Next 3-4 Weeks Will Be Explosive

I told you the release is being blocked by Democrats and RINOs. Why is that?

You can no longer block the release of information, than you can block the flood from a hurricane. The company doing the audits has the ear of the media, but hasn't even convinced fox news that they found anything.
There is all kinds of evidence.
No one believes you.

You’re a liar.

With your continued lying, you only confirm just how dishonest and reprehensible conservatives truly are, conservatives’ contempt for the rule of law, our democratic institutions, and the will of the people.

Your lying and dishonesty further demonstrate the fact that conservatives have contempt for, and are incapable of, sound, responsible governance, and public policy.

Indeed, that conservatives wanted another four years of Trump is proof that Republicans have contempt for sound, responsible governance, and public policy.
What do you call what is going on now? The illegitimate administration is destroying this country. Why do you assholes want this country destroyed.

Try an honest answer for a change.
President Biden is the legitimate president – lawfully and constitutionally elected reflecting both the will of the people and the states, unlike Trump.

Trump was destroying the country, and he was voted out of office as a consequence.
No one believes you.

You’re a liar.

With your continued lying, you only confirm just how dishonest and reprehensible conservatives truly are, conservatives’ contempt for the rule of law, our democratic institutions, and the will of the people.

Your lying and dishonesty further demonstrate the fact that conservatives have contempt for, and are incapable of, sound, responsible governance, and public policy.

Indeed, that conservatives wanted another four years of Trump is proof that Republicans have contempt for sound, responsible governance, and public policy.
Plenty of people believe me. You are just not one them. Where do you see any sound responsible government? I see a disaster and a crooked senile jerk destroying this country.
Fox news says:

August 22, 2021

The report by Cyber Ninjas, a small cybersecurity firm based in Sarasota, Florida to lead the audit, is scheduled to be handed over Monday, but the findings will not immediately be made public.

The question, weeks later, is why the republican senate hasn't made the report public.
Huh? Doesn't the Republican-led Arizona Senate have the report? Who's blocking them from releasing it?
The fraud crosses party lines. Corruption is an equal opportunity thing.
Just how tangled is this conspiracy theory. When the one's who launched the conspiracy are now the one's blocking it.
The conspiracy was launched in 2016. It culminated with massive fraud and a complicit Congress. We are now a fascist state with an illegitimate president and VP. And you jerks just love it.
Who cares what you believe? Trump picked from the Swamp. You do not get the best from any corrupt system. You cannot prove a thing you say because it is told to you by liars and all you have is their word for it. Their word means shit. That is a fact.
This cartoon sums up Trump’s problem you mentioned.

The fraud crosses party lines. Corruption is an equal opportunity thing.
Dumbfuck, it's your heroes, like Karen Fann, who are refusing to release documents. To the point that they are now court ordered to be released. Fann is corrupt now?

The conspiracy was launched in 2016. It culminated with massive fraud and a complicit Congress. We are now a fascist state with an illegitimate president and VP. And you jerks just love it.
So why isn't the Republican senate, who launched the audits, releasing their report?
Dumbfuck, it's your heroes, like Karen Fann, who are refusing to release documents. To the point that they are now court ordered to be released. Fann is corrupt now?

The people demanding those documents are blocking the release of the findings. And where are the routers? The courts said they should be released too.
The people demanding those documents are blocking the release of the findings. And where are the routers? The courts said they should be released too.

Those people are not blocking anything. In fact, they literally had to sue the Republican-led Arizona Senate to release ALL the Cyber Ninja related documents.

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