NFL kneelers

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The kneeling is clearly being done for one reason, and one reason only, to attempt to disrespect the lawfully elected President of the United States.

The fact that they had the chutzpah to do it in front of their Vice President driving him from the stadium.

The NFL players are hoping to purify the ranks of the fans, and they are telling conservatives that they just aren't welcome in the stadiums or even watching the spectacles on TV

Actually it has little do do with Trump and more a disrespect for our men and women in uniform. Unfortunately, they chose to disrespect the flag and Anthem to process their messages.

Actually it has to do with you dictating what other people's motivations are, even when they themselves say otherwise. You even took Colin Kaepernick's personal motivation and extended it to an entire culture of a national sport. On the basis of nothing but your own fantasies.

That's a direct result of going :lalala: when information is being imparted to you.

The avatar embodies exactly that.

Please, this kneeling wasn’t even a thought until KaperClown did it. Or are you trying to tell me disrespecting our flag is the new way for jocks to protest their own launders list of personal matters? And if so, what does that tell you?

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Tells me you're an intellectual sloth who can't be bothered to understand and as a result just plugs in whatever he wishes to deal with so he doesn't have to deal with realities because it's "too hard".


Wow, what a great description of fake news's methods, racist
Actually it has little do do with Trump and more a disrespect for our men and women in uniform. Unfortunately, they chose to disrespect the flag and Anthem to process their messages.
What disrespect for our men and women in uniform? The flag and National Anthem are not limited to service people.

Their protest is against our police officers in this country. Haven't you been keeping up with this story?
No, it is not a protest against our police officers in this country. It is a protest against police ABUSE. Good grief.

Now, of course, the fact that most of the kneeling players are black probably has no bearing on opposition to their doing so, would it?

Yet they choose to "protest" during the anthem, thus irrevocably bringing the anthem into it. If they really wanted to protest police abuse, why wouldn't they do something, I don't know, related to the police? You know, do something disrespectful to the officers at the game? Wouldn't that make their point more effectively?

This is where your premise i.e. "protesting police abuse", falls to the ground in a roaring "SPLAT".

Like RayRay above you've taken a statement from one guy --- named Colin Kaepernick --- from a couple of years ago and blanketed onto everybody everywhere who doesn't do the robot dance at the mandatory national anthem jingo exercise. That's a blatant broad generalization fallacy.

What, do football players all look alike to you klowns or what?

So there's no unifying theme to the "protests", which render them pointless.
The authoritarian right is indeed tedious and moronic.

That they obsess over this non-issue is a manifestation of true rightwing idiocy.

Had conservatives simply ignored what the players were doing from the outset, the demonstrations would have likely ended by now.

And for far too many on the right this is solely about race and conservatives’ unwarranted hostility with regard to issues that black Americans are concerned about.
Couldn't have said it better myself.
What disrespect for our men and women in uniform? The flag and National Anthem are not limited to service people.

Their protest is against our police officers in this country. Haven't you been keeping up with this story?
No, it is not a protest against our police officers in this country. It is a protest against police ABUSE. Good grief.

Now, of course, the fact that most of the kneeling players are black probably has no bearing on opposition to their doing so, would it?

Yet they choose to "protest" during the anthem, thus irrevocably bringing the anthem into it. If they really wanted to protest police abuse, why wouldn't they do something, I don't know, related to the police? You know, do something disrespectful to the officers at the game? Wouldn't that make their point more effectively?

This is where your premise i.e. "protesting police abuse", falls to the ground in a roaring "SPLAT".

Like RayRay above you've taken a statement from one guy --- named Colin Kaepernick --- from a couple of years ago and blanketed onto everybody everywhere who doesn't do the robot dance at the mandatory national anthem jingo exercise. That's a blatant broad generalization fallacy.

What, do football players all look alike to you klowns or what?

So there's no unifying theme to the "protests", which render them pointless.

For pogo, its all about hate and leftists exploiting blacks for free government cheese. Pogo likes free cheese. Blacks are useful fools to him
Fuck you. I don't have to proove shit to a cock slinging traitor as yourself. Go take a long walk on a short pier.

Uh ... nnnno, fuck YOU. When you make a claim it's ****YOUR**** responsibility to back it up on this planet, period. There has never been an exception to that ever, and your bubblistic snowflaking ain't gonna buy your way out of the box you just put yourself in.

Don't like it? Then don't make shit up and you won't get called on it.
No it's not. If I felt like a worthless leftist traitor as yourself was worthy of proof, I would have provided it. But since you stains aren't worth two flushes, you can kiss my ass.
Now go climb back in your mommy's basement like a good boy and dream of Hillary's panties wrapped around your empty head.

