NFL kneelers

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No, In Ferguson the officer was not indicted by the Grand Jury.
The police that were charged in Baltimore were all exonerated.
What Washington case do you speak of? I'll be glad to look it up.
You asked me to point out police brutality, not police brutality whitewash.

One is showing active disrespect to the American flag, and the Nation for which it stands.

The other is showing Regional Pride, which in no way contradicts National Pride.

You really can’t make this stuff up! In RW world, displaying the flag of a treasonous nation that lost is more American than not standing for the anthem. The very fine people waving Nazi flags? Them too?

1. Your need to lie shows that you know you are in the wrong. Trump never called nazis "very fine people". I have repeatedly refuted that lie on this site, with the full transcripts.

2. That treason was well over a century ago, with generation after generation of loyal southerns, living in harmony with the rest of the nation, often fighting and dying along side of US in our wars, often at higher levels than the rest of the population.

ANy question of disloyalty, was laid to rest over a century before you were born. It is not credible that you do not know that.

Stop playing dishonest games.

3. And kneeling during the Anthem, is actively showing disrespect to the Flag, which stands for the nation as a whole.

What part of this do you disagree with? Be specific.

Or admit that I am right.

1. Right...he just called people willing to align themselves with Nazis "very fine people". Distinction without a difference.

2. The confederate flag is the equivalent of the Nazi flag. It's the symbol of a traitorous losing nation regardless of how long ago it occurred. To show pride in that seems much more un-American than silently protesting the brutal treatment of people by police officers.

3. No, it doesn't. Unlike the president, most Americans know NFL kneelers aren't protesting the flag

1. The Nazis behind the Charlottesville Rally last year, were dishonest in their publicizing of the Rally. A lot of people showed up, who were not aligned with Nazis. You can see that in the difference in attendance in this year's rally, now that people know who they really are.

2. YOu ignored my point about all that has happened SINCE then.And it was NOT a symbol of the Confederate Nation. It was a symbol of the Northern Virginia Battle Flag, under Gen Lee.

Why do you think the flag that proud Southerns use, is a battle flag and not one of the NATIONAL confederate flags?

3. Yes, it does. The ritual calls for standing to show respect to the Flag and the Nation for which it stands.

ANd they kneel. The message of disrespect is obvious. And if you are willfully blind, Keapernick verbally clarified that long ago.

This is not, supposedly what they are "protesting", but HOW they are "protesting".

But they are still anti-American assholes. FUCK THEM ALL.
1. By all means, tell us how these "good people" we're tricked into attending a rally organized by an avowed white supremacists the day after the citronella brigade had their torch lit scream fest.


2. It's the traitorous flag of a nation that lost and is no more. Flying it is far more in-American than kneeling silently in protest.

3. Those kneeling in protest are not disrespecting the flag or the United States. They are actually exemplifying what it means to be an American.

SOLDIERS SPEAK OUT ON KAEPERNICK: His protest 'makes him more American than anyone'

1. THe rally organizers did not mention in their advertising that they were nazis. They spun the rally as being against the removal of historical statues, a very popular position.

What part of this are you not following?

2. YOu ignored my point about all that has happened SINCE then.And it was NOT a symbol of the Confederate Nation. It was a symbol of the Northern Virginia Battle Flag, under Gen Lee.

Why do you think the flag that proud Southerns use, is a battle flag and not one of the NATIONAL confederate flags?

3. They kneel during a ritual where standing is done to show respect. The rest is sophist nonsense.
Anti-American assholes are anti-American assholes, based on their actions, not their skin color.
So kneeling during the anthem is anti American, but waving the confederate flag isn’t?


One is showing active disrespect to the American flag, and the Nation for which it stands.

The other is showing Regional Pride, which in no way contradicts National Pride.

So waving the flag of an enemy of the United Stares is not contradictory to national pride?

Sent from my iPhone using

THey are not the enemy of the United States, anymore, and haven't been for over a century and a half.

It is not credible that you have not noticed.
Trump trashed a vet's serrvice & you don't care. Tells me everything I need to know about you & how much you care about our vets.

