Next On The Agenda: Get Rid Of Freedom Of Thought On All College Campuses


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Our colleges are under attack from Obama's Alinskyites. They are using the same tactics he is using in the rest of America, only it has become more obvious that their goal is to remove all conservatism on college campuses.

I guess when Hillary said her worst enemy was Republicans she wasn't kidding, because that is what they're doing, using fake racism as a tool. If you're gay, non-Christian, or a member of an acceptable ethnic're safe from attack......for now. But if you are a Christian or just conservative....according to the left, your days are numbered in our institutions of higher learning.


Professor Carol M. Swain, Ph.D. Photo source: Facebook.

There may be no end to the hemorrhaging wound of deeply rooted political correctness that has infested college campuses nationwide.

Students at the prestigious Vanderbilt University have set their sights on a seemingly easy target, Professor Carol Swain.

Swain is a minority of minorities on a modern day college campus, she’s an unapologetic conservative, a faithful Christian, and she’s African American – easy pickins for socially-stunted, group-think mobs.

“Pick the Target, Freeze It, Personalize It and Polarize It”–Saul Alinsky. Folks, I am the target. I must be living right!
Surely, no one so unfitting can be tolerated in today’s regressive, collective mindset, and a student-led petition to the University has been launched to temporarily suspend Swain until demands are met.

The petition begins:

Over the past few years, Professor Carol Swain has become synonymous with bigotry, intolerance, and unprofessionalism. While Swain first and foremost has a right to her personal beliefs and the right to freedom of speech within and outside of the classroom, it recently came to the attention of the Vanderbilt community that Carol Swain has let her hate-filled prejudices negatively impact her work, our student body, and Vanderbilt’s reputation. Since the initial release of this petition, we have gathered significant feedback from the community, and have decided to limit our grievances to the following three issues.

Students accuse Swain of name-calling, unfairly grading students because of their ‘gay and/or non-Christian minority status’ (but offer no such proof), and demand she separate her social media ‘public status’ persona with her Vanderbilt employment.

At this time the petition is three signatures short of its 1,500 goal.

Swain has been vocal in fighting back, and has used social media to defend herself against the attack that appears she knew was coming.

On, November 9, Swain wrote on Facebook, “Only and idiot would think a 61-year-old black woman who has spent much of her life in academia would benefit from sensitivity training.”

Ironically, that post is the one that was cited in the petition accusing Swain of name-calling.

The students also reference two articles Swain had published in the past. Although students give brief lip-service to the First Amendment, they included the articles anyway.

Taken from the petition:

For those who are unfamiliar with Carol Swain, the articles linked below are a brief sample of her work. (As a reminder though, the focus of this petition is on the allegations made against Prof. Swain. It is not an attack on her beliefs or freedom of speech/press)

Carol Swain’s Op-Ed in The Tennessean: Charlie Hebdo Attacks Prove Critics Were Right About Islam
“Islam is a dangerous set of beliefs totally incompatible with Western beliefs concerning freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and freedom of association.”

Be The People TV: C.S. Lewis on Biblical Marriage and Swain Reflections on Gay Marriage
“If we must live side-by-side with gay couples in a culture with a strong crusading homosexual agenda, our only hope is to strengthen ourselves spiritually and intellectually for the battle that awaits us”

Professor Swain continues to fight...............

Christian, conservative, black professor fights back after becoming next student target | BizPac Review
Awwwwwwwww. Poor conservative Christians in America. If only you had some equality!
Nice to see the pushback continue to grow It may be too late, but it's nice to see.
This is an article from 2012 explaining where all of this leftist thinking is coming from. If you were wondering why there are so many shootings on campus, this is the reason. It seems to be a backlash to the bigotry that has been going on for decades and only lately has started to intensify under Obama. This is why there are so many weak minded students that have developed a siege mentality and need safe zones to protect themselves from alternative thinking.


by Patrick X. Coyle7 Jun 201244

Have you ever wondered where all those liberal reporters come from? How about the leftist leaders in Washington?
Those who undermine traditional American values, eviscerate conservative leaders who champion these values, and mock the every-day Americans who share them–these people don’t just come out of thin air.

If you’re tired of the left-wing media attacking conservatives, of being made fun of for supporting American values, and of Hollywood celebrating the hippy culture of the 1960s, blame higher education.

