Next Zimmerman type case-Merritt Landry

After reading the link, I don't see where this man's life was in any danger. His stuff, perhaps, but not his or his family's welfare. He should have called 911 and yelled out to the kid telling him he's armed.

However, there is nothing racial here. And I don't know the whole story but that is my first impression.

Much different than Zimmerman, whose life WAS in danger.

I don't think the spirit of the Castle Doctrine was to extend one's "castle" into his driveway. JMO
I don't see where this man's life was in any danger

that is my first impression but we are dealing the general media

at this point
I do agree with others who question the parents of this boy. If he had been properly supervised, this never would have happened. 1:44AM is not an acceptable time for children to be out wandering around and trespassing. As we see.

yes and no

at fourteen i was allowed to go camping in the back yard by the lake and such
This is not a case of blaming the victim when the victim caused his own demise.

A rape victim is a victim of violence. There is never an excuse for unprovoked violence.

but that's the point, isn't it?

Until the courts stamped down on that kind of thing, rape victims were often subjected to questions about how often they had sex, how they were dressed, and so on. Back in the oldy days, you pretty much had to be dressed like a Quaker to avoid being called a slut in a rape trial.

Now, Political Correctness being what it is, prostitutes can claim rape if they weren't tipped.

The point is, shooting a kid because he was in your yard when he shouldn't have been is an over-reaction, even if being in your yard to start with was a bad idea. For that matter, so is shooting a kid because he whupped your ass in a fight you started. But I digress.

If you guys want to insist on the "right" to own a gun, then you all need to be held responsible when you misuse them.

Let's not rehash the facts of the Zimmerman case. It was pretty well proven, even admitted by the prosecution, that Trayvon Martin started that fight when he sucker punched Zimmerman. They had no proof otherwise, and lots of proof via their own witness Rachel Jeantel, that Martin was the aggressor. It was HIS choice to assault Zimmerman and tragically he chose the wrong cracker to whoop. That case is over.

Regarding this case, Zona was speaking about blaming the parents in this case is like blaming a rape victim for the rape. These two scenarios are not comparable. Rape is a violent crime and it is my opinion that nothing excuses unprovoked violence. This boy's parents ARE to blame for not properly parenting and protecting their 14 year old son. I hope he survives and his parents will learn a valuable lesson from this horrible event. Whatever happens, their household should be subjected to an investigation by child protective services to ensure any of their children are being properly cared for.

That being said, this boy did not deserve to be shot for jumping a fence. Without knowing all the facts except what was in the linked article, the man who shot him did so without any justification. He deserves a fair trial, for the facts to be heard, and for a verdict based on that evidence.
I do agree with others who question the parents of this boy. If he had been properly supervised, this never would have happened. 1:44AM is not an acceptable time for children to be out wandering around and trespassing. As we see.

yes and no

at fourteen i was allowed to go camping in the back yard by the lake and such

Had you been caught wandering around, jumping neighbors' fences, and trespassing, I hope the police would have held your parents responsible for allowing their young son to be unsupervised.

Maybe if more is expected from parents, if they are held responsible for their minor children's transgressions, then they will take their roles more seriously. Passing a parental responsibility class, like they do in child custody/divorce cases, might be the way to go in these circumstances. Don't know. Thankfully my kids are past that age!
A 14-year-old kid who does NOT live in that neighborhood - and who was seen orbiting the area on bicycle with another - and apparently eyeballing various houses - returns to the neighborhood with his cohort at 1:44 am and jumps one of those fences into the gated yard of a gun owner who had a wife and baby to protect?

Not all children survive childhood.

Nature has de-selected him.

Nature prizes intelligence and common sense above most other attributes.
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