McCain is pissed. Only a cowardly fuck like you would not be. And it was no gaffe. He knew exactly what he was saying
it would say how much he cared about THAT vet. it's a vast over-reach to apply that situation and that person to ALL vets. but hey, it's what liberals do -take 1 example and pretend it's the poster child for that problem.

do that to them they scream like stuck pigs.

They love to dish it out, but can't take it at all.

I understand that a vet hating POS like you thinks there are no boundaries as you support Trumps trashing of McCain's service to this country.

I bet if I posted an insult to your children. I'd get thrown off this site. It is called boundaries.

Trashing a veteran's service when it is as honorable as McCain should cross a boundary for you. But hey, fuck those vets, right asshole.

Sure. It was wrong. It was obviously just a heat of the moment thing. He immediately walked it back. IMMEDIATELY.

There is no reason to believe, other than self serving partisan dishonesty, to believe he meant it, either as a real personal attack on McCain, nor as a slam against all vets.

That bit where you said, "but hey, fuck those vets", that is called putting words in other person's mouth.

I never said anything like that, and the fact that you have to make up shit, shows that you know you are the one full of shit, on this complaint.


Cadet Bone Spurs has repeatedly trashed Sen. John McCain for his service and his work in the Senate.

You have to own it if you defend him on it.

NOt sure why you are lying here.

Oh, wow. It just occurred to me.

You must have realized, that ALL of your policies opposition to Trump has failed and been proven failures.

So you have no choice but to make up lies to attack him with.


You could just switch sides. Of course, we don't really want you.

One is showing active disrespect to the American flag, and the Nation for which it stands.

The other is showing Regional Pride, which in no way contradicts National Pride.

You really can’t make this stuff up! In RW world, displaying the flag of a treasonous nation that lost is more American than not standing for the anthem. The very fine people waving Nazi flags? Them too?

1. Your need to lie shows that you know you are in the wrong. Trump never called nazis "very fine people". I have repeatedly refuted that lie on this site, with the full transcripts.

2. That treason was well over a century ago, with generation after generation of loyal southerns, living in harmony with the rest of the nation, often fighting and dying along side of US in our wars, often at higher levels than the rest of the population.

ANy question of disloyalty, was laid to rest over a century before you were born. It is not credible that you do not know that.

Stop playing dishonest games.

3. And kneeling during the Anthem, is actively showing disrespect to the Flag, which stands for the nation as a whole.

What part of this do you disagree with? Be specific.

Or admit that I am right.

1. Right...he just called people willing to align themselves with Nazis "very fine people". Distinction without a difference.

2. The confederate flag is the equivalent of the Nazi flag. It's the symbol of a traitorous losing nation regardless of how long ago it occurred. To show pride in that seems much more un-American than silently protesting the brutal treatment of people by police officers.

3. No, it doesn't. Unlike the president, most Americans know NFL kneelers aren't protesting the flag

1. The Nazis behind the Charlottesville Rally last year, were dishonest in their publicizing of the Rally. A lot of people showed up, who were not aligned with Nazis. You can see that in the difference in attendance in this year's rally, now that people know who they really are.

2. YOu ignored my point about all that has happened SINCE then.And it was NOT a symbol of the Confederate Nation. It was a symbol of the Northern Virginia Battle Flag, under Gen Lee.

Why do you think the flag that proud Southerns use, is a battle flag and not one of the NATIONAL confederate flags?

3. Yes, it does. The ritual calls for standing to show respect to the Flag and the Nation for which it stands.

ANd they kneel. The message of disrespect is obvious. And if you are willfully blind, Keapernick verbally clarified that long ago.

This is not, supposedly what they are "protesting", but HOW they are "protesting".

But they are still anti-American assholes. FUCK THEM ALL.

They make more money than you...

On YOUR gauge of success that means their BETTER than you.

Your disrespect to that is noted.

So get the fuck back in your line.

They are disrespectful and disloyal to a nation and their fellow citizens who have done very well by them.

THat makes them fucking assholes.

That is makes them worse than me, in my opinion, regardless of how much money they make.

YOu presume to know how I think, are wrong, and then are rude to me based on that.

That makes you a fucking asshole.

If by "line" you mean go back to paying these assholes' salaries, that would be a fuck no.

I would rather burn my money than give it to them or the League.
You really can’t make this stuff up! In RW world, displaying the flag of a treasonous nation that lost is more American than not standing for the anthem. The very fine people waving Nazi flags? Them too?