America’s college and high school campuses are where leftists hone their skills of intimidation, coercion, hatred and dirty tricks which are then used on a national level.

Liberal professors and administrators have free reign over the young people in their classrooms. In a poll conducted by Young America’s Foundation earlier this year, liberal professors outnumber conservatives 3-to-1; in 2008, professors supported the incoming Obama administration by a 9-to-1 ratio.

On today’s campuses, liberal activism is applauded, and conservative activism is looked upon with skepticism at best–outright derision at worst. Here are a few examples:

At North Carolina State University, Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Warwick A. Arden announced in a message posted on NC State’s website that “faculty are encouraged to allow excused absences, as appropriate, for students attending the event.” What was that event? It was an on-campus rally featuring President Obama.

Alternatively, when Karl Rove was invited by conservative students to speak at Loyola University, the school banned him because they feared his appearance would jeopardize the school’s tax status. Never mind that the school previously welcomed Obama appointee Eboo Patel the same semester.

The Conservative Movement faces challenges on many fronts, but we can’t afford to ignore our college campuses.

Conservatives, especially young conservatives, are not natural activists. We generally want to be left alone and let others run their own lives. Young conservatives are not prone to participate in demonstrations and boldly confront those with whom we disagree, unlike liberal students who have a number of liberal professors cheering them on and providing support.

We need young conservatives to speak out more than ever. With youth unemployment still at record highs, increasing national debt, and the Youth Misery Index at an all-time high, students need to hear alternatives to the failed, big government agenda pushed by the Obama administration.

Young America’s Foundation’s latest edition of The Conservative Guide to Campus Activism gives students the information, techniques, and inspiration to advance their ideas on campus. This book includes insightful advice from leading conservatives including Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, Ann McElhinney and Karl Rove.

'Wake Students Up': Conservative Group Releases Guide to Campus Activism - Breitbart
This is an article from 2012 explaining where all of this leftist thinking is coming from. If you were wondering why there are so many shootings on campus, this is the reason. It seems to be a backlash to the bigotry that has been going on for decades and only lately has started to intensify under Obama. This is why there are so many weak minded students that have developed a siege mentality and need safe zones to protect themselves from alternative thinking.


by Patrick X. Coyle7 Jun 201244

Have you ever wondered where all those liberal reporters come from? How about the leftist leaders in Washington?
Those who undermine traditional American values, eviscerate conservative leaders who champion these values, and mock the every-day Americans who share them–these people don’t just come out of thin air.

If you’re tired of the left-wing media attacking conservatives, of being made fun of for supporting American values, and of Hollywood celebrating the hippy culture of the 1960s, blame higher education.

America’s college and high school campuses are where leftists hone their skills of intimidation, coercion, hatred and dirty tricks which are then used on a national level.

Liberal professors and administrators have free reign over the young people in their classrooms. In a poll conducted by Young America’s Foundation earlier this year, liberal professors outnumber conservatives 3-to-1; in 2008, professors supported the incoming Obama administration by a 9-to-1 ratio.

On today’s campuses, liberal activism is applauded, and conservative activism is looked upon with skepticism at best–outright derision at worst. Here are a few examples:

At North Carolina State University, Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Warwick A. Arden announced in a message posted on NC State’s website that “faculty are encouraged to allow excused absences, as appropriate, for students attending the event.” What was that event? It was an on-campus rally featuring President Obama.

Alternatively, when Karl Rove was invited by conservative students to speak at Loyola University, the school banned him because they feared his appearance would jeopardize the school’s tax status. Never mind that the school previously welcomed Obama appointee Eboo Patel the same semester.

The Conservative Movement faces challenges on many fronts, but we can’t afford to ignore our college campuses.

Conservatives, especially young conservatives, are not natural activists. We generally want to be left alone and let others run their own lives. Young conservatives are not prone to participate in demonstrations and boldly confront those with whom we disagree, unlike liberal students who have a number of liberal professors cheering them on and providing support.

We need young conservatives to speak out more than ever. With youth unemployment still at record highs, increasing national debt, and the Youth Misery Index at an all-time high, students need to hear alternatives to the failed, big government agenda pushed by the Obama administration.

