NFL kneelers

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. . . the theory explodes in the face of reality: think Charlottesville.

The Alt Right unitewhitesuptids are gutless.
Kinda crazy how we spent an entire season off when not one NFL player had a protest or an event. Now that the season is starting they get involved. If you can’t actually spend your own off time protesting it’s not even serious to them. It’s a worthless protest. You can’t be so emotionally investing in something you won’t do on your own time.
Hey dumbshit. I don't which of your propagandists fed you this bullshit to parrot, but you might want to read this: Here’s how NFL players are making an impact off the field
Kinda crazy how we spent an entire season off when not one NFL player had a protest or an event. Now that the season is starting they get involved. If you can’t actually spend your own off time protesting it’s not even serious to them. It’s a worthless protest. You can’t be so emotionally investing in something you won’t do on your own time.
Hey dumbshit. Here's another article for you to read: Malcolm Jenkins, Richard Sherman host Players Coalition events
These rubes DESERVE to be lied to.

And we all know they will get right back in line to be lied to again by the same propagandists.
Kinda crazy how we spent an entire season off when not one NFL player had a protest or an event. Now that the season is starting they get involved. If you can’t actually spend your own off time protesting it’s not even serious to them. It’s a worthless protest. You can’t be so emotionally investing in something you won’t do on your own time.

And yet here you are talking about it. Which is probably why they chose that form of protest.
Very very very few people do really care. It's a NOTHING burger issue anymore.

If that were the case, they wouldn't be consistently losing an audience.

The losing of audience preceded the protests. For example, 2013 to 2014 was down 6%.

And Kapernick didn't start protesting until 2016.

Cause precedes effect. It doesn't follow it by 2 years.
. . . the theory explodes in the face of reality: think Charlottesville.

The Alt Right unitewhitesuptids are gutless.

In the face of violence from antifa, people will get hurt.
LEO will deal with it. If the alt right tries again, they will be smashed down again.

The same will happen to antifa. They've already had a beat down or two, and if they insist on playing vigilante, they will get hurt.
Kinda crazy how we spent an entire season off when not one NFL player had a protest or an event. Now that the season is starting they get involved. If you can’t actually spend your own off time protesting it’s not even serious to them. It’s a worthless protest. You can’t be so emotionally investing in something you won’t do on your own time.
I got so tired of these spoiled millionaires telling us how oppressed they are I finally cancelled Dish and will no longer watch Professional Football. No only am I not insulted weekly by spoiled millionaires I save $160. a month. I know that amount is just crumbs to the lefty’s but they are my crumbs and they no longer get them. I hope the NFL goes broke. The UnAmerican a**holes that run the nfl should be fired. Goodbye football hello roku.
No one cares if antifa gets beat down. It is in America's interest that the alt right and far right have Real America's foot across their throats.
No one cares if antifa gets beat down. It is in America's interest that the alt right and far right have Real America's foot across their throats.

as usual, Trump and his goons are on the minority end of another controversial issue they started ..

such useful idiots -
Very very very few people do really care. It's a NOTHING burger issue anymore.

If that were the case, they wouldn't be consistently losing an audience.

The losing of audience preceded the protests. For example, 2013 to 2014 was down 6%.

And Kapernick didn't start protesting until 2016.

Cause precedes effect. It doesn't follow it by 2 years.

Fer fuxsake are they still on that canard long after it's been taken to the cleaners?

We demonstrated on these very pages a year ago that football, baseball, basketball, hockey, NASCAR, college football and for that matter ALL television including non-sports have been in steady decline due to the very platform we're all using here, for years (plural). And that the idea of "boycotting TV" is a mythology that does not and cannot work because it's not a product that's consumed or has competition. And moreover that the charades they pretend to wet their panties about --- AREN'T EVEN BROADCAST ANYWAY.

And yet here they still are going :lalala: imagining false causation theories, expecting different results.

Self-delusion just boggles the fucking MIND.
I know that amount is just crumbs to the lefty’s but they are my crumbs and they no longer get them.

Maybe yours, correct. But multiply that times a thousand or ten thousand and they take notice; looks like they were trying to make amends.
Of course Trump could have insulted McCain on better grounds.

I get that. YOU are the stupid one, if you think that I do not.

But wtf? Do you think McCain is crying in his beer because Trump insulted his service, THREE years ago?

And you act like Trump HAS a thin skin and you libs are still whining about this minor, really, REALLY, minor gaffe, THREE YEARS AFTER THE FACT?
Trump trashed a vet's serrvice & you don't care. Tells me everything I need to know about you & how much you care about our vets.