1. Your need to lie shows that you know you are in the wrong. Trump never called nazis "very fine people". I have repeatedly refuted that lie on this site, with the full transcripts.

2. That treason was well over a century ago, with generation after generation of loyal southerns, living in harmony with the rest of the nation, often fighting and dying along side of US in our wars, often at higher levels than the rest of the population.

ANy question of disloyalty, was laid to rest over a century before you were born. It is not credible that you do not know that.

Stop playing dishonest games.

3. And kneeling during the Anthem, is actively showing disrespect to the Flag, which stands for the nation as a whole.

What part of this do you disagree with? Be specific.

Or admit that I am right.

1. Right...he just called people willing to align themselves with Nazis "very fine people". Distinction without a difference.

2. The confederate flag is the equivalent of the Nazi flag. It's the symbol of a traitorous losing nation regardless of how long ago it occurred. To show pride in that seems much more un-American than silently protesting the brutal treatment of people by police officers.

3. No, it doesn't. Unlike the president, most Americans know NFL kneelers aren't protesting the flag

1. The Nazis behind the Charlottesville Rally last year, were dishonest in their publicizing of the Rally. A lot of people showed up, who were not aligned with Nazis. You can see that in the difference in attendance in this year's rally, now that people know who they really are.

2. YOu ignored my point about all that has happened SINCE then.And it was NOT a symbol of the Confederate Nation. It was a symbol of the Northern Virginia Battle Flag, under Gen Lee.

Why do you think the flag that proud Southerns use, is a battle flag and not one of the NATIONAL confederate flags?

3. Yes, it does. The ritual calls for standing to show respect to the Flag and the Nation for which it stands.

ANd they kneel. The message of disrespect is obvious. And if you are willfully blind, Keapernick verbally clarified that long ago.

This is not, supposedly what they are "protesting", but HOW they are "protesting".

But they are still anti-American assholes. FUCK THEM ALL.

They make more money than you...

On YOUR gauge of success that means their BETTER than you.

Your disrespect to that is noted.

So get the fuck back in your line.

They are disrespectful and disloyal to a nation and their fellow citizens who have done very well by them.

THat makes them fucking assholes.

That is makes them worse than me, in my opinion, regardless of how much money they make.

YOu presume to know how I think, are wrong, and then are rude to me based on that.

That makes you a fucking asshole.

If by "line" you mean go back to paying these assholes' salaries, that would be a fuck no.

I would rather burn my money than give it to them or the League.
haha, disloyal to the nation:

1. Your need to lie shows that you know you are in the wrong. Trump never called nazis "very fine people". I have repeatedly refuted that lie on this site, with the full transcripts.

2. That treason was well over a century ago, with generation after generation of loyal southerns, living in harmony with the rest of the nation, often fighting and dying along side of US in our wars, often at higher levels than the rest of the population.

ANy question of disloyalty, was laid to rest over a century before you were born. It is not credible that you do not know that.

Stop playing dishonest games.

3. And kneeling during the Anthem, is actively showing disrespect to the Flag, which stands for the nation as a whole.

What part of this do you disagree with? Be specific.

Or admit that I am right.

1. Right...he just called people willing to align themselves with Nazis "very fine people". Distinction without a difference.

2. The confederate flag is the equivalent of the Nazi flag. It's the symbol of a traitorous losing nation regardless of how long ago it occurred. To show pride in that seems much more un-American than silently protesting the brutal treatment of people by police officers.

3. No, it doesn't. Unlike the president, most Americans know NFL kneelers aren't protesting the flag

1. The Nazis behind the Charlottesville Rally last year, were dishonest in their publicizing of the Rally. A lot of people showed up, who were not aligned with Nazis. You can see that in the difference in attendance in this year's rally, now that people know who they really are.

2. YOu ignored my point about all that has happened SINCE then.And it was NOT a symbol of the Confederate Nation. It was a symbol of the Northern Virginia Battle Flag, under Gen Lee.

Why do you think the flag that proud Southerns use, is a battle flag and not one of the NATIONAL confederate flags?

3. Yes, it does. The ritual calls for standing to show respect to the Flag and the Nation for which it stands.

ANd they kneel. The message of disrespect is obvious. And if you are willfully blind, Keapernick verbally clarified that long ago.