Young America’s Foundation’s latest edition of The Conservative Guide to Campus Activism gives students the information, techniques, and inspiration to advance their ideas on campus. This book includes insightful advice from leading conservatives including Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, Ann McElhinney and Karl Rove.

'Wake Students Up': Conservative Group Releases Guide to Campus Activism - Breitbart
You have to wonder what these kids will be like in the real world.

Unable to deal with opposing views civilly, constantly complaining to their managers, making threats if things don't go their way, going full tilt drama queen at the slightest provocation or discomfort.

The part of me that is a nihilist is kinda looking forward to it.
The weak minded children that need safe-zones on college campuses are part of an organized program on various campuses. I saw a site earlier this year where they put out guildlines on how to set up your own SAFE-ZONE on your campus, if you don't already have one.

November 12, 2015
The Defective Mentality of Safe Spaces
By Jeffrey T. Brown

The precious snowflakes attending college these days are whining, and being indulged, about their absurd need for “safe spaces” in which they can practice their budding totalitarianism. They are demanding an insulated zone where any criticism of their uninformed emotionalism is forbidden, so that their toxic blend of illogic and anger can be brought to its full fruition.

Ignoring for the moment that we are rapidly losing spaces where we can be safe from our little proto-fascists and their warped ideologies, it might be worth reminding ourselves that there is no such thing as “safe spaces” in nature and reality. It is foolish to even think this way, since the world around us does not recognize the fantasies or delusions of the left, where some unbalanced crybabies decide to exempt themselves from the real world.

We’ve allowed this sort of fraud to go on for far too long without drawing a line, and requiring these fragile little flowers to grow up and function like human beings in a world where we don’t get to create an alternate reality because we aren’t getting our way. Despite how much progress we’ve made in enhancing our creature comforts, and how much easier we have it than our ancestors, life is still risky if only because we live in an unforgiving environment where nothing is promised to us by the laws of nature.

These ridiculous adults and children who demand safe spaces -- meaning the protection of their self-interested thoughts and preferences from all criticism -- are dangerous not only for their stunted emotional and intellectual development, but because they are demanding that everyone else accept the fiction that they deserve protection from others as they attempt to rewrite nature and reality in ways that please them, but adversely affect those who have neither the inclination nor the time to live in make-believe worlds. No matter their angry protests and smug posturing, the world is still a cause-and-effect construct. Reality does not go on vacation.

All of this idiocy is distracting us from actuality. Every second spent pretending that there are or should be such things as safe spaces for some, at the expense of everyone else, is time lost not dealing with truth. The American left is all about theater and sleight of hand, demanding that we enter their world of make-believe and live there with them, as everything else crumbles or explodes around us. This total dependence upon fiction is one of the reasons that every single belief and policy of liberals and the left is doomed to utter failure. For them, there is never cause-and-effect, so failures are never a product of their detachment from reality.

Read more here........Articles: The Defective Mentality of Safe Spaces


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I saw her interview this morning. I hope she sues the shit out of the cowardly assholes. Every charge is vague and highly subjective. If she really had treated people unfairly for their beliefs they could cite specific examples instead of things like saying only and idiot would think she's benefit from sensitivity training. She stands for traditional marriage apparently, that's why they want to destroy her.
This is an article from 2012 explaining where all of this leftist thinking is coming from. If you were wondering why there are so many shootings on campus, this is the reason. It seems to be a backlash to the bigotry that has been going on for decades and only lately has started to intensify under Obama. This is why there are so many weak minded students that have developed a siege mentality and need safe zones to protect themselves from alternative thinking.


by Patrick X. Coyle7 Jun 201244

Have you ever wondered where all those liberal reporters come from? How about the leftist leaders in Washington?
Those who undermine traditional American values, eviscerate conservative leaders who champion these values, and mock the every-day Americans who share them–these people don’t just come out of thin air.

If you’re tired of the left-wing media attacking conservatives, of being made fun of for supporting American values, and of Hollywood celebrating the hippy culture of the 1960s, blame higher education.

America’s college and high school campuses are where leftists hone their skills of intimidation, coercion, hatred and dirty tricks which are then used on a national level.

Liberal professors and administrators have free reign over the young people in their classrooms. In a poll conducted by Young America’s Foundation earlier this year, liberal professors outnumber conservatives 3-to-1; in 2008, professors supported the incoming Obama administration by a 9-to-1 ratio.