It's not a question of fucking "worthy" DUMBASS. It's your responsibility. Without any credible evidence we have to ass-sume you just pulled it out of your ass. If you're content to wallow around as a liar, then so be it but that's ENTIRELY on you and your ignorant ass.

So half a dozen posts doing nothing but whining WAAAH I DON'T WANNA pretty much establishes it. You're a fraud. Dismissed.
You're a joke and an embarrassment to the human race. But, as a leftist traitor, that goes without saying.

Actually what I am is holding a perfect record of always backing up anything I claim.

You................ not so much. Dishonest HACK.
You have a vivid imaginstion. You never back up your stupid racist shit
The kneeling is clearly being done for one reason, and one reason only, to attempt to disrespect the lawfully elected President of the United States.

The fact that they had the chutzpah to do it in front of their Vice President driving him from the stadium.

The NFL players are hoping to purify the ranks of the fans, and they are telling conservatives that they just aren't welcome in the stadiums or even watching the spectacles on TV

Actually it has little do do with Trump and more a disrespect for our men and women in uniform. Unfortunately, they chose to disrespect the flag and Anthem to process their messages.

Actually it has to do with you dictating what other people's motivations are, even when they themselves say otherwise. You even took Colin Kaepernick's personal motivation and extended it to an entire culture of a national sport. On the basis of nothing but your own fantasies.

That's a direct result of going :lalala: when information is being imparted to you.

The avatar embodies exactly that.

Please, this kneeling wasn’t even a thought until KaperClown did it. Or are you trying to tell me disrespecting our flag is the new way for jocks to protest their own launders list of personal matters? And if so, what does that tell you?

Sent from my iPad using

Tells me you're an intellectual sloth who can't be bothered to understand and as a result just plugs in whatever he wishes to deal with so he doesn't have to deal with realities because it's "too hard".


Actually it's pretty easy and pretty obvious to those of us who will face the truth.
The kneeling is clearly being done for one reason, and one reason only, to attempt to disrespect the lawfully elected President of the United States.

The fact that they had the chutzpah to do it in front of their Vice President driving him from the stadium.

The NFL players are hoping to purify the ranks of the fans, and they are telling conservatives that they just aren't welcome in the stadiums or even watching the spectacles on TV

Actually it has little do do with Trump and more a disrespect for our men and women in uniform. Unfortunately, they chose to disrespect the flag and Anthem to process their messages.

Actually it has to do with you dictating what other people's motivations are, even when they themselves say otherwise. You even took Colin Kaepernick's personal motivation and extended it to an entire culture of a national sport. On the basis of nothing but your own fantasies.

That's a direct result of going :lalala: when information is being imparted to you.

The avatar embodies exactly that.

Please, this kneeling wasn’t even a thought until KaperClown did it. Or are you trying to tell me disrespecting our flag is the new way for jocks to protest their own launders list of personal matters? And if so, what does that tell you?

Sent from my iPad using

Tells me you're an intellectual sloth who can't be bothered to understand and as a result just plugs in whatever he wishes to deal with so he doesn't have to deal with realities because it's "too hard".


Actually it's pretty easy and pretty obvious to those of us who will face the truth.

so you admit Trump is a liar and the protests have nothing to do with honoring the American flag ?
Actually it has little do do with Trump and more a disrespect for our men and women in uniform. Unfortunately, they chose to disrespect the flag and Anthem to process their messages.

Actually it has to do with you dictating what other people's motivations are, even when they themselves say otherwise. You even took Colin Kaepernick's personal motivation and extended it to an entire culture of a national sport. On the basis of nothing but your own fantasies.

That's a direct result of going :lalala: when information is being imparted to you.

The avatar embodies exactly that.

Please, this kneeling wasn’t even a thought until KaperClown did it. Or are you trying to tell me disrespecting our flag is the new way for jocks to protest their own launders list of personal matters? And if so, what does that tell you?

Sent from my iPad using

Tells me you're an intellectual sloth who can't be bothered to understand and as a result just plugs in whatever he wishes to deal with so he doesn't have to deal with realities because it's "too hard".


Actually it's pretty easy and pretty obvious to those of us who will face the truth.

so you admit Trump is a liar and the protests have nothing to do with honoring the American flag ?

Actually it has little do do with Trump and more a disrespect for our men and women in uniform. Unfortunately, they chose to disrespect the flag and Anthem to process their messages.

