NFL kneelers

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Anti-American assholes are anti-American assholes, based on their actions, not their skin color.
So kneeling during the anthem is anti American, but waving the confederate flag isn’t?


One is showing active disrespect to the American flag, and the Nation for which it stands.

The other is showing Regional Pride, which in no way contradicts National Pride.
RW's are such thick skull'd dopes its pathetic ...

Trumps lie is the HOLY F'N GRAIL TO THOSE IDIOTS ..
Actually, that isn't a clear cut situation. How would the other cops know what was going on? What was standard police procedure? Was procedure that when you go to a crime scene, the police act like the keystone cops and fight each other or sort it out later and hold anyone who did wrong accountable?

And this still has nothing to do with race. There is no difference between white kneelers and black kneelers to anyone but you, racist.

That while you aren't satisfied that decades ago two dirty cops went to jail. You want other cops, bystanders, their friends, family, neighbors and everyone else to go to jail too.

Then you want to keep blacks poor by importing cheap illegal immigrants to take their jobs and keeping black kids from getting jobs with the minimum wage creating a permanent black underclass.

You're right there's a big racism issue here, and you need to start facing what you are and do something about it. Get help
If you're just going to make up my argument for me, then you don't need me.
You've said nothing else. We're discussing kneeling where my view is that race has nothing to do with it and cops where my view is race has nothing to do with it, and you're on and on about. He's black! He's fucking black, he's black black black he's a black man who's fucking black black black! He's black I say, fucking black!!!!!

Your standard is that not caring about race is racist, obsessing on race isn't. For you, racist is a political attack. And in the process, you reveal that you're the real thing. Blacks aren't people to you, they're political pawns for you to get more welfare. Then you turn around and fuck them with things like illegal immigration and the minimum wage. That's actual racism, pal. You're the real deal. You were one of the 20 Nazis who showed up to march in DC this weekend, weren't you, Grand Dragon?
Let me know when you're done playing make believe.
Actually, that isn't a clear cut situation. How would the other cops know what was going on? What was standard police procedure? Was procedure that when you go to a crime scene, the police act like the keystone cops and fight each other or sort it out later and hold anyone who did wrong accountable?

And this still has nothing to do with race. There is no difference between white kneelers and black kneelers to anyone but you, racist.

That while you aren't satisfied that decades ago two dirty cops went to jail. You want other cops, bystanders, their friends, family, neighbors and everyone else to go to jail too.

Then you want to keep blacks poor by importing cheap illegal immigrants to take their jobs and keeping black kids from getting jobs with the minimum wage creating a permanent black underclass.

You're right there's a big racism issue here, and you need to start facing what you are and do something about it. Get help
If you're just going to make up my argument for me, then you don't need me.

I'm just laughing at you for your hypocrisy, Archie Bunker. You've done nothing but make up shit
tee hee hee - i called someone "racist" in an argument! im so clever and that means i won cause i'm NOT racist since i called someone else that...tee hee hee i'm so clever...

fyi billo - that's how you come across when you can't discuss issues but sit and insult people and call them "racist" so you can THINK you have some moral advantage. lets just say "you keep using that word. i do not think it means what you think it means" despite the left working hard to change the definition of things.
Do you have a point?
You've said nothing else. We're discussing kneeling where my view is that race has nothing to do with it and cops where my view is race has nothing to do with it, and you're on and on about. He's black! He's fucking black, he's black black black he's a black man who's fucking black black black! He's black I say, fucking black!!!!!

Your standard is that not caring about race is racist, obsessing on race isn't. For you, racist is a political attack. And in the process, you reveal that you're the real thing. Blacks aren't people to you, they're political pawns for you to get more welfare. Then you turn around and fuck them with things like illegal immigration and the minimum wage. That's actual racism, pal. You're the real deal. You were one of the 20 Nazis who showed up to march in DC this weekend, weren't you, Grand Dragon?
Let me know when you're done playing make believe.

Let me know when you're done railing about how much you hate blacks
Anti-American assholes are anti-American assholes, based on their actions, not their skin color.
So kneeling during the anthem is anti American, but waving the confederate flag isn’t?


One is showing active disrespect to the American flag, and the Nation for which it stands.

The other is showing Regional Pride, which in no way contradicts National Pride.

You really can’t make this stuff up! In RW world, displaying the flag of a treasonous nation that lost is more American than not standing for the anthem. The very fine people waving Nazi flags? Them too?
Correct, I do see something wrong wth it. The flag is the symbol of this country and people. The Anthem is the song that celebrates this great place. So when you disrespect the flag and Anthem, you disrespect the country and it's people.

The jury is impartial because they are selected equally by the prosecutor and defense attorney. You can't get much fairer than that.
It's not about the flag and its not about the anthem.
No you are not. If you loan a car to somebody, they are responsible for the actions while using that car. You can't convict somebody for loaning a friend or relative a car regardless what they do with it.
Your car was used in the commission of a crime. You're responsible for your car.
Anti-American assholes are anti-American assholes, based on their actions, not their skin color.
So kneeling during the anthem is anti American, but waving the confederate flag isn’t?