This is not, supposedly what they are "protesting", but HOW they are "protesting".

But they are still anti-American assholes. FUCK THEM ALL.

They make more money than you...

On YOUR gauge of success that means their BETTER than you.

Your disrespect to that is noted.

So get the fuck back in your line.

They are disrespectful and disloyal to a nation and their fellow citizens who have done very well by them.

THat makes them fucking assholes.

That is makes them worse than me, in my opinion, regardless of how much money they make.

YOu presume to know how I think, are wrong, and then are rude to me based on that.

That makes you a fucking asshole.

If by "line" you mean go back to paying these assholes' salaries, that would be a fuck no.

I would rather burn my money than give it to them or the League.
haha, disloyal to the nation:


LARD-ASS uneducated republicans ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

how sad .... denouncing their country IN PUBLIC
Anti-American assholes are anti-American assholes, based on their actions, not their skin color.
So kneeling during the anthem is anti American, but waving the confederate flag isn’t?


One is showing active disrespect to the American flag, and the Nation for which it stands.

The other is showing Regional Pride, which in no way contradicts National Pride.

So waving the flag of an enemy of the United Stares is not contradictory to national pride?

Sent from my iPhone using

THey are not the enemy of the United States, anymore, and haven't been for over a century and a half.

It is not credible that you have not noticed.

So, then it would be cool to wave the Nazi Germany flag around since they are not our enemy anymore either.

Also, you may not know this, but they do not exist anymore, which is why they are no longer our enemy.
Anti-American assholes are anti-American assholes, based on their actions, not their skin color.
So kneeling during the anthem is anti American, but waving the confederate flag isn’t?


One is showing active disrespect to the American flag, and the Nation for which it stands.

The other is showing Regional Pride, which in no way contradicts National Pride.

So waving the flag of an enemy of the United Stares is not contradictory to national pride?

Sent from my iPhone using

THey are not the enemy of the United States, anymore, and haven't been for over a century and a half.

It is not credible that you have not noticed.

They do not exit any more, but they were the enemy of the US their entire existence.

But, going with this "logic" then it should be cool to wave around Nazi Germany flags since they are no longer our enemy either, or the Japanese Rising Sun flag.
No, In Ferguson the officer was not indicted by the Grand Jury.
The police that were charged in Baltimore were all exonerated.
What Washington case do you speak of? I'll be glad to look it up.
You asked me to point out police brutality, not police brutality whitewash.

No, my claim is that any police brutality/ shooting is thoroughly investigated, and if the officer(s) involved are found to be outside of the law, they are punished. If not, they are not charged or are found not guilty by a Grand Jury.

Police brutality is not brutality if it's within the constraints of the law. It's just something you decided to call it because you don't like it. But we don't have laws or punishment based on what you and your ilk like or dislike. Sometimes our officers have to do unpleasant things to restore order or subdue a subject.
Very very very few people do really care. It's a NOTHING burger issue anymore.

If that were the case, they wouldn't be consistently losing an audience.

The losing of audience preceded the protests. For example, 2013 to 2014 was down 6%.

And Kapernick didn't start protesting until 2016.

Cause precedes effect. It doesn't follow it by 2 years.

Yes, that was right around the time the NFL started sissifying the game. Some have said football isn't football any longer. However if one thinks that adding insult to injury isn't taking any effect, they are surly kidding themselves.
The very fine people arent the ones who are kneeling hmm?

I have no idea WTF that has to do with my comment.
1. Your need to lie shows that you know you are in the wrong. Trump never called nazis "very fine people". I have repeatedly refuted that lie on this site, with the full transcripts.

2. That treason was well over a century ago, with generation after generation of loyal southerns, living in harmony with the rest of the nation, often fighting and dying along side of US in our wars, often at higher levels than the rest of the population.

ANy question of disloyalty, was laid to rest over a century before you were born. It is not credible that you do not know that.

Stop playing dishonest games.

3. And kneeling during the Anthem, is actively showing disrespect to the Flag, which stands for the nation as a whole.

What part of this do you disagree with? Be specific.

Or admit that I am right.

1. Right...he just called people willing to align themselves with Nazis "very fine people". Distinction without a difference.