Actually it has to do with you dictating what other people's motivations are, even when they themselves say otherwise. You even took Colin Kaepernick's personal motivation and extended it to an entire culture of a national sport. On the basis of nothing but your own fantasies.

That's a direct result of going :lalala: when information is being imparted to you.

The avatar embodies exactly that.

Please, this kneeling wasn’t even a thought until KaperClown did it. Or are you trying to tell me disrespecting our flag is the new way for jocks to protest their own launders list of personal matters? And if so, what does that tell you?

Sent from my iPad using

Tells me you're an intellectual sloth who can't be bothered to understand and as a result just plugs in whatever he wishes to deal with so he doesn't have to deal with realities because it's "too hard".


Actually it's pretty easy and pretty obvious to those of us who will face the truth.

so you admit Trump is a liar and the protests have nothing to do with honoring the American flag ?

Sure put a lot of words into my post I didn't write. But you on the left constantly do that.
Actually it has to do with you dictating what other people's motivations are, even when they themselves say otherwise. You even took Colin Kaepernick's personal motivation and extended it to an entire culture of a national sport. On the basis of nothing but your own fantasies.

That's a direct result of going :lalala: when information is being imparted to you.

The avatar embodies exactly that.

Please, this kneeling wasn’t even a thought until KaperClown did it. Or are you trying to tell me disrespecting our flag is the new way for jocks to protest their own launders list of personal matters? And if so, what does that tell you?

Sent from my iPad using

Tells me you're an intellectual sloth who can't be bothered to understand and as a result just plugs in whatever he wishes to deal with so he doesn't have to deal with realities because it's "too hard".


Actually it's pretty easy and pretty obvious to those of us who will face the truth.

so you admit Trump is a liar and the protests have nothing to do with honoring the American flag ?

Sure put a lot of words into my post I didn't write. But you on the left constantly do that.


everyone knows youre full of shit, dont sweat it.
Actually it has to do with you dictating what other people's motivations are, even when they themselves say otherwise. You even took Colin Kaepernick's personal motivation and extended it to an entire culture of a national sport. On the basis of nothing but your own fantasies.

That's a direct result of going :lalala: when information is being imparted to you.

The avatar embodies exactly that.

Please, this kneeling wasn’t even a thought until KaperClown did it. Or are you trying to tell me disrespecting our flag is the new way for jocks to protest their own launders list of personal matters? And if so, what does that tell you?

Sent from my iPad using

Tells me you're an intellectual sloth who can't be bothered to understand and as a result just plugs in whatever he wishes to deal with so he doesn't have to deal with realities because it's "too hard".


Actually it's pretty easy and pretty obvious to those of us who will face the truth.

so you admit Trump is a liar and the protests have nothing to do with honoring the American flag ?

Sure put a lot of words into my post I didn't write. But you on the left constantly do that.

Then they whine that they didn't say what they said. For example, my next post ...
Please, this kneeling wasn’t even a thought until KaperClown did it. Or are you trying to tell me disrespecting our flag is the new way for jocks to protest their own launders list of personal matters? And if so, what does that tell you?

Sent from my iPad using

Tells me you're an intellectual sloth who can't be bothered to understand and as a result just plugs in whatever he wishes to deal with so he doesn't have to deal with realities because it's "too hard".


Actually it's pretty easy and pretty obvious to those of us who will face the truth.

so you admit Trump is a liar and the protests have nothing to do with honoring the American flag ?

Sure put a lot of words into my post I didn't write. But you on the left constantly do that.


everyone knows youre full of shit, dont sweat it.

Yes, you quoted his post then you misrepresented what he said.

So now you're seriously arguing that you actually thought Ray meant that Trump is a liar? Seriously, that's what you said, and you're saying you didn't intentionally misrepresent Ray, that'a actually what you thought he meant?

You're such a liar
Tells me you're an intellectual sloth who can't be bothered to understand and as a result just plugs in whatever he wishes to deal with so he doesn't have to deal with realities because it's "too hard".


Actually it's pretty easy and pretty obvious to those of us who will face the truth.

so you admit Trump is a liar and the protests have nothing to do with honoring the American flag ?

Sure put a lot of words into my post I didn't write. But you on the left constantly do that.


everyone knows youre full of shit, dont sweat it.

Yes, you quoted his post then you misrepresented what he said.

So now you're seriously arguing that you actually thought Ray meant that Trump is a liar? Seriously, that's what you said, and you're saying you didn't intentionally misrepresent Ray, that'a actually what you thought he meant?