On today’s campuses, liberal activism is applauded, and conservative activism is looked upon with skepticism at best–outright derision at worst. Here are a few examples:

At North Carolina State University, Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Warwick A. Arden announced in a message posted on NC State’s website that “faculty are encouraged to allow excused absences, as appropriate, for students attending the event.” What was that event? It was an on-campus rally featuring President Obama.

Alternatively, when Karl Rove was invited by conservative students to speak at Loyola University, the school banned him because they feared his appearance would jeopardize the school’s tax status. Never mind that the school previously welcomed Obama appointee Eboo Patel the same semester.

The Conservative Movement faces challenges on many fronts, but we can’t afford to ignore our college campuses.

Conservatives, especially young conservatives, are not natural activists. We generally want to be left alone and let others run their own lives. Young conservatives are not prone to participate in demonstrations and boldly confront those with whom we disagree, unlike liberal students who have a number of liberal professors cheering them on and providing support.

We need young conservatives to speak out more than ever. With youth unemployment still at record highs, increasing national debt, and the Youth Misery Index at an all-time high, students need to hear alternatives to the failed, big government agenda pushed by the Obama administration.

Young America’s Foundation’s latest edition of The Conservative Guide to Campus Activism gives students the information, techniques, and inspiration to advance their ideas on campus. This book includes insightful advice from leading conservatives including Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, Ann McElhinney and Karl Rove.

'Wake Students Up': Conservative Group Releases Guide to Campus Activism - Breitbart
You have to wonder what these kids will be like in the real world.

Unable to deal with opposing views civilly, constantly complaining to their managers, making threats if things don't go their way, going full tilt drama queen at the slightest provocation or discomfort.

The part of me that is a nihilist is kinda looking forward to it.

Hey you! Ya rotten kids! Get offa my lawn!
If you wanted freedom of thought, why'd ya enroll in school? Forced memorization for the purpose of recitation = school.
MO Republicans Demand College Student Destroy Her Abortion Research Or They’ll Defund University

The University of Missouri may be in the news for some very disturbing reasons, but Republicans aren’t mad about the school’s botched handling of racism; they are outraged that a doctoral student is doing research into how making abortions illegal hurts women.

Missouri state senator Kurt Schaefer was incensed to learn that a UM doctoral student named Lindsay Ruhr was doing her PhD dissertation on the effects of the 72-hour waiting period Republicans lawmakers recently enacted. Worried that her findings would make his anti-abortion stance look bad, and rather than let science dictate policy, Schaefer is attempting to have the university block Ruhr’s research and make it illegal to do any future research that could conceivably show that abortions aren’t unequivocally terrible. (I’m not exaggerating, either. In Missouri, there is a law on the books banning universities from “encouraging” abortions. He wants that to go even further. Research attempting to show abortions are bad, however, are presumably completely fine.)

A brief survey of other topics Republicans are trying to make it illegal to study:
Abortions in Missouri aren’t the only scientific arena that Republicans have made it forbidden to study. The list of inconvenient truths Republicans hope they can keep out of the light grows by the year.

  • There is the federal ban on studying gun deaths and gun control. This has been on the books for several decades following an aggressive push by the NRA to stop finding data that contradicted its “more guns are better”narrative. It’s prevented crucial research into how best to combat mass shootings and prevent gun accidents in the home.
  • There is the very open, unapologetic harassment of climate scientists. Republicans have increasingly sought to cut any and all funding to scientists studying the Earth’s climate because they keep finding more data to suggest the planet really is warming. More recently, the House Science Committee actually demanded climate scientists working for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration drop everything they are doing and hand over every email and document – personal or professional – they had ever written in the last seven years. They didn’t bother providing a reason.
  • They’ve also prevented scientists from studying right-wing terrorism in the United States and forced the preeminent expert on the subject out of a job. Again, the only objection they could muster was that the facts his research was finding made conservatives look bad. In the years since, we’ve seen a huge increase in right-wing homegrown threats which, thanks to the enforced blockade on research, we know almost nothing about.
The list goes on. As Republican ideology continues to detach itself from what the rest of us call “reality,” the push on the right to keep those facts hidden grows. No longer is it confined to misinformation in the conservative media. Republicans are trying to destroy the source – and that means all of science is threatened.
MO Republicans Demand College Student Destroy Her Abortion Research Or They’ll Defund University

The University of Missouri may be in the news for some very disturbing reasons, but Republicans aren’t mad about the school’s botched handling of racism; they are outraged that a doctoral student is doing research into how making abortions illegal hurts women.

