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Next Target Iran.

If the terrorists hit the US again, lisb will smile, and start ranting how Pres bush failed to protect the US

Has he done a single thing to secure our border with Mexico?

If you were a bad guy from another land - would you use Mexico as your entry point into our country?

The only one blind are libs who see the only threat to the US is Pres Bush. Libs are consumed with their hate and rage for the man they fail to see they are handing a victrory to the terrorists on a silver platter

If the terrorists hit the US again, lisb will smile, and start ranting how Pres bush failed to protect the US

Sadly enough, he will have failed to protect the US in the event of such a tragedy. In haring off after Saddam Hussein under dubious, if not outright false, pretenses, he and his administration took their eye off the ball.

The Taliban and Al Qaeda have been free to make a resurgence into Afghanistan, after assets that could have been used to secure that country were pulled into Iraq. Before going into Iraq, the world stood beside America and the Bush administration in pursuit of the Taliban and Al Qaeda. Now the "coalition of the willing" in Iraq has become the "coalition of the leaving". The credibility of the office of the POTUS is in tatters, given the <i>causus belli</i> for invading Iraq was proven false and the evidence is mounting that President Bush and his administration cherry-picked, spun and fabricated from whole cloth, the rationale for war. America's ports, nuclear and chemical facilities lie as unprotected now as they were the day before 9/11. FEMA has been effectively gutted, and our response to disasters, whether man-made or natural has been severely blunted. American military readiness stands at its lowest point in decades.

Your claim that any opposed to this administration or its policies are somehow "collaborating with the enemy" is as specious now as it was the day Attorney General John Ashcroft told Congress "You're either with us, or for the terrorists."...A tactic straight from Hermann Goering's play book. It is bullshit and you know it.

So, when terror strikes America again, no one you call "liberal" will smile or gloat. We will shake our heads sadly, say "We told you so.", roll up our sleeves and clean up the mess, making sure it never happens again. And it will be done the right way.
Libs want to grant US Constitutional right s to terrorists, they block every method to capture and track them, they gloat when the NY Slimes publishes classified documents; they smear the troops every chance they get; and WILL jump for joy when the US is hit again

To libs, they see this not as war on terror - but a war on Bush
Libs want to grant US Constitutional right s to terrorists, they block every method to capture and track them, they gloat when the NY Slimes publishes classified documents; they smear the troops every chance they get; and WILL jump for joy when the US is hit again

To libs, they see this not as war on terror - but a war on Bush

No. I don't want to give constitutional rights to the detainees at GITMO. Just due process...You know, <i>habeas corpus</i>, the cornerstone of Western jurisprudence for nearly eight centuries...Key to the values America's founding fathers set down in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution...Without which NO other rights are possible, for ANYONE.

So, grab your ears, give them a good tug and pop your head out of you ass.
Libs want to grant US Constitutional right s to terrorists, they block every method to capture and track them, they gloat when the NY Slimes publishes classified documents; they smear the troops every chance they get; and WILL jump for joy when the US is hit again

To libs, they see this not as war on terror - but a war on Bush

Typical talking points of the SEVERELY BRAINWASHED..........

Cons.....the brain is a terrible think to waste......USE IT!!!
When I said "These people" are "sick and twisted", I wasn't speaking only about the "terrorists", which by the way, is a label that you can put on just about anyone you desire. No I was also speaking about the people in our own country and abroad who are attempting to weaken, and then totally dominate, the citizens of the United States of America.

And that very label...."terrorist"... is why we will never win the war on "terrorism", because as long as we decide who gets the label, than the label will never die. And neither will all of the people who we've given it to.

We can't win peace by waging war. You can't have true World peace by killing and murdering.

Have we learned nothing from Mahatma Gandhi ? It may have taken the man 20 years to liberate his people from Britain, but my God, he achieved his goal anyways.

I guarantee you all that we will have World peace very soon on this planet. With the coming Shift of the Poles, which will cause the end of WAR for a millennium, due to the fact that for the first time in a very long time every single country on the World will have to pull itself together in order to help it's people who will be in great need of love, courage, empathy, food, water, clothes, and hope. All of the basic essentials for Human Beings to survive.

Not brutality, guns, smoke, ashes, flags, pride, graves, sickness, and death that come along with War.