2. The confederate flag is the equivalent of the Nazi flag. It's the symbol of a traitorous losing nation regardless of how long ago it occurred. To show pride in that seems much more un-American than silently protesting the brutal treatment of people by police officers.

3. No, it doesn't. Unlike the president, most Americans know NFL kneelers aren't protesting the flag

1. The Nazis behind the Charlottesville Rally last year, were dishonest in their publicizing of the Rally. A lot of people showed up, who were not aligned with Nazis. You can see that in the difference in attendance in this year's rally, now that people know who they really are.

2. YOu ignored my point about all that has happened SINCE then.And it was NOT a symbol of the Confederate Nation. It was a symbol of the Northern Virginia Battle Flag, under Gen Lee.

Why do you think the flag that proud Southerns use, is a battle flag and not one of the NATIONAL confederate flags?

3. Yes, it does. The ritual calls for standing to show respect to the Flag and the Nation for which it stands.

ANd they kneel. The message of disrespect is obvious. And if you are willfully blind, Keapernick verbally clarified that long ago.

This is not, supposedly what they are "protesting", but HOW they are "protesting".

But they are still anti-American assholes. FUCK THEM ALL.

They make more money than you...

On YOUR gauge of success that means their BETTER than you.

Your disrespect to that is noted.

So get the fuck back in your line.

They are disrespectful and disloyal to a nation and their fellow citizens who have done very well by them.

THat makes them fucking assholes.

That is makes them worse than me, in my opinion, regardless of how much money they make.

YOu presume to know how I think, are wrong, and then are rude to me based on that.

That makes you a fucking asshole.

If by "line" you mean go back to paying these assholes' salaries, that would be a fuck no.

I would rather burn my money than give it to them or the League.
haha, disloyal to the nation:


Nazis? Actually nazis? What of them? They don't get much attention because they are irrelevant.

The Kneelers are injecting their anti-Americanism into a national pastime. That gets attention, because they are being assholes.

What part of that is confusing to you?
1. Right...he just called people willing to align themselves with Nazis "very fine people". Distinction without a difference.

2. The confederate flag is the equivalent of the Nazi flag. It's the symbol of a traitorous losing nation regardless of how long ago it occurred. To show pride in that seems much more un-American than silently protesting the brutal treatment of people by police officers.

3. No, it doesn't. Unlike the president, most Americans know NFL kneelers aren't protesting the flag

1. The Nazis behind the Charlottesville Rally last year, were dishonest in their publicizing of the Rally. A lot of people showed up, who were not aligned with Nazis. You can see that in the difference in attendance in this year's rally, now that people know who they really are.

2. YOu ignored my point about all that has happened SINCE then.And it was NOT a symbol of the Confederate Nation. It was a symbol of the Northern Virginia Battle Flag, under Gen Lee.

Why do you think the flag that proud Southerns use, is a battle flag and not one of the NATIONAL confederate flags?

3. Yes, it does. The ritual calls for standing to show respect to the Flag and the Nation for which it stands.

ANd they kneel. The message of disrespect is obvious. And if you are willfully blind, Keapernick verbally clarified that long ago.

This is not, supposedly what they are "protesting", but HOW they are "protesting".

But they are still anti-American assholes. FUCK THEM ALL.

They make more money than you...

On YOUR gauge of success that means their BETTER than you.

Your disrespect to that is noted.

So get the fuck back in your line.

They are disrespectful and disloyal to a nation and their fellow citizens who have done very well by them.

THat makes them fucking assholes.

That is makes them worse than me, in my opinion, regardless of how much money they make.

YOu presume to know how I think, are wrong, and then are rude to me based on that.

That makes you a fucking asshole.

If by "line" you mean go back to paying these assholes' salaries, that would be a fuck no.

I would rather burn my money than give it to them or the League.
haha, disloyal to the nation:


LARD-ASS uneducated republicans ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

how sad .... denouncing their country IN PUBLIC

What are you talking about? I see no Republicans denouncing America.

Are you seeing things?
Anti-American assholes are anti-American assholes, based on their actions, not their skin color.
So kneeling during the anthem is anti American, but waving the confederate flag isn’t?


One is showing active disrespect to the American flag, and the Nation for which it stands.