Missouri state senator Kurt Schaefer was incensed to learn that a UM doctoral student named Lindsay Ruhr was doing her PhD dissertation on the effects of the 72-hour waiting period Republicans lawmakers recently enacted. Worried that her findings would make his anti-abortion stance look bad, and rather than let science dictate policy, Schaefer is attempting to have the university block Ruhr’s research and make it illegal to do any future research that could conceivably show that abortions aren’t unequivocally terrible. (I’m not exaggerating, either. In Missouri, there is a law on the books banning universities from “encouraging” abortions. He wants that to go even further. Research attempting to show abortions are bad, however, are presumably completely fine.)

A brief survey of other topics Republicans are trying to make it illegal to study:
Abortions in Missouri aren’t the only scientific arena that Republicans have made it forbidden to study. The list of inconvenient truths Republicans hope they can keep out of the light grows by the year.

  • There is the federal ban on studying gun deaths and gun control. This has been on the books for several decades following an aggressive push by the NRA to stop finding data that contradicted its “more guns are better”narrative. It’s prevented crucial research into how best to combat mass shootings and prevent gun accidents in the home.
  • There is the very open, unapologetic harassment of climate scientists. Republicans have increasingly sought to cut any and all funding to scientists studying the Earth’s climate because they keep finding more data to suggest the planet really is warming. More recently, the House Science Committee actually demanded climate scientists working for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration drop everything they are doing and hand over every email and document – personal or professional – they had ever written in the last seven years. They didn’t bother providing a reason.
  • They’ve also prevented scientists from studying right-wing terrorism in the United States and forced the preeminent expert on the subject out of a job. Again, the only objection they could muster was that the facts his research was finding made conservatives look bad. In the years since, we’ve seen a huge increase in right-wing homegrown threats which, thanks to the enforced blockade on research, we know almost nothing about.
The list goes on. As Republican ideology continues to detach itself from what the rest of us call “reality,” the push on the right to keep those facts hidden grows. No longer is it confined to misinformation in the conservative media. Republicans are trying to destroy the source – and that means all of science is threatened.
Your post is filled with lies......particularly the lie about there being a ban on studying gun deaths.

As was discussed at length.....failure to fund research is not a ban.

Freedom of thought and expression are actually all the rage in school right now. A few years ago, it manifested itself and was dubbed the Occupy Wall Street movement. And the same group of conservatives were here chastising the youth and calling for their mass arrest.

I'm not sure you have to have schizophrenia to be a conservative but boy, I'm sure it helps.
Our colleges are under attack from Obama's Alinskyites. They are using the same tactics he is using in the rest of America, only it has become more obvious that their goal is to remove all conservatism on college campuses.

I guess when Hillary said her worst enemy was Republicans she wasn't kidding, because that is what they're doing, using fake racism as a tool. If you're gay, non-Christian, or a member of an acceptable ethnic're safe from attack......for now. But if you are a Christian or just conservative....according to the left, your days are numbered in our institutions of higher learning.


Professor Carol M. Swain, Ph.D. Photo source: Facebook.

There may be no end to the hemorrhaging wound of deeply rooted political correctness that has infested college campuses nationwide.

Students at the prestigious Vanderbilt University have set their sights on a seemingly easy target, Professor Carol Swain.

Swain is a minority of minorities on a modern day college campus, she’s an unapologetic conservative, a faithful Christian, and she’s African American – easy pickins for socially-stunted, group-think mobs.

“Pick the Target, Freeze It, Personalize It and Polarize It”–Saul Alinsky. Folks, I am the target. I must be living right!
Surely, no one so unfitting can be tolerated in today’s regressive, collective mindset, and a student-led petition to the University has been launched to temporarily suspend Swain until demands are met.

The petition begins:

Over the past few years, Professor Carol Swain has become synonymous with bigotry, intolerance, and unprofessionalism. While Swain first and foremost has a right to her personal beliefs and the right to freedom of speech within and outside of the classroom, it recently came to the attention of the Vanderbilt community that Carol Swain has let her hate-filled prejudices negatively impact her work, our student body, and Vanderbilt’s reputation. Since the initial release of this petition, we have gathered significant feedback from the community, and have decided to limit our grievances to the following three issues.