The World will have taken a 360 degree turn in terms of the way our consciousness will have changed.

We will no longer look for WAR as the answer to peace. That entire concept will soon be coming to an end.
When I said "These people" are "sick and twisted", I wasn't speaking only about the "terrorists", which by the way, is a label that you can put on just about anyone you desire. No I was also speaking about the people in our own country and abroad who are attempting to weaken, and then totally dominate, the citizens of the United States of America.

And that very label...."terrorist"... is why we will never win the war on "terrorism", because as long as we decide who gets the label, than the label will never die. And neither will all of the people who we've given it to.

We can't win peace by waging war. You can't have true World peace by killing and murdering.

Have we learned nothing from Mahatma Gandhi ? It may have taken the man 20 years to liberate his people from Britain, but my God, he achieved his goal anyways.

I guarantee you all that we will have World peace very soon on this planet. With the coming Shift of the Poles, which will cause the end of WAR for a millenium, due to the fact that for the first time in a very long time every single country on the World will have to pull itself together in order to help it's people who will be in great need of love, courage, empathy, food, water, clothes, and hope. All of the basic essentials for Human Beings to survive.

Not brutality, guns, smoke, ashes, flags, pride, graves, sickness, and death that come along with War.

The World will have taken a 360 degree turn in terms of the way our consciousness will have changed.

We will no longer look for WAR as the answer to peace. That entire concept will soon be coming to an end.

I would be most interested in WHEN the concept of war might be ending.
I would be most interested in WHEN the concept of war might be ending.

History has shown us the cultures that "ain't a gonna study war no more" are no longer with us or are in danger of extinction. We must be able to use force in response to force when diplomacy fails, and never as the aggressor. War is the judicious application of force, and Iraq is as injudicious a use of force as there ever was.
Right Bullypit.

However, no country or culture that has ever survived on War and Force alone has ever remained in power permanently either.

This is because all things change. Nothing stays the same.

So with this simple fact in mind. What are we (The people of the World) going to choose? War and Force? Or Love and Peace?
Right Bullypit.

However, no country or culture that has ever survived on War and Force alone has ever remained in power permanently either.

This is because all things change. Nothing stays the same.

So with this simple fact in mind. What are we (The people of the World) going to choose? War and Force? Or Love and Peace?

How about amending it to "Love, peace and prosperity. But keep your powder dry and your knife sharp."? ;)
The only one blind are libs who see the only threat to the US is Pres Bush. Libs are consumed with their hate and rage for the man they fail to see they are handing a victrory to the terrorists on a silver platter

If the terrorists hit the US again, lisb will smile, and start ranting how Pres bush failed to protect the US

no... I really think that Bush is leading us over the precipice into hell, but I would be just as irate at this stupid war and its inept prosecution if president Kerry had been doing it.

This has little to do with Bush for me, and everything to do with stopping this war in Iraq - which I truly believe is counterproductive - and starting the real war against islamic extremism.
Libs want to grant US Constitutional right s to terrorists, they block every method to capture and track them, they gloat when the NY Slimes publishes classified documents; they smear the troops every chance they get; and WILL jump for joy when the US is hit again

To libs, they see this not as war on terror - but a war on Bush

not so.

I have no desire to grant constitutional rights to terrorists. I only want to make sure that we treat detainees in a way that we are willing to let our enemies of the future treat captured US troops.

I do not want to block EVERY METHOD...I only object to wiretaps without warrants on US citizens.

I have never gloated when classified documents were published and I have NEVER smeared our troops...

and your suggestion that I would jump for joy when America is hit again enrages me... it frrustrates me beyond belief that you are sitting somewhere behind your computer and not standing in front of me where I could beat on you until the cops pulled me off, or until you stopped moving, whichever came first.
Libs want to grant US Constitutional right s to terrorists, they block every method to capture and track them, they gloat when the NY Slimes publishes classified documents; they smear the troops every chance they get; and WILL jump for joy when the US is hit again

To libs, they see this not as war on terror - but a war on Bush

Thanks for addressing my questions.
not so.

I have no desire to grant constitutional rights to terrorists. I only want to make sure that we treat detainees in a way that we are willing to let our enemies of the future treat captured US troops.