The other is showing Regional Pride, which in no way contradicts National Pride.

So waving the flag of an enemy of the United Stares is not contradictory to national pride?

Sent from my iPhone using

THey are not the enemy of the United States, anymore, and haven't been for over a century and a half.

It is not credible that you have not noticed.

So, then it would be cool to wave the Nazi Germany flag around since they are not our enemy anymore either.

Also, you may not know this, but they do not exist anymore, which is why they are no longer our enemy.

Yeah, don't put words into my mouth, especially when you are obviously failing to understand my pov on this issue.

The South has been a loyal region of the United States for over a century and a half.

Waving around a symbol of regional pride, when that region has been a loyal part of American for over 5 generations, does not contradict national pride.

That is my point. It is a simple and easy to understand point.

Address it, or not.
1. Right...he just called people willing to align themselves with Nazis "very fine people". Distinction without a difference.

2. The confederate flag is the equivalent of the Nazi flag. It's the symbol of a traitorous losing nation regardless of how long ago it occurred. To show pride in that seems much more un-American than silently protesting the brutal treatment of people by police officers.

3. No, it doesn't. Unlike the president, most Americans know NFL kneelers aren't protesting the flag

1. The Nazis behind the Charlottesville Rally last year, were dishonest in their publicizing of the Rally. A lot of people showed up, who were not aligned with Nazis. You can see that in the difference in attendance in this year's rally, now that people know who they really are.

2. YOu ignored my point about all that has happened SINCE then.And it was NOT a symbol of the Confederate Nation. It was a symbol of the Northern Virginia Battle Flag, under Gen Lee.

Why do you think the flag that proud Southerns use, is a battle flag and not one of the NATIONAL confederate flags?

3. Yes, it does. The ritual calls for standing to show respect to the Flag and the Nation for which it stands.

ANd they kneel. The message of disrespect is obvious. And if you are willfully blind, Keapernick verbally clarified that long ago.

This is not, supposedly what they are "protesting", but HOW they are "protesting".

But they are still anti-American assholes. FUCK THEM ALL.

They make more money than you...

On YOUR gauge of success that means their BETTER than you.

Your disrespect to that is noted.

So get the fuck back in your line.

They are disrespectful and disloyal to a nation and their fellow citizens who have done very well by them.

THat makes them fucking assholes.

That is makes them worse than me, in my opinion, regardless of how much money they make.

YOu presume to know how I think, are wrong, and then are rude to me based on that.

That makes you a fucking asshole.

If by "line" you mean go back to paying these assholes' salaries, that would be a fuck no.

I would rather burn my money than give it to them or the League.
haha, disloyal to the nation:


Nazis? Actually nazis? What of them? They don't get much attention because they are irrelevant.

The Kneelers are injecting their anti-Americanism into a national pastime. That gets attention, because they are being assholes.

What part of that is confusing to you?
Nazis are far from irrelevant; they're starting to win GOP primaries.
Kneeling during the anthem is one of the highest forms of USA values, because rote compliance with authority is a bigger threat to our way of life than North Korea.
Patriotism is about standing in defense of the principles upon which this country was founded.
So kneeling during the anthem is anti American, but waving the confederate flag isn’t?


One is showing active disrespect to the American flag, and the Nation for which it stands.

The other is showing Regional Pride, which in no way contradicts National Pride.

So waving the flag of an enemy of the United Stares is not contradictory to national pride?

Sent from my iPhone using

THey are not the enemy of the United States, anymore, and haven't been for over a century and a half.

It is not credible that you have not noticed.

So, then it would be cool to wave the Nazi Germany flag around since they are not our enemy anymore either.

Also, you may not know this, but they do not exist anymore, which is why they are no longer our enemy.

Yeah, don't put words into my mouth, especially when you are obviously failing to understand my pov on this issue.

The South has been a loyal region of the United States for over a century and a half.

Waving around a symbol of regional pride, when that region has been a loyal part of American for over 5 generations, does not contradict national pride.

That is my point. It is a simple and easy to understand point.

Address it, or not.

What you call a "symbol of regional pride" is nothing more than the flag of a nation that was an enemy of the United States no different than Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. There is no national pride in the waving of a flag of an enemy nation of the United States.
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