Students accuse Swain of name-calling, unfairly grading students because of their ‘gay and/or non-Christian minority status’ (but offer no such proof), and demand she separate her social media ‘public status’ persona with her Vanderbilt employment.

At this time the petition is three signatures short of its 1,500 goal.

Swain has been vocal in fighting back, and has used social media to defend herself against the attack that appears she knew was coming.

On, November 9, Swain wrote on Facebook, “Only and idiot would think a 61-year-old black woman who has spent much of her life in academia would benefit from sensitivity training.”

Ironically, that post is the one that was cited in the petition accusing Swain of name-calling.

The students also reference two articles Swain had published in the past. Although students give brief lip-service to the First Amendment, they included the articles anyway.

Taken from the petition:

For those who are unfamiliar with Carol Swain, the articles linked below are a brief sample of her work. (As a reminder though, the focus of this petition is on the allegations made against Prof. Swain. It is not an attack on her beliefs or freedom of speech/press)

Carol Swain’s Op-Ed in The Tennessean: Charlie Hebdo Attacks Prove Critics Were Right About Islam
“Islam is a dangerous set of beliefs totally incompatible with Western beliefs concerning freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and freedom of association.”

Be The People TV: C.S. Lewis on Biblical Marriage and Swain Reflections on Gay Marriage
“If we must live side-by-side with gay couples in a culture with a strong crusading homosexual agenda, our only hope is to strengthen ourselves spiritually and intellectually for the battle that awaits us”

Professor Swain continues to fight...............

Christian, conservative, black professor fights back after becoming next student target | BizPac Review
Solution = don't send your kids to college
No liberal has yet responded to the topic.

I think it's disgraceful that extreme leftists have created and are attempting to solidify left wing hive mind on campuses by trying to purge conservatives.

Does any liberal here actually want to come on here and say a professor should be fired for writing an article that leftists find offensive? How is that materially different from Nazis and fascism?
Our colleges are under attack from Obama's Alinskyites. They are using the same tactics he is using in the rest of America, only it has become more obvious that their goal is to remove all conservatism on college campuses.

I guess when Hillary said her worst enemy was Republicans she wasn't kidding, because that is what they're doing, using fake racism as a tool. If you're gay, non-Christian, or a member of an acceptable ethnic're safe from attack......for now. But if you are a Christian or just conservative....according to the left, your days are numbered in our institutions of higher learning.


Professor Carol M. Swain, Ph.D. Photo source: Facebook.

There may be no end to the hemorrhaging wound of deeply rooted political correctness that has infested college campuses nationwide.

Students at the prestigious Vanderbilt University have set their sights on a seemingly easy target, Professor Carol Swain.

Swain is a minority of minorities on a modern day college campus, she’s an unapologetic conservative, a faithful Christian, and she’s African American – easy pickins for socially-stunted, group-think mobs.

“Pick the Target, Freeze It, Personalize It and Polarize It”–Saul Alinsky. Folks, I am the target. I must be living right!
Surely, no one so unfitting can be tolerated in today’s regressive, collective mindset, and a student-led petition to the University has been launched to temporarily suspend Swain until demands are met.

The petition begins:

Over the past few years, Professor Carol Swain has become synonymous with bigotry, intolerance, and unprofessionalism. While Swain first and foremost has a right to her personal beliefs and the right to freedom of speech within and outside of the classroom, it recently came to the attention of the Vanderbilt community that Carol Swain has let her hate-filled prejudices negatively impact her work, our student body, and Vanderbilt’s reputation. Since the initial release of this petition, we have gathered significant feedback from the community, and have decided to limit our grievances to the following three issues.
Students accuse Swain of name-calling, unfairly grading students because of their ‘gay and/or non-Christian minority status’ (but offer no such proof), and demand she separate her social media ‘public status’ persona with her Vanderbilt employment.

At this time the petition is three signatures short of its 1,500 goal.

Swain has been vocal in fighting back, and has used social media to defend herself against the attack that appears she knew was coming.

