a hit in the ratings after this.

Were in the middle of a war. Our economy is very frail. Iran is rattling their swords. UE is through the roof. Our debt is crushing us.

And the first fucking question is tabloid style sex crap.
As far as I'm concerned its just the LSM's attempt to muddy the waters.

Their hero has a sucky record that he can't run on so lets attack the other side.

Lets bring up shit that happened decades ago that everyone already knows. Rehash city.

Lets see how far it gets them.
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In Fairness, It's current News, thanks to his Ex. He needs to work through it, not evade it. Life has consequences for us all.
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In Fairness, It's current News, thanks to his Ex. He needs to work through it, not evade it. Life has consequences for us all.

Current news for the tabloid crowd or the View. This kind of marital dispute does not belong in presidential politics. The only ones who know the truth are the two involved. Besides that who's business is it anyway? Do I have a right to know the sex life of Claire McCaskel? Even if I did, I wouldn't want to know nor care.
In Fairness, It's current News, thanks to his Ex. He needs to work through it, not evade it. Life has consequences for us all.

Current news for the tabloid crowd or the View. This kind of marital dispute does not belong in presidential politics. The only ones who know the truth are the two involved. Besides that who's business is it anyway? Do I have a right to know the sex life of Claire McCaskel? Even if I did, I wouldn't want to know nor care.

It's baggage. We got stuck with 8 years of Clinton, precisely because it was denied and ignored. I'm tired of being played. What makes you so sure Newt won't abandon and turn on us, regarding key battles, when he has clearly done it before. True, he can go either way, and be a great or terrible President, if nominated and Elected. We are not there yet. He is not the only viable option. It is not Him against Obama, at least not yet. If it turns out that way, I will support him. How he does now, and how he has treated people in the past, is relevant, as with All Candidates. As far of the Tabloids, some of them are more worthy of the Pulitzer than some of the Main Stream Rags.
Unfortunately, this is the kinda shit the so-called press feasts on.... when you're an (R). (D)? You get questions like "How's your day?" and "Who's your favorite musical act?".

Good for Newt but he'd better get used to it and deal with it effectively. I think in this case he called them on it well.
Unfortunately, this is the kinda shit the so-called press feasts on.... when you're an (R). (D)? You get questions like "How's your day?" and "Who's your favorite musical act?".

Good for Newt but he'd better get used to it and deal with it effectively. I think in this case he called them on it well.

True. The tough part was that it was the opening salvo. It sort of caught him off guard. It was a cheap shot, the way it was done.
In Fairness, It's current News, thanks to his Ex. He needs to work through it, not evade it. Life has consequences for us all.

Current news for the tabloid crowd or the View. This kind of marital dispute does not belong in presidential politics.

"Signaling his intention to step up the political rhetoric, Gingrich added, "I will never again, as long as I am Speaker, make a speech without commenting on this topic."

Don't forget, most on the left would love to see Gingrich win the nomination. John King, ironically, if you think about it,

threw Gingrich a softball with that opening question.

I am APPALLED you would bring up family values in a Republican debate!
Unfortunately, this is the kinda shit the so-called press feasts on.... when you're an (R). (D)? You get questions like "How's your day?" and "Who's your favorite musical act?".

Good for Newt but he'd better get used to it and deal with it effectively. I think in this case he called them on it well.

True. The tough part was that it was the opening salvo. It sort of caught him off guard. It was a cheap shot, the way it was done.

Nah. Newt had a day to prepare for that question. It was a telegraphed softball.
CNN & GE/NBC are blatant Democrat/Obamy Butt-Sniffers. And you can throw ABC,CBS,PBS,and NPR in there as well. They don't even try to hide their bias anymore. It's all Goebbels stuff now. They gotta tell the poor ignorant sheep who to vote for. That really is the Liberal Press mentality. They feel the public is too stupid to decide that for themselves. So they feel it's their duty to 'instruct' them. Nothing new though. They've been doing that for many years. But will it work this time around? I guess we'll see.
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Unfortunately, this is the kinda shit the so-called press feasts on.... when you're an (R). (D)? You get questions like "How's your day?" and "Who's your favorite musical act?".

Good for Newt but he'd better get used to it and deal with it effectively. I think in this case he called them on it well.

True. The tough part was that it was the opening salvo. It sort of caught him off guard. It was a cheap shot, the way it was done.

Nah. Newt had a day to prepare for that question. It was a telegraphed softball.

I thought peoples personal sex life was off limits?
Unfortunately, this is the kinda shit the so-called press feasts on.... when you're an (R). (D)? You get questions like "How's your day?" and "Who's your favorite musical act?".

Good for Newt but he'd better get used to it and deal with it effectively. I think in this case he called them on it well.

True. The tough part was that it was the opening salvo. It sort of caught him off guard. It was a cheap shot, the way it was done.

Yeah, but it shouldn't have come unexpected... Hell, he was on the Today Show Thursday morning and Ann Curry kept badgering the hell out of him over it until he basically asked her if she had anything of substance she wanted to cover and she moved on. But, that shit's expected on tabloid TV like The Today Show, The View, etc. You do expect better in a debate.

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