You're such a liar

uh huh- riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight

neither one of you two idiots can spell truth much less face it - Trump lied his ass off, idiots bought it.

key word, IDIOTS
Actually it's pretty easy and pretty obvious to those of us who will face the truth.

so you admit Trump is a liar and the protests have nothing to do with honoring the American flag ?

Sure put a lot of words into my post I didn't write. But you on the left constantly do that.


everyone knows youre full of shit, dont sweat it.

Yes, you quoted his post then you misrepresented what he said.

So now you're seriously arguing that you actually thought Ray meant that Trump is a liar? Seriously, that's what you said, and you're saying you didn't intentionally misrepresent Ray, that'a actually what you thought he meant?

You're such a liar

uh huh- riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight

neither one of you two idiots can spell truth much less face it - Trump lied his ass off, idiots bought it.

key word, IDIOTS

Classic. You told Ray you accurately quoted him when you said he said Trump was a liar. And you call anyone an idiot?

You don't have the balls to man up to the stupid crap you made up
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I supported McCain after he won the Primaries and ran against Obama. I defended him against the vile lies that left started spreading about him.

I voted for the old man. ANd he insulted me, because 8 years later, I supported a candidate he did not like.

That was a fucking dick move, and I am glad that Trump called him on it.

Oh REALLY. John McCain, the Senator from AridZona ..... "insulted you" did he?


Wow, full of yourself much or WHAT....

THAT'S not a serious request.

Yes, he insulted Trump supporters. Most of whom voted for his old ass, in 2008.

He deserved to be insulted back.
This is what I love about you dumbass Trumpettes.

You are too fucking stupid to get that Trump could have struck back at John McCain by talking about his voting record as a Senator or something he has said.

But no,

That fast ass draft dodging POS attacked the service McCain gave to this country. A service your orange PIOS avoided at all costs.

Of course Trump could have insulted McCain on better grounds.

I get that. YOU are the stupid one, if you think that I do not.

But wtf? Do you think McCain is crying in his beer because Trump insulted his service, THREE years ago?

And you act like Trump HAS a thin skin and you libs are still whining about this minor, really, REALLY, minor gaffe, THREE YEARS AFTER THE FACT?
Trump trashed a vet's serrvice & you don't care. Tells me everything I need to know about you & how much you care about our vets.

McCain is pissed. Only a cowardly fuck like you would not be. And it was no gaffe. He knew exactly what he was saying

Save it drama queen. McCain is pissed because he does not like Trump. He got over the little gaffe about his service record, hours after it happened.

You are the cowardly fuck here.
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Oh REALLY. John McCain, the Senator from AridZona ..... "insulted you" did he?


Wow, full of yourself much or WHAT....

THAT'S not a serious request.

Yes, he insulted Trump supporters. Most of whom voted for his old ass, in 2008.

He deserved to be insulted back.
This is what I love about you dumbass Trumpettes.

You are too fucking stupid to get that Trump could have struck back at John McCain by talking about his voting record as a Senator or something he has said.

But no,

That fast ass draft dodging POS attacked the service McCain gave to this country. A service your orange PIOS avoided at all costs.

Of course Trump could have insulted McCain on better grounds.

I get that. YOU are the stupid one, if you think that I do not.

But wtf? Do you think McCain is crying in his beer because Trump insulted his service, THREE years ago?

And you act like Trump HAS a thin skin and you libs are still whining about this minor, really, REALLY, minor gaffe, THREE YEARS AFTER THE FACT?
Trump trashed a vet's serrvice & you don't care. Tells me everything I need to know about you & how much you care about our vets.

McCain is pissed. Only a cowardly fuck like you would not be. And it was no gaffe. He knew exactly what he was saying
it would say how much he cared about THAT vet. it's a vast over-reach to apply that situation and that person to ALL vets. but hey, it's what liberals do -take 1 example and pretend it's the poster child for that problem.

do that to them they scream like stuck pigs.

They love to dish it out, but can't take it at all.
The authoritarian right is indeed tedious and moronic.

That they obsess over this non-issue is a manifestation of true rightwing idiocy.

Had conservatives simply ignored what the players were doing from the outset, the demonstrations would have likely ended by now.

And for far too many on the right this is solely about race and conservatives’ unwarranted hostility with regard to issues that black Americans are concerned about.
Couldn't have said it better myself.

You idiots aren't man enough to admit you just agree with Chris Cuomo. America isn't that great. You hate it and want to bring it down a peg. You like the players disrespecting the country. Man up and be honest for once
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