On, November 9, Swain wrote on Facebook, “Only and idiot would think a 61-year-old black woman who has spent much of her life in academia would benefit from sensitivity training.”

Ironically, that post is the one that was cited in the petition accusing Swain of name-calling.

The students also reference two articles Swain had published in the past. Although students give brief lip-service to the First Amendment, they included the articles anyway.

Taken from the petition:

For those who are unfamiliar with Carol Swain, the articles linked below are a brief sample of her work. (As a reminder though, the focus of this petition is on the allegations made against Prof. Swain. It is not an attack on her beliefs or freedom of speech/press)

Carol Swain’s Op-Ed in The Tennessean: Charlie Hebdo Attacks Prove Critics Were Right About Islam
“Islam is a dangerous set of beliefs totally incompatible with Western beliefs concerning freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and freedom of association.”

Be The People TV: C.S. Lewis on Biblical Marriage and Swain Reflections on Gay Marriage
“If we must live side-by-side with gay couples in a culture with a strong crusading homosexual agenda, our only hope is to strengthen ourselves spiritually and intellectually for the battle that awaits us”

Professor Swain continues to fight...............

Christian, conservative, black professor fights back after becoming next student target | BizPac Review
Solution = don't send your kids to college
Really? So conservatives should either conform to extremist leftism or else not receive a degree as required by most entry level jobs into high skill careers?
Our colleges are under attack from Obama's Alinskyites. They are using the same tactics he is using in the rest of America, only it has become more obvious that their goal is to remove all conservatism on college campuses.

I guess when Hillary said her worst enemy was Republicans she wasn't kidding, because that is what they're doing, using fake racism as a tool. If you're gay, non-Christian, or a member of an acceptable ethnic're safe from attack......for now. But if you are a Christian or just conservative....according to the left, your days are numbered in our institutions of higher learning.


Professor Carol M. Swain, Ph.D. Photo source: Facebook.

There may be no end to the hemorrhaging wound of deeply rooted political correctness that has infested college campuses nationwide.

Students at the prestigious Vanderbilt University have set their sights on a seemingly easy target, Professor Carol Swain.

Swain is a minority of minorities on a modern day college campus, she’s an unapologetic conservative, a faithful Christian, and she’s African American – easy pickins for socially-stunted, group-think mobs.

“Pick the Target, Freeze It, Personalize It and Polarize It”–Saul Alinsky. Folks, I am the target. I must be living right!
Surely, no one so unfitting can be tolerated in today’s regressive, collective mindset, and a student-led petition to the University has been launched to temporarily suspend Swain until demands are met.

The petition begins:

Over the past few years, Professor Carol Swain has become synonymous with bigotry, intolerance, and unprofessionalism. While Swain first and foremost has a right to her personal beliefs and the right to freedom of speech within and outside of the classroom, it recently came to the attention of the Vanderbilt community that Carol Swain has let her hate-filled prejudices negatively impact her work, our student body, and Vanderbilt’s reputation. Since the initial release of this petition, we have gathered significant feedback from the community, and have decided to limit our grievances to the following three issues.
Students accuse Swain of name-calling, unfairly grading students because of their ‘gay and/or non-Christian minority status’ (but offer no such proof), and demand she separate her social media ‘public status’ persona with her Vanderbilt employment.

At this time the petition is three signatures short of its 1,500 goal.

Swain has been vocal in fighting back, and has used social media to defend herself against the attack that appears she knew was coming.

On, November 9, Swain wrote on Facebook, “Only and idiot would think a 61-year-old black woman who has spent much of her life in academia would benefit from sensitivity training.”

Ironically, that post is the one that was cited in the petition accusing Swain of name-calling.

The students also reference two articles Swain had published in the past. Although students give brief lip-service to the First Amendment, they included the articles anyway.

Taken from the petition:

For those who are unfamiliar with Carol Swain, the articles linked below are a brief sample of her work. (As a reminder though, the focus of this petition is on the allegations made against Prof. Swain. It is not an attack on her beliefs or freedom of speech/press)

Carol Swain’s Op-Ed in The Tennessean: Charlie Hebdo Attacks Prove Critics Were Right About Islam
“Islam is a dangerous set of beliefs totally incompatible with Western beliefs concerning freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and freedom of association.”

