NFL goes even more woke

I got a free ticket at work for a NFL game and I'd never been to one. Got my pretzel, got my beer, found my seat and it was pretty cool because it was a night game and that place probably had 50k people.

Then I saw the inzones had big ass letters spelling out the fight against racial injustice or something and before the game the announcer was saying the Bengals and the NFL stand in solidarity with blah blah.

Honestly I just got up and left and walked around downtown for a bit before going back to my car. It was my first real football experience and I was so turned off I don't want to go back. All I wanted to do was watch a game, not have even more reality shoved down my throat.

Fuck the NFL. They pushed away a potential fan.

Going to my first NHL game this year, I hope it isn't ruined as well with some bullshit.

Could have just ate your dog and then watched the game. None of that stuff matters during the game.

NHL is the to go. I have been to a couple. My son and his friends go a lot. They can get tickets for 12 bucks for games during the week against not so good teams. He has been saving for a playoff ticket.

If you think the woke crowd is on the verge of collapse, think again.

They are just getting started

Now the NFL is requiring future coaches to either be a woman, or someone that has increased skin pigment so that they look either brown or black.

I think hiring based on skin color instead of trying to hire a woman is preferable since no one in the NFL are biologists

I just love democrats.
More ignorance and stupidity from the racist right.
The NFL has 1 black head coach in the league. 1.

Look at your TV during the next NFL game, and tell me how many of the 22 players on the field are black.

ONE black head coach.

Solution: The NFL must be dragged kicking and screaming and forced to hire black coaches, apparently, otherwise the teams legit won't do it. So I'm all for this.
Its more of the same CRT hysteria. Most fans can't name the receivers coach or the O-line coach just like most of the "fathers" couldn't name any of their kid's teachers. Yet you see something on the Internet that pisses you off and it becomes what your life is all about. You guys are such losers.

Neat how you avoid context to excuse your kind. Remember Corn, aka cowardly Democrack, when your kind proves idiocracy it's always the other guy, by default.

If you think the woke crowd is on the verge of collapse, think again.

They are just getting started

Now the NFL is requiring future coaches to either be a woman, or someone that has increased skin pigment so that they look either brown or black.

I think hiring based on skin color instead of trying to hire a woman is preferable since no one in the NFL are biologists

I just love democrats.
Remember when race and sex discrimination was illegal and then Joke Briben made it a fad.

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