Next part of the Hoax

Will be that since 0.01% of all inoculations have a bad reaction then (for our own safety, health and well being and the health of others) NO ONE gets the vaccine and we just further flush our freedoms and lives down the drain.
Covid is for utter math and stats retards.
And then, we'll flush these commie fucks down the drain after we execute them.

I want full-blown violence so I can freely kill some of these motherfuckers.
What an incredibly stupid thing to say!
There should be nothing political about this epidemic.
I am an extreme leftist and do not like Trump, but it should be clear to anyone that locks downs do not work, have never worked, and have failed for 11 months, to accomplish anything good at all.

Why do lock downs not work?
That is because they still allow the infection to spread wider and wider over time, making an end to the epidemic much more difficult.

What should we have done instead?
Total quarantines are the best because they work the fastest and save the most lives.
But it likely is too late for things like contact tracing, so now there is only herd immunity.
Vaccines are just a way to speed up herd immunity.
But we easily could have implemented herd immunity in March, through variolation of volunteers under 30, who were not at risk.
Will be that since 0.01% of all inoculations have a bad reaction then (for our own safety, health and well being and the health of others) NO ONE gets the vaccine and we just further flush our freedoms and lives down the drain.
Covid is for utter math and stats retards.
And then, we'll flush these commie fucks down the drain after we execute them.

I want full-blown violence so I can freely kill some of these motherfuckers.
What an incredibly stupid thing to say!

Yeah? Tell that to your own first......

The political morons of the DC area doubling down on more freedom and liberty robbing, job destroying lockdown measures
That’s right, when your policies fail then implement twice as much. That’s cslled insanity
Now the great news of the vaccine is being shoved aside over minuscule adverse reactions so shelve the vaccine and implement more restrictions
Liberals do not want a solution. They want the power of lockdowns
Covid cannot be masked not lockdownsed away. The non existent non vaccine cure is way worse than the cold

Yep...if the vaccine starts to work they will get rid of it....I agree.

Will be that since 0.01% of all inoculations have a bad reaction then (for our own safety, health and well being and the health of others) NO ONE gets the vaccine and we just further flush our freedoms and lives down the drain.
Covid is for utter math and stats retards.
And then, we'll flush these commie fucks down the drain after we execute them.

I want full-blown violence so I can freely kill some of these motherfuckers.
You really are psychotic. Seek help. They have medications for your condition.
Always important to see this stuff, though. We have to be aware of it.
Will be that since 0.01% of all inoculations have a bad reaction then (for our own safety, health and well being and the health of others) NO ONE gets the vaccine and we just further flush our freedoms and lives down the drain.
Covid is for utter math and stats retards.
It’s after November 3rd. Nobody is talking about COVID, it’s all gone... remember??

It should have been gone.
But if you keep the virus alive longer by "flattening the curve" and preventing herd immunity, then you can keep any epidemic around perpetually forever.
Its not rocket science; herd immunity relies on local burn out from a quick spike using up all the local hosts.
If you prevent the one, quick, short, spike, you can keep it going indefinitely.
It doesn’t die off until it infects 70% of the population. Do the math. That’s a lot of body bags. Far less this way.
Will be that since 0.01% of all inoculations have a bad reaction then (for our own safety, health and well being and the health of others) NO ONE gets the vaccine and we just further flush our freedoms and lives down the drain.
Covid is for utter math and stats retards.
It’s after November 3rd. Nobody is talking about COVID, it’s all gone... remember??

It should have been gone.
But if you keep the virus alive longer by "flattening the curve" and preventing herd immunity, then you can keep any epidemic around perpetually forever.
Its not rocket science; herd immunity relies on local burn out from a quick spike using up all the local hosts.
If you prevent the one, quick, short, spike, you can keep it going indefinitely.
Why can’t you do one quick spike while everybody shelters and reduce the carnage?
What's the FIRST part of the hoax OP?
Getting 300,000 people to have mock deaths.

First of all, the 300,000 should not have died and did not need to die.
They only died because we deliberately prevented herd immunity in the first 2 months, and by delaying the epidemic, greatly amplified the death toll.
Second is that 300,000 is tiny compared to what we accept every year, like half a million from smoking, half a million from heart disease from over eating, etc.

I agree no one should have died.

I totally disagree with your herd immunity garbage.

Herd immunity can only be achieved with a vaccine.

Not through infections. A person doesn't become totally immune to the virus if they get it.

People are getting it more than once. In fact there are so many people who have gotten the virus more than once, there's now a Covid 19 reinfection tracker.

It's also mutating.

We were able to establish it came from China to the west coast of America but it came from Italy to the east coast.

Now, it has mutated again in at least the UK if not other parts of Europe.

All your herd immunity through infections will do is kill millions needlessly, over whelm our health care system and collapse it.

The reason why it's out of control is the federal government has being doing the herd immunity through infections but lying about the whole thing.

All this is because trump didn't do what is common known science and medical prevention. He lied about all of it and politicized any steps to mitigate the spread. In fact, he did all he could do to spread it around the nation as much as possible with his super spreader rallies and gatherings at the White House.
Part II is already in effect in Britain.

The "new strain" of "the virus" that spreads faster and may not be prevented by "the vaccines".

Mask up; hunker down; police patrolling parts of the country and turning people back home if they try to leave.

Berlin Wall II.

And for the same purpose. To keep people IN and submissive.

Enjoying it yet?

You're not a "good citizen" if you aren't overjoyed at being kept in your little coop.
Will be that since 0.01% of all inoculations have a bad reaction then (for our own safety, health and well being and the health of others) NO ONE gets the vaccine and we just further flush our freedoms and lives down the drain.
Covid is for utter math and stats retards.
It’s after November 3rd. Nobody is talking about COVID, it’s all gone... remember??

It should have been gone.
But if you keep the virus alive longer by "flattening the curve" and preventing herd immunity, then you can keep any epidemic around perpetually forever.
Its not rocket science; herd immunity relies on local burn out from a quick spike using up all the local hosts.
If you prevent the one, quick, short, spike, you can keep it going indefinitely.
It doesn’t die off until it infects 70% of the population. Do the math. That’s a lot of body bags. Far less this way.

It's mutating.

It won't die off by itself or with herd immunity through infections if it mutates.

So herd immunity can't be achieved through infections.

It can only be achieved through vaccines.

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