Be The People TV: C.S. Lewis on Biblical Marriage and Swain Reflections on Gay Marriage
“If we must live side-by-side with gay couples in a culture with a strong crusading homosexual agenda, our only hope is to strengthen ourselves spiritually and intellectually for the battle that awaits us”

Professor Swain continues to fight...............

Christian, conservative, black professor fights back after becoming next student target | BizPac Review
Solution = don't send your kids to college

You don't think there is any danger of that happening, do you?
Our colleges are under attack from Obama's Alinskyites. They are using the same tactics he is using in the rest of America, only it has become more obvious that their goal is to remove all conservatism on college campuses.

I guess when Hillary said her worst enemy was Republicans she wasn't kidding, because that is what they're doing, using fake racism as a tool. If you're gay, non-Christian, or a member of an acceptable ethnic're safe from attack......for now. But if you are a Christian or just conservative....according to the left, your days are numbered in our institutions of higher learning.


Professor Carol M. Swain, Ph.D. Photo source: Facebook.

There may be no end to the hemorrhaging wound of deeply rooted political correctness that has infested college campuses nationwide.

Students at the prestigious Vanderbilt University have set their sights on a seemingly easy target, Professor Carol Swain.

Swain is a minority of minorities on a modern day college campus, she’s an unapologetic conservative, a faithful Christian, and she’s African American – easy pickins for socially-stunted, group-think mobs.

“Pick the Target, Freeze It, Personalize It and Polarize It”–Saul Alinsky. Folks, I am the target. I must be living right!
Surely, no one so unfitting can be tolerated in today’s regressive, collective mindset, and a student-led petition to the University has been launched to temporarily suspend Swain until demands are met.

The petition begins:

Over the past few years, Professor Carol Swain has become synonymous with bigotry, intolerance, and unprofessionalism. While Swain first and foremost has a right to her personal beliefs and the right to freedom of speech within and outside of the classroom, it recently came to the attention of the Vanderbilt community that Carol Swain has let her hate-filled prejudices negatively impact her work, our student body, and Vanderbilt’s reputation. Since the initial release of this petition, we have gathered significant feedback from the community, and have decided to limit our grievances to the following three issues.
Students accuse Swain of name-calling, unfairly grading students because of their ‘gay and/or non-Christian minority status’ (but offer no such proof), and demand she separate her social media ‘public status’ persona with her Vanderbilt employment.

At this time the petition is three signatures short of its 1,500 goal.

Swain has been vocal in fighting back, and has used social media to defend herself against the attack that appears she knew was coming.

On, November 9, Swain wrote on Facebook, “Only and idiot would think a 61-year-old black woman who has spent much of her life in academia would benefit from sensitivity training.”

Ironically, that post is the one that was cited in the petition accusing Swain of name-calling.

The students also reference two articles Swain had published in the past. Although students give brief lip-service to the First Amendment, they included the articles anyway.

Taken from the petition:

For those who are unfamiliar with Carol Swain, the articles linked below are a brief sample of her work. (As a reminder though, the focus of this petition is on the allegations made against Prof. Swain. It is not an attack on her beliefs or freedom of speech/press)

Carol Swain’s Op-Ed in The Tennessean: Charlie Hebdo Attacks Prove Critics Were Right About Islam
“Islam is a dangerous set of beliefs totally incompatible with Western beliefs concerning freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and freedom of association.”

Be The People TV: C.S. Lewis on Biblical Marriage and Swain Reflections on Gay Marriage
“If we must live side-by-side with gay couples in a culture with a strong crusading homosexual agenda, our only hope is to strengthen ourselves spiritually and intellectually for the battle that awaits us”

Professor Swain continues to fight...............

Christian, conservative, black professor fights back after becoming next student target | BizPac Review
Solution = don't send your kids to college
Really? So conservatives should either conform to extremist leftism or else not receive a degree as required by most entry level jobs into high skill careers?
If they're as butthurt and delusional as Mudwhistle, yes.
Freedom of thought and expression are actually all the rage in school right now. A few years ago, it manifested itself and was dubbed the Occupy Wall Street movement. And the same group of conservatives were here chastising the youth and calling for their mass arrest.

I'm not sure you have to have schizophrenia to be a conservative but boy, I'm sure it helps.
The left supports freedom of thought so long as it conforms to extremist leftism. Do you think what is happening to this professor is right?

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