Next part of the Hoax

The political morons of the DC area doubling down on more freedom and liberty robbing, job destroying lockdown measures
That’s right, when your policies fail then implement twice as much. That’s cslled insanity
Now the great news of the vaccine is being shoved aside over minuscule adverse reactions so shelve the vaccine and implement more restrictions
Liberals do not want a solution. They want the power of lockdowns
Covid cannot be masked not lockdownsed away. The non existent non vaccine cure is way worse than the cold
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God Forbid that a server give anybody a bottle of water anywhere.
Turn off the water taps and close em down. What a noble display of commies taking care of our health
What a crock
What's the FIRST part of the hoax OP?
That the leftyvirus is the black plague
What's the FIRST part of the hoax OP?
Getting 300,000 people to have mock deaths.

How many of those 300,000 were falsely reported as a death CAUSED by covid-19 just because there was a positive test result?

After all, there IS a financial (and political) INCENTIVE to report a death as being caused by the Rona. . . . even if / when the patient was in the process of dying anyway from other afflictions.

you took the trolls to
CDC director acknowledges hospitals have a monetary incentive to overcount coronavirus deaths

how many thousands of people died from delayed or cancelled treatments for cancer and heart surgeries? because of 0.2?%?
Way too many.

We can add those to Trump's mismanagement.

Trump had NOTHING to do with that! The TDS you suffer from is slowing causing you to go insane. Seek help immediately!
how many thousands of people died from delayed or cancelled treatments for cancer and heart surgeries? because of 0.2?%?
Way too many.

We can add those to Trump's mismanagement.

Trump had NOTHING to do with that! The TDS you suffer from is slowing causing you to go insane. Seek help immediately!
When you have a virus running rampant and you have thousands of self-presenters to local hospitals, people rightly do not want to go to those places. So yes...Trump's mismanagement of the virus did lead to a lot of people not seeking care. I know you have trouble trying to connect the dots that are right next to one another but perhaps try.
Prohibiting congregation is not working. There is NO reason to expect that more of it will help because it’s already failing. The idea that “it would be worse without the lockdowns” is utterly unproven and In Fact is disproven because as you you frightards contend-the numbers are soaring. It’s not working, why would more of it work? That’s called insanity.
Covid gets to us no matter what. For 95% of us it’s unnoticeable to mild and for 5% of us, almost all over 70 and suffering from several serious maladies , it is quite dangerous.
Time to stop all this draconian flailing at the sky lockdowning and accept that we don’t have a preventive remedy other than vaccines if we even are allowed to receive vaccines.

Ultimately it's not about's about lining us up to be the veneer wears thin they will shift gears to the next control scheme.....however it's not going to work here in the US.....
how many thousands of people died from delayed or cancelled treatments for cancer and heart surgeries? because of 0.2?%?
Way too many.

We can add those to Trump's mismanagement.

Trump had NOTHING to do with that! The TDS you suffer from is slowing causing you to go insane. Seek help immediately!

They sit up at night looking for ways to connect irrelevant factoids to an accusation.

Something like this: Sunspot activity under the Obama administration may have caused an uptick in melanoma cases here in North America....Obama failed to warn people about this and so he is now guilty of killing nearly a thousand people who died from that condition during that time period.'s not worth the few hundred joules of energy that it takes to type and post a reply to them.....they are willful imbeciles.

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Will be that since 0.01% of all inoculations have a bad reaction then (for our own safety, health and well being and the health of others) NO ONE gets the vaccine and we just further flush our freedoms and lives down the drain.
Covid is for utter math and stats retards.

This didn't age well.

There have been bad reactions to the vaccine.

No one stopped the vaccines from being distributed and shot into the arms of people.

Why do you people make such stupid predictions?
What's the FIRST part of the hoax OP?
Getting 300,000 people to have mock deaths.

First of all, the 300,000 should not have died and did not need to die.
They only died because we deliberately prevented herd immunity in the first 2 months, and by delaying the epidemic, greatly amplified the death toll.
Second is that 300,000 is tiny compared to what we accept every year, like half a million from smoking, half a million from heart disease from over eating, etc.
how many thousands of people died from delayed or cancelled treatments for cancer and heart surgeries? because of 0.2?%?
Way too many.

We can add those to Trump's mismanagement.

I do not support Trump, but it was the fault of "flattening the curve" that killed all these people.
It is a stupid strategy that maximizes the death total and does not save any lives at all.
The over flowing ICUs are due to flattening the curve, since otherwise the epidemic would have been over in 2 months, and the ICUs would not have had a chance to fill up.
Will be that since 0.01% of all inoculations have a bad reaction then (for our own safety, health and well being and the health of others) NO ONE gets the vaccine and we just further flush our freedoms and lives down the drain.
Covid is for utter math and stats retards.
It’s after November 3rd. Nobody is talking about COVID, it’s all gone... remember??

It should have been gone.
But if you keep the virus alive longer by "flattening the curve" and preventing herd immunity, then you can keep any epidemic around perpetually forever.
Its not rocket science; herd immunity relies on local burn out from a quick spike using up all the local hosts.
If you prevent the one, quick, short, spike, you can keep it going indefinitely.

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