I do not want to block EVERY METHOD...I only object to wiretaps without warrants on US citizens.

I have never gloated when classified documents were published and I have NEVER smeared our troops...

and your suggestion that I would jump for joy when America is hit again enrages me... it frrustrates me beyond belief that you are sitting somewhere behind your computer and not standing in front of me where I could beat on you until the cops pulled me off, or until you stopped moving, whichever came first.

Libs now want to free the terrorists in Gitmo...........

Democrats Mull Plan To Close Guantanamo
Key House Democrats Suggest Speedy Trial Or Release Of Most Prisoners

(AP) Key House Democrats said Thursday they are considering a plan to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, by the end of 2008, with the exception of several dozen detainees in the war on terror who would be kept at the facility and tried there.

Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa., said he hopes to include the provision in legislation this spring that Democrats also intend to use to try to prevent further increases in troop strength in the war in Iraq.

Without public notice, Murtha dispatched Rep. Jim Moran, D-Va., to the detention center at the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay on a one-day trip late last month to recommend ways for closing it. Both men said the prison has become counterproductive as the United States tries to win converts overseas in the war on terror.

“Without closing it, this just plays into the propaganda of the enemy,” Moran said in an interview.

The prison was opened on Jan 11, 2002, and none of the more than 700 prisoners who have entered the facility — suspected of links to al Qaeda and the Taliban — has ever been tried.

Moran said there currently are 393 detainees at the prison, and added he had told Murtha about 80 of are likely to face trial, including 14 whom he described as high value targets.

The Virginia lawmaker said 87 other detainees can probably be released without trial and should go either to their country of origin, or if that isn't possible, to Afghanistan, where they were captured.

Moran said he had recommended requiring the administration to review the cases of the remaining detainees promptly and decide which of them should be held for trial and which should be released.

The facility at Guantanamo Bay has been the subject of extensive political and legal debate, and drawn protests by human rights activists since it was opened. The European Union has urged closing the facility.

The Pentagon recently released new rules to govern trials at the prison, based on a law passed by Congress last year that permits the administration to go ahead with special military commissioners to hear the cases.

Authorities recently drafted charges against three detainees, and they are expected to be formally filed soon. Once that occurs, regulations require preliminary hearings within 30 days and the start of a jury trial within 120 days at Guantanamo Bay.

Moran estimated that it could take five years for all the trials to take place.

He said the rest of the prison population should be out at least by the end of next year. “That is our intent. We feel this is one of the reasons we've lost so much credibility” in the war on terror, he said.

Murtha is chairman of a House subcommittee with jurisdiction over spending on military matters. Moran is a member of the panel.


OBL never had a better friend then the Democrat Party. Libs think if we coddle the the terrorists, then the terrorists will coddle their prisoners. Yea right. Tell that shit to Nick Berg's family

Libs will be happy when the US is hit again. They would see it as a defeat for Pres Bush, and as usual, they would jump on him with both feet. Libs have only one goal in life, to smear Pres Bush, the troops, and anyone who disagrees with them
Yank all our military from the region and watch Iran march to control it all including the oil. Sounds like a great plan to me. May as well sit back while Israel burn too. I assume everyone is ready to be blackmailed by Iran--again?
Yank all our military from the region and watch Iran march to control it all including the oil. Sounds like a great plan to me. May as well sit back while Israel burns too.

Then after the Dems cut off funding, they can balme Pres Bush and the US military for not getting the job done
Then after the Dems cut off funding, they can balme Pres Bush and the US military for not getting the job done

Of course--the GOP screwed the situation up so badly that how could anyone expect the dems to fix it. Can you feel it coming? Being blackmailed by Iran (again) will be such fun !!
Of course--the GOP screwed the situation up so badly that how could anyone expect the dems to fix it. Can you feel it coming? Being blackmailed by Iran (again) will be such fun !!

The Dems are the biggest bunch of cowards I have ever seen. Dems are the best friends OBL and the terrorists have

Watching Motor Mouth Murtha say how the terrorists in Iraq would disappera when the US militray leaves Iraq was funny to watch.

Seeing the Dems undermine the war, smear the troops, and make theterrosist job easioer - I understand why the symbol of the Dem party is a jackass

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