One is showing active disrespect to the American flag, and the Nation for which it stands.

The other is showing Regional Pride, which in no way contradicts National Pride.

You really can’t make this stuff up! In RW world, displaying the flag of a treasonous nation that lost is more American than not standing for the anthem. The very fine people waving Nazi flags? Them too?

1. Your need to lie shows that you know you are in the wrong. Trump never called nazis "very fine people". I have repeatedly refuted that lie on this site, with the full transcripts.

2. That treason was well over a century ago, with generation after generation of loyal southerns, living in harmony with the rest of the nation, often fighting and dying along side of US in our wars, often at higher levels than the rest of the population.

ANy question of disloyalty, was laid to rest over a century before you were born. It is not credible that you do not know that.

Stop playing dishonest games.

3. And kneeling during the Anthem, is actively showing disrespect to the Flag, which stands for the nation as a whole.

What part of this do you disagree with? Be specific.

Or admit that I am right.
THAT'S not a serious request.

Yes, he insulted Trump supporters. Most of whom voted for his old ass, in 2008.

He deserved to be insulted back.
This is what I love about you dumbass Trumpettes.

You are too fucking stupid to get that Trump could have struck back at John McCain by talking about his voting record as a Senator or something he has said.

But no,

That fast ass draft dodging POS attacked the service McCain gave to this country. A service your orange PIOS avoided at all costs.

Of course Trump could have insulted McCain on better grounds.

I get that. YOU are the stupid one, if you think that I do not.

But wtf? Do you think McCain is crying in his beer because Trump insulted his service, THREE years ago?

And you act like Trump HAS a thin skin and you libs are still whining about this minor, really, REALLY, minor gaffe, THREE YEARS AFTER THE FACT?
Trump trashed a vet's serrvice & you don't care. Tells me everything I need to know about you & how much you care about our vets.

McCain is pissed. Only a cowardly fuck like you would not be. And it was no gaffe. He knew exactly what he was saying
it would say how much he cared about THAT vet. it's a vast over-reach to apply that situation and that person to ALL vets. but hey, it's what liberals do -take 1 example and pretend it's the poster child for that problem.

do that to them they scream like stuck pigs.

They love to dish it out, but can't take it at all.

I understand that a vet hating POS like you thinks there are no boundaries as you support Trumps trashing of McCain's service to this country.

I bet if I posted an insult to your children. I'd get thrown off this site. It is called boundaries.

Trashing a veteran's service when it is as honorable as McCain should cross a boundary for you. But hey, fuck those vets, right asshole.
No you are not. If you loan a car to somebody, they are responsible for the actions while using that car. You can't convict somebody for loaning a friend or relative a car regardless what they do with it.
Your car was used in the commission of a crime. You're responsible for your car.

Really? So if I loan my brother my car for a week, and he gets drunk and smashes into a cop car on the side of the road with his warning lights on, the cop is going to charge me for a DUI?
No, I'm trying to tell you what you said.
I didn't say what you said I said.

So you never said this in post 437?

You're right. Koons did do 30 months after the federal trial. The Simi Valley trial acquitted him.

Out of 11 cops that were present during the beating, only 2 went to jail.

That's why they kneel.

"The best thing about telling the truth is you never have to remember what you said."
Author unknown
I supported McCain after he won the Primaries and ran against Obama. I defended him against the vile lies that left started spreading about him.

I voted for the old man. ANd he insulted me, because 8 years later, I supported a candidate he did not like.

That was a fucking dick move, and I am glad that Trump called him on it.

Oh REALLY. John McCain, the Senator from AridZona ..... "insulted you" did he?


Wow, full of yourself much or WHAT....

THAT'S not a serious request.

Yes, he insulted Trump supporters. Most of whom voted for his old ass, in 2008.

He deserved to be insulted back.
This is what I love about you dumbass Trumpettes.

You are too fucking stupid to get that Trump could have struck back at John McCain by talking about his voting record as a Senator or something he has said.

But no,

That fast ass draft dodging POS attacked the service McCain gave to this country. A service your orange PIOS avoided at all costs.

Of course Trump could have insulted McCain on better grounds.

I get that. YOU are the stupid one, if you think that I do not.

But wtf? Do you think McCain is crying in his beer because Trump insulted his service, THREE years ago?

And you act like Trump HAS a thin skin and you libs are still whining about this minor, really, REALLY, minor gaffe, THREE YEARS AFTER THE FACT?
Trump trashed a vet's serrvice & you don't care. Tells me everything I need to know about you & how much you care about our vets.

McCain is pissed. Only a cowardly fuck like you would not be. And it was no gaffe. He knew exactly what he was saying
Yes, he knew exactly what he was saying and many vets agree with him.
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