McCain is pissed. Only a cowardly fuck like you would not be. And it was no gaffe. He knew exactly what he was saying
it would say how much he cared about THAT vet. it's a vast over-reach to apply that situation and that person to ALL vets. but hey, it's what liberals do -take 1 example and pretend it's the poster child for that problem.

do that to them they scream like stuck pigs.

They love to dish it out, but can't take it at all.

I understand that a vet hating POS like you thinks there are no boundaries as you support Trumps trashing of McCain's service to this country.

I bet if I posted an insult to your children. I'd get thrown off this site. It is called boundaries.

Trashing a veteran's service when it is as honorable as McCain should cross a boundary for you. But hey, fuck those vets, right asshole.

Sure. It was wrong. It was obviously just a heat of the moment thing. He immediately walked it back. IMMEDIATELY.

There is no reason to believe, other than self serving partisan dishonesty, to believe he meant it, either as a real personal attack on McCain, nor as a slam against all vets.

That bit where you said, "but hey, fuck those vets", that is called putting words in other person's mouth.

I never said anything like that, and the fact that you have to make up shit, shows that you know you are the one full of shit, on this complaint.


Cadet Bone Spurs has repeatedly trashed Sen. John McCain for his service and his work in the Senate.

You have to own it if you defend him on it.
So kneeling during the anthem is anti American, but waving the confederate flag isn’t?


One is showing active disrespect to the American flag, and the Nation for which it stands.

The other is showing Regional Pride, which in no way contradicts National Pride.

You really can’t make this stuff up! In RW world, displaying the flag of a treasonous nation that lost is more American than not standing for the anthem. The very fine people waving Nazi flags? Them too?

1. Your need to lie shows that you know you are in the wrong. Trump never called nazis "very fine people". I have repeatedly refuted that lie on this site, with the full transcripts.

2. That treason was well over a century ago, with generation after generation of loyal southerns, living in harmony with the rest of the nation, often fighting and dying along side of US in our wars, often at higher levels than the rest of the population.

ANy question of disloyalty, was laid to rest over a century before you were born. It is not credible that you do not know that.

Stop playing dishonest games.

3. And kneeling during the Anthem, is actively showing disrespect to the Flag, which stands for the nation as a whole.

What part of this do you disagree with? Be specific.

Or admit that I am right.

1. Right...he just called people willing to align themselves with Nazis "very fine people". Distinction without a difference.

2. The confederate flag is the equivalent of the Nazi flag. It's the symbol of a traitorous losing nation regardless of how long ago it occurred. To show pride in that seems much more un-American than silently protesting the brutal treatment of people by police officers.

3. No, it doesn't. Unlike the president, most Americans know NFL kneelers aren't protesting the flag

1. The Nazis behind the Charlottesville Rally last year, were dishonest in their publicizing of the Rally. A lot of people showed up, who were not aligned with Nazis. You can see that in the difference in attendance in this year's rally, now that people know who they really are.

2. YOu ignored my point about all that has happened SINCE then.And it was NOT a symbol of the Confederate Nation. It was a symbol of the Northern Virginia Battle Flag, under Gen Lee.

Why do you think the flag that proud Southerns use, is a battle flag and not one of the NATIONAL confederate flags?

3. Yes, it does. The ritual calls for standing to show respect to the Flag and the Nation for which it stands.

ANd they kneel. The message of disrespect is obvious. And if you are willfully blind, Keapernick verbally clarified that long ago.

This is not, supposedly what they are "protesting", but HOW they are "protesting".

But they are still anti-American assholes. FUCK THEM ALL.

They make more money than you...

On YOUR gauge of success that means their BETTER than you.

Your disrespect to that is noted.

So get the fuck back in your line.
Very very very few people do really care. It's a NOTHING burger issue anymore.

If that were the case, they wouldn't be consistently losing an audience.

The losing of audience preceded the protests. For example, 2013 to 2014 was down 6%.

And Kapernick didn't start protesting until 2016.

Cause precedes effect. It doesn't follow it by 2 years.

Yes, that was right around the time the NFL started sissifying the game. Some have said football isn't football any longer. However if one thinks that adding insult to injury isn't taking any effect, they are surly kidding themselves.
Very very very few people do really care. It's a NOTHING burger issue anymore.

If that were the case, they wouldn't be consistently losing an audience.

The losing of audience preceded the protests. For example, 2013 to 2014 was down 6%.

And Kapernick didn't start protesting until 2016.

Cause precedes effect. It doesn't follow it by 2 years.

Yes, that was right around the time the NFL started sissifying the game. Some have said football isn't football any longer. However if one thinks that adding insult to injury isn't taking any effect, they are surly kidding themselves.
The very fine people arent the ones who are kneeling hmm?
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