Next flu pandemic could be deadlier than Spanish flu killing 400m globally


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Next flu pandemic could be 'DEADLIER than Spanish flu - killing 400m globally'
A DEADLY flu pandemic like the Spanish flu could happen again, wiping out 400 million globally, leading flu experts have warned.

Well what else is new , either it's gonna kill us or it's another fear job running a muck so they can gather all their dumb asses to get those flu shots, that way you can be given a flu vaccine for some flu bug that hasn't even hit yet. If they knew this was coming they'd have a shot for it spcifically.

These idiots can't give you a flu shot for a flu that they don't even know which type is gonna hit yet....

It's probably to scare the hell out of everyone so they get a flu shot..........
today's flu can kill even the most durable and youthful among us....

Interesting historical note on the Spanish Flu Outbreak of 1918 - 1920. The bodies reaction to the infection was auto-immune. People with healthy immune systems were more likely to die from it than those with compromised immune systems. Young healthy adults were the most numerous casualties of that outbreak.
Since the cited article points out that the 'shift' a flu strain would make takes at least four months to respond to with vaccine modifications, what good does getting a vaccination for the 'old' form do?

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